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Hypothetical: if white wolf went under, would you consider trying to convince others at Paizo to buy up their IP to remake PF style? Is there anyone who, if they went under, you'd want to do that to? Is this question too cut throat?
The only game company I'd be interested in helping to support if they went under would probably be Chaosium, and I would rather they kept doing their games using the BRP system and not Pathfinder. But Chaosium's managed to stick around longer than pretty much any other RPG publisher ever, so despite the ups and downs there, I don't see them going away anytime soon.
Whether or not that'd be a good business decision for Paizo, I can't say. Probably wouldn't be. Which is a good thing for Paizo that I'm not on the business side of things.

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James Jacobs wrote:So it'll be more of a continuation of the current level nomenclature (i.e., 21st, 22nd, etc.)?
Pretty much the only thing we know about it is that we won't be calling it "epic levels," in fact.
I didn't say that either.
We really don't have much to say about how we'll handle post-20th-level play, aside from me saying that I'd love to figure it out some day so I can stat up my beloved demon lords.

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joela wrote:James Jacobs wrote:So it'll be more of a continuation of the current level nomenclature (i.e., 21st, 22nd, etc.)?
Pretty much the only thing we know about it is that we won't be calling it "epic levels," in fact.I didn't say that either.
We really don't have much to say about how we'll handle post-20th-level play, aside from me saying that I'd love to figure it out some day so I can stat up my beloved demon lords.
I think I read somewhere you participated in a high level / epic games (Sean K Reynolds?). Did you find such games significantly difficult to engage in? The biggest complaint I've read about them is that the sheer number of options available to both the PCs and GMs make them hard to balance.

Enkili |

I know the idea of longer and shorter AP has been brought up before and shot down on several occasions, but on the topic of "epic level" play do you think Paizo would reconsider a longer AP to get to use some of those rules? Here's one possibility - do a 9 (or 8) part launched at Gen Con, which I know is a tradition no one wants to abandon, and follow that by a shorter 3 (or 4) parter launched at Paizo Con. Then you are back to another Gen Con launch. That should generate a bit more buzz for your own con, and the timing of the long AP reaching "epic level" should coincide with the spring rulebook release.
I realize nothing like this could happen until 2013 at the earliest, but I was curious what your opinion would be, and how you would plan to support "epic" rules.
On another topic, you are probably the wrong person to ask, but is Pathfinder Basic going to be part of the Pathfinder RPG subscription? If it is there is no way I can see that I'm not going to cancel. Am I missing something about that product, or is it really just the first few levels of Pathfinder?

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On another topic, you are probably the wrong person to ask, but is Pathfinder Basic going to be part of the Pathfinder RPG subscription? If it is there is no way I can see that I'm not going to cancel. Am I missing something about that product, or is it really just the first few levels of Pathfinder?
We haven't decided on the subscription issue, and we haven't said a lot about what's in the box. You can find pretty much everything we have said—along with a bit more about the subscription question—in this thread.

mathpro18 |
I'm going to post this somewhere else but knowing your affinity for T-Rex's I thought I would post it here as well.
This last weekend I was playing in my friends homebrew Pathfinder game. We were facing off a Huge(literally that was the size category) gnoll that the GM had made up himself. We have a gnome druid who has a T-Rex as an animal companion and towards the end of the battle the Gnome decides to be all noble and charge his T-Rex(he rides it) at the gnoll to try and take it out. The party had gotten it down to about 4 hp left(thanks in large part to a land slide that was set off by my character...got to love dwarf mining explosives). So he charges and rolls for the bite attack and gets a 1 and ends up doing damage to its self.
If you were said gnome what would you have done?

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I think I'm starting animosity between my Lawful Good Dwarven fighter and the CN half-elf Rogue. He keeps trying to do shifty bad things and I either blow his cover to much embarrassment, wrestle him to the ground when he tries to pickpocket someone, thump him on the back of the head when he declares shifty ideas(I don't really hit the player). I'm trying to roleplay my character and how he would be adverse to most of those types of ideas, but the player seems to be taking it to heart. What do you think I should do?

The smitter |

So I got my friend to run carrion Crown, it will be the first AP that we have down with my gaming group (that's not all that important I am just excited that I will not have to GM it)
So I have been playing An alchemist for about a year now, and it is my favorite character I have ever played, in the 20 year or so I have been playing so pretty big deal, any way on to my Question.
Is it lame to play the same class twice in a row, because I am thinking of doing that, but I what to limit my lameness as much as possible?

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Is it lame to play the same class twice in a row, because I am thinking of doing that, but I what to limit my lameness as much as possible?
I'll see your lame and raise it ... I'd been stuck in playing Paladins for ... 30 years. Right now I'm really enjoying playing (4e) a Wizard, a Warlord, and my current fave, a Rune Priest.

Black Fang |

Black Fang wrote:Assuming it can see it, and keep it from returning to its home plane, would an Intellect Devourer be able to use an Invisible Stalker body?Follow up question: If the answer is yes, would the intellect devourer become invisible also, or would you see a floating brain effectively?
This one I already know the answer to. IF the ID can ride around in an IS, then YES, the ID would be invisible due to its own Body Thief ability granting to access "to all of the host's defensive and offensive abilities save for the spellcasting and spell-like abilities" which means it benefits from the IS's Natural Invisibility special ability.

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JoelF847 wrote:This one I already know the answer to. IF the ID can ride around in an IS, then YES, the ID would be invisible due to its own Body Thief ability granting to access "to all of the host's defensive and offensive abilities save for the spellcasting and spell-like abilities" which means it benefits from the IS's Natural Invisibility special ability.Black Fang wrote:Assuming it can see it, and keep it from returning to its home plane, would an Intellect Devourer be able to use an Invisible Stalker body?Follow up question: If the answer is yes, would the intellect devourer become invisible also, or would you see a floating brain effectively?
I don't necessarily agree there. Having access to an ability isn't the same as having that ability target the ID. Just like if an ID inhabited a dragon, the ID could access the breath weapon, but when it does so, it still comes from the dragon's mouth, not the IDs. Similarly, the natural invisibility only affects the stalker, not other creatures, so the ID wouldn't be affected by it.

Black Fang |

Black Fang wrote:I don't necessarily agree there. Having access to an ability isn't the same as having that ability target the ID. Just like if an ID inhabited a dragon, the ID could access the breath weapon, but when it does so, it still comes from the dragon's mouth, not the IDs. Similarly, the natural invisibility only affects the stalker, not other creatures, so the ID wouldn't be affected by it.JoelF847 wrote:This one I already know the answer to. IF the ID can ride around in an IS, then YES, the ID would be invisible due to its own Body Thief ability granting to access "to all of the host's defensive and offensive abilities save for the spellcasting and spell-like abilities" which means it benefits from the IS's Natural Invisibility special ability.Black Fang wrote:Assuming it can see it, and keep it from returning to its home plane, would an Intellect Devourer be able to use an Invisible Stalker body?Follow up question: If the answer is yes, would the intellect devourer become invisible also, or would you see a floating brain effectively?
Then it just uses it's inherent invisibility SLA and remains invisible with its skinsuit attacks, as it's not the ID attacking, it's the skinsuit.

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I think I read somewhere you participated in a high level / epic games (Sean K Reynolds?). Did you find such games significantly difficult to engage in? The biggest complaint I've read about them is that the sheer number of options available to both the PCs and GMs make them hard to balance.
Not only am I playing in a high level game with Sean as the GM... pretty much EVERY campaign I run ends up going to 20th or even 21st level. I'm currently running a Serpent's Skull game, and I fully expect that one to spend a lot of time at high level.
Whether or not a high level game is difficult to play in depends extensively on the skill level of the GM and the players, but also extensively on whether or not the players arrived at high level organically. In Sean's game, we created 13th level characters at the start, and that robbed us of the chance to get to know our characters and each other's characters over the course of 1st through 13th level. Furthermore, Sean's game has a HUGE swing of who might actually be playing in the game at any one time—there's something like 7 or so characters, but the actual ones who'll end up playing in any one session seems to be a random subset—so it's really hard to get into a grove there. And that has resulted in a game that's at times a bit choppy.
In my home games, though, with a stable group of players who are always the same players with the same characters, and who achieve high level over the course of natural, organic game play, I don't find high level play that harrowing at all. Part of this is due to the fact that my players are pretty experienced, and that I'm not only experienced at GMing but that I'm also VERY comfortable making ad hoc decisions during game play to keep things rolling. The result: high level play in those games seems fine and is quite fun.
I think that a "guide to high level play" hardcover would be an EXCELLENT book to print, as a result. Something that not only helped to teach and train players and GMs on how to handle high level play and how to create adventures for high level play, but also provided a lot of additional crunch and pre-built NPCs and stuff to aid such play. Haven't been able to squeeze something like that on a schedule yet, alas.

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I know the idea of longer and shorter AP has been brought up before and shot down on several occasions, but on the topic of "epic level" play do you think Paizo would reconsider a longer AP to get to use some of those rules? Here's one possibility - do a 9 (or 8) part launched at Gen Con, which I know is a tradition no one wants to abandon, and follow that by a shorter 3 (or 4) parter launched at Paizo Con. Then you are back to another Gen Con launch. That should generate a bit more buzz for your own con, and the timing of the long AP reaching "epic level" should coincide with the spring rulebook release.
I realize nothing like this could happen until 2013 at the earliest, but I was curious what your opinion would be, and how you would plan to support "epic" rules.
On another topic, you are probably the wrong person to ask, but is Pathfinder Basic going to be part of the Pathfinder RPG subscription? If it is there is no way I can see that I'm not going to cancel. Am I missing something about that product, or is it really just the first few levels of Pathfinder?
We've been considering doing an AP that uses the fast track for XP. Such an AP WOULD be able to reach 20th level in 6 volumes while still starting at 1st level.
But the problem with starting at higher level goes beyond the fact that most folks don't like to do that. The problem is that starting at anything other than 1st level really hampers how we can build storylines, since the higher level the starting point, the less and less we can assume about the PCs' backgrounds.
Whatever we do when and if we do a book about post 20th-level play, though, we'll have to do SOME sort of adventure or maybe even adventure path supplement. That's all part of the complex riddle of solving the problem, in fact.
We're not saying much more about the introductory Pathfinder name, including what the actual name of the box is yet, or whether it'll be part of a subscription, or what exactly the box will cover. Stay tuned!

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I'm going to post this somewhere else but knowing your affinity for T-Rex's I thought I would post it here as well.
This last weekend I was playing in my friends homebrew Pathfinder game. We were facing off a Huge(literally that was the size category) gnoll that the GM had made up himself. We have a gnome druid who has a T-Rex as an animal companion and towards the end of the battle the Gnome decides to be all noble and charge his T-Rex(he rides it) at the gnoll to try and take it out. The party had gotten it down to about 4 hp left(thanks in large part to a land slide that was set off by my character...got to love dwarf mining explosives). So he charges and rolls for the bite attack and gets a 1 and ends up doing damage to its self.
If you were said gnome what would you have done?
Cast charm animal and run off with my new pet T-Rex.

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joela wrote:I think I read somewhere you participated in a high level / epic games (Sean K Reynolds?). Did you find such games significantly difficult to engage in? The biggest complaint I've read about them is that the sheer number of options available to both the PCs and GMs make them hard to balance.Not only am I playing in a high level game with Sean as the GM... pretty much EVERY campaign I run ends up going to 20th or even 21st level. I'm currently running a Serpent's Skull game, and I fully expect that one to spend a lot of time at high level.
Whether or not a high level game is difficult to play in depends extensively on the skill level of the GM and the players, but also extensively on whether or not the players arrived at high level organically. In Sean's game, we created 13th level characters at the start, and that robbed us of the chance to get to know our characters and each other's characters over the course of 1st through 13th level. Furthermore, Sean's game has a HUGE swing of who might actually be playing in the game at any one time—there's something like 7 or so characters, but the actual ones who'll end up playing in any one session seems to be a random subset—so it's really hard to get into a grove there. And that has resulted in a game that's at times a bit choppy.
In my home games, though, with a stable group of players who are always the same players with the same characters, and who achieve high level over the course of natural, organic game play, I don't find high level play that harrowing at all. Part of this is due to the fact that my players are pretty experienced, and that I'm not only experienced at GMing but that I'm also VERY comfortable making ad hoc decisions during game play to keep things rolling. The result: high level play in those games seems fine and is quite fun.
I think that a "guide to high level play" hardcover would be an EXCELLENT book to print, as a result. Something that not only helped to teach and train players and GMs on how to handle...
Thanx for the reply. So the so-called "difficulty" of high level play is not necessarily inherent in the system.

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I think that a "guide to high level play" hardcover would be an EXCELLENT book to print, as a result. Something that not only helped to teach and train players and GMs on how to handle high level play and how to create adventures for high level play, but also provided a lot of additional crunch and pre-built NPCs and stuff to aid such play. Haven't been able to squeeze something like that on a schedule yet, alas.
Third-party product! ^_^

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I think I'm starting animosity between my Lawful Good Dwarven fighter and the CN half-elf Rogue. He keeps trying to do shifty bad things and I either blow his cover to much embarrassment, wrestle him to the ground when he tries to pickpocket someone, thump him on the back of the head when he declares shifty ideas(I don't really hit the player). I'm trying to roleplay my character and how he would be adverse to most of those types of ideas, but the player seems to be taking it to heart. What do you think I should do?
You should prepare yourself to act in a mature manner as a player when the CN rogue does something to equally shame or inconvenience your character in play. And if your character isn't doing anything in play roleplaying-wise other than foiling the poor rogue, you should look into branching out into other types of venues. Just because you and the rogue's player sit at the same table during the game doesn't mean your overbearing dwarf is always only a few feet away from the rogue and watching his every move. And if that IS the case... that's kinda lame. Let the other player have some fun playing the character he wants now and then!

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So I got my friend to run carrion Crown, it will be the first AP that we have down with my gaming group (that's not all that important I am just excited that I will not have to GM it)
So I have been playing An alchemist for about a year now, and it is my favorite character I have ever played, in the 20 year or so I have been playing so pretty big deal, any way on to my Question.
Is it lame to play the same class twice in a row, because I am thinking of doing that, but I what to limit my lameness as much as possible?
If you enjoy playing a class, no, it's not lame to play that class twice in a row. It's not even lame to play essentially the same CHARACTER in a row, honestly, although prepare yourself for some other players being snooty about you not "branching out" if you do.
Personally, I quite enjoy playing the same class in multiple adventures, but I usually look for ways to play the character with a quite different and unique personality.
No two alchemists have to be exactly the same, in other words.

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Assuming it can see it, and keep it from returning to its home plane, would an Intellect Devourer be able to use an Invisible Stalker body?
Yes. Despite the fact that invisible stalkers are invisible, they still have bodies with brains. And once he's inside the poor thing, the intellect devourer is essentially part of the stalker's body, and thus would be invisible too.

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1. Have you seen Battlestar Galactica (the new series)?
1a. If so, did you see all the episodes?
1b. What did you think of the ending?
2. If someone offered to license your post apocalyptic game into a TV show or a movie would you allow it to happen?
1) Yup. I loved the show. I think it PROBABLY went on for 1 season too long—but that said, I quite liked the ending. I'm not part of the self-righteous cult of "They did things not the way I wanted them to and they owe me the REAL ending still!" Battlestar Fans. The last season wasn't the show's STRONGEST season, but I think they wrapped things up pretty cool.
2) Only if I got to write the script, had final script approval, and got to set the budget and pick the director. Or only if they paid me a couple million for each of those that they didn't give me. :-P

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James Jacobs wrote:I think that a "guide to high level play" hardcover would be an EXCELLENT book to print, as a result. Something that not only helped to teach and train players and GMs on how to handle high level play and how to create adventures for high level play, but also provided a lot of additional crunch and pre-built NPCs and stuff to aid such play. Haven't been able to squeeze something like that on a schedule yet, alas.Third-party product! ^_^
Since I probably wouldn't be involved in such a product, I'd still vie for Paizo producing a book like this anyway, cause I have a lot I'd like to say about the topic.

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JMD031 wrote:1. Have you seen Battlestar Galactica (the new series)?
1a. If so, did you see all the episodes?
1b. What did you think of the ending?
2. If someone offered to license your post apocalyptic game into a TV show or a movie would you allow it to happen?
1) Yup. I loved the show. I think it PROBABLY went on for 1 season too long—but that said, I quite liked the ending. I'm not part of the self-righteous cult of "They did things not the way I wanted them to and they owe me the REAL ending still!" Battlestar Fans. The last season wasn't the show's STRONGEST season, but I think they wrapped things up pretty cool.
2) Only if I got to write the script, had final script approval, and got to set the budget and pick the director. Or only if they paid me a couple million for each of those that they didn't give me. :-P
So your price DC goes up by one million per pre-requisite skipped?

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joela wrote:Since I probably wouldn't be involved in such a product, I'd still vie for Paizo producing a book like this anyway, cause I have a lot I'd like to say about the topic.James Jacobs wrote:I think that a "guide to high level play" hardcover would be an EXCELLENT book to print, as a result. Something that not only helped to teach and train players and GMs on how to handle high level play and how to create adventures for high level play, but also provided a lot of additional crunch and pre-built NPCs and stuff to aid such play. Haven't been able to squeeze something like that on a schedule yet, alas.Third-party product! ^_^
I'd buy both products ^_^.

Black Fang |

Black Fang wrote:Assuming it can see it, and keep it from returning to its home plane, would an Intellect Devourer be able to use an Invisible Stalker body?Yes. Despite the fact that invisible stalkers are invisible, they still have bodies with brains. And once he's inside the poor thing, the intellect devourer is essentially part of the stalker's body, and thus would be invisible too.
Awesome, thanks!

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So your price DC goes up by one million per pre-requisite skipped?
Basically. But it's a lot more complicated than that, since the infinite number of variables that might affect my preciousness with my precious precious words can fluctuate the base DC quite a lot, depending on the day.

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What is the leagality of prostitute in Golarion? It seems in areas where it is leagle it is still considered criminal...which is why I am confused.
Depends on the nation and city, but for the most part, in most regions in the Inner Sea region, prostitution is legal. In quite a few places, it's actually a legitimate and well-supported by the government or certain religions financial institution, in fact.
There are others where it's frowned upon or even outright illegal... but actually illegal is far from the norm.

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With the Lovecraftian elements we're seeing in Golarion, will we ever have something inspired by the Dreamlands?
We already do. As early as Pathfinder #6, which has some significant Dreamlands stuff in it. There's also several Dreamlands inspired monsters in Bestiary 2. And the Dimension of Dreams itself is part of the Great Beyond; it's detailed in the book of the same name ("The Great Beyond.")
SO... yup!

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With the Lovecraftian elements we're seeing in Golarion, will we ever have something inspired by the Dreamlands?
Not much has been said about it, but could easily be anything you wanted it to be. In my Golarion campaign, it is the source of eidolons. PCs can only access it while sleeping and must confront their worst nightmare to enter. My players must make a Will save equal to 20 + character level to gain entry.
I ran a one-off game with the flavor similar to the Dreamlands in most respects. They had to travel to Leng for a scroll to figure out why the summoner could not call his eidolon. Then traveled to the moon to rescue the eidolon from it's imprisonment from the moon-beasts. Turned out to be a bad idea, because afterwards the group decided they wanted to return and trashed my plans for the normal campaign. Oh well, they liked it.
EDIT: James beat me by 37 seconds!

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Thomas LeBlanc wrote:Well it is his thread after all.EDIT: James beat me by 37 seconds!
No it just means he is:
A) Using divination to read my mind.
B) Using his l33t h4x0r skills to see my screen or using a keylogger.
C) Using psionics to clone his consiousness into my brain.
D) All of the above.
E) Other:_____________________________________
Which is it James?
What are your favorite smells? I am partial to fresh cut grass, old books, and hot tar.

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Aberzombie wrote:With the Lovecraftian elements we're seeing in Golarion, will we ever have something inspired by the Dreamlands?Yup.
We already do. As early as Pathfinder #6, which has some significant Dreamlands stuff in it. There's also several Dreamlands inspired monsters in Bestiary 2. And the Dimension of Dreams itself is part of the Great Beyond; it's detailed in the book of the same name ("The Great Beyond.")
SO... yup!
Been awhile since I looked at that some of that stuff. I'll have to go back and read it.
Follow-up question: Will we ever see more stuff along those lines: Maybe a module or Chronicles book?

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John Kretzer wrote:Thomas LeBlanc wrote:Well it is his thread after all.EDIT: James beat me by 37 seconds!
No it just means he is:
A) Using divination to read my mind.
B) Using his l33t h4x0r skills to see my screen or using a keylogger.
C) Using psionics to clone his consiousness into my brain.
D) All of the above.
E) Other:_____________________________________
Which is it James?
What are your favorite smells? I am partial to fresh cut grass, old books, and hot tar.
E) Other: You used divination to read MY mind, but the time it took you to cast the spell was obviously about 38 seconds.
As for my favorite smells? Old books is a good one. I'd add coffee to that list. And on the "reminds me of home" category: ocean spray mixed wtih eucalyptus.

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James Jacobs wrote:Aberzombie wrote:With the Lovecraftian elements we're seeing in Golarion, will we ever have something inspired by the Dreamlands?Yup.
We already do. As early as Pathfinder #6, which has some significant Dreamlands stuff in it. There's also several Dreamlands inspired monsters in Bestiary 2. And the Dimension of Dreams itself is part of the Great Beyond; it's detailed in the book of the same name ("The Great Beyond.")
SO... yup!
Been awhile since I looked at that some of that stuff. I'll have to go back and read it.
Follow-up question: Will we ever see more stuff along those lines: Maybe a module or Chronicles book?
Yes. There's more stuff about the dreamlands here and there in Pathfinder #46, which is the big Lovecraft themed volume. And there are more dreamlands/Leng elements in the middle of "Legacy of Fire." And there's a fair amount of dreamlands inspiration behind the scenes in "Into the Darklands," (since the underworld in the Dreamlands is, as far as I can tell, one of the primary inspirations for the Underdark). And there's gugs and a little more dreamlands stuff in Pathfinder #11.
It's scattered all over, in other words. It'll continue to pop up regularly now and then as we keep on truckin'.

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I just realized that a nice combination (Spring Attack and the Scout (rogue archetype) ability "Skirmisher") may not be viable anymore after the updated Core errata. Is this the case or am I just needlessly worried?
thanks :)
Talk to your GM about how he wants to handle it. Then you can be relieved or worried as your GM sees fit!

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Who or what is "Abendego" and how did the storm come to be named that? Both in the setting and the design rationale would be great answers.
From the new Inner Sea World Guide, page 32...
"Before the death of Aroden, this sizable stretch of relatively calm waters was known as the Abendego Gulf."
We haven't revealed HOW that region came to be called Abendego. My gut is that the first Taldan who discovered/explored it was Captain Abendego, but don't quote me on that since I haven't bothered to put much thought into the source of the name! :-)
The name itself, though, comes from Biblical sources—Erik Mona came up with it, so he'd be the one to ask for the full story.

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Evil Lincoln wrote:Who or what is "Abendego"...?The name itself, though, comes from Biblical sources—Erik Mona came up with it, so he'd be the one to ask for the full story.