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Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

According to the rules to add a spell from a scroll to her/his familiar a witch has to turn it into a tasty snack for the familiar.

If the familiar is an improved familiar such as a mephit or imp does the familiar still have to chow down on the scroll or are they able to commit it to memory?

Also is it possible to apply the rule to a wizards spell book.... Say for example a spell book is part of some phat loot and the witch whips up a nice caramelised lightning bolt and sautéed speak with dead on a bed of dried Mage armor out of the spell book..... Would there be a chance of the familiar adding these to its list.

An improved familiar would indeed have to learn the spell the same way, unless the GM decided to change that flavor text, of course.

As for that last question... you got a BIT too complicated and lost my train of thought... so NO!!!!!

It is essentially a way to get a second cheap source of spell beside finding another witch and having your familiar exchange spell with her familiar.

How I see it:
As the witch has already her low cost source (exchanging spells with another witch or finding another witch familiar and wringing the spells out of it) if the GM put a few witch in the game there is no need of allowing it.
If the GM go with pregenerated module and never change a wizard into a witch and/or witch are difficult to find in your game world it could be allowed (but a GM that isn't supporting of the witch probably will not allow it).

In my Kingmaker campaign the witch player has gone to great length to capture a sorcerer familiar as he thought he was a witch. He was wrong, but I have changed one of the character in the second module (a so called witch that is a sorcerer) to a witch and will do similar changes when appropriate for the character.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Trscroggs wrote:

4. Can a quadruped with three Limb: Legs evolutions take two Claw evolutions or does it need to take Limb: Arms to be able to take multiple Claw evolutions?

4) Needs arms for claws.

I have gone around checking the claw question for my summoner player in the last days.

You can have 1 set of claw on the legs, if you have multiple set of legs the other legs can take the rake ability but not claws.
The rake evolution is available only to quadrupeds eidolon and cost 2 points.

PRD wrote:

Claws (Ex): An eidolon has a pair of vicious claws at the end of its limbs, giving it two claw attacks. These attacks are primary attacks. The claws deal 1d4 points of damage (1d6 if Large, 1d8 if Huge). The eidolon must have the limbs evolution to take this evolution. This evolution can only be applied to the limbs (legs) evolution once This evolution can be selected more than once, but the eidolon must possess an equal number of the limbs evolution.

Rake (Ex): An eidolon grows dangerous claws on its feet, allowing it to make 2 rake attacks on foes it is grappling. These attacks are primary attacks. The eidolon receives these additional attacks each time it succeeds on a grapple check against the target. These rake attacks deal 1d4 points of damage (1d6 if Large, 1d8 if Huge). This evolution is only available to eidolons of the quadruped base form. This evolution counts as one natural attack toward te eidolon's maximum. The summoner must be at least 4th level before selecting this evolution.


I see now why you don't like much the eidolon as it was done.
Every evolution description could easily use a full page of explanatory text. Luckily my summoner player is level headed and we can work around our different visions of how his "piece together monster" work.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Hello, James.
This is the first time I make a question in this thread so, there it goes.

1)Are Riddleport or Korvosa going to be visited in the Shattered Star AP?
2)Are Crystilan, Chorak´s Tomb or Viperwall going to be part of the adventure path?
3)Anything about Urglin?
4)Any possibility of having all the info about Varisia in a book in the campaign setting line?
5)Any new revisited product before the end of the year? Maybe Fey revisited?

Thanks in advance!

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Did you get any of the Pathfinder Battles minis?
Just the black dragon. I've actually got a LOT of minis already... I'm trying to fight clutter!

Whoa! You don't have Merisiel ?!!!

I thought the Gencon Sample may have landed on your desk.

Scarab Sages

What province of Tamriel would you like Bethesda to visit in the next Elder Scrolls game (or possible AddOn) after Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind, Cyrodill and Skyrim?

feytharn wrote:
What province of Tamriel would you like Bethesda to visit in the next Elder Scrolls game (or possible AddOn) after Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind, Cyrodill and Skyrim?

There are REALLY well done Eleswyr and Valenwood mods out there for Oblivion. You should get them if you want to explore more provinces.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
feytharn wrote:
What province of Tamriel would you like Bethesda to visit in the next Elder Scrolls game (or possible AddOn) after Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind, Cyrodill and Skyrim?
There are REALLY well done Eleswyr and Valenwood mods out there for Oblivion. You should get them if you want to explore more provinces.

I know, sadly I am not only looking to explore but also to find small and large quests, hidden secrets and bits of story. The combination of a huge world with those quests is what keeps me spellbound to my PC in ES games. The mods I know (if I am wrong here, feel free to link me to other mods) lack in that area (still, the fans do and did tremendous work, I do not want to belittle that!).

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sincubus wrote:
Another question, in the close-future would we be able to pay through Ideal aswel? Cuz I can't have a creditcard and asking my friends to buy products all the time is a long-slow-way of getting the books I want so I rather see Ideal-payment in the future so I can buy my own stuff instead of letting others with creditcards pay for it.

You can buy pre-paid credit cards at vendors such as you local supermarket, quickchek, 7-11's etc. All you need to do is pump money into them and they will do the job for credit card purchases.

James Jacobs wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
James, I am going to be in Ft. Lewis for the next couple weeks. Have any recommendations for local tourist spots to hit in Seattle? So far I have been told the Underworld Tour and Tillicum Village are a must.
The Space Needle's pretty neat. Pike's Place market is also awesome, and the aquarium and Woodland Park Zoo are VERY good.

I very much loved Woodland Park Zoo! They got rid of all their cages and have all open habitats done up to be mostly natural environments for the animals. I unfortunately was there during the summer so the wolves were hiding from the children. They told me during the school year the wolves came out of their dens more, but still overall I loved it (and Seattle in general) that I set a White Wolf Werewolf game there and had a Glass Walker running a breeding program at Woodland Park Zoo to get more wolf blood into her tribe.

As for the space needle, is Sky City still the restaurant there? My mother and I ate there and it was much more expensive than we are used to, but the food was really good and the view was amazing.

LazarX wrote:
Sincubus wrote:
Another question, in the close-future would we be able to pay through Ideal aswel? Cuz I can't have a creditcard and asking my friends to buy products all the time is a long-slow-way of getting the books I want so I rather see Ideal-payment in the future so I can buy my own stuff instead of letting others with creditcards pay for it.
You can buy pre-paid credit cards at vendors such as you local supermarket, quickchek, 7-11's etc. All you need to do is pump money into them and they will do the job for credit card purchases.

Yeah. I do this too. Check around and you can get cards with "Rewards" even. Though there is usually a fee to reload a card, but the rewards can sometimes even that out. Like for example, my Kroger card is $3 every time I refill it. Every $1 spent gets me a point, ever dollar spent at a Kroger store gets me 2pts, and then 3pts for Kroger branded products. At 1000 points I Get $5 free groceries. Since I Do most of my food shopping there, that 1000 points adds up pretty fast and my monthly fees are almost paid for by the free groceries! So, check around in your area for similar options.

If you don't or can't pay a monthly fee (or you aren't the primary food shopper in your household) then Paizo has gift certificates and so you could give them the money then have those friends buy you gift certificates on their own Paizo store accounts. It's not ideal, but that way you would not have to get their credit cards from them, just give them the cash then they come on here and buy you a "gift certificate" and then give you the code.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
It's a breastplate, but the artist took a LOT of artistic freedom (that, and he had, if I remember correctly, about a week or less to do the piece before we needed to ship the book). A LOT of the art in Burnt Offerings was last-minute.

Am I right in recalling that a lot of the last-minute art in RotRL that doesn't meet the standard of quality set by later APs is being replaced with new and improved art in the anniversary edition, or was that wishful thinking on my part?

Tom Rex wrote:
And then, back to back with my hibernation time, I got sent out on a job in the field. It was a cow field. They were delicious. But now I feel a food coma coming on......zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Heh. That reminds me of something.... The relevant part is right at the beginning of that clip.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

I couldn't find this anywhere else, so thought I'd ask here. For the purposes of the Magus class and its one-handed weapon "requirement" for casting, would a lance used while mounted (can be used one-handed) be considered a one-handed weapon allowing its use in spellstrike and spell combat?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Kavren Stark wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
It's a breastplate, but the artist took a LOT of artistic freedom (that, and he had, if I remember correctly, about a week or less to do the piece before we needed to ship the book). A LOT of the art in Burnt Offerings was last-minute.

Am I right in recalling that a lot of the last-minute art in RotRL that doesn't meet the standard of quality set by later APs is being replaced with new and improved art in the anniversary edition, or was that wishful thinking on my part?

That has been said. However given the illustration of her in Faiths of Corruption still has that style of breastplate, the style won't be changing.

James Jacobs wrote:

And while several of the binder elements and vestiges ARE based on mythology... that doesn't mean that the concepts of how they work in D&D aren't WotC's intellectual property. I suspect that if Paizo had tried to do a "Secrets of Pact Magic" type book we would have had at least SOME sort of legal action against us, since we are very much on WotC's radar...

Right, and being based a on real world religion (VERY loosely) didn't stop White Wolf from suing and winning vs. the Obeah religion. I don't know all the details, just that they sued them over use of the name "Obeah" and White Wolf won (at least initially, again don't know details just know stuff I heard from my friends in the Camarilla during the lawsuit)

favorite melee class?
favorite ranged class?
favorite full arcane caster class?
Favorite full divine caster?
favorite 3/4 bab class?
favorite partial caster?
Favorite archytype?
Why for all answers?
diplomacy or disguise check (depending on which is harder for you to succeed at noticing to get you too tell us when mythic level handbook will come out. 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Another question made me think of this... What would you say to a player who wanted to play a Bladebound magus with a Black Blade that was legal for a creature bigger than them? Weapon size penalties might apply and they would not be able to do spells with off-hand but would the blade at least be legal?

If you add an `Aegis of Recovery` (paying the 150% cost) onto an `Amulet of Natural Armor` is the entire amulet destroyed when you drop below 0 hit points?

Aegis of Recovery:
Aura faint abjuration and conjuration; CL 3rd
Slot neck; Price 1,500 gp; Weight


An aegis of recovery grants its wearer a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws made to recover from an effect, such as poison or lingering damage from an attack. This bonus does not help against preliminary saving throws against such effects. Should the wearer ever drop below 0 hit points, the aegis cures 2d8+3 points of damage to the wearer and then crumbles, becoming useless from then on.


Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, cure moderate wounds; Cost 750 gp.

I'm noticing an uptick of "not questions for James" in the thread.

I'm also guilty (even in this post), but let's try to turn it around.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dame Desnus wrote:
Are any of the planets in Golarion's system named after ancient/lost/dead gods?

Not sure... but I'm sure Sutter could tell you. In person OR via "Distant Worlds."

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Daniel Gago wrote:

Hello, James.

This is the first time I make a question in this thread so, there it goes.

1)Are Riddleport or Korvosa going to be visited in the Shattered Star AP?
2)Are Crystilan, Chorak´s Tomb or Viperwall going to be part of the adventure path?
3)Anything about Urglin?
4)Any possibility of having all the info about Varisia in a book in the campaign setting line?
5)Any new revisited product before the end of the year? Maybe Fey revisited?

Thanks in advance!

Hi, and welcome to the thread!

1) No and No. With the exception of Magnimar, we're not repeating locations used by other APs.

2) Nope, nope, and nope, although Chorak's Tomb ALMOST made it in.

3) Nope.

4) Yup, Absolutely.

5) Definitely. But not Fey Revisited.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Did you get any of the Pathfinder Battles minis?
Just the black dragon. I've actually got a LOT of minis already... I'm trying to fight clutter!

Whoa! You don't have Merisiel ?!!!

I thought the Gencon Sample may have landed on your desk.

I have the heroes package with Merisiel and the other 3, never fear!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

feytharn wrote:
What province of Tamriel would you like Bethesda to visit in the next Elder Scrolls game (or possible AddOn) after Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind, Cyrodill and Skyrim?

Elswyer, probably, since I like the idea of cities in giant migratory trees...

Although since my FIRST character ever was from the Summerset Isles back in Arena... that might be cool!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
James, I am going to be in Ft. Lewis for the next couple weeks. Have any recommendations for local tourist spots to hit in Seattle? So far I have been told the Underworld Tour and Tillicum Village are a must.
The Space Needle's pretty neat. Pike's Place market is also awesome, and the aquarium and Woodland Park Zoo are VERY good.

I very much loved Woodland Park Zoo! They got rid of all their cages and have all open habitats done up to be mostly natural environments for the animals. I unfortunately was there during the summer so the wolves were hiding from the children. They told me during the school year the wolves came out of their dens more, but still overall I loved it (and Seattle in general) that I set a White Wolf Werewolf game there and had a Glass Walker running a breeding program at Woodland Park Zoo to get more wolf blood into her tribe.

As for the space needle, is Sky City still the restaurant there? My mother and I ate there and it was much more expensive than we are used to, but the food was really good and the view was amazing.

Woodland Park Zoo is one of the best zoos in the nation, I hear. It's certainly not one of those depressing animal cage zoos.

And I think the restaraunt is in there... but yeah... EXPENSIVE.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kavren Stark wrote:
Am I right in recalling that a lot of the last-minute art in RotRL that doesn't meet the standard of quality set by later APs is being replaced with new and improved art in the anniversary edition, or was that wishful thinking on my part?

Correct. We're not only reordering a lot of the art that wasn't in the style we've now settled on, but a lot more art that we're re-ordering for other reasons as well (such as a desire to not run any vertical half-page illustrations). There's actually a LOT of new art in the Anniversary book.

There's a difference between art style and a character's look, though. So, Nualia's outfit isn't changing. Just the style in which it's illustrated.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Danish Trumpter wrote:
I couldn't find this anywhere else, so thought I'd ask here. For the purposes of the Magus class and its one-handed weapon "requirement" for casting, would a lance used while mounted (can be used one-handed) be considered a one-handed weapon allowing its use in spellstrike and spell combat?

No. A lance is a 2 handed weapon. AKA: The magus's class abilities only care about the base classification of the weapon, not weird corner cases.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Theos Imarion wrote:

favorite melee class?

favorite ranged class?
favorite full arcane caster class?
Favorite full divine caster?
favorite 3/4 bab class?
favorite partial caster?
Favorite archytype?
Why for all answers?
diplomacy or disguise check (depending on which is harder for you to succeed at noticing to get you too tell us when mythic level handbook will come out. 1d20+10

Rogue, ranger, witch, cleric, bard, bard, dawnflower dervish, because I like them, that last one had no question mark.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:
Another question made me think of this... What would you say to a player who wanted to play a Bladebound magus with a Black Blade that was legal for a creature bigger than them? Weapon size penalties might apply and they would not be able to do spells with off-hand but would the blade at least be legal?

I'd ask him what color the character's eyes were, what his first frightening childhood memory was, what his first childhood crush was, whether he'd ever seen a dead body, and then require him to tell me three points in his childhood that inspired him to become a magus.

If he impresses me enough with his backstory and imagination, I'm far more likely to reward him with weird rules bendings.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

harmor wrote:

If you add an `Aegis of Recovery` (paying the 150% cost) onto an `Amulet of Natural Armor` is the entire amulet destroyed when you drop below 0 hit points?

** spoiler omitted **


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Lincoln wrote:

I'm noticing an uptick of "not questions for James" in the thread.

I'm also guilty (even in this post), but let's try to turn it around.

Yeah... this isn't a forum. It's a "Pick on James with questions" thread. If something comes up that folks wanna chat about... there's lots of other forums here that are more appropriate. ALSO we do PMs now so that works as well!

James Jacobs wrote:
AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:
Another question made me think of this... What would you say to a player who wanted to play a Bladebound magus with a Black Blade that was legal for a creature bigger than them? Weapon size penalties might apply and they would not be able to do spells with off-hand but would the blade at least be legal?

I'd ask him what color the character's eyes were, what his first frightening childhood memory was, what his first childhood crush was, whether he'd ever seen a dead body, and then require him to tell me three points in his childhood that inspired him to become a magus.

If he impresses me enough with his backstory and imagination, I'm far more likely to reward him with weird rules bendings.

Ha ok so I would be able to do that, then I have one friend that could. The rest of the people I game with make stats not characters. LOL In fact, I've actually sometimes annoyed GMs with the amount of backstory I have done (I'm sure you might think that's not possible, but trust me it is LOL)

Dark Archive

Something I just saw on another thread that has me interested. From a Canon point of view could Phasmara have Dhampir as clerics (or a sorceoror with the undead bloodline who decided to multi class?) Also Would she allow her clerics to have the Undead subdomain (Via the heretic archetype?)

James, one of the themes I enjoy in my fantasy settings is the conflict between paganism and monotheism. It seems to me that in Golarion there is no culture that worships just a single god, or I have yet to discover it?

Can oni "put on the flesh" of planetouched races? Can you have tiefling oni, and would they wind up with ox or horse heads? (This could get needlessly recursive considering there can be oni-descended tieflings. Liable to give myself a migraine.)

Alan_Beven wrote:
James, one of the themes I enjoy in my fantasy settings is the conflict between paganism and monotheism. It seems to me that in Golarion there is no culture that worships just a single god, or I have yet to discover it?

Well, there's only one deity you're allowed to worship in Razmiran, and Po Li has something similar going on. The big problem with having monotheism in Golarion, though, is the fact that the gods are 'real' - even the atheists in Rahadoum admit that, they just don't offer the gods any worship - it's a bit hard to state that Asmodeus is the only god and Aspexia Rugatonn is his voice on Golarion when you could feasibly meet someone who's seen one of the other gods with their own eyes, not to mention having seen some lesser manifestation of divine power (such as a cleric healing someone).

Kajehase wrote:
Alan_Beven wrote:
James, one of the themes I enjoy in my fantasy settings is the conflict between paganism and monotheism. It seems to me that in Golarion there is no culture that worships just a single god, or I have yet to discover it?
Well, there's only one deity you're allowed to worship in Razmiran, and Po Li has something similar going on. The big problem with having monotheism in Golarion, though, is the fact that the gods are 'real' - even the atheists in Rahadoum admit that, they just don't offer the gods any worship - it's a bit hard to state that Asmodeus is the only god and Aspexia Rugatonn is his voice on Golarion when you could feasibly meet someone who's seen one of the other gods with their own eyes, not to mention having seen some lesser manifestation of divine power (such as a cleric healing someone).

I suppose that in a world like Golarion, atheism and monotheism have to be a bit different than in the real world since the deities make their presence known in Golarion. As we saw with Rahadoum, atheism is less "There are no Gods," and more "They are there, but they are more trouble than they are worth". I'd say for monotheism, it'd be a bit more like monolatrism (Yeah there are other gods but ours is the best!) or monism (One god, many faces. Like Hinduism). I'd imagine most of Cheliax fits under monolatrism.

1)In the myths about the fairy relm there warnings about eating and/or drinking anything there. Does this aply to the pathfinder version, the first world? Is it a myth in Golarion? if so is there good reason for it?

2)Does Golarion have anything like the Colossus of Rhodes?

3)Are there any cities in the Innersea that have plumbing(hot and cold running water)? electricity? steam power?

4)How many "revisted" books do you guys do a year? Two?

5)What are the odds of seeing a book(64 pages or more) dealing with magical artifacts(both major and minor)?

6)Have you seen any of the following animated movies "American Pop", "The Illusionist", or "Planet Hulk"?

7)Have you seen any of the straight to video DC comics animated films? If so wich ones and did you like them?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kevin Mack wrote:
Something I just saw on another thread that has me interested. From a Canon point of view could Phasmara have Dhampir as clerics (or a sorceoror with the undead bloodline who decided to multi class?) Also Would she allow her clerics to have the Undead subdomain (Via the heretic archetype?)

She'd probably allow a dhampir or undead-bloodline sorcerer worship her, since both of those are not TECHNICALLY undead and can actually die, she might feel sorry for them but she certainly won't punish them or bar them from worshiping her. Some of her more intolerant followers and specific churches would not be so understanding though.

She would not grant access to the Undead subdomain.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Alan_Beven wrote:
James, one of the themes I enjoy in my fantasy settings is the conflict between paganism and monotheism. It seems to me that in Golarion there is no culture that worships just a single god, or I have yet to discover it?

There's some elements of this in Tian-Xia, and some races favor worshiping a single deity, but yeah, for the most part monotheism isn't widely represented yet on Golarion.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Can oni "put on the flesh" of planetouched races? Can you have tiefling oni, and would they wind up with ox or horse heads? (This could get needlessly recursive considering there can be oni-descended tieflings. Liable to give myself a migraine.)

First of all... oni don't "put on flesh." They manifest once when they first appeaar, and at THAT point the normally immaterial evil spirit becomes flesh and bone based on a humanoid. In that way, you can't have an oni that takes on tiefling traits in the same way that, say, an ogre mage takes on ogre traits or a fire yai takes on fire giant traits.

That said... you CAN have oni-blooded tieflings. They shouldn's end up with ox or horse heads though; that's more of a rakshasa thing (and, by extension, a rakshasa-blooded oni thing).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

1)In the myths about the fairy relm there warnings about eating and/or drinking anything there. Does this aply to the pathfinder version, the first world? Is it a myth in Golarion? if so is there good reason for it?

2)Does Golarion have anything like the Colossus of Rhodes?

3)Are there any cities in the Innersea that have plumbing(hot and cold running water)? electricity? steam power?

4)How many "revisted" books do you guys do a year? Two?

5)What are the odds of seeing a book(64 pages or more) dealing with magical artifacts(both major and minor)?

6)Have you seen any of the following animated movies "American Pop", "The Illusionist", or "Planet Hulk"?

7)Have you seen any of the straight to video DC comics animated films? If so wich ones and did you like them?

1) Not yet, really. The First World is similar in some ways to the classic "faerie realm," but different in lots of others. We've made a VERY conscious decision to not totally ape the legends of things like the realm of the fey, since we at Paizo are kind of tired of that construction.

2) Yes. There are giant statues in LOTS of places. Varisia, for example, has the Lady's Light. Magnimar itself is filled with giant statues.

3) Most of the large cities have some sort of plumbing to a certain extent. No electricity or steam power though.

4) Usually 2 or 3.

5) 100%.

6) Nope to all three.

7) Nope; haven't seen them.

Liberty's Edge

Odraude wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Alan_Beven wrote:
James, one of the themes I enjoy in my fantasy settings is the conflict between paganism and monotheism. It seems to me that in Golarion there is no culture that worships just a single god, or I have yet to discover it?
Well, there's only one deity you're allowed to worship in Razmiran, and Po Li has something similar going on. The big problem with having monotheism in Golarion, though, is the fact that the gods are 'real' - even the atheists in Rahadoum admit that, they just don't offer the gods any worship - it's a bit hard to state that Asmodeus is the only god and Aspexia Rugatonn is his voice on Golarion when you could feasibly meet someone who's seen one of the other gods with their own eyes, not to mention having seen some lesser manifestation of divine power (such as a cleric healing someone).
I suppose that in a world like Golarion, atheism and monotheism have to be a bit different than in the real world since the deities make their presence known in Golarion. As we saw with Rahadoum, atheism is less "There are no Gods," and more "They are there, but they are more trouble than they are worth". I'd say for monotheism, it'd be a bit more like monolatrism (Yeah there are other gods but ours is the best!) or monism (One god, many faces. Like Hinduism). I'd imagine most of Cheliax fits under monolatrism.

Technically, the Bible say:

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

It is not "there aren't other gods, beside me", but "I am the strongest god and all other gods should treated as lesser than me".

So, the question:
In Golarion, what gods claim to be the mightiest and that all other gods are lesser beings when confronted with them?

Aroden seem to have been one of them, at least claiming to be the mightiest god of humanity and that humanity was or was destined to be the mightiest race.

Any other candidate?

James Jacobs wrote:

Correct. We're not only reordering a lot of the art that wasn't in the style we've now settled on, but a lot more art that we're re-ordering for other reasons as well (such as a desire to not run any vertical half-page illustrations). There's actually a LOT of new art in the Anniversary book.

There's a difference between art style and a character's look, though. So, Nualia's outfit isn't changing. Just the style in which it's illustrated.

Cool. I don't care about the breastplate, I just want to see a less impressionistic portrait of the character. I'm usually not a fan of revealing armor on female characters (the bare midriff might as well have a big tattoo of a bullseye, or a sign saying "Insert sharp objects here"), but in Nualia's case, she's got to show off the scars that mark her as an acolyte of Lamashtu.

The art pieces I really want to see replaced, though, are the caricatures that pass for character portraits in the description of Sandpoint. Ameiko ought to be beautiful, darn it, and Niska Mvashti should look like an elderly human woman, not a particularly creepy hag.

I know you tend to favor prestige classes for your PC's, but have you ever built one that uses one prestige class to qualify for another? There's an Arcane Archer build I've been playing around with, just to see what it looks like, that uses three levels of Eldritch Knight to get up to the prerequisite BAB. Instead of the usual path (one level of wizard or sorcerer, six levels of fighter or ranger to get to BAB 6), this character takes one level as a fighter or ranger, five as a wizard (or six as a sorcerer), and then three Eldritch Knight levels (or two for the sorcerer version) to achieve a BAB of 6.

She qualifies for Arcane Archer at level 10 instead of 8, but at that point she already has the spell ability of a seventh-level wizard or sorcerer, instead of a first-level one. At twentieth level (taking one more EK level after getting to AA10), you have a character with a BAB of 16, ~110 (+ Con bonus) hit points, and the ability to deliver seventh or eighth level AoE spells to a maximum range of nearly half a mile with a composite longbow due to the distance arrow enhancement. The sorcerer version doesn't get eighth level spells, but compensates by being a little less MAD: the save DC for Arrow of Death is Charisma-based, and any sorcerer worth his salt will invest far more in that ability than a wizard can afford to.

What do you think: overpowered, underpowered (is there something I'm missing?), or is that about right for a character approaching mythic level?

James Jacobs wrote:

5)What are the odds of seeing a book(64 pages or more) dealing with magical artifacts(both major and minor)?

5) 100%.

Would that book by any chance be Ultimate Equipment, or will unique artifacts have their own separate book? Or both?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Diego Rossi wrote:

In Golarion, what gods claim to be the mightiest and that all other gods are lesser beings when confronted with them?

Aroden seem to have been one of them, at least claiming to be the mightiest god of humanity and that humanity was or was destined to be the mightiest race.

Any other candidate?

Aroden never claimed to be mightiest. His faithful may have claimed that, but he himself did not.

In fact, very few deities claim to be the mightiest of all the gods, because very few deities that last for any length of time are foolish enough to make that claim.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kavren Stark wrote:

I know you tend to favor prestige classes for your PC's, but have you ever built one that uses one prestige class to qualify for another? There's an Arcane Archer build I've been playing around with, just to see what it looks like, that uses three levels of Eldritch Knight to get up to the prerequisite BAB. Instead of the usual path (one level of wizard or sorcerer, six levels of fighter or ranger to get to BAB 6), this character takes one level as a fighter or ranger, five as a wizard (or six as a sorcerer), and then three Eldritch Knight levels (or two for the sorcerer version) to achieve a BAB of 6.

She qualifies for Arcane Archer at level 10 instead of 8, but at that point she already has the spell ability of a seventh-level wizard or sorcerer, instead of a first-level one. At twentieth level (taking one more EK level after getting to AA10), you have a character with a BAB of 16, ~110 (+ Con bonus) hit points, and the ability to deliver seventh or eighth level AoE spells to a maximum range of nearly half a mile with a composite longbow due to the distance arrow enhancement. The sorcerer version doesn't get eighth level spells, but compensates by being a little less MAD: the save DC for Arrow of Death is Charisma-based, and any sorcerer worth his salt will invest far more in that ability than a wizard can afford to.

What do you think: overpowered, underpowered (is there something I'm missing?), or is that about right for a character approaching mythic level?

Using one prestige class to qualify for another can be a fun and interesting way to build a character... as long as you do so in a way that the GM doesn't think you're just level dipping. In this case... if I were your GM, I'd like to see some in-game roleplay to back up why you're only taking a few levels of the prestige class before switching to a second one; simply "because it lets me get ahead of the game on class #2" isn't good enough for me.

James Jacobs wrote:
Using one prestige class to qualify for another can be a fun and interesting way to build a character... as long as you do so in a way that the GM doesn't think you're just level dipping. In this case... if I were your GM, I'd like to see some in-game roleplay to back up why you're only taking a few levels of the prestige class before switching to a second one; simply "because it lets me get ahead of the game on class #2" isn't good enough for me.

I tend to agree with that approach. In this particular case, I think arcane archers are a lot rarer and more specialized than eldritch knights; I'd imagine the character initially walking the largely sui generis path to eldritch knighthood (rather like Seltyiel before he was retconned into a Magus), then being inducted into an elite unit of elven soldiers and trained in their secret art of arcane archery. It might be a good character to run in Second Darkness, now I think of it, although it's not likely I'll ever play that AP -- too many other things are higher on my wishlist (like DMing Rise of the Runelords, playing or DMing Jade Regent, and updating Sovereign Press's D&D 3.5 version of the War of the Lance campaign to Pathfinder and DMing that).

What are your favorite core prestige class and your favorite prestige class from any other publication? What were the most broken and the just plain silliest PrCs you can recall seeing in print?

I think my vote for silliest would go to the Vengeance Sworn, from Dragon #296. The requirements were so stringent it was nearly impossible to qualify for, and some of them (five ranks each in Intimidate, Knowledge: Arcana and Wilderness Lore, Two-Weapon Fighting, Combat Expertise, Rage, able to cast first-level divine spells) were not strictly relevant to the basic concept of a vengeful dragonslayer. The creator so obviously had one particular iconic character in mind that the class might as well just have been called "the Riverwind."

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Alan_Beven wrote:
James, one of the themes I enjoy in my fantasy settings is the conflict between paganism and monotheism. It seems to me that in Golarion there is no culture that worships just a single god, or I have yet to discover it?
There's some elements of this in Tian-Xia, and some races favor worshiping a single deity, but yeah, for the most part monotheism isn't widely represented yet on Golarion.

Where will monotheism be widely represented?

James Jacobs wrote:
Alan_Beven wrote:
James, one of the themes I enjoy in my fantasy settings is the conflict between paganism and monotheism. It seems to me that in Golarion there is no culture that worships just a single god, or I have yet to discover it?
There's some elements of this in Tian-Xia, and some races favor worshiping a single deity, but yeah, for the most part monotheism isn't widely represented yet on Golarion.

Thanks James. My take on the Golarion gods are they are generally considered "equals". They read to me as a big family of powerful being going about their business. And they seem to reveal their existence with relative regularity. Is this how you see it in canon?

I personally play them as very distant, and far more "primal" rather than as "level 30" characters. And sprinkle in a generous helping of pagan style Demi-gods, fey and infernal.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Alan_Beven wrote:
James, one of the themes I enjoy in my fantasy settings is the conflict between paganism and monotheism. It seems to me that in Golarion there is no culture that worships just a single god, or I have yet to discover it?
There's some elements of this in Tian-Xia, and some races favor worshiping a single deity, but yeah, for the most part monotheism isn't widely represented yet on Golarion.
Where will monotheism be widely represented?

Lung Wa. Dragon Empires Gazetteer.

James, I wanted to run something by you to see if it makes sense. In my campaign setting, I'm considering making advanced firearms the most common weapons, with melee being mostly a secondary method of fighting. However, I want there to be some melee combat, so I came up with an idea to encourage it. Make metal based damage reduction common for magical creatures that favour melee combat. A blade is larger than a bullet, and therefore has more of the metal that bypasses the DR. Therefore, whenever they bypass DR, they get extra damage that a bullet wouldn't get, because they have so much more of the harmful materiel.

Does this explanation for why melee weapons are deadlier against creatures with DR make sense? Do you think it would encourage melee combat it certain circumstances while leaving firearms as the more common weapons?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Theropod Cultist wrote:

James, I wanted to run something by you to see if it makes sense. In my campaign setting, I'm considering making advanced firearms the most common weapons, with melee being mostly a secondary method of fighting. However, I want there to be some melee combat, so I came up with an idea to encourage it. Make metal based damage reduction common for magical creatures that favour melee combat. A blade is larger than a bullet, and therefore has more of the metal that bypasses the DR. Therefore, whenever they bypass DR, they get extra damage that a bullet wouldn't get, because they have so much more of the harmful materiel.

Does this explanation for why melee weapons are deadlier against creatures with DR make sense? Do you think it would encourage melee combat it certain circumstances while leaving firearms as the more common weapons?

An interesting idea that I think would need to be playtested before one could say how it might work out. Players and the way they interact with and freak out about damage reduction is a weird arena of possibilities....

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