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Liberty's Edge

BoEF wasted a good opportunity for great art by using the photos. I still crack it open from time to time, usually to see if my players are impregnating their cohorts (our games have time skips usually). Some of the monsters are cool too, bliss motes come to mind. The 100 campaign seeds had some nice gems too.

Ultimate Sex probably not a good title though =p

James Jacobs wrote:

For Conan, there's one local theater that was doing a 2D screening in the middle of the day, but said theater is a multiplex and I'm wary that they actually bother to send up someone who knows what they're doing regarding...

Yeah I had no interest in Conan even before that bad reviews came in. I love the original with The Governator, and I tend to hate remakes. There was nothing wrong with the old Conan the Barbarian. At first Fright Night I also had no interest in, although now with a few of the reviews I am thinking it might be good as long as I don't try too hard to compare it to the original. But like the new Nightmare and new Friday the 13th? Nightmare I hated (Freddy is and always will be Robert Englund for me) and the new Friday was good for the first 15 min or so, then he killed America Olivio and the movie got boring.

Oh I have a fun question... If there was a Golarion movie, who would be your dream cast for the iconics? Doesn't have to be ALL of them, just the ones you can think of quickly, don't expect you to spend hours thinking about this heh.

"Kiss of the first world" from innersea magic is one that comes to mind. I know I saw more than that one it might have been a class ability instead of a spell.

So the first world is infused with positive energy just like the plane of shadows has negative energy.

I would gues that the Cold rider would be the one to get translated to pathfinder correct?

Can the positive energy plane kill by filling you with to much life energy like it could in 3.5?

You mean like Godzilla(and rest of them), Predater, Xenomorphs from alein series, Gremlins, Critters, The Thing, "It", etc.?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:

You ever play Battletech? I managed to avoid it for lo these 20 years, and I just now picked it up.

Ever had a game like that, a sleeper?

I used to play Battletech every week back in High School. It's great fun!

I once spent a week in Chicago and got to the FASA Battletech Center which had a whole cluster of pods. Depending on the degree of simulation chosen, the units had about as many working controls as a jet fighter.

I assume the place went under with FASA itself though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Steve Geddes wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
No... the low-level/mid-level/high-level sections in Lost Cities took up too much room that could have been devoted to detailing more about the locations. I'd rather give more info about the lost empires that would allow GMs to build their own adventures from that info themselves.

I expect that will broaden it's appeal, even if it is slightly disappointing to me.

(Posts in this thread dont have to be questions do they?)

(Nope, but if they're not questions I usually don't answer them.)

About how long would it take a fast ship, under good conditons to go from Absalom to the Isle the Red Mantises have their base on?(can't spell it lol)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

nohar wrote:

1) in Golarion did birds evolve from dinosaurs? and if so does that mean that both the tengu and stryx are technically dinosaur pc races?

2) why isn't there a single stryx avatar?

3) are there any locations other than Cheliax with colonies of stryx? I created a forest colony in the river kingdoms for my Kingmaker character but i was wondering if there were any others in the canon.

4) what is the difference between the goals of Groetus and Rovagug? Seems to me they both want to destroy reality.

5) do you know why Paizo seems to be keeping silent on the reported issues with Ultimate Combat (missing feats, confusing wording, etc.)? It seems like you guys are pretty good at responding to questions and issues in the errata threads for most of the other books, but i dont remember seeing a single official comment for any of the questions in the Ultimate Combat errata thread.

6) if a living creature visits the positive energy plane are they effectively immortal? since positive energy heals it seems like you would constantly be at full hp...

7) you've stated elsewhere that you have no intentions of doing anymore AP hardcovers like the updated RotRL...would it be possible to reissue pfrpg-updated individual softcover APs for the pre-pfrpg ones? I'm thinking especially Second Darkness since you've stated multiple times how you wished you'd done certain elements of it differently.

i know others have said it but i'd like to say thank you James for taking the time to answer all of our questions (even if you are getting paid for it hehe)...i think it's cool that a company can make it a priority to be so engaged with its customers and fans.

1) Maybe. Depends on if you think dinosaurs themselves evolved on Golarion or if they were created a lot sooner by the gods or aboleths or elder things. That's not an answer we've yet set in stone.

2) Because we've only illustrated a stryx once, and as such when the avatar creators go through the literally hundreds, if not thousands of avatar choices, they just didn't see that one illustration or they DID see it and decided not to use it.

3) There probably are, but they wouldn't be as big as the stryx colonies of western Cheliax. To date, we've not done an awful lot with stryx in canon.

4) Groetus represents the pessimistic view that there's nothing to be done to stop the end of the world, but does not actively seek to speed that event along. Rovagug doesn't necessarilly want to cause the end of the world (he's more about disaster and destruction—two things you can't do anymore when it's all over), but DOES enjoy the prospect of an apocalypse and actively encourages events leading up to such. AKA: the difference between neutral and evil.

5) I didn't get the feeling that folks were "keeping silent." I do know that the design team is still deep in convention season—they, more than anyone else at Paizo, get their schedules all messed up by things like Origins, Gen Con, PAX, Dragoncon, and the like, it seems. And that means that during convention season, they don't have as much time to do their day jobs, so the part that gets shelved is not their primary task of designing stuff... but other things, like maintaining messageboard presence. It's CERTAINLY why they aren't in the errata threads replying to posts... but that certainly doesn't mean that they're ignoring them. One of the great things about errata threads is that they work perfectly as places to collect possible errors and hold them in stasis, essentially, until we have the time to go in there and work with the issues.

As for the errors in Ultimate Combat (and those in Ultimate Magic as well)... they depress and frustrate and annoy me and the rest of us. We've looked at how and why those errors got into those books, and in most cases I think we've identified why and how they showed up—those aren't things we need or want to make public, necessarily, since airing dirty laundry in public is crass and lame and unprofessional. We are taking steps to correct the problems in future books, though... but as Paizo becomes more successful and becomes a bigger company, it becomes more and more difficult for us to address such problems in a swift manner. I certainly HOPE that the next hardcover we release, Bestiary 3, will have fewer errors and issues with it.

But yes, I know why we haven't had a big presence in those threads—it's because we're still busy with other stuff for a few more weeks while the convention season winds down and while we focus on making upcoming books have FEWER errors.

6) The Positive Energy Plane grants fast healing 5. If you're brought down to negative hit points equal to your Constitution by damage, you die—fast healing can't help you there. Furthermore, if you are on the Positive Energy Plane at maximum hp, you gain temporary hit points and each round you have those "bonus hp" you have to make a DC 20 Fortitude save or the overdose of life basically explodes you and transforms your body into raw positive energy. So... no. Being on the Positive Energy Plane does not make you immortal. It will very quickly kill you. (See GameMastery Guide, page 187.)

7) Unlikely—not impossible, but quite unlikely. We still have PLENTY of Second Darkness in print, for one thing. One of several reasons we decided to do the RotR hardcover (apart from it being a great way to celebrate Paizo's 10th anniversary and Pathfinder's 5th) is the simple fact that we're almost sold out of every single copy of Rise of the Runelords. Unlike all other APs, it's essentially gone from shelves. So... by those metrics, in order for us to do a hardcover copy of, say, Second Darkness, we'd need another big anniversary AND to be sold out of that entire AP. Neither of those things will be happening soon, since after we saw how well Runelords was doing back in the day, we got a LOT better at ordering print runs that will last.

AND: Thanks! Glad to answer the questions!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

AbsolutGrndZer0 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

For Conan, there's one local theater that was doing a 2D screening in the middle of the day, but said theater is a multiplex and I'm wary that they actually bother to send up someone who knows what they're doing regarding...

Yeah I had no interest in Conan even before that bad reviews came in. I love the original with The Governator, and I tend to hate remakes. There was nothing wrong with the old Conan the Barbarian. At first Fright Night I also had no interest in, although now with a few of the reviews I am thinking it might be good as long as I don't try too hard to compare it to the original. But like the new Nightmare and new Friday the 13th? Nightmare I hated (Freddy is and always will be Robert Englund for me) and the new Friday was good for the first 15 min or so, then he killed America Olivio and the movie got boring.

Oh I have a fun question... If there was a Golarion movie, who would be your dream cast for the iconics? Doesn't have to be ALL of them, just the ones you can think of quickly, don't expect you to spend hours thinking about this heh.

Not all remakes are bad. They just tend to be, because movies that remain popular long enough for folks to remember them and want to remake them 10, 20, or 30 years later self-select to be GREAT movies by visionary directors and writers and great actors and so on. So the deck's stacked against the remake being as good from the start. Combine that with the fact that remakes generally don't attract visionary directors to make them—they're almost always studio projects and get handed to new, untried, or workman directors, and as a result never have the chance to become anything more than a cash grab by the studio.

There are exceptions. Lots of them. "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is the latest—a remake that is superior to the original "Rise" in every single possible way.

I do agree, though, that the recent remake of Nightmare on Elm Street was terrible. As in, it was the worst movie of the year.

If there was a Golarion movie... I'd cast the iconics as (sorry if I misspell any names...):

Valeros: Ray Stevenson
Seoni: Scarlett Johansen
Merisiel: Keira Knightly
Kyra: Rose McGowan
Ezren: Terrane Stamp
Harsk: Bruce Willis (CGI'd out)
Seelah: Zoe Saldana
Lem: Peter Dinklage
Amiri: Michelle Rodriguez
Lini: Mila Jojovich (CGI'd down in size)
Sajan: Idris Elba
Seltyiel: Cillian Murphy
Alain: Brad Pitt
Feyia: Eihi Shiina
Imrijka: Angelina Jolie (CGI'd up in size)
Damiel: Jared Leto
Alhazra: Salma Hayek
Balazar: Brad Dourif (CGI'd down in size)
Hayato: Ken Watanabe
Lirianne: Kate Beckinsale
Reiko: Ziyi Zhang

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

"Kiss of the first world" from innersea magic is one that comes to mind. I know I saw more than that one it might have been a class ability instead of a spell.

So the first world is infused with positive energy just like the plane of shadows has negative energy.

I would gues that the Cold rider would be the one to get translated to pathfinder correct?

Can the positive energy plane kill by filling you with to much life energy like it could in 3.5?

You mean like Godzilla(and rest of them), Predater, Xenomorphs from alein series, Gremlins, Critters, The Thing, "It", etc.?

Kiss of the First World is an unusual spell... but in any case, the First World is sort of the opposite of the Shadow Plane. It's very infused with Positive Energy.

Yup; see the GameMastery Guide (or my post a few above) for how the Positive Energy Plane can blow you up.

And yup.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LazarX wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:

You ever play Battletech? I managed to avoid it for lo these 20 years, and I just now picked it up.

Ever had a game like that, a sleeper?

I used to play Battletech every week back in High School. It's great fun!

I once spent a week in Chicago and got to the FASA Battletech Center which had a whole cluster of pods. Depending on the degree of simulation chosen, the units had about as many working controls as a jet fighter.

I assume the place went under with FASA itself though.

Actually, those Battletech pods, or ones very much like them, ended up at the Flagship WotC store in the University District of Seattle. I got to try them out several times. The pods have shown up at Gen Con now and then as well. Good stuff!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:


About how long would it take a fast ship, under good conditons to go from Absalom to the Isle the Red Mantises have their base on?(can't spell it lol)

My super rough guess would be that it's about a 2,660 mile journey.

And since Table 7–9 of the core rulebook lists sailing ships as going 48 miles per day...

That sounds like a 55 day journey. Assuming 2 day resupply/layovers in Sothis, Merab, and Corentyn, that'd be about a 2 month voyage. Assuming no pirates, sea monsters, or side quests.

Speaking of avatars a few posts back: Do you happen to know what product originally featured my avatar artwork, and who drew it? I've never noticed it in any Pathfinder books before, but would probably try to pick up a copy for posterity if I had any idea. Thanks!

Dark Archive

so if mortals blow up in the positive energy plane... do undead blow up in the negative energy plane?

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:

Seoni: Scarlett Johansen

Merisiel: Keira Knightly
Kyra: Rose McGowan
Ezren: Terrane Stamp
Lini: Mila Jojovich (CGI'd down in size)
Alain: Brad Pitt
Feyia: Eihi Shiina
Imrijka: Angelina Jolie (CGI'd up in size)
Damiel: Jared Leto

We apparently have very similar taste...

Is this (just the one post) what would have happened had Mr Pett or Mr Louge written burnt offerings?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Power Word Unzip wrote:
Speaking of avatars a few posts back: Do you happen to know what product originally featured my avatar artwork, and who drew it? I've never noticed it in any Pathfinder books before, but would probably try to pick up a copy for posterity if I had any idea. Thanks!

Yours is from the Harrow Deck. Kyle Hunter is the artist.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ulgulanoth wrote:
so if mortals blow up in the positive energy plane... do undead blow up in the negative energy plane?

Nope. They gain no particular benefit from being there, actually, aside from being immune to the round-by-round level drain.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Nevynxxx wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Seoni: Scarlett Johansen

Merisiel: Keira Knightly
Kyra: Rose McGowan
Ezren: Terrane Stamp
Lini: Mila Jojovich (CGI'd down in size)
Alain: Brad Pitt
Feyia: Eihi Shiina
Imrijka: Angelina Jolie (CGI'd up in size)
Damiel: Jared Leto

We apparently have very similar taste...

Is this (just the one post) what would have happened had Mr Pett or Mr Louge written burnt offerings?

That's more or less the implication... so maybe.

Dear James Jacobs:

Do you use any 3rd Party Material in your Pathfinder games? If so, what are your top 10 (11 if you feel like going one step beyond everyone else) favorite 3rd Party Products.

And no, Dungeons and Dragons stuff from Wizards of the Coast doesn't count as more than a single entry! xD

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:

Valeros: Ray Stevenson

Seoni: Scarlett Johansen
Merisiel: Keira Knightly
Kyra: Rose McGowan
Ezren: Terrane Stamp
Harsk: Bruce Willis (CGI'd out)
Seelah: Zoe Saldana
Lem: Peter Dinklage
Amiri: Michelle Rodriguez
Lini: Mila Jojovich (CGI'd down in size)
Sajan: Idris Elba
Seltyiel: Cillian Murphy
Alain: Brad Pitt
Feyia: Eihi Shiina
Imrijka: Angelina Jolie (CGI'd up in size)
Damiel: Jared Leto
Alhazra: Salma Hayek
Balazar: Brad Dourif (CGI'd down in size)
Hayato: Ken Watanabe
Lirianne: Kate Beckinsale
Reiko: Ziyi Zhang

We need someone to work on this, fast!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Golden-Esque wrote:

Dear James Jacobs:

Do you use any 3rd Party Material in your Pathfinder games? If so, what are your top 10 (11 if you feel like going one step beyond everyone else) favorite 3rd Party Products.

And no, Dungeons and Dragons stuff from Wizards of the Coast doesn't count as more than a single entry! xD

I do.

I'll be running "Necropolis" for two groups here at Paizo (one on Thursday evenings, one on Wednesday evenings on alternating weeks) starting this Thursday for one. I also use the Tome of Horrors a lot, as well as lots of Green Ronin books (particularly the Advanced Bestiary and Book of Fiends). I've also used stuff from Open Design, Bastion Press, Goodman Games, and of course Wizards of the Coast.

My top 10 3rd party publishers for d20/Pathfinder product would be (in no particular order, and including some I haven't used in a while):

1) Green Ronin
2) Frog God Games
3) Necromancer Games
4) Wizards of the Coast
5) Bastion Press
6) Goodman Games
7) Fantasy Flight
8) Open Design
9) Malhavoc Press
10) And Wayfinder, of course!

Dark Archive

I have a large number of Fantasy Flight's books, but I haven't used anything beyond Midnight campaign setting, which is excellent. Which gamebooks by them would you recommend?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

nightflier wrote:
I have a large number of Fantasy Flight's books, but I haven't used anything beyond Midnight campaign setting, which is excellent. Which gamebooks by them would you recommend?

Midnight is a great read, first of all, and even if one doesn't use mechanics from it, it's inspiring.

I've used monsters from some of their older monster books, and some prestige classes from their hardcover Legends & Lairs books before. It's been YEARS since then, though, so I can't remember the details.

If you are in the same building as Sean, may I suggest taking him a relaxing drink (No caffeine) and let him rant at you for 5 minutes about people wanting their characters to be able to do everything. Also please remind him that he (and the rest of the people at Paizo) have made a great game that a lot of people enjoy - we don't just sit on the forums arguing about the number of angels that can dance on a pin head.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
David Thomassen wrote:
we don't just sit on the forums arguing about the number of angels that can dance on a pin head.

Anyway it's 5.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

David Thomassen wrote:


If you are in the same building as Sean, may I suggest taking him a relaxing drink (No caffeine) and let him rant at you for 5 minutes about people wanting their characters to be able to do everything. Also please remind him that he (and the rest of the people at Paizo) have made a great game that a lot of people enjoy - we don't just sit on the forums arguing about the number of angels that can dance on a pin head.

I am indeed in the same building as Sean. I've been at ground zero for many of his rants, and he's been at ground zero for probably MORE of my rants. He certainly knows that folks overall love the game and that the relatively few vocal "bad apples" or complainers or grievers or whatever shouldn't be taken as the norm. In fact, his trial by fire as the TSR online rep back in the day probably taught him that right quick.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Lincoln wrote:
David Thomassen wrote:
we don't just sit on the forums arguing about the number of angels that can dance on a pin head.
Anyway it's 5.

Pinhead is certainly big enough for a lot more than 5 angels to dance on.

Is that an official ruling for Golarion?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Lincoln wrote:
Is that an official ruling for Golarion?

Since Pinhead himself is the intellectual property of Miramax or whatever movie studio currently holds the Hellraiser franchise rights...

Nope. Not official at all. Nothing to see here! Move along!

How many angels can dance on on Zon-Kuthon's head then?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:
David Thomassen wrote:
we don't just sit on the forums arguing about the number of angels that can dance on a pin head.
Anyway it's 5.
Pinhead is certainly big enough for a lot more than 5 angels to dance on.

Is Pinhead the Herald of Zon-Kuthon?


Does charitable giving, as a general rule, make Abadar unhappy? Or is he just neutral on the whole matter? Is it more okay, in his estimation, if you're giving to something that helps promote city growth?

For that matter, what's his stance on avarice for avarice's sake? Inquiring minds of oracles who like Abadar (as far as deities go) want to know.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Lincoln wrote:
How many angels can dance on on Zon-Kuthon's head then?

It's impossible to tell since he keeps catching them, cutting off their wings, pulling off strips of skin, and hanging them in the hungry ant chamber.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:
David Thomassen wrote:
we don't just sit on the forums arguing about the number of angels that can dance on a pin head.
Anyway it's 5.
Pinhead is certainly big enough for a lot more than 5 angels to dance on.
Is Pinhead the Herald of Zon-Kuthon?

Nope. The Prince in Chains is. (Pathfinder #11)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dumb Paladin wrote:


Does charitable giving, as a general rule, make Abadar unhappy? Or is he just neutral on the whole matter? Is it more okay, in his estimation, if you're giving to something that helps promote city growth?

For that matter, what's his stance on avarice for avarice's sake? Inquiring minds of oracles who like Abadar (as far as deities go) want to know.

Doesn't make him unhappy at all, especially when, by charity and giving, you might enable someone to rejoin society and help build it up where before they could not do so.

It's when you go overboard and forget that there's more to being nice in society that Abadar gets frustrated.

Avarice is commendable, as long as it's not taken to extreme and/or results direclty in broken laws.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:

Amiri: Michelle Rodriguez

Why do you want Amiri to die in the movie?! ;_;

Liberty's Edge

Evil Lincoln wrote:
David Thomassen wrote:
we don't just sit on the forums arguing about the number of angels that can dance on a pin head.
Anyway it's 5.

The answer is 42!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mikaze wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Amiri: Michelle Rodriguez

Why do you want Amiri to die in the movie?! ;_;

Because that's kind of what barbarians do?

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:

5) Imperial dragons ... alignments are LG, CG, N, LE, CE.

7) Death, from Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics.

I like the alignments you set for the Imperial Dragons.

I love the idea of Neil Gaiman's The Endless. In fact that mythology should be what gods in an adult campaign should strive for.

If you were to create Dream's portfolio, (sub) domains, favoured weapon, allowable armour, and special traits, what would they be?

James Jacobs wrote:
10) There are quite a few creatrues from myth that I'd not want to stat up ... because they're X-rated... more so than a succubus, in fact.

Could you please name an example ?

Growing up in the 80's when I thought of a succubus I always imagined they looked like Patsy Kensit from Lethal Weapon 2.

The Exchange

Hello again James.

I'm planning a character for Carrion Crown (which I'm super excited about) and had a few questions about Changelings.

Do changelings become Hags in latter life? If so, at what age does this happen?

Hags swap their changeling children for real children and eat them. How does Ustalav view changelings because of this? How would they be treated?

What is the Pharasman view on Changelings and Hags?

Any other interesting info I should know about them?

1)The "Dream wolf" was mentioned in the guide to darkmoon vale, is it the pathfinder version of the "Moon dog"?

2)Are there any dragons, other than linnorms, that have multiple heads?

3)Will there be more drakes in the beastairy 3? Storm/thunder drake?

4)If you guys do a psionics book how many new classes will there be?

5)Have you seen "Sucker punch" yet? if so did you like it?

6)If the positive energy plane is that dangerous(just like 3.5) then there wouldn't be that many native species that live long enough to matter then right?

7)Since there hasn't been a (demi)plane of radaince mentioned is it safe to assume that there is no such place in pathfinder?

8)Why not stat up the "Jack o lope" it is no sillier looking than the Flumph, Al miraj, or Digester?

9)Do incorporeal creatures take the full effects of positive and negative energy or are they halved?

10)Will we get any more previews for the linnorm kings guide?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
If you were to create Dream's portfolio, (sub) domains, favoured weapon, allowable armour, and special traits, what would they be?

Domains: Darkness, Knowledge, Madness, Repose

Subdomains: Memory, Night, Nightmares, Dreams*

* A new subdomain that I'd make up just for him.

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Could you please name an example ?

To use a monster that many gamers know about, take the kappa from Japanese myth.

It supposedly eats "a magical ball out of the rectum of its victim," or something like that.
The kappa is otherwise a perfectly usable mythological monster, apart from that. There are plenty of monsters that aren't—
like the monster that looks like a dude crawling on all fours but has an eye between the cheeks instead of an anus.

Just as in RPGs, not all monsters from myth are equally "cool."

Paizo Employee Creative Director

kingpin wrote:

Hello again James.

I'm planning a character for Carrion Crown (which I'm super excited about) and had a few questions about Changelings.

Do changelings become Hags in latter life? If so, at what age does this happen?

Hags swap their changeling children for real children and eat them. How does Ustalav view changelings because of this? How would they be treated?

What is the Pharasman view on Changelings and Hags?

Any other interesting info I should know about them?

Changelings stay changelings their whole lives, as far as I know. Ustalav probably has a lot of anger and suspicion toward changelings. Pharasmins don't have any particularly view on hags, with the exception of night hags, whom they hate hate hate for their soul stealing habits.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

1)The "Dream wolf" was mentioned in the guide to darkmoon vale, is it the pathfinder version of the "Moon dog"?

2)Are there any dragons, other than linnorms, that have multiple heads?

3)Will there be more drakes in the beastairy 3? Storm/thunder drake?

4)If you guys do a psionics book how many new classes will there be?

5)Have you seen "Sucker punch" yet? if so did you like it?

6)If the positive energy plane is that dangerous(just like 3.5) then there wouldn't be that many native species that live long enough to matter then right?

7)Since there hasn't been a (demi)plane of radaince mentioned is it safe to assume that there is no such place in pathfinder?

8)Why not stat up the "Jack o lope" it is no sillier looking than the Flumph, Al miraj, or Digester?

9)Do incorporeal creatures take the full effects of positive and negative energy or are they halved?

10)Will we get any more previews for the linnorm kings guide?

1) No. It SHOULD have been a new monster in that book, though... alas, that wasn't a direction the author took things. If I were submitted this book today, I'd either require the author to provide a new monster for said "dream wolf," would make it up myself, or I would either change the name or otherwise explain what the thing actually is in the context of available monsters in the bestiaries we already had. But that was back in the early days when I was focused 100% on the Adventure Paths—we were still learning the ropes.

2) Yes.

3) Yes, but I'm not saying what kind yet.

4) There's little more complicated a task for a designer than to design a base class... but designing psionics would probably come close. As a result, I would guess that we'd keep the new base classes in a psionics book to as low a number as possible simply so we could actually create the book without taking years to do it. It's far far far too soon to speculate really, though.

5) Haven't seen "Sucker Punch" yet. I'm wary of any movie that looks like it SHOULD be rated R but is instead rated PG-13.

6) Correct, which is the main reason you don't see many native monsters to that plane popping up in our bestiaries.

7) No such plane. That, and all of the paraelemental and quasielemental planes start to tread a bit too close to Wizards of the Coast's intellectual property, for one.

8) We haven't statted up an al-mi-raj or a digester yet either. We did the flumph merely because we were doing a book whose entire point was to try to "redeem" silly monsters from the game's past, and any such book that DIDN'T have the flumph in it would have been (rightly) regarded as having made a terrible error.

9) They take full effects in my games, but the rules are frustratingly vague on whether or not that was the intent.

10) Maybe.

Sucker punch has a R rated extended version on blue ray. You will ether love or hate this movie.

I would like to see at least one rabbit based monster of course the Al-mi-raj is much more interesting to me that a Jack o lope.

1)Why doesn't the Giant cockroach have a disease special ability?

2)why does the Leach swarm have a poison attack?

3)Is the "Moon dog" still owned by wizards of the coast?

4)If Golarion is the same size as eath then the planets Aballon, Castrovel, Akiton are about the same size as Mercury, Venus, and Mars right? But what about the size of rest of the planets?

5)Why call Golarion's star the "Sun"? What is the name of Golarion's the solar system? What is the name of the galaxy it is in?

6)How many moons does Aballon, Castrovel, and Akiton have? if any do they have names?

7)If we can't have a dire weasal how about a giant weasal or giant mongoose?

8)How about a baby rust monster swarm that live on there mother's back like scorpions do?

9)Why not list a creatures diet like in 2nd edition such as carnivorous, scavenger, emotions, souls, energy, etc.?

10)I liked the first world versions of monsters in kingmaker any chance of seeing more?


My players recently looked at one of the Great Old Ones for a second. Of course, I don't want them to fall into absolute madness immediately, but I still would like their minds to slip.

What are some good ways that you recommend or have used before to slowly drive them down the road that is insanity?

donato wrote:

My players recently looked at one of the Great Old Ones for a second. Of course, I don't want them to fall into absolute madness immediately, but I still would like their minds to slip.

What are some good ways that you recommend or have used before to slowly drive them down the road that is insanity?

The GameMastery Guide has some pretty good rules for going insane. You could check those out.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

Sucker punch has a R rated extended version on blue ray. You will ether love or hate this movie.

I would like to see at least one rabbit based monster of course the Al-mi-raj is much more interesting to me that a Jack o lope.

1)Why doesn't the Giant cockroach have a disease special ability?

2)why does the Leach swarm have a poison attack?

3)Is the "Moon dog" still owned by wizards of the coast?

4)If Golarion is the same size as eath then the planets Aballon, Castrovel, Akiton are about the same size as Mercury, Venus, and Mars right? But what about the size of rest of the planets?

5)Why call Golarion's star the "Sun"? What is the name of Golarion's the solar system? What is the name of the galaxy it is in?

6)How many moons does Aballon, Castrovel, and Akiton have? if any do they have names?

7)If we can't have a dire weasal how about a giant weasal or giant mongoose?

8)How about a baby rust monster swarm that live on there mother's back like scorpions do?

9)Why not list a creatures diet like in 2nd edition such as carnivorous, scavenger, emotions, souls, energy, etc.?

10)I liked the first world versions of monsters in kingmaker any chance of seeing more?

1) Because it's too low CR and already does enough for a creature of that CR.

2) Because there's no real-world analogue for what the Pathfinder leach swarm does, we get to be creative with its powers, and giving it poison helps cement it as a CR 4 threat (otherwise its damage alone would be low).

3) The Tome of Horrors has an OGL version of the moon dog.

4) We haven't 100% nailed down the sizes of the other planets yet. That comes next year, in "Distant Worlds." They're not ALL exact analogues of the real world—the further from Earth/Golarion we get, the more we can get creative and crazy.

5) Because that's what we call our own sun; same reason we call Golarion's moon the "moon." Because it's easier to say "The sun rises" than, say, "Somavaxus rises." Everyone knows what a sun is. Not everyone would know what a Somavaxus is. Golarion's solar system doesn't have a name other than "the solar system." We won't identify which galaxy it's in because we simultaneously want to preserve the possibility that it's in the Milky Way or Andromeda or something like that without nailing that down in print, so each GM can decide on their own.

6) See the upcoming "Distant Worlds," a book that's not yet been through development and so those numbers and names are not set in stone, yet.

7) Perhaps someday. Haven't statted them up yet, but some day I can see us needing a giant weasel or a giant mongoose.

8) Since folks don't use weapons on swarms, making a rust monster swarm is kind of self-defeating.

9) Because this is Pathfinder, not 2nd edition. We have different ways of doing things. AKA: Personal preference of the designers. We do include things like diets when it's relevant, but often, there are much more interesting things to talk about for a monster than what it eats.

10) We'll have a few fey templates coming out in the next few months. We'll do more First World stuff as well eventually.

A rust monster swarm isn't self defeating since all they have to do is swarm on ther target and start "rusting away". When I mean they are on there mother's back like a scorpion is a good set up but doesn't mean they will never move off of her.

So that means no for the moon dog being unusable by Paizo.

Well shouldn't they be called a poisonous leach swarm?

How about a "winged" template for those of us who want flying cats, dogs, pigs, etc.?

So we will just have to wait for other kinds of giant cockroachs with abilities like disease, poison, acid spray, etc.?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Dragon78 wrote:

A rust monster swarm isn't self defeating since all they have to do is swarm on ther target and start "rusting away". When I mean they are on there mother's back like a scorpion is a good set up but doesn't mean they will never move off of her.

So that means no for the moon dog being unusable by Paizo.

Well shouldn't they be called a poisonous leach swarm?

How about a "winged" template for those of us who want flying cats, dogs, pigs, etc.?

So we will just have to wait for other kinds of giant cockroachs with abilities like disease, poison, acid spray, etc.?

Yup; we can use moon dogs if we want.

Nope, because adding the name "poisonous" to it implies that there's a non-poisonous leech swarm, which there is not, but also because that huge of a name would not fit on the page in a pleasing way for the header and stat block title.

I don't think there's a need for that template. Just give a monster a fly speed and, if you're rushed for time and don't have the luxury of recalculating skill ranks, a Fly skill bonus equal to its CR + its Dex mod.

You'll note that the giant cockroach entry in Bestiary 2 lists a bunch of other types of giant cockroaches: giant hissing cockroaches, venomroaches, spitting cockroaches, sawback cockroaches, and dragonroaches. We often go back to these lists to expand things in later Bestairies (see the giant black widow or the giant tarantula in Bestairy 2 as examples), so it's certainly possible that some future Bestiary might have stats for venomroaches or spitting cockroaches (to name two that might just have poison or acid spray attacks).

Shadow Lodge

since oracles are considered to be pantheists does that mean they qualify for faith and religion traits from any deity?

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