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Silver Crusade

Thankies for the stream! It was fun to listen to what I could (busy on my end >_<). I like the art of the more playful looking Nocticula :3

What is her personality like now?

Shadow Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
About how many people live in Irim?
Haven't had to decide that yet, but I'd say probably around 6,000 if I had to put it to print right now.

Thanks, that's helpful.

Related questions: about how many people live in Mirivenn, about where is it located, and what is its relationship to Irim?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:

Thankies for the stream! It was fun to listen to what I could (busy on my end >_<). I like the art of the more playful looking Nocticula :3

What is her personality like now?

Nocticula's still a free spirit, but she's less about using her unpredictability for her own power grabs or for her own pleasure or to sate her cruel creativities, but more about the combination of inspiring artists and providing safe places for them to create art and exploring the world.

Maybe think of her as a less friendly, more unpredictable version of Desna and Shelyn mashed together, but with a tripartite tail with knives at the tip.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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zimmerwald1915 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
About how many people live in Irim?
Haven't had to decide that yet, but I'd say probably around 6,000 if I had to put it to print right now.

Thanks, that's helpful.

Related questions: about how many people live in Mirivenn, about where is it located, and what is its relationship to Irim?

I suspect Mirivenn's about the same size of Irim. It's a few hundred miles west of Ravounel. I'd say that the two are both neighboring settlements in the same aquatic elf nation, but how big that place is and what it's boundaries are... I'd say probably not much larger than Ravounel, and certainly nowhere near as large as Kyonin.

But that said, chances of us ever publishing anything more about either of these two cities anytime soon are super small. If you want to do more with them in your version of Golarion, these are two locations that are absolutely ripe for GM expansion. Make of them what you need them to be to tell the story you want to tell!

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:

Thankies for the stream! It was fun to listen to what I could (busy on my end >_<). I like the art of the more playful looking Nocticula :3

What is her personality like now?

Nocticula's still a free spirit, but she's less about using her unpredictability for her own power grabs or for her own pleasure or to sate her cruel creativities, but more about the combination of inspiring artists and providing safe places for them to create art and exploring the world.

Maybe think of her as a less friendly, more unpredictable version of Desna and Shelyn mashed together, but with a tripartite tail with knives at the tip.


Does she paint with her tails?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Does she paint with her tails?

Ha! Hadn't thought of that. Probably not, but she certainly carves and sculpts with them.

Is there one deity or small group from Nocticula's friends/allies that she associates with the most? Which ones?

Hey James you should check out xenoblade 1 because I think you might like it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
james014Aura wrote:
Is there one deity or small group from Nocticula's friends/allies that she associates with the most? Which ones?

Not much yet. She's kinda on her own at the moment, which plays into her lore as being the patron of those who have been exiled from their societies and are themselves on their own. She'll work to give those folks spiritual support so that even though SHE'S alone, they won't be.

Over time, I could see her forming alliances or even friendships with Sarenrae, Desna, Cayden Cailean, Milani, and Shelyn.

She's already got plenty of enemies (most all demon lords, plus Lamashtu), but as her influence grows she'll get more and more into conflict with Abadar, who'd view exiles as traitors and would not be too happy knowing that those traitors have found somewhere safe and welcoming to go. This clash between law and chaos, separate from a good vs. evil element, is really pretty compelling, and it's something that I'm eager to explore (and indeed, will be a pretty significant element in the office campaign I've started running for folks here on Wednesdays, even though they might not yet realize this...).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Paizoxmi wrote:
Hey James you should check out xenoblade 1 because I think you might like it.

Why's that?

My favorite JRPG game of ALL TIME so far is Final Fantasy X-2, with Persona 5 being a close second. Had fun with Tales of Bersaria as well. That said, I don't play on Nintendo, so that'll make playing xenoblade games tough, yes?

Wait. Why am I asking questions? I broke my own rule in reverse!

Silver Crusade

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Oh oh oh! What was your favourite Dressphere in X-2?

Silver Crusade

What's Ayavah up to currently?

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Hey James ever play Valkyrie profile it is a good classic ps1 rpg.It Norse mythology inspired mixed with a dark fantasy tone.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Oh oh oh! What was your favourite Dressphere in X-2?

It's been years, but I remember that Lady Luck was pretty rad. And I think the gunmage was pretty spot on as well.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
What's Ayavah up to currently?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Paizoxmi wrote:
Hey James ever play Valkyrie profile it is a good classic ps1 rpg.It Norse mythology inspired mixed with a dark fantasy tone.

I got into the PS scene with the PS2. Never played Valkyrie.

It's always the greatest delight whenever we get to see you on a stream or in an interview! <3 JJ&LL today was a dream team!!

So after the stream, a friend of mine was telling me that now you've gotten his hopes up for an atheist champion class archetype. :p
I mean . . . We had one in PF1, right? The ol' vindictive bastard ex-paladin archetype. Now, the vindictive bastard's three other friends from the Antihero's Handbook all make perfect sense: A channeler of the unknown's patron entity seems much like an oracle's divine mystery, a sin monk's (Su) powers are occult if not divine magic, and a planar extremist taps into the primal magic of the Outer Planes.

But do you have an opinion on what was up with the vindictive bastard's locate creature spell-like ability? If a vindictive bastard is an atheist, you'd think they would've lost all spellcasting ability, and yet they retained this single (Sp). I wonder if we're supposed to follow the universal monster rule that since locate creature is on the sorc/wiz spell list, vindictive's locate creature defaults to being arcane; but I can't help but think it'd be more intuitive if, since it replaces the divine ability detect evil, locate ally were divine, too.

I don't know that any of the ex-class archetypes were ever used on a named NPC--so what do you think of their canonicity? Do you think the vindictive bastard and the story it tells deserve to return in some form in PF2? PF2 champions can break their anathema for relatively little consequence, still able to gain champion levels, use their champion's reaction (along with divine smite!) to grant allies resistance and make "visions of redemption play" in a foe's mind's eye, and take Divine Grace, Aura of Life, and Celestial Form.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Does Pharasma become annoyed with the destruction of a soul (such as via being intentionally fed into a sphere of annihilation or as can occur in certain other situations) and does she tend to punish those who do so or is the destruction of individual souls (or a small group of souls) beneath her notice or out of her area of concern?

Do hellknights allow aasimar and tiefling to join their ranks?

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Oh oh oh! What was your favourite Dressphere in X-2?
It's been years, but I remember that Lady Luck was pretty rad. And I think the gunmage was pretty spot on as well.


Has anything from X-2 heavily influenced you or any of your works?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Syri wrote:

It's always the greatest delight whenever we get to see you on a stream or in an interview! <3 JJ&LL today was a dream team!!

So after the stream, a friend of mine was telling me that now you've gotten his hopes up for an atheist champion class archetype. :p
I mean . . . We had one in PF1, right? The ol' vindictive bastard ex-paladin archetype. Now, the vindictive bastard's three other friends from the Antihero's Handbook all make perfect sense: A channeler of the unknown's patron entity seems much like an oracle's divine mystery, a sin monk's (Su) powers are occult if not divine magic, and a planar extremist taps into the primal magic of the Outer Planes.

But do you have an opinion on what was up with the vindictive bastard's locate creature spell-like ability? If a vindictive bastard is an atheist, you'd think they would've lost all spellcasting ability, and yet they retained this single (Sp). I wonder if we're supposed to follow the universal monster rule that since locate creature is on the sorc/wiz spell list, vindictive's locate creature defaults to being arcane; but I can't help but think it'd be more intuitive if, since it replaces the divine ability detect evil, locate ally were divine, too.

I don't know that any of the ex-class archetypes were ever used on a named NPC--so what do you think of their canonicity? Do you think the vindictive bastard and the story it tells deserve to return in some form in PF2? PF2 champions can break their anathema for relatively little consequence, still able to gain champion levels, use their champion's reaction (along with divine smite!) to grant allies resistance and make "visions of redemption play" in a foe's mind's eye, and take Divine Grace, Aura of Life, and Celestial Form.

Glad you enjoyed the stream! I do quite enjoy hosting them.

That said... I'm not a fan of the concept of an atheist champion. It sounds to me like a "pacifist fighter" or a "non-magical wizard." It makes no sense, and fights against the core theme of the class and turns it into a nonesuch.

We'll update some of the 1st edition stuff to 2nd edition, but not all of it. We want to do new things too.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Jareth Elirae wrote:
Does Pharasma become annoyed with the destruction of a soul (such as via being intentionally fed into a sphere of annihilation or as can occur in certain other situations) and does she tend to punish those who do so or is the destruction of individual souls (or a small group of souls) beneath her notice or out of her area of concern?

Destroying souls tends to result in your soul being judged harshly, yes.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Paizoxmi wrote:
Do hellknights allow aasimar and tiefling to join their ranks?

They don't bar any ancestry from their ranks, so long as the character can follow the order's edicts and anathemas.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Oh oh oh! What was your favourite Dressphere in X-2?
It's been years, but I remember that Lady Luck was pretty rad. And I think the gunmage was pretty spot on as well.


Has anything from X-2 heavily influenced you or any of your works?

Not directly, other than that it's enforced my personal opinion that there should always be fun, irreverent, cheerful characters who play roles in stories. Be it the roles of a villain (such as Laori Vaus or Buttersnips) or the role of a hero (such as Ameiko or Shensen), or even the role of a a deity (such as Nocticula or Desna).

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Is there a reason Pharasma has not taken a larger role in the opposition of Tar-Barphon? He seems an affront ton all she stands for, but the crusade against him seems to have been lead by Aroden, Iomedae, and Arazni. He creates undead by the thousands, shreds souls, and refuses judgment himself... yet she seems almost uninterested in the "greatest necromancer Golarion has ever seen" despite the fact that necromancy is something that she detests.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What do you think of this spell?

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting] [evil];Level 2

Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, M(a vial of blood)

Range 30 ft.
Area 30-ft.-radius emanation centered on you
Duration 1 round./level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes(harmless)

The Seal of Orichalcos imbues an area with great power.All intelligent creatures and the caster gain a +2 profane bonus on all attack rolls and damage rolls.On the other hand, it gives nightmarous thoughts and fragile reflexes,thus taking a -2 penalty to AC,Will saves,concentration ckecks and Wisdom-based checks.Each creature entering the area can attempt a Will save to forgo the spell’s effects.
The Seal of Orichalcos cannot be countered and dispelled by itself, but otherwise is subject to all other means of magical suppression,such as dispell magic.

Hey James are inevitables good at fighting demons?

I'm writing about Sithhud, Nascent Demon Lord of Blizzards, Frozen Dead, and getting Beat Up by Large Former Humans. For a player in one of my games.
I'd like to know more about Sithhud's personal realm, The Razormaze Glaciers where he's hiding from Kos-the-big-cheese. Even if it's just your unofficial headspace on the place.

Hi James,

What's your opinion on worms-that-walk?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Bonus question in a separate post:

Is "worms that walk" the correct plural term when there's more than one "worm that walks"?

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

How do you feel about The Elder Scrolls as a fictional setting? Good? Bad? Ugly?

If you have seen it, what did you think of the new movie Joker?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Jareth Elirae wrote:
Is there a reason Pharasma has not taken a larger role in the opposition of Tar-Barphon? He seems an affront ton all she stands for, but the crusade against him seems to have been lead by Aroden, Iomedae, and Arazni. He creates undead by the thousands, shreds souls, and refuses judgment himself... yet she seems almost uninterested in the "greatest necromancer Golarion has ever seen" despite the fact that necromancy is something that she detests.

The gods don't do that because it turns into a divine arms-race. If Pharasma steps in, then Urgathoa steps in, and if Urgathoa steps in, Iomedae steps in, and if Iomedae steps in Asmodeus steps in, and so on and so on, and their machinations would end up doing more damage to the material plane than Tar-Baphon could EVER do.

The gods don't do that because in the grand scheme of things, what happens on one planet's continent is a drop in the ocean. Tar-Baphon is not the "greatest necromancer" the world has seen, and it's not necromancy that Pharasma hates but rather undead.

The gods don't do that because interfering in that way takes away free will. Why would humanity fight to survive if they knew that any time something got bad, the gods will step in and fix it? Better to build up your religions and reward your followers with gifts and powers and boons so they can be self-sufficient. Mortals aren't "pets" to the gods.

The gods don't do that because if they did, your PCs wouldn't have adventures to go on, and your players would become frustrated and bored when you turn an interactive RPG into you telling them non-interactive mythology stories.

We go into more detail about this on page 70 of Planar Adventures.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

antodimi1 wrote:

What do you think of this spell?

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting] [evil];Level 2

Casting Time 1 standard action Components V, S, M(a vial of blood)

Range 30 ft.
Area 30-ft.-radius emanation centered on you
Duration 1 round./level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes(harmless)

The Seal of Orichalcos imbues an area with great power.All intelligent creatures and the caster gain a +2 profane bonus on all attack rolls and damage rolls.On the other hand, it gives nightmarous thoughts and fragile reflexes,thus taking a -2 penalty to AC,Will saves,concentration ckecks and Wisdom-based checks.Each creature entering the area can attempt a Will save to forgo the spell’s effects.
The Seal of Orichalcos cannot be countered and dispelled by itself, but otherwise is subject to all other means of magical suppression,such as dispell magic.

While I adore answering questions, I try to avoid doing design feedback in this thread—or ANYWHERE on the forum—because providing good feedback takes a fair bit of time and I don't have the time to provide feedback to everyone who'd want it, and so I can't do it for anyone. Sorry!

I suggest posting the spell to the homebrew forum and asking for feedback from fellow GMs; there's always a LOT of insight and advice to be found in that way.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Paizoxmi wrote:
Hey James are inevitables good at fighting demons?

Not as much as celestials. Inevitables are more aimed at conflicting things more infused with chaos, like qlippoth or proteans.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Draknirv wrote:

I'm writing about Sithhud, Nascent Demon Lord of Blizzards, Frozen Dead, and getting Beat Up by Large Former Humans. For a player in one of my games.

I'd like to know more about Sithhud's personal realm, The Razormaze Glaciers where he's hiding from Kos-the-big-cheese. Even if it's just your unofficial headspace on the place.

We've not revealed much at all about them, other than the name. When I'm making up new things like this and I know I've got less than a sentence of space to talk about them, I try to come up with names that are evocative and inspiring. Looking at that name, I'd say Sithhud's realm is like a giant labyrinth but the walls are razor sharp and hundreds of feet high, carved into glaciers without ceilings to the maze but if you fly or climb up, you have to navigate a tangled mess of razor sharp ice.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Blissful Lightning wrote:

Hi James,

What's your opinion on worms-that-walk?

Love them. They're an amazing example of what a few words from Lovecraft can inspire designers to create decades later.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Blissful Lightning wrote:

Bonus question in a separate post:

Is "worms that walk" the correct plural term when there's more than one "worm that walks"?

The correct plural is worms that walk. But they should always be unique individuals who either have names, or if they're part of a cabal, have a name for their group. They're like liches that way.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
How do you feel about The Elder Scrolls as a fictional setting? Good? Bad? Ugly?

Good. One of my favorite fantasy settings. Been playing games there since "Arena" came out back in the early 90s, after all!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Atavar wrote:
If you have seen it, what did you think of the new movie Joker?

Haven't seen it, but I know that the movie I did see this weekend was better! :P

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Atavar wrote:
If you have seen it, what did you think of the new movie Joker?
Haven't seen it, but I know that the movie I did see this weekend was better! :P


Where did you get to see that?! (Asks the guy in a one-movie house town)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cole Deschain wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Atavar wrote:
If you have seen it, what did you think of the new movie Joker?
Haven't seen it, but I know that the movie I did see this weekend was better! :P


Where did you get to see that?! (Asks the guy in a one-movie house town)

It just had its regional premiere at the HP Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland, Oregon over the weekend.

It hasn't yet gotten a wider distribution deal yet, as far as I know, and is still doing the film festival circuit. I'd like to say it's just a matter of time before it gets picked up for wider distribution, either in theaters or streaming... but the poor director's got a pretty significant history of his projects getting squashed. This is his first movie in like 20 years, after all, not counting the Island of Dr. Moreau fiasco.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
How do you feel about The Elder Scrolls as a fictional setting? Good? Bad? Ugly?
Good. One of my favorite fantasy settings. Been playing games there since "Arena" came out back in the early 90s, after all!

What ancestry's your favorite to play as?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
How do you feel about The Elder Scrolls as a fictional setting? Good? Bad? Ugly?
Good. One of my favorite fantasy settings. Been playing games there since "Arena" came out back in the early 90s, after all!
What ancestry's your favorite to play as?

That really changes from game to game, depending on the nature of the story... but I generally end up going with imperials or wood elves it seems. Since I enjoy playing fast-talking snipers.

Dear James Jacobs,

Who then is the greatest necromancer in your opinion then for Golarion?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

All right, I know this is the sort of thing you can neither confirm nor deny (or you woulda put it in the book in black and white!) but...

Are the hints that the patron of the Crimson Reclaimers is Arazni meant to be even remotely ambiguous to those in the know?

James Jacobs wrote:
I'd like to say it's just a matter of time before it gets picked up for wider distribution, either in theaters or streaming... but the poor director's got a pretty significant history of his projects getting squashed.

As an aside, a little birdie told me the film got a standing ovation at the film festival...

James Jacobs wrote:
Cole Deschain wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Atavar wrote:
If you have seen it, what did you think of the new movie Joker?
Haven't seen it, but I know that the movie I did see this weekend was better! :P

As a big Lovecraft fan one of my favorite stories is Colour out of Space. Die Farbe (2010) I found to be a great adaptation. Have you seen it and, if so, how do you think the Nic Cage movie compares?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Thomas Seitz wrote:

Dear James Jacobs,

Who then is the greatest necromancer in your opinion then for Golarion?

I don't wanna nail one down yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of the pre-Zutha Runelords...


...depending on what Urgathoa was before she turned into a deity, she might have been the most powerful of them.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cole Deschain wrote:

All right, I know this is the sort of thing you can neither confirm nor deny (or you woulda put it in the book in black and white!) but...

** spoiler omitted **

I'd rather it not be all that ambiguous. Once you are a cleric who gets spells, you'd know.

Cole Deschain wrote:
As an aside, a little birdie told me the film got a standing ovation at the film festival...

The film did indeed, from what I heard. It didn't on the 3rd showing, which is the one I saw, but it DID get a full audience of robust applause. It's a pretty amazing film. Not PERFECT... but better than most Lovecraft adaptions. I still think Re-animator is the most successful adaption yet, but as far as adaptions of movies that are from Lovecraft's cosmic horror stories, yeah. This one.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
RH wrote:
As a big Lovecraft fan one of my favorite stories is Colour out of Space. Die Farbe (2010) I found to be a great adaptation. Have you seen it and, if so, how do you think the Nic Cage movie compares?

I have indeed seen Die Farbe, and until this latest one, Die Farbe was the best of the adaptations.

The new Color Out of Space has a MUCH higher budget than Die Farbe, and MUCH better effects. Die Farbe is certainly more subtle in theme, but Color Out of Space keeps the whole story in the Arkham area, which is huge. I get annoyed when people adapt Lovecraft stories and then don't actually use the proper nouns, be they Cthulhu or Arkham or whatever.

Personally, I'd give Die Farbe a score of 7 out of 10, while I'd give Color out of Space a 9 out of 10. And for sake of full comparison for other movies wholly or partially inspired by the original story...

Die Monster Die: 5 out of 10
The Curse: 2 out of 10
Creepshow (segment 2): 5 out of 10
Annihilation: 9 out of 10

While I did enjoy how Die Farbe handled the colour by making the film black and white except for the purple/pink of the colour itself, I enjoyed how Color Out of Space handled the creature more, with some pretty mind-trippy special effects on how it "infects" the surrounding flora and fauna. It also has a pretty cool thing where it's feeding and transforming that leaches color out of everything around it, which is fascinating and creepy.

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