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If I wanted to pull a prank on James Jacobs, what kinds of pranks would James Jacobs be most susceptible to?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:
If I wanted to pull a prank on James Jacobs, what kinds of pranks would James Jacobs be most susceptible to?

What about the prank where you send me a copy of a rare H. P. Lovecraft book in the mail... but then the actual gift is the 100 dollar bill you've hidden between each of the books 200 pages? I'd be like, "Aww... someone sent me a book I wanted, how nice... WAIT A MINUTE! The ACTUAL gift is this big pile of money, and the awesome book is just a smoke screen! What a delightful prank!"

Also, telling me that you're sending Kate Beckinsale or Asia Argento over to Paizo to give me a backrub when in fact you're actually sending Kate Beckinsale AND Asia Argento over would be an appropriate prank.


James Jacob,

I have a few questions about the Abyss and the souls of mortals, if you don't mind.

The Petitioner template has Abyssal Petitioners being Larvae, yet I noticed there are mentions of petitioners in the description of Nocticula's realm, the Midnight Isles, in The Great Beyond that are described as nude but silk-masked. The Demoniac prestige class feature Damned seems to imply that a Demoniac's soul is transformed into a demon upon death, but "eventually."

I'm guessing that non-demon worshiping Chaotic Evil souls manifest as the Larvae mentioned. Is this correct?

Do Demoniacs skip the larvae stage?

How about non-Demoniac demon worshipers?

Do types of Abyssal petitioners exist besides Larvae (such as Nocticula's mentioned above)? They might could add some variety to a mostly demon populace, though if they don't, they could be replaced easily enough with mortal humanoids come to visit or abducted to that realm.

Or is the whole affair up to a Demonic Patron's whim? Or perhaps the Abyss itself?

Thanks for any responses. :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Varisian Wanderer wrote:

James Jacob,

I have a few questions about the Abyss and the souls of mortals, if you don't mind.

The Petitioner template has Abyssal Petitioners being Larvae, yet I noticed there are mentions of petitioners in the description of Nocticula's realm, the Midnight Isles, in The Great Beyond that are described as nude but silk-masked. The Demoniac prestige class feature Damned seems to imply that a Demoniac's soul is transformed into a demon upon death, but "eventually."

I'm guessing that non-demon worshiping Chaotic Evil souls manifest as the Larvae mentioned. Is this correct?

Do Demoniacs skip the larvae stage?

How about non-Demoniac demon worshipers?

Do types of Abyssal petitioners exist besides Larvae (such as Nocticula's mentioned above)? They might could add some variety to a mostly demon populace, though if they don't, they could be replaced easily enough with mortal humanoids come to visit or abducted to that realm.

Or is the whole affair up to a Demonic Patron's whim? Or perhaps the Abyss itself?

Thanks for any responses. :)

The "generic" petitioner in the Abyss are larvae... but a demon lord can adjust that if he or she wishes, molding those petitioners into other shapes. Nocticula does so because she doesn't particularly find the appearance of a weeping human head on a twitching worm body to be all that attractive. In the case of a demoniac's soul... that line's just saying that their souls have a better than normal chance of lasting long enough in petitioner form (whatever that form might be) to make the transformation from petitioner into demon.

ALL souls who are chaotic evil become larvae upon reaching the Abyss. Whether or not a demon lord or other power wishes to have their realm reshape those larvae into something else varies according to the demon lord or realm.

Demoniacs do not skip the larva stage.

Neither do non-demoniac demon worshipers.

The number of variants on petitioner shape in the Abyss is effectively unlimited. They all more or less have the same stats, though. And the VAST majority of them are just the wormy dudes.

James, got a couple of questions for ya:

1) I'm thinking about a running a new campaign here on the boards, and I was wondering, which Sorcerer Bloodline would best represent being decadent from a Forest Dragon?

1b) Less important, but what about ones for each of the other Imperial and Primal dragons? Some are easy, but a few, not so much.

2) Was Iomedae of a normal mortal age when she ascendent, or had she somehow extended her life? Do you have an idea of roughly how old she was?

3) Why did you choose to give the class and level of the rulers for the various rulers of the Dragon Empires? Does such exist for the Inner Sea nations someplace, mayhap one of the older Inner Sea books?

4) Is the fact that there are currently three awesome books, Varisia: Birthplace of Legends, Artifacts and Legends and Knights of Golarion coming out around my 31st birthday an attempt to help make this year's celebration at least somewhat as awesome as last year's??

Monkeygod wrote:

James, got a couple of questions for ya:

1) I'm thinking about a running a new campaign here on the boards, and I was wondering, which Sorcerer Bloodline would best represent being decadent from a Forest Dragon?

1b) Less important, but what about ones for each of the other Imperial and Primal dragons? Some are easy, but a few, not so much.

2) Was Iomedae of a normal mortal age when she ascendent, or had she somehow extended her life? Do you have an idea of roughly how old she was?

3) Why did you choose to give the class and level of the rulers for the various rulers of the Dragon Empires? Does such exist for the Inner Sea nations someplace, mayhap one of the older Inner Sea books?

4) Is the fact that there are currently three awesome books, Varisia: Birthplace of Legends, Artifacts and Legends and Knights of Golarion coming out around my 31st birthday an attempt to help make this year's celebration at least somewhat as awesome as last year's??

As I hope to be in this game. DOT.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:

James, got a couple of questions for ya:

1) I'm thinking about a running a new campaign here on the boards, and I was wondering, which Sorcerer Bloodline would best represent being decadent from a Forest Dragon?

1b) Less important, but what about ones for each of the other Imperial and Primal dragons? Some are easy, but a few, not so much.

2) Was Iomedae of a normal mortal age when she ascendent, or had she somehow extended her life? Do you have an idea of roughly how old she was?

3) Why did you choose to give the class and level of the rulers for the various rulers of the Dragon Empires? Does such exist for the Inner Sea nations someplace, mayhap one of the older Inner Sea books?

4) Is the fact that there are currently three awesome books, Varisia: Birthplace of Legends, Artifacts and Legends and Knights of Golarion coming out around my 31st birthday an attempt to help make this year's celebration at least somewhat as awesome as last year's??

1) Draconic bloodline; just use the green dragon type or feel free to make a few other changes as you wish.

1b) Same—draconic bloodline, and pick the dragon type that matches the breath weapon damage and dragon immunities the best.

2) Off the top of my head, I'd say she was in her early 20s when she ascended. The article about Iomedae in Pathfinder #26 might have more details but I can't remember for sure.

3) Because I've always thought that giving class levels is important. Not only to give GMs an idea of a leader's relative power level, but an idea of the region's power level. And perhaps most importantly, so that when we eventually decide to do something with that NPC in print, those important details are there for us to reference and not just "make up on a lark." Inner Sea Magic gives levels for many of the Inner Sea NPCs... but apart from that, that information is unfortunately scattered throughout the various books. The information didn't end up in print in the Inner Sea World Guide simply because that was one of the Sophie's Choices I had to make while putting the book together—I could either have spent the several days of research and all that making sure ALL of the many NPCs in that book had levels that weren't contradicted by 4 years of print products... or I could have the book not miss its print deadline.

4) Yes.

Upon reading the discussion on Varisia, and hearing about all the awesome in store for what is one of my favorite lines(I LOVE GOLARION!!), I feel I need to get you a present.

I know you love dinosaurs, and I happen to have a old graphic novel of Cadillacs and Dinousaus comics....would you like it??

What bloodline do you think best suits a pseudodragon sorcerer? I'm running through CotCT and rescued a certain peudodragon and now have taken him on as a cohort. We were just doing hd rather than levels because of low CHA, but I read that if a monster gains class levels it gets a bonus to its stats. Now I wanna have him go sorcerer for defensive and buff spells and keep doing what he's been doing, slinging wands like there's now tomorrow!

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Tels wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Tels wrote:
Will we ever get a Laori Vaus figurine?
Not until we finally get a good illustration of her to base the figure on.
Who do I have to pay and how much to get a good illustration? She's by far my favorite NPC from CotCT. I was actually pretty disappointed when Trinia was released over Laori.
There is one really good illustration of her, but it's of her playing naked jump-rope with her spiked chain, so while the miniature might sell truckloads I can't see Paizo making it. :D
Go on...

I won't link directly. Just google:

laori vaus paheal

and the first result will be the one. ^.^

Alas... her eyes are slightly off model. I can see whites.

I love that that's the detail that bars that pic from miniature candidacy. ;)

Silver Crusade

On the subject of Mass Effect: NO SPOILAGE

Who's your favorite squad member between all three games?

What's your favorite alien race?

What's your favorite enemy-type? The answer to that might actually be spoilery

Mikaze wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Tels wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Tels wrote:
Will we ever get a Laori Vaus figurine?
Not until we finally get a good illustration of her to base the figure on.
Who do I have to pay and how much to get a good illustration? She's by far my favorite NPC from CotCT. I was actually pretty disappointed when Trinia was released over Laori.
There is one really good illustration of her, but it's of her playing naked jump-rope with her spiked chain, so while the miniature might sell truckloads I can't see Paizo making it. :D
Go on...

I won't link directly. Just google:

laori vaus paheal

and the first result will be the one. ^.^

Alas... her eyes are slightly off model. I can see whites.
I love that that's the detail that bars that pic from miniature candidacy. ;)

You know, I could contact that artist and ask if he wouldn't mind drawing some Laori art to use as the basis for a figurine.



Have you ever read Glen Cook's multi-book series featuring the Black Company?

If yes, what's your verdict?

If no, I recommend you start here, immediately.


There is a heated debate which has spawned at least 5 threads about Attacks of Opportunity and the Combat Reflexes feat. I would understand if you didn't want to answer this quickly, because of the heated level of the debate, but I would be very interested to hear your take on it.

One side claims that if one has Combat Reflexes, and a high enough Dex, there is no limit to the number of AoO's one can take per action per target, as long as that one action fulfils more than one requirement for being a "provocation." One example is spells which require a ranged touch attack. A recent errata added language to the Core Rulebook which says that a spell with a ranged touch attack provokes an AoO even if cast defensively, because all ranged attacks provoke. Those on one side say that if a caster chooses not to cast defensively, he provokes two separate attacks of opportunity for the one action (casting a ranged touch attack spell.) Some even go so far as to say that a full-caster level scorching ray would provoke 4 AoO's - one for each ranged touch attack, and one for casting the spell. Similar arguments have been made for the Greater Trip and Vicious Stomp feats. (2 AoO's for the single action of falling prone)

The other side claims that you are limited to one AoO per provoking action, even if that one action fulfils the requirements for being a provoking action twice. This side of the argument is divided into two camps, one which would allow multiple aoo's per target on a ranged full-attack or charge with unarmed attack (no Improved Unarmed Strike feat), because these are full-round actions that are made up of what would be individual standard and/or move actions otherwise. The other camp says that any one action can only cause one AoO per opponent, even if it is a full-round action. This camp subscribes to the opinion that an "Opportunity" is an action which provokes, and thus the prohibition against more than one AoO per opportunity specifically limits AoO's to one per action per target.

So, is there a limit to the number of AoO's that can be made against a single target for a single action, or is there no limit, assuming you have Combat Reflexes and enough Dexterity modifier to take advantage of every provocation included in that action? Or is there some other limitation that neither side has thought of?

The recent errata Mabven refers to was actually added by Jason Bulmahn for the first printing. Unless the 1st->5th errata PDF is incorrect, as well as this post by JB talking about it why he added that section, which didn't exist in 3.5, being incorrect too.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:


Upon reading the discussion on Varisia, and hearing about all the awesome in store for what is one of my favorite lines(I LOVE GOLARION!!), I feel I need to get you a present.

I know you love dinosaurs, and I happen to have a old graphic novel of Cadillacs and Dinousaus comics....would you like it??

Aww... thanks! No need to send any presents. I do believe I own a copy of that graphic novel somewhere in any event... but thanks anyway!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
donaldsangry wrote:
What bloodline do you think best suits a pseudodragon sorcerer? I'm running through CotCT and rescued a certain peudodragon and now have taken him on as a cohort. We were just doing hd rather than levels because of low CHA, but I read that if a monster gains class levels it gets a bonus to its stats. Now I wanna have him go sorcerer for defensive and buff spells and keep doing what he's been doing, slinging wands like there's now tomorrow!

The weird thing about bloodlines (and this is mostly unintended, I suspect) is that when you have a monster who takes its own bloodline (a dragon with a draconic bloodline, or a demon with the abyssal bloodline, etc.), it ends up being a terrible choice since a lot of the extra powers don't really help... they're just weaker versions of things the monster already does. Which is too bad, because if anyone's gonna have a draconic bloodline, it's a dragon.

In cases like this, I almost ALWAYS end up giving the creature the destined bloodline.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mikaze wrote:

On the subject of Mass Effect: NO SPOILAGE

Who's your favorite squad member between all three games?

What's your favorite alien race?

What's your favorite enemy-type? The answer to that might actually be spoilery

Tie between Liara and Tali.


Favorite enemy type so far

Tie between reaper and thresher maw

NOTE: I'm not done with ME3 yet so keep talk about that game... PARTICULARLY IT'S ENDING... out of this forum please.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Tels wrote:
You know, I could contact that artist and ask if he wouldn't mind drawing some Laori art to use as the basis for a figurine.

Just so folks know...

A LOT MORE goes into what minis get figures than just "this is a popular character." It's actually pretty complicated and weird and frustrating at times.

So... while more Laori art is always welcome... I'm not so sure that flooding the internet with new pictures is going to do much about getting he a mini.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mike Shel wrote:


Have you ever read Glen Cook's multi-book series featuring the Black Company?

If yes, what's your verdict?

If no, I recommend you start here, immediately.

I've heard a LOT of this series, but I've never read it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mabven the OP healer wrote:

There is a heated debate which has spawned at least 5 threads about Attacks of Opportunity and the Combat Reflexes feat. I would understand if you didn't want to answer this quickly, because of the heated level of the debate, but I would be very interested to hear your take on it.

One side claims that if one has Combat Reflexes, and a high enough Dex, there is no limit to the number of AoO's one can take per action per target, as long as that one action fulfils more than one requirement for being a "provocation." One example is spells which require a ranged touch attack. A recent errata added language to the Core Rulebook which says that a spell with a ranged touch attack provokes an AoO even if cast defensively, because all ranged attacks provoke. Those on one side say that if a caster chooses not to cast defensively, he provokes two separate attacks of opportunity for the one action (casting a ranged touch attack spell.) Some even go so far as to say that a full-caster level scorching ray would provoke 4 AoO's - one for each ranged touch attack, and one for casting the spell. Similar arguments have been made for the Greater Trip and Vicious Stomp feats. (2 AoO's for the single action of falling prone)

The other side claims that you are limited to one AoO per provoking action, even if that one action fulfils the requirements for being a provoking action twice. This side of the argument is divided into two camps, one which would allow multiple aoo's per target on a ranged full-attack or charge with unarmed attack (no Improved Unarmed Strike feat), because these are full-round actions that are made up of what would be individual standard and/or move actions otherwise. The other camp says that any one action can only cause one AoO per opponent, even if it is a full-round action. This camp subscribes to the opinion that an "Opportunity" is an action which provokes, and thus the prohibition against more than one AoO per opportunity specifically limits AoO's to one per action per target.

So, is there a limit to the number of AoO's that can be made against a single target for a single action, or is there no limit, assuming you have Combat Reflexes and enough Dexterity modifier to take advantage of every provocation included in that action? Or is there some other limitation that neither side has thought of?

1) I'm generally never interested in getting into a "heated debate" about rules, since in my experience most folks involved in such debates are more interested in the debate itself than in listening to reason or accepting resolutions.

2) With Combat Reflexes... you can take an additional number of AoOs in a round equal to your Dex mod. If your Dex is 18, that means you can take (1+4) a total of 5 (five) attacks of opportunity in any one round.

3) Here's how I would run the multiple triggers with one action situation: It would provoke only one AoO. It's only one action, and therefore can only provoke one response... EVEN IF that one action has multiple elements that, on their own, would provoke an AoO.

AKA: Effects that provoke attacks of opportunity do not stack. And they only provoke when the provoking action begins. You can't just run back and forth by a guy doing a full round action that provokes and get an AoO each time you run by him. Because allowing that many attacks of opportunity is not what the game is intending to happen.

The Black Company is quite unique in the fantasy world and well worth reading.

Glen Cook's Garret, PI books are a mix of Tolkienesque fantasy, Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe and Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe, with a heavy dose of witty humor thrown in. I doubt anybody will do hard boiled fantasy better than he has.

Bottom line is that Cook is a pretty talented writer.

And he makes fun of dwarves, James, so no worries there...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
donaldsangry wrote:
What bloodline do you think best suits a pseudodragon sorcerer? I'm running through CotCT and rescued a certain peudodragon and now have taken him on as a cohort. We were just doing hd rather than levels because of low CHA, but I read that if a monster gains class levels it gets a bonus to its stats. Now I wanna have him go sorcerer for defensive and buff spells and keep doing what he's been doing, slinging wands like there's now tomorrow!

The weird thing about bloodlines (and this is mostly unintended, I suspect) is that when you have a monster who takes its own bloodline (a dragon with a draconic bloodline, or a demon with the abyssal bloodline, etc.), it ends up being a terrible choice since a lot of the extra powers don't really help... they're just weaker versions of things the monster already does. Which is too bad, because if anyone's gonna have a draconic bloodline, it's a dragon.

In cases like this, I almost ALWAYS end up giving the creature the destined bloodline.

For the pseudo and faerie dragons, I favor the Fay bloodline as the most thematically appropriate.

Are these little guys actual members of the dragon genus, or just little wannabe knockoffs? :)

James Jacobs wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Am I right to be disappointed about the fact that you did not pinpoint the Beach Boys reference?


Beach Boys.


Man, I hope that was a joke. If you're anti-dwarves AND anti-Beach Boys (Brian Wilson is a musical genius) I may have to start looking into fifth edition (or whatever they're calling it)...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

HolmesandWatson wrote:

The Black Company is quite unique in the fantasy world and well worth reading.

Glen Cook's Garret, PI books are a mix of Tolkienesque fantasy, Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe and Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe, with a heavy dose of witty humor thrown in. I doubt anybody will do hard boiled fantasy better than he has.

Bottom line is that Cook is a pretty talented writer.

And he makes fun of dwarves, James, so no worries there...

Thing is... I've got dozens of other books lined up before this that I also want to read. And since I've already paid for these books (in some cases... paid a LOT), it's hard for me to consider starting up an entire new series of books. As awesomely reviewed as they might be.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

LazarX wrote:
Are these little guys actual members of the dragon genus, or just little wannabe knockoffs? :)

They have the dragon type, so they're actually dragons.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

HolmesandWatson wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Am I right to be disappointed about the fact that you did not pinpoint the Beach Boys reference?


Beach Boys.


Man, I hope that was a joke. If you're anti-dwarves AND anti-Beach Boys (Brian Wilson is a musical genius) I may have to start looking into fifth edition (or whatever they're calling it)...

No joke. Not a fan of the Beach Boys.

Grand Lodge

Thoughts on the Yutyrannus?

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
I'm generally never interested in getting into a "heated debate" about rules, since in my experience most folks involved in such debates are more interested in the debate itself than in listening to reason or accepting resolutions.

Probably wiser to have stopped there.

Still, thank you for commenting / sticking your neck out. Hopefully everyone can now stop arguing and house rule it to work the they want anyway. :]

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Exocrat wrote:

Thoughts on the Yutyrannus?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

CBDunkerson wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
I'm generally never interested in getting into a "heated debate" about rules, since in my experience most folks involved in such debates are more interested in the debate itself than in listening to reason or accepting resolutions.

Probably wiser to have stopped there.

Still, thank you for commenting / sticking your neck out. Hopefully everyone can now stop arguing and house rule it to work the they want anyway. :]

Folks won't stop arguing. That's one thing that, alas, the internet has proven time and time again. BUT! If my comment helps even just one GM decide to go one way or another... that's worth the comment.


Thank you so much for your quick and clear answer to my question. I just can't believe how much effort you put into reaching out to the community and answering our questions. I realize that those who want to argue will continue to argue, but I think your answer will immensely help those who were on the fence, and are grateful for your guidance.

You guys are the best. Really.

I have a few deity questions. Apologies if this is covered previously in this thread or in books.

1) Some of the articles I've read about deities mention them stealing portfolios from other deities, sometimes resulting in being becoming gods or losing their godhood. Is a portfolio an actual [cosmic] thing?

2) Can multiple deities have the same portfolio?

3) If somebody passes the test of the starstone and becomes a deity, is it always a brand new set of portfolios they get?
3a) How is it determined how many they get?

4) Do gods get more power from having more portfolios?

5) Seemingly unrelated question: do forgotten gods have an agenda they pursue while most/all mortals aren't worshipping them? I know it was sad somewhere that gods in Golarion's universe don't get their power from worshippers, but do they get bored/lonely/other from a lack of worshippers?
5a) I have a strong suspicion the answer will be "Depends on the god," in which case, how about for Lissala and Peacock Spirit specifically?

I know, relatively useless questions for most. I'm the GM in my campaigns though and I'm curious how this stuff is intended to work in Golarion. I feel like I might just be dense when it comes to these issues as I have read a lot of the deity articles. Note that this isn't a stealth request for deity stats as I don't want those. Just wondering in a metaphysical sense.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mabven the OP healer wrote:


Thank you so much for your quick and clear answer to my question. I just can't believe how much effort you put into reaching out to the community and answering our questions. I realize that those who want to argue will continue to argue, but I think your answer will immensely help those who were on the fence, and are grateful for your guidance.

You guys are the best. Really.

Aww... thanks! :-)

James Jacobs wrote:
HolmesandWatson wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Am I right to be disappointed about the fact that you did not pinpoint the Beach Boys reference?


Beach Boys.


Man, I hope that was a joke. If you're anti-dwarves AND anti-Beach Boys (Brian Wilson is a musical genius) I may have to start looking into fifth edition (or whatever they're calling it)...
No joke. Not a fan of the Beach Boys.

The irony of course being that short stone people of the mountains are bound to not be a fan of the Beach Boys either. See! James and the dwarven race have something in common! They can be friends now.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

drumlord wrote:

1) Some of the articles I've read about deities mention them stealing portfolios from other deities, sometimes resulting in being becoming gods or losing their godhood. Is a portfolio an actual [cosmic] thing?

2) Can multiple deities have the same portfolio?

3) If somebody passes the test of the starstone and becomes a deity, is it always a brand new set of portfolios they get?
3a) How is it determined how many they get?

4) Do gods get more power from having more portfolios?

5) Seemingly unrelated question: do forgotten gods have an agenda they pursue while most/all mortals aren't worshipping them? I know it was sad somewhere that gods in Golarion's universe don't get their power from worshippers, but do they get bored/lonely/other from a lack of worshippers?
5a) I have a strong suspicion the answer will be "Depends on the god," in which case, how about for Lissala and Peacock Spirit specifically?

I know, relatively useless questions for most. I'm the GM in my campaigns though and I'm curious how this stuff is intended to work in Golarion. I feel like I might just be dense when it comes to these issues as I have read a lot of the deity articles. Note that this isn't a stealth request for deity stats as I don't want those. Just wondering in a metaphysical sense.

1) No. It's a symbolic thing.

2) Yes.

3) No.

3a) At this point... they'd be assigned portfolios by me based on the new deity's themes and all that. Generally, a deity has 3 to 4 portfolios.

4) No.

5) That depends entirely on the deity. Some are up to stuff. Some focus their attention on other worlds where they're not forgotten. Some just hibernate. It varies from deity to deity.

5a) Lissala will have a lot of info revealed during the upcoming "Shattered Star" Adventure Path, and we're deliberately not revealing much about the Peacock Spirit—or even if that's actually a deity at all—for now.

Not relatively useless questions at all! Good questions, in fact!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Golden-Esque wrote:
The irony of course being that short stone people of the mountains are bound to not be a fan of the Beach Boys either. See! James and the dwarven race have something in common! They can be friends now.

Not unless they pipe down and get more liberal in their views!

Dark Archive

How would a magic item like a cloak of protection +1 function while being used by the Metal Oracle's Steel Scarf ability?

Would the above (CoP +1) steel scarf attack be considered a magic weapon and gain a bonus to hit and damage?

Would a +1 Flaming Bladed Scarf from the ISWG keep it's magical properties if affected by the Metal Oracle's Steel Scarf ability?

Would feats such as Weapon Focus(Bladed Scarf) still function if the bladed scarf was used for the steel scarf ability?

Metal Oracle’s Steel Scarf Ability:
Steel Scarf (Su): As a swift action, you can harden a scarf, sleeve, cloak, or other piece of your clothing into something as hard as steel that stretches out to be up to 30 feet long. You can then strike outward with it as if it were a weapon making a melee attack. For the purpose of this ability, you are proficient with this weapon. You can use the weapon to perform combat maneuvers. Make a melee attack roll against a creature within 30 feet; you may use Weapon Finesse with this attack. If you hit, the weapon deals 1d8 points of slashing damage + 1 point for every two oracle levels you possess. After this attack, the clothing returns to its normal length and hardness. You do not threaten an area with this weapon and cannot use it to make attacks of opportunity. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Did you work on the Chirurgeon, or any of the alchemist archetypes? I recall seeing a post about you explaining the intent of the breath of life infusion (which does count as a Cure for them, much like you desire!).

I'm also quite curious how you handle full ranged attacks when adjacent to a threatening enemy in your games. If you rule it as one action is one provocation, then they wouldn't provoke each time they fire their bow, right? What do you see as the advantages of this? I suppose it could make for more "cinematic" battles, where the archers are right up there with the melee types, not having to worry about provoking for attacks.

Liberty's Edge

Is a catfolk of golarion book possible? Or perhaps an AP nackmatter article?

Also an Arcadia primer.

A Catfolk of Golarion book would interest me as well.

1)Are there any classification system for Gods and there power levels like a number system or a title like greater/lesser etc.?

2)Have you seen Wrath of the Titans, Hunger Games, or John Carter yet?If so did you like it?

3)Wich is the most likely continent to be the next focus if/when you guys work on another?

Catfolk of Golarion could be a cool book if handled well, but that title sounds terrible. Its about as good as Ultimate Race or Inevitable Annals! *snicker*


I'm allowed to bring that joke up again 'cause I'm the one who accidentally got James to make it. LuLz.

Do you, (or anyone else at Paizo), actually pay attention to all the Monk threads the pop up all over the forums?

So... does an ascended god consciously decide what to be a god of, or does it just sort of happen to them?

Liberty's Edge

Golden-Esque wrote:

Catfolk of Golarion could be a cool book if handled well, but that title sounds terrible. Its about as good as Ultimate Race or Inevitable Annals! *snicker*

** spoiler omitted **

James Jacobs wrote:
Catfolk on Golarion are from southern Garund. They're not totally unknown, but a catfolk in the Inner Sea region would be regarded with anything between suspicion to curriosity.

I think we will see a book about catfolk only after Paizo had published a book about Garund. Or, more probably, we will see their culture detailed in the book about Garund.


Looking at the PrC, the requirements are:
Race: any non-dragon
Skills: Knowledge(arcana) 5 ranks
Languages: Draconic
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells without preparation. If the character has sorcerer levels, he must have the draconic bloodline.

Taking Crossblooded with draconic and another bloodline would qualify as far as I can tell.

A fellow GM told me this was not the Case. just looking for some Clarity.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
chris szymanski wrote:

Looking at the PrC, the requirements are:

Race: any non-dragon
Skills: Knowledge(arcana) 5 ranks
Languages: Draconic
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells without preparation. If the character has sorcerer levels, he must have the draconic bloodline.

Taking Crossblooded with draconic and another bloodline would qualify as far as I can tell.

A fellow GM told me this was not the Case. just looking for some Clarity.

There's equal amount of grounds for reading it both ways.

Position 1. states that the requirement specifies Dragon bloodline, and the cross-blooded bloodline isn't pure dragon enough to qualify.

Position 2. states that the crossblooded approach gives "enough" dragon to qualify.

Both positions are equally valid as far I'd call it. Personally though, as a GM, I'm more in the Position 1 camp. But my position is no more valid than someone who adheres to Position 2.

You're going to find that in this hobby RAW answers a lot less than you would hope. That's what GMs are for. I don't have a problem with a variance of answers... that's part of what gives individual campaigns individual flavor.


This is a PFS Charter So i will have to deal with different GM's every time i play him.

I GM as well. When I read it, and made the guy I saw Position 2. so i was like cool this will be different.

1)How many examples of created races do we get for the race creation chapter in the Advanced races book?

2)Does every race in Advanced races get a racial archtype class?

3)Will Ultimate Equipment have magic items from the non-hardcover books like the APs, Modules, etc.?

4)Wich one of the follow races would you like to play as the most? Choices are Goblin, Orc, Kobold, Drow, Duegar, Hobgoblin, or Svirfneblin

5)Do you have a favorite of the playable 0HD animal based races? and why?

6)Wich is your favorite of the elemental based playable 0HD races? and why?

7)Wich is your favorite planetouched race? and why?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Now that Daigle is working at Paizo, how much more likely for us to see a "Flumphs of Golarion" book?

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