Umbral Reaver |

Let's say a character decides to keep Jekkajak's Heartripper Blade.
Can the character hang onto extracted hearts for a while and if so, what's a reasonable length of time for them to last before 'expiring'? Can they hang onto more than one heart?
Personally, I'd also limit this ability to sentient beings to prevent the 'bag of rats' scenario, but as written... lots of tiny hearts are excellent fuel.
Is it awesome if someone succeeds the save vs the coup de grace and becomes some kind of hollow being, forevermore straddling the line between life and undeath? (Realistically, I would assume the weapon's coup de grace automatically kills, but technically nothing in the rules says this special effect is lethal)

Pharier |

Hi James another question I wondered was if paizo had any plans to release a book akin to savage species in the future?
I'm currently building a background for a stone giant adventurer (He's a CG free-spirited stone giant who left his tribe out of need to see and explore the world) and would like to use him as a PC one day.

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Is mythic Demiplane creation on the list of things you and yours are looking into for the mythic rules?
On a different note: What is a good follow up module or series of models to the Price of Immortality trilogy?
We'll see... I'm of the opinion that significant demiplane creation should remain in the GM's hands... but we'll see.
And one of the weird and kind of unfortunate things about the Price of Immortality trilogy is that it kind of overstepped its plot a bit at the end. The Isle of Terror should have been a HIGH level adventure site—ending it at only 7th level or whatever kind of makes it difficult to follow up, thematically.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1) Will parts of the adventure path take place in Mendev? Or is it straight into the demon's den?
2) If the answer to the first question is 'yes, parts of the adventure path will take place in Mendev', will parts of the adventure path explore some of the themes central to Mendev, such as factions (holy crusaders, mercenaries/soldiers of fortune, locals), witch hunts and paranoia, oppression, etc.?
3) Is there any chance we'll get to see a Heroes of Battle-style approach taken at some point in the adventure path, in that heroes will be actively involved in a large battle between crusaders and demons and that their actions during the battle will help determine its outcome?
4) Will the forces of heaven play a role in the adventure path at all?
5) With the mythic rules likely being playtested and developed while writers are writing the 6 installments of this adventure path, I see a potential pitfall in that the design and development might suffer a bit from being dependent on a system that'll be tweaked and changed at least to some extent before it's ready to be shipped off to the printer. The question is, has the fact that the two are being developed simultaneously had any effect on how you approach the design and development of this adventure path as opposed to how you normally design and develop adventure paths? For instance, has it forced you to start working on Demonblight Crusade much earlier than you normally would so you have time enough to tweak it to fit the final incarnation of the mythic rules?
1) The first adventure takes place on the Mendev/Worldwound border. After that, Mendev may have a few "cameos" but it's pretty much all Worldwound/Abyss from adventure #2 to #6.
2) To a certain extent, yes. I've said before that redemption is a strong theme to this Adventure Path. One of the things in need of redemption is the Mendev Crusade itself, which has drifted from its original goal into things like paranoia and the like.
3) Perhaps.
4) Unlikely. First of all... there's more than just "heaven" in the good guy arena. Second of all, put too many solars and other celestial good guys in the mix and that starts to underwhelm the need for PC heroes. We'll see.
5) The playtest of the mythic rules happens BEFORE we start writing the adventures, but it's gonna be tricky nevertheless. We're actually doing the playtest very early in the process, which is kinda giving Jason a fe stress fits. In the end, though, since we have to send hardcover books to printers a month or two before softcover books, the Mythic rules WILL be nailed down in solid shape a month or two before we have to ship the first adventure in the AP to the printer. Furthermore... that first adventure is going to have the least amount of mythic content in it of all six parts (since part of that first adventure's climax is to gain mythic power). So... no change, really, to the Adventure Path schedule, but a push forward on the Mythic Adventures schedule is what's happening... and frankly, I think that's for the best.

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You guys like introducing new mechanics and systems in APs, like the Chase sequence in Curse of the Crimson Throne, Kingmakers kingdom building and wars, Jade Regents Caravans etc. Any hint if a new such system will be used in the Worldwound AP or the Reign of Winter AP and what they may be?
For things like the chase rules, I didn't plan that ahead of time. I was developing Nick's adventure and realized that his chase, which was originally just a "dungeon crawl" over a bunch of rooftops, could stand to try out some new rules, so I designed the chase rules to handle it.
For bigger scale things, like caravans and kingdom building, we design those ahead of time, generally.
We have no plans of doing anything of that nature for Reign of Winter. The Worldwound Adventure Path may well have some mass combat or redemtion type rules in it, but those rules will be out in other places, or are already out, and won't need to be presented for the first time in the AP itself. One of the benefits of working on AP #12 or so rather than AP #2, really, is that you DO have rules that you've already built.

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Hi James another question I wondered was if paizo had any plans to release a book akin to savage species in the future?
I'm currently building a background for a stone giant adventurer (He's a CG free-spirited stone giant who left his tribe out of need to see and explore the world) and would like to use him as a PC one day.
Advanced Race Guide is it. If you want to build a stone giant as a PC, you can either "fake" it with the race building rules in that book... or you can just throw balance out the window and let a PC build a stone giant character.
Frankly, the ONLY way I can see that being "balanced" is if EVERY PC plays a stone giant.
The game simply isn't built to do everything.

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Let's say a character decides to keep Jekkajak's Heartripper Blade.
Can the character hang onto extracted hearts for a while and if so, what's a reasonable length of time for them to last before 'expiring'? Can they hang onto more than one heart?
Personally, I'd also limit this ability to sentient beings to prevent the 'bag of rats' scenario, but as written... lots of tiny hearts are excellent fuel.
Is it awesome if someone succeeds the save vs the coup de grace and becomes some kind of hollow being, forevermore straddling the line between life and undeath? (Realistically, I would assume the weapon's coup de grace automatically kills, but technically nothing in the rules says this special effect is lethal)
How long a harvested heart stays usable for the blade is up to the GM. I haven't read that adventure in YEARS and so if there's something in the adventure that suggests otherwise, I would probably limit a harvested heart to having a "shelf life" of an hour or MAYBE a day.
And even though the rules don't say "you die if your heart is cut out,"... you still die. Your heart is gone, after all. Just as the rules don't specifically say you fall prone if you die, you also die if your heart is cut out.
Had I developed this magic weapon (I did not; that was someone else), I would have put a limit on how long a heart still works, and would have required it to be a successful coup de grace attack in order to work. A successful coup de grace being a coup de grace that ends with the victim dead anyway.

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2) To a certain extent, yes. I've said before that redemption is a strong theme to this Adventure Path. One of the things in need of redemption is the Mendev Crusade itself, which has drifted from its original goal into things like paranoia and the like.
If there's the possibility that players will be bringing an inquisition to the Mendevian inquisition of sorts, does this mean we could see a certain inquisitor iconic making her AP debut? :D

harmor |

harmor wrote:I would say that they don't stack. Mostly because they're all very similar effects, and by not stacking, you don't slow the game down too much by making TOO many rolls have to happen.Hi,
In this thread we discussed this, but wasn't conclusive. Wondering if you could help clear this up.
Which of these stack? How many times do they reroll when a d20 is called for?
Pugwampi's Grace (Inner Sea Magic)
Misfotune Hex (APG)
Ill Omen (APG)
Number of re-rolls for:
1) Pugwampi's Grace + Misfortune Hex
2) Pugwampi's Grace + Ill Omen
3) Misfortune Hex + Ill Omen
4) Pugwampi's Grace + Misfortune Hex + Ill OmenThanks.
Wait, would you say this is an official ruling since you're the horse's mouth? Or just what you would do as a GM at the table to speed up play?
Or is this something a Venture Captain would rule on?

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Hi :)
In another thread you wrote "There are, unfortunately, a LOT Of errors in Seekers of Secrets". So my question then is: Is there a chance that you could publish a list of what those errors are at some point (at least the most relevant ones)? Or have you already done that somewhere?
I kinda overstated the "LOT" there, actually, mostly just because I was frustrated that Sheila had the wrong class level and because the map of her manor was completely wrong. So... not actually a LOT of them as much as there were two big ones that particularly annoyed me since those two elements were key elements to the adventure path I'm launching.
In any case... those two errors are now taken care of, with Sheila having a full stat block in "Shards of Sin" and the manor itself having a correct map now in the Player's Guide to the AP.

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Will there be a chance of seeing more animal lords in the future for more animals?
Since animal lord is a template, the greatest chance there is of us doing more of them as stat blocks is in a book or adventure that's got something to do with animal lords. We've not got anything like that on the schedule so far... but the good news there is that it's a template, so it's pretty easy to stat up an animal lord of ANY type of animal.

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James Jacobs wrote:If there's the possibility that players will be bringing an inquisition to the Mendevian inquisition of sorts, does this mean we could see a certain inquisitor iconic making her AP debut? :D2) To a certain extent, yes. I've said before that redemption is a strong theme to this Adventure Path. One of the things in need of redemption is the Mendev Crusade itself, which has drifted from its original goal into things like paranoia and the like.
The focus of this adventure path is dealing with the demons of the Worldwound, NOT a lot of internal politics of Mendev and the like. An "inquisition of the inquisition" is not going to be part of this adventure path.
That said... if I were to pick the iconics for this AP right now, they'd be:

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James Jacobs wrote:harmor wrote:I would say that they don't stack. Mostly because they're all very similar effects, and by not stacking, you don't slow the game down too much by making TOO many rolls have to happen.Hi,
In this thread we discussed this, but wasn't conclusive. Wondering if you could help clear this up.
Which of these stack? How many times do they reroll when a d20 is called for?
Pugwampi's Grace (Inner Sea Magic)
Misfotune Hex (APG)
Ill Omen (APG)
Number of re-rolls for:
1) Pugwampi's Grace + Misfortune Hex
2) Pugwampi's Grace + Ill Omen
3) Misfortune Hex + Ill Omen
4) Pugwampi's Grace + Misfortune Hex + Ill OmenThanks.
Wait, would you say this is an official ruling since you're the horse's mouth? Or just what you would do as a GM at the table to speed up play?
Or is this something a Venture Captain would rule on?
I get REAL hesitant when Pathfinder Society stuff comes up, because that whole organization is so complex when it comes down to things like this. In a perfect world, it's something a venture captain would be able to decide at his/her table.
And I would hope they rule this doesn't stack, because if ANY game needs to watch out for rules stacking in a way that slows down the game (and making players OR GMs roll multiple times for single effects is a GREAT way to slow the game down)... it's a Pathfinder Society game, which has only a few hours to resolve an entire scenario.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Mikaze wrote:James Jacobs wrote:If there's the possibility that players will be bringing an inquisition to the Mendevian inquisition of sorts, does this mean we could see a certain inquisitor iconic making her AP debut? :D2) To a certain extent, yes. I've said before that redemption is a strong theme to this Adventure Path. One of the things in need of redemption is the Mendev Crusade itself, which has drifted from its original goal into things like paranoia and the like.
The focus of this adventure path is dealing with the demons of the Worldwound, NOT a lot of internal politics of Mendev and the like. An "inquisition of the inquisition" is not going to be part of this adventure path.
That said... if I were to pick the iconics for this AP right now, they'd be:
Do you think you'll ever end up using the iconic gunslinger in any Adventure Paths? How about an Adventure where guns play a relatively large role? A sad truth is that a lot of the really cool hero-type Pathfinder models from 3PP minis companies (using Reaper as an example, but not limited to them) only happen if there is an existing piece of artwork to base them off of.

ANebulousMistress |

Mikaze wrote:James Jacobs wrote:If there's the possibility that players will be bringing an inquisition to the Mendevian inquisition of sorts, does this mean we could see a certain inquisitor iconic making her AP debut? :D2) To a certain extent, yes. I've said before that redemption is a strong theme to this Adventure Path. One of the things in need of redemption is the Mendev Crusade itself, which has drifted from its original goal into things like paranoia and the like.
The focus of this adventure path is dealing with the demons of the Worldwound, NOT a lot of internal politics of Mendev and the like. An "inquisition of the inquisition" is not going to be part of this adventure path.
That said... if I were to pick the iconics for this AP right now, they'd be:
::eyes that list warily::
Should I be worried... That they're all casters and three of four are divine? Is this demonic AP really gonna need that heavy level of divine grace?

Lem the Halfling |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:That said... if I were to pick the iconics for this AP right now, they'd be:
Lem::eyes that list warily::
Should I be worried... That they're all casters and three of four are divine? Is this demonic AP really gonna need that heavy level of divine grace?
The crucial part is that I'm in the party. What magic the other ones use isn't that big a deal.
...although I guess some smiting might come in handy.

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Mikaze wrote:James Jacobs wrote:If there's the possibility that players will be bringing an inquisition to the Mendevian inquisition of sorts, does this mean we could see a certain inquisitor iconic making her AP debut? :D2) To a certain extent, yes. I've said before that redemption is a strong theme to this Adventure Path. One of the things in need of redemption is the Mendev Crusade itself, which has drifted from its original goal into things like paranoia and the like.
The focus of this adventure path is dealing with the demons of the Worldwound, NOT a lot of internal politics of Mendev and the like. An "inquisition of the inquisition" is not going to be part of this adventure path.
That said... if I were to pick the iconics for this AP right now, they'd be:
What Iconics would you pick for the reign of winter AP?

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James Jacobs wrote:Mikaze wrote:James Jacobs wrote:If there's the possibility that players will be bringing an inquisition to the Mendevian inquisition of sorts, does this mean we could see a certain inquisitor iconic making her AP debut? :D2) To a certain extent, yes. I've said before that redemption is a strong theme to this Adventure Path. One of the things in need of redemption is the Mendev Crusade itself, which has drifted from its original goal into things like paranoia and the like.
The focus of this adventure path is dealing with the demons of the Worldwound, NOT a lot of internal politics of Mendev and the like. An "inquisition of the inquisition" is not going to be part of this adventure path.
That said... if I were to pick the iconics for this AP right now, they'd be:
Lem::eyes that list warily::
Should I be worried... That they're all casters and three of four are divine? Is this demonic AP really gonna need that heavy level of divine grace?
Nope. I picked those four iconics purely because of their alignments and personalities and for how good some of them are at diplomacy.
We're over 6 months away from me having to start ordering art for this adventure path, by which point I'll likely have forgotten this post and will select iconics according to some other metric.
That said... I'm 99% sure Seelah will be in this group.

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Do you think you'll ever end up using the iconic gunslinger in any Adventure Paths? How about an Adventure where guns play a relatively large role? A sad truth is that a lot of the really cool hero-type Pathfinder models from 3PP minis companies (using Reaper as an example, but not limited to them) only happen if there is an existing piece of artwork to base them off of.
For an entire Adventure Path? No, that's pretty unlikely.

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James Jacobs wrote:What Iconics would you pick for the reign of winter AP?Mikaze wrote:James Jacobs wrote:If there's the possibility that players will be bringing an inquisition to the Mendevian inquisition of sorts, does this mean we could see a certain inquisitor iconic making her AP debut? :D2) To a certain extent, yes. I've said before that redemption is a strong theme to this Adventure Path. One of the things in need of redemption is the Mendev Crusade itself, which has drifted from its original goal into things like paranoia and the like.
The focus of this adventure path is dealing with the demons of the Worldwound, NOT a lot of internal politics of Mendev and the like. An "inquisition of the inquisition" is not going to be part of this adventure path.
That said... if I were to pick the iconics for this AP right now, they'd be:
I wouldn't. Rob would. And he already did. I'm not sure who they are.

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So with the new epic rules.What are the chances we will finally see a great wyrm dragon in an AP.
First off... they're not "new epic rules." Mythic Adventures will include elements of play after 20th level, but they'll also be doing a lot more than that.
As for whether or not we ever put a great wyrm dragon into an AP... we'll see. Probably not until we do an AP where the big bad end guy is a dragon.

Tels |

The NPC wrote:Is mythic Demiplane creation on the list of things you and yours are looking into for the mythic rules?
On a different note: What is a good follow up module or series of models to the Price of Immortality trilogy?
We'll see... I'm of the opinion that significant demiplane creation should remain in the GM's hands... but we'll see.
And one of the weird and kind of unfortunate things about the Price of Immortality trilogy is that it kind of overstepped its plot a bit at the end. The Isle of Terror should have been a HIGH level adventure site—ending it at only 7th level or whatever kind of makes it difficult to follow up, thematically.
I think Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale is a great follow up to the Path of Immortality trilogy. It's set in the same region and can easily be an adventure to use to retire the characters if you don't like going above 10ish or so levels.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I really like this list. :)
Seelah - Paladin superhero, natch.
Kyra - Fills the priestly role and fits in with the redemption themes.
Imrijka - "Monstrous" looking hero and monster hunter in a truly monstrous part of the world. Could also make for some real sympathetic imagery to go with those redemption themes.
Lem - Every crusade needs a balladeer. And someone that can keep spirits up in a hellhole of a mire like the Worldwound...

Pharier |

Pharier wrote:Hi James another question I wondered was if paizo had any plans to release a book akin to savage species in the future?
I'm currently building a background for a stone giant adventurer (He's a CG free-spirited stone giant who left his tribe out of need to see and explore the world) and would like to use him as a PC one day.
Advanced Race Guide is it. If you want to build a stone giant as a PC, you can either "fake" it with the race building rules in that book... or you can just throw balance out the window and let a PC build a stone giant character.
Frankly, the ONLY way I can see that being "balanced" is if EVERY PC plays a stone giant.
The game simply isn't built to do everything.
Dam oh well can't have everything I guess I'll just use he as an NPC.
Oh and on the subject of monsters I was wondering what are the best books to find infomation regarding Lizardfolk? I've noticed they seem to be a fairly neglected race and I'm quite interested in learning more about them (I love reptilian humanoids). Has Paizo written anything detailed about them like their culture, history, ecology as of yet? If not is it possible we may see the race expanded upon in the future?

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The Minis Maniac wrote:So with the new epic rules.What are the chances we will finally see a great wyrm dragon in an AP.First off... they're not "new epic rules." Mythic Adventures will include elements of play after 20th level, but they'll also be doing a lot more than that.
As for whether or not we ever put a great wyrm dragon into an AP... we'll see. Probably not until we do an AP where the big bad end guy is a dragon.
In an ordinary adventure the great wyrm dragon is the ultimate bad guy encounter.
In an epic adventure he's the obligatory thug attack. :)

Aunasiel |

In an ordinary adventure the great wyrm dragon is the ultimate bad guy encounter.
In an epic adventure he's the obligatory thug attack. :)
I have played through a couple of modules where the big bad guy was 2 rooms behind the Great Wyrm. Those always seemed a bit off to me.
In an epic/mythic campaign the 100 year old lich should not be the one behind the 1200 year old red dragon. The dragon may let him think that, but a creature that crafty and powerful shouldn't bow its head before anything less than demigod status.
Unfortunately, the way things worked out in the old Epic encounters you would be fighting 2 great wyrms for breakfast and then descend upon the aborted fetus of a god by late afternoon.

Belle Mythix |

LazarX wrote:In an ordinary adventure the great wyrm dragon is the ultimate bad guy encounter.
In an epic adventure he's the obligatory thug attack. :)
I have played through a couple of modules where the big bad guy was 2 rooms behind the Great Wyrm. Those always seemed a bit off to me.
In an epic/mythic campaign the 100 year old lich should not be the one behind the 1200 year old red dragon. The dragon may let him think that, but a creature that crafty and powerful shouldn't bow its head before anything less than demigod status.
Unfortunately, the way things worked out in the old Epic encounters you would be fighting 2 great wyrms for breakfast and then descend upon the aborted fetus of a god by late afternoon.
But... Zombies, Skeletons and Liches don't need to eat, more foods for the Great Wyrm.

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James Jacobs wrote:Pharier wrote:Hi James another question I wondered was if paizo had any plans to release a book akin to savage species in the future?
I'm currently building a background for a stone giant adventurer (He's a CG free-spirited stone giant who left his tribe out of need to see and explore the world) and would like to use him as a PC one day.
Advanced Race Guide is it. If you want to build a stone giant as a PC, you can either "fake" it with the race building rules in that book... or you can just throw balance out the window and let a PC build a stone giant character.
Frankly, the ONLY way I can see that being "balanced" is if EVERY PC plays a stone giant.
The game simply isn't built to do everything.
Dam oh well can't have everything I guess I'll just use he as an NPC.
Oh and on the subject of monsters I was wondering what are the best books to find infomation regarding Lizardfolk? I've noticed they seem to be a fairly neglected race and I'm quite interested in learning more about them (I love reptilian humanoids). Has Paizo written anything detailed about them like their culture, history, ecology as of yet? If not is it possible we may see the race expanded upon in the future?
Best place to go for lizardfolk information is "Classic Monsters Revisited." It has a 6 page article about lizardfolk in it.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:The Minis Maniac wrote:So with the new epic rules.What are the chances we will finally see a great wyrm dragon in an AP.First off... they're not "new epic rules." Mythic Adventures will include elements of play after 20th level, but they'll also be doing a lot more than that.
As for whether or not we ever put a great wyrm dragon into an AP... we'll see. Probably not until we do an AP where the big bad end guy is a dragon.
In an ordinary adventure the great wyrm dragon is the ultimate bad guy encounter.
In an epic adventure he's the obligatory thug attack. :)
And that's a good way to explain how the 3rd edition Epic rules and our Mythic rules will differ.
Because no matter the rules, a great wyrm dragon should always be the ultimate bad guy and should never be a mere "thug."
In Mythic Adventures, that dragon would still be a big bad end guy or boss of some sort.

Belle Mythix |

LazarX wrote:James Jacobs wrote:The Minis Maniac wrote:So with the new epic rules.What are the chances we will finally see a great wyrm dragon in an AP.First off... they're not "new epic rules." Mythic Adventures will include elements of play after 20th level, but they'll also be doing a lot more than that.
As for whether or not we ever put a great wyrm dragon into an AP... we'll see. Probably not until we do an AP where the big bad end guy is a dragon.
In an ordinary adventure the great wyrm dragon is the ultimate bad guy encounter.
In an epic adventure he's the obligatory thug attack. :)
And that's a good way to explain how the 3rd edition Epic rules and our Mythic rules will differ.
Because no matter the rules, a great wyrm dragon should always be the ultimate bad guy and should never be a mere "thug."
In Mythic Adventures, that dragon would still be a big bad end guy or boss of some sort.
Baring the presence of a god?

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James Jacobs wrote:LazarX wrote:James Jacobs wrote:The Minis Maniac wrote:So with the new epic rules.What are the chances we will finally see a great wyrm dragon in an AP.First off... they're not "new epic rules." Mythic Adventures will include elements of play after 20th level, but they'll also be doing a lot more than that.
As for whether or not we ever put a great wyrm dragon into an AP... we'll see. Probably not until we do an AP where the big bad end guy is a dragon.
In an ordinary adventure the great wyrm dragon is the ultimate bad guy encounter.
In an epic adventure he's the obligatory thug attack. :)
And that's a good way to explain how the 3rd edition Epic rules and our Mythic rules will differ.
Because no matter the rules, a great wyrm dragon should always be the ultimate bad guy and should never be a mere "thug."
In Mythic Adventures, that dragon would still be a big bad end guy or boss of some sort.
Baring the presence of a god?
No stats for gods, no way to fight them.
Gods in Golarion are too awesome for that kind of silliness.

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Clearly there's a way to kill a god since Tar Baphon was able to kill Aroden.
Demigods have stats.
Gods do not.
Gods can still die and be killed.
The methods by which gods die and are killed do not use stats, though. They're arbitrary storyline decisions, or perhaps an entire Adventure Path's plotline.
As for Aroden... we have not revealed what made him die yet.

Pharier |

Pharier wrote:Best place to go for lizardfolk information is "Classic Monsters Revisited." It has a 6 page article about lizardfolk in it.James Jacobs wrote:Pharier wrote:Hi James another question I wondered was if paizo had any plans to release a book akin to savage species in the future?
I'm currently building a background for a stone giant adventurer (He's a CG free-spirited stone giant who left his tribe out of need to see and explore the world) and would like to use him as a PC one day.
Advanced Race Guide is it. If you want to build a stone giant as a PC, you can either "fake" it with the race building rules in that book... or you can just throw balance out the window and let a PC build a stone giant character.
Frankly, the ONLY way I can see that being "balanced" is if EVERY PC plays a stone giant.
The game simply isn't built to do everything.
Dam oh well can't have everything I guess I'll just use he as an NPC.
Oh and on the subject of monsters I was wondering what are the best books to find infomation regarding Lizardfolk? I've noticed they seem to be a fairly neglected race and I'm quite interested in learning more about them (I love reptilian humanoids). Has Paizo written anything detailed about them like their culture, history, ecology as of yet? If not is it possible we may see the race expanded upon in the future?
Ah excellent thanks James.

Dragon78 |

1)I know Andriods are made to look human but I was mean is do they have human skin tones, skin texture, feel like there living creatures or do they have metallic skin or other tell tale signs that say I am not human?
2)What currently is the race point cost for the Lashunta?
3)Have you guys decided what dragons you will use in the Dragon Lairs book?
4)If and when you guys decide to do Psionics, what will you offical call it? Will we have to wait for such a book to come out to get psionic monsters like the Thought Eater, Brain Mole, etc.?
5)Will the Fey Revisited book have the same set up as past revisited books or will you try something different? Will it have any fey from the Bestiary 3 or any of the APs?

Dragon78 |

1)Will the Races of Blood be like the Aasimar/Tiefling books or will have a new or different set up?
2)Is there any way we could vote(or have a poll) on this site what will be the next race book after the kobold one(or the one after that)?
3)Is there any chance of the campaign setting or player companion lines getting any thing Distant Worlds related next year?
4)When will Paizo release there 2012/2013 product catalog?
5)I have heard a lot more info on Mythic Rules then on the Ultimate Campaign book and I was hoping for more on this book when GenCon came, is there anything else you can tell us?
6)Have you ever played Final Fantasy 6(3 in the US on SNES)? If so what did you think?
7)Have you about the "Pacific Rim", wich is about giant robots fighting giant monsters?