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Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
What cool product are you looking forward to Paizo releasing in the fall of 2012?
Shattered Star Adventure Path!!
Actually, not really. Since even including the unannounced products we'll be releasing in Fall of 2012, of which there are PLENTY... The Shattered Star AP is STILL the one that I'm looking forward to the most.
I was kidding, since you didn't reveal anything that way, however very cool to hear you are that excited for it.

But that's so untrue. That answer tells me a whole lot!

(whistles and walks away slowly)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Now that you've got gunslingers and dinosaurs in the same world; Can we now expect a module based on The Valley of Gwangi? :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

James Jacobs wrote:
Nickolas Russell wrote:

This is in regards to the Dragon Empires Gazetteer.

Todd Stewart wrote:
Nickolas Russell wrote:
Page 29 Description of Kwanlai. In the stat block it says that Lady Sutarai-Gongen is a cleric of Hei Feng. Yet in the paragraph at the bottom of the page it says she is a cleric of Desna. And it goes on to say there is some religious hostility because of the prominence of her religion which makes it a particularly important issue for my purpose =) I'm assuming the stat block is correct.
I'd assume the stat block is correct too. I wrote the section originally with Desna as the answer, but it appears to have been changed during subsequent editing (but missing a change to the later reference). Ask James and he might confirm which is indeed the correct one. :)
Go with the stat block, I guess. I'll try to check again tomorrow at work.

Yup; go with the stat block. AKA: the tengu leader of the tengu nation worships the deity who most often appears as a tengu.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Nickolas Russell wrote:
What if a mortal were to ascend into Godhood while in the Positive Energy Plane?

Ummm.... you'd have a new deity? Not sure where this question is going...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Matthew Trent wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Yup. Or frankly, as oracle or witch or wizard or cleric or bard archytpes as well.
I feel like I have seen witchcraft presented as psychic powers somewhere in genre fiction before. Does this ring any bells to you? Perhaps in Prachett's Discworld or Armstrong's more modern fantasy Otherworld series?

Lovecraft, perhaps? Which also presents witchcraft as super complex math/science, though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Sincubus wrote:
On which of the forums on this site can I place a message to ask people to solve the black-background problem? There are so many forums here I get kinda lost in all of them.

Maybe one of the folders in the "Gamer Life" boards? Or up toward the top in the "Advice" board?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Psiphyre wrote:

Wishing you a GREAT Birthday!

Question(s): This may have been asked before, but... Does Golarion (specifically the Inner Sea Region) have a Zodiac (as in the western concept of a Zodiac, not eastern) system? If so, would you care to elaborate? (E.g. How many signs? What are they? With which months & "planets" are they associated? Etc.)

Please and thank you.

-- C.

Yup; Golarion has multiple zodiac type systems. We describe the one for the Inner Sea in Pathfinder #14 (and in the upcoming Distant Worlds), and talk about the Tian Xia one in "Dragon Empires Gazetteer.

James Jacobs wrote:
Nickolas Russell wrote:
What if a mortal were to ascend into Godhood while in the Positive Energy Plane?
Ummm.... you'd have a new deity? Not sure where this question is going...

Oh right. The Great Beyond says the Positive Energy plane is "somehow forbidden to gods".

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Gregg Helmberger wrote:

Say,what's your current understanding of the shipping schedule on AP installments? I understand about the delay of #5 of Jade Regent (hey, it happens) but that means that you'll need to double up one month if you plan to reveal the first book of Shattered Star in August, as has been your custom. Any idea when that will be?

The reason I'm asking is that I LOVE getting two AP books in the same envelope and I want to know what month to look forward to. :-D

I'm not sure when we'll have "double months" but we'll probably have two of them in the next several months, if all goes well. The AP line suffered some pretty big setbacks to its schedule for various reasons, and we'll be scrambling to get it caught up again, which means there'll be double months at least once and probably twice by Gen Con.

As for what month that occurs... I don't know.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Nickolas Russell wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Nickolas Russell wrote:
What if a mortal were to ascend into Godhood while in the Positive Energy Plane?
Ummm.... you'd have a new deity? Not sure where this question is going...
Oh right. The Great Beyond says the Positive Energy plane is "somehow forbidden to gods".

That sounds a little like hyperbole, honestly.

In any event, what would or could happen if a deity were born/manifested/ascended on the Positive Energy Plane isn't something I'm really ready to answer yet, since it could have some strange implications. Assuming we "keep" the bit about that plane being "somehow forbidden to gods," which is kind of annoying. I really REALLY don't like including statements like that unless we know WHY that statement is true. That way, even if in print it looks like hyperbole or whatever, we know the real story behind it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

James, can you help me clear something up? What happens when a Paladin of Iomedae (and member of the Burner sect) is determined to kill a Paladin of Shelyn?

The Paladin of Shelyn is a Tiefling, and the Paladin of Iomedae has noticed her demonic taint and decided that she must die lest she harm innocent people, as those with demonic taint tend to do. Detect Evil brought up nothing, but the Paladin of Iomedae is completely convinced that the Paladin of Shelyn is using alignment masking magic and is in fact an Anti-Paladin. The Paladin of Iomedae is also convinced that the Paladin of Shelyn is in fact not a worshipper of Shelyn and is using her holy symbol as a decoy.

I need to figure out how this will play out. If the Paladin of Iomedae kills the Paladin of Shelyn, does the Paladin of Iomedae fall? She would have just killed a fellow Paladin, but then again she thought the Paladin was a threat. If the Paladin of Iomedae is killed by the Paladin of Shelyn, does the Paladin of Shelyn fall for killing a fellow Paladin to prevent that Paladin from killing her? It would be self defense, but she still killed another Good creature. Would Iomedae or Shelyn be likely to intervene to prevent one Paladin from killing the other?

I see no gray areas here, nor do I see any ground for the paladin of Iomedae to stand on. Killing someone just because they look different (which is basically what this amounted to, since the paladin had no other evidence to go on) is pretty much a direct trip to ex-paladin land. At the VERY LEAST, what this paladin was saying was, "I know that my ability to detect evil said this tiefling wasn't evil, but I don't trust this power that my deity granted me so that I might better serve her and so since I know better than Iomedae I took matters into my own hands."

And, hey, look at that. Iomedae's the goddess of honor and justice, among other things. Where's the honor and justice in "judging a book by its cover" and killing a worshiper of Shelyn just because that worshiper was a tiefling?

Frankly, it sounds to me like the player's doing the exact thing I hate about players who like playing paladins—using the paladin's code as a myopic justification for being a jerk to other players or NPCs so that they can "use the rules to justify being a jerk." I've seen this type of behavior a LOT from paladin players, which is why the class is my least favorite. Paladins are more disruptive than evil PCs by far, and CERTAINLY more disruptive than chaotic PCs.

So! For all those reasons, the "paladin" of Iomedae should immediately lose her paladin powers if she kills the paladin of Shelyn. In fact, she should probably lose her paladin powers as soon as she ATTACKS the paladin of Shelyn. Even if you were to argue it's not an evil act... it's certainly a CHAOTIC act, and that's just as bad,

If, on the other hand, the paladin of Shelyn defends herself and in so doing kills the Paladin of Iomedae, she should not lose her paladin powers, because technically, when she killed the "paladin" of Iomedae, she killed an EX-paladin. That said, the paladin of Shelyn should still try to defeat her antagonizer without killing her, since it would appear that the paladin of Iomedae was either just crazy or stupid or ignorant or whatever, not actively evil, and thus there could be a chance to redeem or atone for the foolish paladin.

So yeah. Strip the paladin of Iomedae of her paladin powers. Not only does this allow that player to now play the type of character he apparently wants to play (which is NOT a paladin), it shows the player and the rest of the group that being a paladin requires responsibility, and that if a player abuses that responsibility, they get to play something else.

The deities themselves won't intervene to prevent one paladin from killing the other in any event. They'll strip powers from the ones who screwed up and that's that. The CHURCHES involved, on the other hand, will probably get worked up pretty quickly...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

LazarX wrote:
Now that you've got gunslingers and dinosaurs in the same world; Can we now expect a module based on The Valley of Gwangi? :)

HA! Nice. (wheels set in motion!)

Dark Archive

did you go on said talk of dinner yesterday?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ulgulanoth wrote:
did you go on said talk of dinner yesterday?


James Jacobs wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

James, can you help me clear something up? What happens when a Paladin of Iomedae (and member of the Burner sect) is determined to kill a Paladin of Shelyn?

The Paladin of Shelyn is a Tiefling, and the Paladin of Iomedae has noticed her demonic taint and decided that she must die lest she harm innocent people, as those with demonic taint tend to do. Detect Evil brought up nothing, but the Paladin of Iomedae is completely convinced that the Paladin of Shelyn is using alignment masking magic and is in fact an Anti-Paladin. The Paladin of Iomedae is also convinced that the Paladin of Shelyn is in fact not a worshipper of Shelyn and is using her holy symbol as a decoy.

I need to figure out how this will play out. If the Paladin of Iomedae kills the Paladin of Shelyn, does the Paladin of Iomedae fall? She would have just killed a fellow Paladin, but then again she thought the Paladin was a threat. If the Paladin of Iomedae is killed by the Paladin of Shelyn, does the Paladin of Shelyn fall for killing a fellow Paladin to prevent that Paladin from killing her? It would be self defense, but she still killed another Good creature. Would Iomedae or Shelyn be likely to intervene to prevent one Paladin from killing the other?

I see no gray areas here, nor do I see any ground for the paladin of Iomedae to stand on. Killing someone just because they look different (which is basically what this amounted to, since the paladin had no other evidence to go on) is pretty much a direct trip to ex-paladin land. At the VERY LEAST, what this paladin was saying was, "I know that my ability to detect evil said this tiefling wasn't evil, but I don't trust this power that my deity granted me so that I might better serve her and so since I know better than Iomedae I took matters into my own hands."

And, hey, look at that. Iomedae's the goddess of honor and justice, among other things. Where's the honor and justice in "judging a book by its cover" and killing a worshiper of Shelyn just because...

The problem is that some of the party feels that, because there IS magic that can defeat Detect Evil, the Paladin of Iomedae is justified in believing the Paladin of Shelyn to be evil anyway, and that the very existence of the Burner sect of Iomedae proves that hunting down and killing demon blooded people does not go against Iomedae's teachings, and therefore the Paladin of Iomedae is completely justified as far as the code of conduct goes.

To complicate things, we trade off GMing duties. The GM last night started this situation by throwing the NPC Paladin of Iomedae at the PC Paladin of Shelyn, and now I'm GM and I have to handle where this is going, with a party split in the middle as to how justified the Paladin of Iomedae is. To top it off, the Paladin of Shelyn is my character, so I have to be really careful how I handle this lest I look biased.

James Jacobs wrote:
The deities themselves won't intervene to prevent one paladin from killing the other in any event. They'll strip powers from the ones who screwed up and that's that. The CHURCHES involved, on the other hand, will probably get worked up pretty quickly...

I'm not worried about the churches. The Paladin of Shelyn doesn't actually belong to the Church of Shelyn, because they refused to admit her on account of the whole tiefling thing. She had to become a Paladin on her own as a result.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

The problem is that some of the party feels that, because there IS magic that can defeat Detect Evil, the Paladin of Iomedae is justified in believing the Paladin of Shelyn to be evil anyway, and that the very existence of the Burner sect of Iomedae proves that hunting down and killing demon blooded people does not go against Iomedae's teachings, and therefore the Paladin of Iomedae is completely justified as far as the code of conduct goes.

To complicate things, we trade off GMing duties. The GM last night started this situation by throwing the NPC Paladin of Iomedae at the PC Paladin of Shelyn, and now I'm GM and I have to handle where this is going, with a party split in the middle as to how justified the Paladin of Iomedae is. To top it off, the Paladin of Shelyn is my character, so I have to be really careful how I handle this lest I look biased.

That's not a problem at all. YOU know the truth of what's going on, and therefore so do the gods in your game. If a paladin commits an egregiously evil or chaotic act, the paladin loses their paladin powers, and at that point the PCs, if they're mature, realize that the paladin DID make a mistake.

Trading off GMing duties, in my experience, is a really difficult way to run a game, since no two GMs are identical. Furthermore, you get into situations like this, where a previous GM allowed something to go down that wasn't right that adversely affected your own character.

In addition, GMs running games where their player is a character is ALSO a difficult way to run a game. Both of these at the same time? Best of luck.. I've been there as well and it's not that fun.

In any case... part of being a paladin and a religious character is being faithful, and part of THAT is being faithful that the tools your deity or religion or beliefs give you are reliable. If detect evil doesn't work and you're stubborn and continue believing that the thing you think is evil is evil for no other reason than "other things like that are also evil," then you're not really having much faith at all in your faith. And thus you should probably play a non-divine casting class.

FURTHER complicating things are when GMs deliberately set out to "trick" the players by having NPCs bend rules and pose as good guys when they're actually evil. But this isn't one of those cases—the character in question is a PC.

Frankly, it sounds like the group you're in includes some jerks, and that's not a healthy situation to be in. And if the previous GM deliberately set up a situation where the two paladins would go at each other (perhaps knowing full well that the player of the Iomedae paladin would enjoy the opportunity to pick on your character)... then that's not a game. That's bullying or abuse, and it's not something I'd stick around for were I in your shoes.

And of course, I don't know the full story—with just your account of things to go on, I have no way of knowing if the situation is exactly as you describe.

In the end, though, regardless of what's REALLY going on in this game, a paladin who does the research into a creature to determine if it's a bad guy, sees the results that says that the target isn't evil, but STILL pretends that it is... that's just being chaotic.

Frankly, it sounds to me like the player's doing the exact thing I hate about players who like playing paladins—using the paladin's code as a myopic justification for being a jerk to other players or NPCs so that they can "use the rules to justify being a jerk." I've seen this type of behavior a LOT from paladin players, which is why the class is my least favorite. Paladins are more disruptive than evil PCs by far, and CERTAINLY more disruptive than chaotic PCs.

I found a way around this. By pulling the Lawful Good requirement and stripping mention of Law from the code and making Paladins into an Always Any Good class, a whole lot of the problems with them can be avoided, making the class much more fun for everyone involved.

This particular problem is more a problem of different GMing styles colliding and players being unable to agree on how justified the actions of the Burner sect of Iomedae are and whether a Burner should even be allowed to be a Paladin. The Paladin of Iomedae in question isn't a Player Character, the Paladin of Shelyn is.

Could you tell me more about the Burners of Iomedae? That'd be helpful in figuring this situation out. I'm not sure I understand them well enough.

James Jacobs wrote wrote:

Gregg Helmberger wrote:

Say,what's your current understanding of the shipping schedule on AP installments? I understand about the delay of #5 of Jade Regent (hey, it happens) but that means that you'll need to double up one month if you plan to reveal the first book of Shattered Star in August, as has been your custom. Any idea when that will be?

The reason I'm asking is that I LOVE getting two AP books in the same envelope and I want to know what month to look forward to. :-D

I'm not sure when we'll have "double months" but we'll probably have two of them in the next several months, if all goes well. The AP line suffered some pretty big setbacks to its schedule for various reasons, and we'll be scrambling to get it caught up again, which means there'll be double months at least once and probably twice by Gen Con.

As for what month that occurs... I don't know.

Looking at my subscriptions bar, it's showing the first two adventures of Skull and Shackles as shipping in March. Hope that helps.

Thanks for the opinions, though I wouldn't call this bullying or abuse, at least in the original intentions. The idea of a Paladin versus Paladin conflict is an interesting situation, it just ended up getting taken too far, to the point where the code of conduct ended up at the wayside and the players/GMs all ended up at odds with each other over a contentious issue, and know I need to figure out a way to handle the issue in a way that everybody can abide by.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Could you tell me more about the Burners of Iomedae? That'd be helpful in figuring this situation out. I'm not sure I understand them well enough.

Actually, I can't. I'm not sure where the "Burners" come from. (I have a pretty solid grip on the majority of what's going on in Golarion, but I don't know everything...)

From what I understand, the Burners are a sect of Iomedae that goes around hunting all appearances of demon blood.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Could you tell me more about the Burners of Iomedae? That'd be helpful in figuring this situation out. I'm not sure I understand them well enough.
Actually, I can't. I'm not sure where the "Burners" come from. (I have a pretty solid grip on the majority of what's going on in Golarion, but I don't know everything...)

They appear to come from this web fiction. They also appear to be a heretical sect, and are not a paladin order.

I have a thought. Paladins make good cavalry. One thing cavalry were used for is running down and killing fleeing enemies after their lines broke. Strategically it makes sense. It panics them, making the retreat even more disorganized and making it much harder for them to reorganize afterwards, it solidifies the morale loss from the defeat by making their defeat abundantly clear, and it kills some of them so that they have fewer fit troops when they finally do reorganize. However, Paladins. Now, this situation hasn't come up in one of my games, but if it were to, would a Paladin running down and killing retreating enemy infantry after a military engagement violate the code of conduct (killing people who have given up the fight), or does it fit the bill of acceptable military strategy?

I fixed your Wikipedia entry with the correct age.

Would you have any interest in writing for the Pathfinder comic book? I think your take on the Adventures of Merisiel would be pretty popular -- especially if it can go to PG-13 (at least).

I don't remember if this has been asked yet, but will the PF comics be actively guided by the Paizo staff and treated as canonical, or will it be a typical licensed comic deal where the publisher assembles writers and artists and does their own thing, subject to Paizo's review and sign-off?

deinol wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Could you tell me more about the Burners of Iomedae? That'd be helpful in figuring this situation out. I'm not sure I understand them well enough.
Actually, I can't. I'm not sure where the "Burners" come from. (I have a pretty solid grip on the majority of what's going on in Golarion, but I don't know everything...)
They appear to come from this web fiction. They also appear to be a heretical sect, and are not a paladin order.

Thanks for that. Here is a relevant passage:


He's a Burner, I thought, so startled that I nearly blurted it aloud. I had heard of the Burners, of course—all Iomedaeans had, usually in tones of stark disapproval—but I had never expected to meet one, even though I knew full well that Kenabres was the center of their heresy.

"The Burners are a heresy, but understandably popular in a land at war with the Abyss itself."

Following the teachings of Elder Prelate Hulrun, the Burners made it their mission to extirpate any hint of demonic taint, usually by burning the accused at the stake. (Should the victim turn out to actually be a demon, as evidenced by its resistance to flame, additional methods were employed.) I envied their certainty at times, even as I wondered whether such fanaticism could ever truly serve Iomedae's principles. Rumor had it that they were none too scrupulous about verifying accusations of demon-worship, nor about using torture to wrest the truths they wanted to hear from the mouths of the condemned.

They called themselves Inquisitors. Everyone else knew them as Burners. In Cheliax, they were considered heretics and a disgrace to the Inheritor's name. Here, however, they held considerable power. It was because of the Burners that Kenabres had no cats and was filled with rat-traps. The people weren't starving, as I had first assumed. The Burners, claiming demons would spy on them through the eyes of verminous familiars, had killed all the animals they could catch.

They'd kill people just as readily, given provocation.

Herein lies the issue. The Paladin of Iomedae has every reason to want to kill the tiefling for being a tiefling. Given that they are in the Worldwound her feelings on the issue make perfect sense. However, that doesn't change the fact that the Paladin of Shelyn is in fact Good aligned. My party can't come to an agreement as to how justified the Burner is.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

David Devier wrote:
James Jacobs wrote wrote:

Gregg Helmberger wrote:

Say,what's your current understanding of the shipping schedule on AP installments? I understand about the delay of #5 of Jade Regent (hey, it happens) but that means that you'll need to double up one month if you plan to reveal the first book of Shattered Star in August, as has been your custom. Any idea when that will be?

The reason I'm asking is that I LOVE getting two AP books in the same envelope and I want to know what month to look forward to. :-D

I'm not sure when we'll have "double months" but we'll probably have two of them in the next several months, if all goes well. The AP line suffered some pretty big setbacks to its schedule for various reasons, and we'll be scrambling to get it caught up again, which means there'll be double months at least once and probably twice by Gen Con.

As for what month that occurs... I don't know.

Looking at my subscriptions bar, it's showing the first two adventures of Skull and Shackles as shipping in March. Hope that helps.

Our product schedule remains optimistic until we get better data. Though it's too early to say anything for sure, I strongly suspect that we'll have one double-up month, in August again. We are working hard to catch up sooner, though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
I have a thought. Paladins make good cavalry. One thing cavalry were used for is running down and killing fleeing enemies after their lines broke. Strategically it makes sense. It panics them, making the retreat even more disorganized and making it much harder for them to reorganize afterwards, it solidifies the morale loss from the defeat by making their defeat abundantly clear, and it kills some of them so that they have fewer fit troops when they finally do reorganize. However, Paladins. Now, this situation hasn't come up in one of my games, but if it were to, would a Paladin running down and killing retreating enemy infantry after a military engagement violate the code of conduct (killing people who have given up the fight), or does it fit the bill of acceptable military strategy?

Depends entirely on the situation.

I should note, though, that there's also the cavalier as a class option choice to fill the role of cavalry.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Andrew Crossett wrote:

Would you have any interest in writing for the Pathfinder comic book? I think your take on the Adventures of Merisiel would be pretty popular -- especially if it can go to PG-13 (at least).

I don't remember if this has been asked yet, but will the PF comics be actively guided by the Paizo staff and treated as canonical, or will it be a typical licensed comic deal where the publisher assembles writers and artists and does their own thing, subject to Paizo's review and sign-off?

I certainly would have an interest in writing for the Pathfinder comic, but I'm not sure I have time, and I'm even MORE sure that they're probably looking for a writer with experience in writing for comic books.

We're still working out the details of exactly what progresses with the comic book license, but I suspect at the very least someone here at Paizo will have "script approval" of each issue.

James Jacobs wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
I have a thought. Paladins make good cavalry. One thing cavalry were used for is running down and killing fleeing enemies after their lines broke. Strategically it makes sense. It panics them, making the retreat even more disorganized and making it much harder for them to reorganize afterwards, it solidifies the morale loss from the defeat by making their defeat abundantly clear, and it kills some of them so that they have fewer fit troops when they finally do reorganize. However, Paladins. Now, this situation hasn't come up in one of my games, but if it were to, would a Paladin running down and killing retreating enemy infantry after a military engagement violate the code of conduct (killing people who have given up the fight), or does it fit the bill of acceptable military strategy?

Depends entirely on the situation.

I should note, though, that there's also the cavalier as a class option choice to fill the role of cavalry.

Yes, but Paladins are also good in the role. They can get celestial mounts. Plus, Paladins.

On the subject, how easy is it to succeed on the concentration check for spellcasting on a galloping horse? To clarify, could one build a Wizard or Cleric that wouldn't be constantly failing spells? I want to judge how workable an entire mounted party would be.

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Herein lies the issue. The Paladin of Iomedae has every reason to want to kill the tiefling for being a tiefling.

I disagree. The issue is that a "burner" was allowed to also be a paladin. That doesn't make sense based on the passage you quoted. Were I to be GMing, a burner couldn't be a paladin and probably couldn't be a cleric either. They are clearly only following Iomedae in name only, not in spirit.

drumlord wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Herein lies the issue. The Paladin of Iomedae has every reason to want to kill the tiefling for being a tiefling.
I disagree. The issue is that a "burner" was allowed to also be a paladin. That doesn't make sense based on the passage you quoted. Were I to be GMing, a burner couldn't be a paladin and probably couldn't be a cleric either. They are clearly only following Iomedae in name only, not in spirit.

I somewhat agree with you, but other members of the party do not, including the player who created the Burner Paladin. They feel that the circumstances justify harsh action and Iomedae understands this.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
On the subject, how easy is it to succeed on the concentration check for spellcasting on a galloping horse? To clarify, could one build a Wizard or Cleric that wouldn't be constantly failing spells? I want to judge how workable an entire mounted party would be.

According to page 206, riding a mount is either vigorous motion (for normal riding) or violent motion (for fast/galloping riding).

James Jacobs wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
On the subject, how easy is it to succeed on the concentration check for spellcasting on a galloping horse? To clarify, could one build a Wizard or Cleric that wouldn't be constantly failing spells? I want to judge how workable an entire mounted party would be.
According to page 206, riding a mount is either vigorous motion (for normal riding) or violent motion (for fast/galloping riding).

I understand the penalties, but how easy would it be to create a character who almost never fails spells do to them?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

By the way... I've officially lost interest in the "what is and isn't a paladin?" discussion. Feel free to take that conversation to another thread... but let's keep this thread to the topic of questions, please.

Okay, cool. I'll just drop it. Outside of this thread it's a flame war waiting to happen (I don't post Pally threads any more).

Change of subject. South Park. Do you like South Park? How do you feel about the coming South Park video game?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
On the subject, how easy is it to succeed on the concentration check for spellcasting on a galloping horse? To clarify, could one build a Wizard or Cleric that wouldn't be constantly failing spells? I want to judge how workable an entire mounted party would be.
According to page 206, riding a mount is either vigorous motion (for normal riding) or violent motion (for fast/galloping riding).
I understand the penalties, but how easy would it be to create a character who almost never fails spells do to them?

Sounds like a better question to ask on one of the optimization threads, frankly. There are plenty of ways that you can numbercrunch a character to do anything, and the folks on those boards are really good at it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

Okay, cool. I'll just drop it. Outside of this thread it's a flame war waiting to happen (I don't post Pally threads any more).

Change of subject. South Park. Do you like South Park? How do you feel about the coming South Park video game?

Paladins are highly combustable, it's true. Reason #5 why I kinda wish they'd go away.

I've seen several episodes of South Park, but I'm not that big a fan. Maybe some day. For the longest time I hated Family Guy, but sometime about 2 months ago that changed, and I'm now a huge Family Guy fan. I might change my opinion in a similar way about South Park in the future, but for now I'm just kinda annoyed by it. Mostly because the cheap looking animation style really rubs me the wrong way.

James Jacobs wrote:
I've seen several episodes of South Park, but I'm not that big a fan. Maybe some day. For the longest time I hated Family Guy, but sometime about 2 months ago that changed, and I'm now a huge Family Guy fan. I might change my opinion in a similar way about South Park in the future, but for now I'm just kinda annoyed by it. Mostly because the cheap looking animation style really rubs me the wrong way.

That's not surprising, given how you also didn't like the Order of the Stick. I'm personally a fan of South Park, but not of Family Guy (this used to be reversed). I switched my stances on the shows because I think that South Park aged much better than Family did, plus I also find South Park to have a better quality of humor; South Park's seasons are stronger as a whole, and Family Guy ran into this rut around Season 6 or 7 where the jokes just stopped being funny to me.

I have to admit, I'm a little surprised that the visual style of something seems to appeal to you more than the quality of the comedy or writing, but hey, I don't want to be putting words into your mouth, and I suppose that you might enjoy Family Guy's writing/stories more than South Park's. It's all a matter of opinion when you come down to it.

I think the last joke on Family Guy to actually make me laugh was in this episode where Brian goes to New York after writing a best selling Self-Help book. Acting like a pompous celebrity, he points to a regular bowl of M&Ms and says "Eh, I asked specifically for no gray M&Ms ... and they're all gray." I have to admit, THAT joke was well played.

Since I'm in the subject, what's your favorite comedy Movie / TV show / stand-up comedian?

About how long has it been since the elves of Kyonin last faced Treerazer in direct combat?

Has the current queen of Kyonin faced Treerazer in direct combat?

Is Ustalav in general F. Wesley Schnieder's pet region? Are there other parts of Golarian you'd consider claimed by your co-workers? Which ones by whom?

Would Eando Kline have been an archeologist bard if the archetype had existed when he was first written up?

Are you familiar with The Romance of the Three Kingdoms? Whether from the actual novel, or from TecmoKoei's games?

Who was responsible for Sun Wukong being in the Tian Xia pantheon? Because that's awesome. Also, have you read Journey to the West?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Golden-Esque wrote:
Since I'm in the subject, what's your favorite comedy Movie / TV show / stand-up comedian?

I don't really have one. Bill Cosby, maybe? I don't really follow comedians much, so I kinda fall back on Cosby since I was a huge fan of him growing up.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Zhangar wrote:
About how long has it been since the elves of Kyonin last faced Treerazer in direct combat?

There are skirmishes between Tanglebriar and Kyonin all the time. Treerazer periodically takes part. I would say it's probably been no more than a year (probably less) since the last time Treerazer showed up to kill him some elves.

Zhangar wrote:
Has the current queen of Kyonin faced Treerazer in direct combat?


Zhangar wrote:
Is Ustalav in general F. Wesley Schnieder's pet region? Are there other parts of Golarian you'd consider claimed by your co-workers? Which ones by whom?

Yes; Ustalav is Wes's playground. Hermea and Kaer-Maga are James Sutters'. Rahadoum is Jason Bulmahn's. Nex is Erik Mona's. Mine is Varisia and Mediogalti Island. Rob's got significant claim on the Shackles.

Zhangar wrote:
Would Eando Kline have been an archeologist bard if the archetype had existed when he was first written up?

Probably not. My opinion—archetypes are more for players, not for NPCs.

Zhangar wrote:
Are you familiar with The Romance of the Three Kingdoms? Whether from the actual novel, or from TecmoKoei's games?

I'm vaguely familiar with it.

Zhangar wrote:
Who was responsible for Sun Wukong being in the Tian Xia pantheon? Because that's awesome. Also, have you read Journey to the West?

Rob did almost all of the Tian Xia pantheon—the only deities he didn't build up from scratch there are the ones who drifted in from the Inner Sea region and Shiziru, who Mike McArtor created and I started work on development a little bit before Rob took over. I haven't read Journey to the West.

What is an appropriate reaction to having your character openly betrayed by the rest of the adventuring party?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
What is an appropriate reaction to having your character openly betrayed by the rest of the adventuring party?


Hay James,

What is the average lifespan of a Tiefling in Golarion? is it similar to a human or closer to a half-elves?

On average what percentage of the core 20 deities are drawn from folkloric roots and inspirations and what percentage are completely original ideas from you and/or the other Paizo staff.

What method do you use to come up with fantasy names for things?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
What is an appropriate reaction to having your character openly betrayed by the rest of the adventuring party?

That'd be appealing if my current status wasn't "pile of smoldering ashes".

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
What is an appropriate reaction to having your character openly betrayed by the rest of the adventuring party?
That'd be appealing if my current status wasn't "pile of smoldering ashes".

Petition your Diety for a second chance to bring the evildoers (your party) to justice.

Dark Archive

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
What is an appropriate reaction to having your character openly betrayed by the rest of the adventuring party?
That'd be appealing if my current status wasn't "pile of smoldering ashes".

Find a new group

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
What is an appropriate reaction to having your character openly betrayed by the rest of the adventuring party?

Depends on the setup and how comfortable you are with your gaming buddies and how much you want to stay with that group. I sort of had this happen to a character I was playing—a good-aligned bard in a group of players who were either openly delighted with their abiltiy to work with undead using animate dead (evil) or who were apathetic with regard to alignment. My good-guy guard grew more and more distressed with the group, and eventually he just took off in the middle of the night and I made a new character to replace him who fit with the group's theme of apathetic evil better (a kind of psychopathic human-hating not-quite-serial-killer-but-close ranger).

If your character is betrayed by the rest of the group... look at the reasons, in other words. If it was because your character simply didn't fit the group's theme, then retire that character (either by attacking the group/defending herself from the group or by simply leaving the group for other opportunities) and make a new character that fits the group's theme. If the character was betrayed becasue of bullying or immaturity or because the players are unable to separate their own problems from the game or whatever... leave your character behind... the PLAYER in this case should leave the group.

(And whatever the case, work with the GM on figuring out your decision—in the case of "ther'es no GM because EVERYONE is the GM," you're kinda screwed there in that there's no clear arbiter of the situation, which is bad for RPGs.)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

SquishyPoetFromBeyondTheStars wrote:

Hay James,

What is the average lifespan of a Tiefling in Golarion? is it similar to a human or closer to a half-elves?

On average what percentage of the core 20 deities are drawn from folkloric roots and inspirations and what percentage are completely original ideas from you and/or the other Paizo staff.

What method do you use to come up with fantasy names for things?

Tieflings live more or less as long as humans.

Of the core 20 deities in the Inner Sea region... only two of them are drawn from real-world folklore: Lamashtu and Asmodeus. All the others are invented—inspired in many cases by real wold people or myths or stories, but invented nonetheless. About 2/3 of those were invented by me for my homebrew setting—I gave them to Golarion.

There's no one method I use to come up with fantasy names. Sometimes I spell words backwards and/or then scramble them. Sometimes I use online name generators. Sometimes I "borrow" names from the real world or other cultures, often with a slight change to spelling. And sometimes I just make the name up out of nothing other than imagination.

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