>>Ask *James Jacobs* ALL your Questions Here!<<

Off-Topic Discussions

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Paizo Employee Creative Director

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

1. What is the Golarion equivalent, if any, of the Mona Lisa?

2. Which person in Golarion, living or dead, is a close approximation of William Shakespear?

3. What is the closest equivalent to the sword Excalibur? I do not mean in terms of ability or power but rather the sword's reknown throughout our own world.

4. Who on Golarion is considered the greatest military strategist of all time?

5. What is the favorite/most widespread/best selling ice cream flavor of Golarion?

1) Unknown at this time

2) Unknown at this time
3) Unknown at this time
4) Unknown at this time
5) vanilla.

AKA: Most of those are key elements of history that could and should be anchor points of adventures or, indeed, entire Adventure Paths, and since none have yet featured them, well... there ya go!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Are you eagerly awaiting the release of

Case 39

you can actually just use the arrow keys on the above link site because (with the exception of the Red trailer II) those are better quality




The Green Hornet


I am Still Here

I Spit on Your Grave (ok I only want to see this because the gal is Hawt)

My Soul to Take

James Bond: Blood Stone ok so I snuck this one in ...

I'm not sure about you but I bet Yoda will watch

Black Swan

Of those, the ones I'm looking forward to are Case 39, Skyline, Red, Buried, My Soul to Take, and Black Swan. I'm anticipating "The Ward" most of all, though. And I've seen the original "I Spit on Your Grave" and I'm not so sure that movie needs to be remade or, indeed, remembered at all.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mothman wrote:
When studying your degree in English, did you expect / hope to end up working in the gaming industry for a living?

Yes. That, or a novelist. I'm still working on the novel part.

Dark Archive

If you had not gone into the gaming industry, what would your occupation have been?

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Do weredinosaurs exist on Golarion?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Mothman wrote:
In the near future a scientist invents a feasible, reliable and reasonably cheap method of instant matter transference. Rather than sell the research to the military or a government, she decides that this potentially world changing information should be free to all and publishes all her research and plans on the internet. Soon, functional devices are being built all over the world. How does this change the world’s geo-political landscape? How does it change life for the common person?
It makes pizza delivery MUCH more reliable, until the point where a fly gets into the machine and someone gets a horrific half pizza half fly monstrosity.

I would suggest reading Alfred Bester's excellent novel "The Stars My Destination" for the impact of readily available teleportation, especially as a common personal skill. (the popular term being "jaunte")

"When people teleport, they also teleport the clothes they wear and whatever they are strong enough to carry. I hate to disappoint you, but even ladies' clothes would arrive with them,"

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
joela wrote:
Which iconic most likely prone to join the Dark Side.

You mean there's a Light Side?

Would an audio-recording of this thread read by Nell Boase of the Guardian Science Weekly podcast be surprisingly sexy-sounding?

ulgulanoth wrote:
Holey Sheet wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
can we gass mothman?
Holey sheet that's mean.

originally i thought of setting him on fire, skinning him alive and crushing him with a rock among other things

then i realised i was etheral

and this is a "family friendly" site

so i restrained my self


Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Does your zombie survival plan change significantly if the zombies are fast rather than slow zombies? If the zombie plague is airborne? If the zombies are Aberzombies?
I assume that any zombie apocalypse will include ALL of these elements. It's irresponsible not to.

Good man.

How do you prepare for Aberzombies?

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
ElyasRavenwood wrote:

James, first I wanted to thank you for answering my previous posts.

I do have a question: What was the thinking behind the development of the Summoner?

The primary gap the summoner fills is that it provides the game with an arcane spellcaster with a combat pet. Divine classes have several: the druid for one, and the paladin and the ranger as well. Arcane spellcasters have familiars, but those are HARDLY combat options; with the summoner, we can have an arcane spellcaster who has a cool monster.

The summoner also was designed to appeal to folks who grew up on games like Final Fantasy, Warcraft, Pokemon, or any number of video games where you have the ability to capture and then summon and control powerful monsters to do your bidding.

And finally, the summoner gives players a chance to "play the monster." I'm not sure how many folks have realized this, but you can basically use the summoner as a way to play a version of pretty much ANY monster in the Bestiary, as long as you get a little creative. We don't have solid rules yet for folks who wanna play a minotaur or a babau demon or a treant, but with the summoner, you can customize your eidolon to scratch that itch.

James, again, thanks you for taking the time to respond to my question, and also thank you for a thoughtful answer.

Initially I had planned to not allow the Summoner into my home game. I had three reasons for doing this. First, I thought the summoning as a standard action to be too powerful. Secondly the eidolon seemed to be quite powerful. For me the final nail in the summoner's coffin was watching the eidolon in action.

For the last six months I have been in Durham NC. I have been playing and DMing Pathfinder society organized play for a solid six months. We gamed twice a week, on Monday and Thursday nights, meeting at a local gaming store in Raleigh called Game theory. I watched as players crafted their eidolons so they were more effective combatants then some of the fighters there. I didn’t like the idea of the fighter’s toes being stepped on.

With your thoughtful answer I am willing to give the summoner a second look. Thank you for taking the time to explain both the video game /collectable card game inspiration for the summoner and the play a monster idea. I had not considered the “play the monster” aspect. This certainly has possibilities. With a little flavor adjustment one could craft an eidolon to perhaps be a powerful demon/devil something. I am willing to give the summoner another chance. I will however insert the caveat that a summoner must be 5th level before he can learn the haste spell, which is a second level spell for the summoner that he can gain access to at 4th level.

I am willing to give the summoner another chance.

Before I go

Let me first put a shameless plug in for Steve Miller. In addition to being an all around nice guy, an excellent GM and player, he has done an excellent job organizing the Pathfinder Society Organized Play in the Raleigh-Durham area. I think there are conservatively more then 40 people who regularly come to play. Steve Miller was kind enough to take me in. I arrived back in March with an oxygen tank in tow. My lungs had gone on strike, they were protesting because they had to deal with a particularly unpleasant pneumonia virus. Thankfully over the months my lungs improved, and I no longer need the oxygen. Playing the pathfinder society games at the Game Theory store twice a week, were two bright spots in my week while I was recovering. Steve and everyone else there were wonderful. I’m going to miss them. I have to go home to Vermont. I am considering starting a pathfinder organized play game at " Toy City" in Keene NH. We might do a Kingmaker adventure path, or a home brew campaign. We shall see what the guys want.

Secondly I would like to put a plug in for Game Theory. The guys who run the store are great. It is a fun place to game. It is full. Full of gamers. It is full of all sorts of species of gamers. ( War hammer, 4.0 D&D, Malefaux, Magic the gathering Pokeman lots and lots of gamers) They always did thoughtful things like allowing me to park in front of the store, where there was no parking space so I wouldn’t have to drag my oxygen tank far.

James thanks again for your thoughtful answers and I am willing to give the summoner another try.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Is Scott Pilgrim VS the World not the most awesome movie ever?

Dark Archive

Have you read Roger Zelazny's Amber Chronicles? If so, what are your thoughts on it?

Mothman wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Does your zombie survival plan change significantly if the zombies are fast rather than slow zombies? If the zombie plague is airborne? If the zombies are Aberzombies?
I assume that any zombie apocalypse will include ALL of these elements. It's irresponsible not to.

Good man.

How do you prepare for Aberzombies?

Making sure you can run faster then the last guy.

The Crimson Jester, Rogue Lord wrote:
Mothman wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Does your zombie survival plan change significantly if the zombies are fast rather than slow zombies? If the zombie plague is airborne? If the zombies are Aberzombies?
I assume that any zombie apocalypse will include ALL of these elements. It's irresponsible not to.

Good man.

How do you prepare for Aberzombies?

Making sure you can run faster then the last guy.

That also seems to be his plan for flying polyps.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mothman wrote:
Which Paizo employee would you place bets on to beat any / all other Paizo employees in a fight?

Jeff Alvarez.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mothman wrote:
What’s better, playing in RPGs or GMing them? Or writing them?

Depends on which one I've done the most so far; all three are different itches.

Having just GM'd a game and written them earlier today, my current vote is to play in them.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aberzombie wrote:
Why do people hate Vomit Guy?

Because he doesn't sugar coat things. Except when all he's been eating lately is sugar, of course.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
If something productive was ever said in one of the psionic threads would anyone notice?
There's been PLENTY productive on those threads. I've noticed some of it.
Well then you are braver man then I to continue reading them. What do you think of the idea of psionics working similar to the way they do now except with spell levels instead of PPs, using the same feats and spells that already exist?

I think that's a good place to start, but I also think that it's not far enough. The flavor of psionics is kind of dry—it needs a good dose of real world myth and flavor. As in: the psionic classes need to have names that immediately evoke cool ideas for characters.

"Wilder" and "soulknife" do not do that, but words like "mesmerist" or "spiritualist" do.

Awesome, so when can I start playtesting it?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Xpltvdeleted wrote:

Of the Paizo crew, who do you feel is most likely to survive the Zombie Apocalypse (or at least survive the longest)? Least likely? Who would you keep around to fulfill the old adage of "you don't have to run the fastest, just faster than the guy next to you"?

Who's the most famous person (outside of the RPG community) that you've played an RPG with?

James Sutter will be the 2nd to die, because he'll hear the first person to go (whoever that may be) and will be unable to resist running to see what happened. The one who's most likely to survive is probably Jeff Alvarez; I suspect he's the best shot at Paizo.

The most famous person outside of RPG's I've gamed with is probably... um... Tom Wylie? He's not outside of RPGs entirely, but that's prolly the closest?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
What are you plans to get Sarah Robinson on stage if you win Ennies again next year?

Way top secret. There's a tiny chance Sarah might read this thread. So I'm not gonna say.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Will we ever see a Zombie Apocalypse Survival Horror Adventure Path?

Nope. But Carrion Crown #3 might come close...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

JMD031 wrote:

1. What do you think of the movie Serenity?

2. Do you own a smartphone?

3. Favorite color for a Dragon?

4. What fast food can you not live without?

5. What do you think of the show Big Bang Theory?

6. What is the third rule of Fight Club?

7. What one thing from WoTC do you wish was OGL?

8. Who's the boss?

1) I think Serenity is great!

2) Yes.
3) Bronze.
4) I can live without ANY fast food.
5) Nothing; never seen it.
6) If someone says stop, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over.
7) Fiendish Codex I.
8) Charles. Isn't he the one in charge?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

joela wrote:
If you had not gone into the gaming industry, what would your occupation have been?

HOPEFULLY it would have been novelist.

Other, more likely options: hermit, naturalist, permatemp, comic colorist, commercial fisherman, movie theater manager.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mageye wrote:
If you're in a vehicle going the speed of light, what happens when you turn on the headlights?

You flash the dude behind you and he drives off the road and hits an asteroid.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

joela wrote:
Which iconic most likely prone to join the Dark Side.

Seltyiel. He's already pretty much there.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Larry Lichman wrote:
Do weredinosaurs exist on Golarion?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kajehase wrote:
Would an audio-recording of this thread read by Nell Boase of the Guardian Science Weekly podcast be surprisingly sexy-sounding?

Especially if he reads all my posts like he's got some sort of nasal congestion.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mothman wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Does your zombie survival plan change significantly if the zombies are fast rather than slow zombies? If the zombie plague is airborne? If the zombies are Aberzombies?
I assume that any zombie apocalypse will include ALL of these elements. It's irresponsible not to.

Good man.

How do you prepare for Aberzombies?

By setting out mothman-shaped decoys.

In completely unrelated news, do you wanna stand on my front lawn again tonight?

Dark Archive

Best Hammer film

Best Hammer - Cushing

Best Hammer - Lee

Most influential movie with regards to gaming

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ravingdork wrote:
Is Scott Pilgrim VS the World not the most awesome movie ever?

Haven't seen it yet, but probably not.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jason Beardsley wrote:
Have you read Roger Zelazny's Amber Chronicles? If so, what are your thoughts on it?

Haven't read it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Auxmaulous wrote:
Best Hammer film

Quatermass and the Pit

Auxmaulous wrote:
Best Hammer - Cushing

The Abominable Snowman

Auxmaulous wrote:
Best Hammer - Lee

The Devil Rides Out

Auxmaulous wrote:
Most influential movie with regards to gaming

Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Because folks quote it so much that it influences games to get distracted too much.

favorite thing to do out side of gaming?

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Mothman wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Does your zombie survival plan change significantly if the zombies are fast rather than slow zombies? If the zombie plague is airborne? If the zombies are Aberzombies?
I assume that any zombie apocalypse will include ALL of these elements. It's irresponsible not to.

Good man.

How do you prepare for Aberzombies?

By setting out mothman-shaped decoys.

In completely unrelated news, do you wanna stand on my front lawn again tonight?

Just turn the light on, I'm strangely drawn to it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The smitter wrote:
favorite thing to do out side of gaming?

Write fiction. I don't do near enough of it, alas... because I always get distracted by movies or video games or fiction other folks have written.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Auxmaulous wrote:
Best Hammer film

Quatermass and the Pit

Auxmaulous wrote:
Best Hammer - Cushing

The Abominable Snowman

Auxmaulous wrote:
Best Hammer - Lee

The Devil Rides Out

Auxmaulous wrote:
Most influential movie with regards to gaming
Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Because folks quote it so much that it influences games to get distracted too much.

The Devil Rides Out should be REQUIRED viewing for gamers.

Good choices - also one scene in Grail which may have inspired Gygax's 1st ed movement per round.

If you have the time -

top 5 westerns (could also be shows)

so when are we going to be able to read some, and what is it like?

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
joela wrote:
If you had not gone into the gaming industry, what would your occupation have been?

HOPEFULLY it would have been novelist.

Other, more likely options: hermit, naturalist, permatemp, comic colorist, commercial fisherman, movie theater manager.

Commercial fisherman? That's intriguing.

1. What is your favorite kind of cheese?

2. Do you find Dane Cook to still be funny?

3. If you could make any fictional character come to life who would it be and why?

4. Why do you hate Warforged? (Note: this is more of a curiousity on my part than anything.)

5. Finish this statement: The only good Dwarf is __________

6. Do you prefer to throw Dwarves or Halflings?

7. What is your favorite color for Slaads?

8. Who is the last person you would want to find yourself in a dark alley with?

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Jason Beardsley wrote:
Have you read Roger Zelazny's Amber Chronicles? If so, what are your thoughts on it?
Haven't read it.

That surprises me actually. I highly recommend reading it. Originally printed as 10 separate books, you can find it now at book stores as one large book.

Is there a PF Module, or other product, that explores duergar, and explains how they came to be, similar to what Second Darkness did for drow?

Liberty's Edge

JMD031 wrote:


2. Do you find Dane Cook to still be funny?

There was a time when he was funny?

Xpltvdeleted wrote:
JMD031 wrote:


2. Do you find Dane Cook to still be funny?
There was a time when he was funny?

That was the point I was eventually going to make. Thanks for ruining my joke.

Dark Archive

of the evil gods of golarion which do you find the most classy?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So can we expect the Worldwound AP to end with issue 66?

Scarab Sages


I've heard a rumor from a certain shall-remain-nameless pony lawyer that a certain Paizo employee smells like cabbage. Is this true?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Aberzombie wrote:


I've heard a rumor from a certain shall-remain-nameless pony lawyer that a certain Paizo employee smells like cabbage. Is this true?

Is that why we saw no sign of the surprisingly well-informed Cabbage Vendor after the fall of Bah Singh Se?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Auxmaulous wrote:

top 5 westerns (could also be shows)

1) The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

2) The Valley of Gwangi
3) Deadwood
4) Pale Rider
5) Unforgiven

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The smitter wrote:
so when are we going to be able to read some, and what is it like?

Hopefully someday before 2013! As for what my fiction is like—hopefully entertaining!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

joela wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
joela wrote:
If you had not gone into the gaming industry, what would your occupation have been?

HOPEFULLY it would have been novelist.

Other, more likely options: hermit, naturalist, permatemp, comic colorist, commercial fisherman, movie theater manager.

Commercial fisherman? That's intriguing.

My dad was a commercial fisherman for many years (High School teacher most of the year, then went out to fish salmon for a few months in the summer; he's retired from both jobs now), and I worked with him on his boat one summer. It's a super hard job, made even more difficult today by overly conservative and inflexible government regulations, but it's a rewarding job in a lot of ways.

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