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Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:

why hasn't anybody made it so soda stays carbonated longer once a bottle has been opened??

I hear that's next in line after the flying cars, actually.

Shadow Lodge

James Jacobs wrote:
Aelryinth wrote:
1) Does Fast Healing stop bleed damage? By a strict reading of the rules, it's not a magical HP cure (its EX) and it's not a heal check...but it makes no sense for it NOT to stop it.
Yes. Fast healing stops bleed damage (provided it's!$# point bleed, and not ability score bleed).

Were you deliberately trying to break the new profanity filter?

If you were to personally able to visit and adventure as a Pathfinder in any of the region(s) outlined in the Inner Sea Guide, where would you go?

EDIT: I should say, other than the Mwangi Expanse so you can see a T-Rex.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Tanner Nielsen wrote:

Hey James!

If someone were interested in playing a Suli-Jann in Carrion Crown, which elemental language might be of use in the Adventure Path?

All four are probably equally obscure in Carrion Crown. Aquan might have a SLIGHT advantage, I suppose, due to there being a lot of aquatic stuff going on in part 4.

Dark Archive

James are there puffins in Golarion? What about dire puffins? What about the Great Auk?

Dark Archive

If there are dire puffins would this be a proper representation of their size?

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
If there are dire puffins would this be a proper representation of their size?

For the first time, I'd actually bet against Godzilla. Puffin, puffin, rah, rah!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
James are there puffins in Golarion? What about dire puffins? What about the Great Auk?



Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
James are there puffins in Golarion? What about dire puffins? What about the Great Auk?



Anyway I can convince you too add great auks into Golarion? They'd be the norths equivalent of penguins, they'd still be around had they not been slow and flightless and eaten by early settlers. Just to say the Great Auk was cool, and i wish it was still around.

Hey James,
I and some of my friends have always felt that the Undead raising Necromancer has never really gotten much love. Is there any plan to help fix this in the foreseeable future? also, is there any chance that some spells will be created that help raise a massive army of undead, as opposed to needing to cast many spells over and over and over again?

Sovereign Court

Monkeygod wrote:

Hey James,

I and some of my friends have always felt that the Undead raising Necromancer has never really gotten much love. Is there any plan to help fix this in the foreseeable future? also, is there any chance that some spells will be created that help raise a massive army of undead, as opposed to needing to cast many spells over and over and over again?

If you want an army of undead you're going to have to knuckle down, put in the hours and create an artefact like the rest of us.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
James are there puffins in Golarion? What about dire puffins? What about the Great Auk?


Anyway I can convince you too add great auks into Golarion? They'd be the norths equivalent of penguins, they'd still be around had they not been slow and flightless and eaten by early settlers. Just to say the Great Auk was cool, and i wish it was still around.

I have no reason to say no. So, sure!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:

Hey James,

I and some of my friends have always felt that the Undead raising Necromancer has never really gotten much love. Is there any plan to help fix this in the foreseeable future? also, is there any chance that some spells will be created that help raise a massive army of undead, as opposed to needing to cast many spells over and over and over again?

The best way to have a necromancer that controls a lot of undead is to just write an adventure with him and give him lots of undead. You don't have to justify every tiny thing with spells and abilities.

But if you do... there's a LOT of options already. Try making a multiclass necromancer/cleric with the Death domain, take levels in mystic theurge, and then make him a lich or a vampire or a graveknight. Presto?mountains of undead minions!

Necromancer: animate dead, control undead, create undead, command undead, and create greater undead spells, along with necromancer school abilities

Cleric: Command Undead feat, lots of the spells the necromancer has basically doubles the allocation of what he can do

Vampire: can create all the spawn he wants, and can dominate lesser necromancers to control their minions by proxy

Graveknight: These guys have even MORE undead controlling powers.

And of course, using all that control undead stuff to just control specific undead that can create spawn themselves lets you build a necromantic pyramid scheme.

There's PLENTY of necromancer love in the game.

Scarab Sages


Will Paizo people ever come to Philadelphia? Would you accept free booze if you did?

Aberzombie wrote:


Will Paizo people ever come to Philadelphia? Would you accept free booze if you did?

But probably not THAT much necromancer love.

I mean, Philly? Ewwwww.

Shadow Lodge

Is an Oracle who follows more than one god (let's say one of Battle who pays particular homage to Gorum, Iomedae, and Cayden) considered a priest of all of the gods, one of the gods, or no gods? What if it's a dwarf? Do they get access to all the ancestral spells?

A couple of questions...

1) Why are ogres not typed as Giants anymore?

2)Page 40 of the Pathfinder Chronicles: Dungeon Denizens Revisited has a piece of art I am syrprised in allowed into a book? A T-Rex getting owned by a purple worm...Any comments on that?

One of my players wants to create a spell called Bigby's Stinky Finger. (Or Stinky Finger, if you will.) It would be a low-level nuisance, possibly a cantrip, for humorous effect. How would you write this one?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aberzombie wrote:


Will Paizo people ever come to Philadelphia? Would you accept free booze if you did?

The question of who gets sent where at Paizo is mostly down to Hyrum, since he's the events coordinator. That said, I'm not a big fan of work travel, so I generally resist things like offers to go to, say, France (much less Philly) to attend a convention. I'd rather go there on vacation.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

MisterSlanky wrote:
Is an Oracle who follows more than one god (let's say one of Battle who pays particular homage to Gorum, Iomedae, and Cayden) considered a priest of all of the gods, one of the gods, or no gods? What if it's a dwarf? Do they get access to all the ancestral spells?

Oracles don't follow gods at all. That's what clerics do.

Many oracles follow philosophies or nature or powerful forces or their own internalized faith. Oracles that follow gods generally follow entire pantheons or "mini-pantheons" like the ones suggested in the various mysteries.

Whether or not any one specific oracle who follows a pantheon is considered a priest of those gods depends on the church and its members, and that opinion can vary from god to god and region to region and person to person.

Talonne Hauk wrote:
One of my players wants to create a spell called Bigby's Stinky Finger. (Or Stinky Finger, if you will.) It would be a low-level nuisance, possibly a cantrip, for humorous effect. How would you write this one?

You mean... ME!? Mwahahaha!

Say, would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

John Kretzer wrote:

A couple of questions...

1) Why are ogres not typed as Giants anymore?

2)Page 40 of the Pathfinder Chronicles: Dungeon Denizens Revisited has a piece of art I am syrprised in allowed into a book? A T-Rex getting owned by a purple worm...Any comments on that?

1) Ogres are still giants. There's no "giant" monster type in Pathifnder, though. "Giant" is a subtype of humanoid. Ogres and all other giants are humanoids with the "Giant" subtype.

2) The T-rex is only CR 9. A purple worm is CR 13. It's just the rules doing their thing.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

Oracles don't follow gods at all. That's what clerics do.

Many oracles follow philosophies or nature or powerful forces or their own internalized faith. Oracles that follow gods generally follow entire pantheons or "mini-pantheons" like the ones suggested in the various mysteries.

Whether or not any one specific oracle who follows a pantheon is considered a priest of those gods depends on the church and its members, and that opinion can vary from god to god and region to region and person to person.

Considering the description on how one becomes an oracle, "Stalked by the Gods" seems an appropriate description.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Talonne Hauk wrote:
One of my players wants to create a spell called Bigby's Stinky Finger. (Or Stinky Finger, if you will.) It would be a low-level nuisance, possibly a cantrip, for humorous effect. How would you write this one?

I wouldn't.

1) I avoid using any WotC intellectual property in my writing, just because I don't want any of that to "leak" into print.

2) Bigby's a cool NPC, and I would never approve or want to design a spell that treats him as something silly—several 2nd edition products treated Greyhawk as a joke, and I pretty much hated those adventures. And I'd hate a "Bigby's stinky finger" spell too.

3) I'm not really a fan of "joke" spells or "joke" content even when it's NOT mocking/making fun of existing world canon.

4) I don't like seeing cantrip bloat. The game has enough cantrips.

5) And so on.

6) If points 1 through 5 didn't matter so much to me, though, I'd make "stinky finger" be a 1st level touch spell that makes the creature touched save to resist being nauseated. The spell would last for 1 round/level, and the victim would get a new save each round to recover from the spell effect early, spending the rest of the spell's duration merely sickened.

Speaking of zero level "useless" stuff what is your opinion of this old one from Sword and Sorcery? (I'm fairly certain it's not IP) Gives a necromancer a little undead plaything early on.

Animate Vermin
Temporarily animates small animal skeletons or zombies.
Level: Clr0,Sor/Wiz1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: standard action
Range: Short (25 ft. + 5 ft/2 levels)
Target: 1 animal corpse
Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell allows the caster to animate one animal of no more than one hit die as per the spell animate dead. The corpse will follow simple commands, but is typically useful only for menial tasks and utterly useless in combat. After 1 day per level of the caster, the corpse disintegrates, consumed by the necromantic energies flowing through it.
Material components: The corpse to be animated and an onyx gem worth at least 5 gp.

James Jacobs wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:

Hey James,

I and some of my friends have always felt that the Undead raising Necromancer has never really gotten much love. Is there any plan to help fix this in the foreseeable future? also, is there any chance that some spells will be created that help raise a massive army of undead, as opposed to needing to cast many spells over and over and over again?

The best way to have a necromancer that controls a lot of undead is to just write an adventure with him and give him lots of undead. You don't have to justify every tiny thing with spells and abilities.

But if you do... there's a LOT of options already. Try making a multiclass necromancer/cleric with the Death domain, take levels in mystic theurge, and then make him a lich or a vampire or a graveknight. Presto?mountains of undead minions!

Necromancer: animate dead, control undead, create undead, command undead, and create greater undead spells, along with necromancer school abilities

Cleric: Command Undead feat, lots of the spells the necromancer has basically doubles the allocation of what he can do

Vampire: can create all the spawn he wants, and can dominate lesser necromancers to control their minions by proxy

Graveknight: These guys have even MORE undead controlling powers.

And of course, using all that control undead stuff to just control specific undead that can create spawn themselves lets you build a necromantic pyramid scheme.

There's PLENTY of necromancer love in the game.

True, but there's no mass animate dead spell. I should think by 7th-9th level one could have a spell that raises a bunch of low level undead, since that's a staple of fantasy. Hell it could even be a part of a PrC.

Also what book has the rules for Graveknight?? I know it'll be in Undead Revisted, but I think you said the rules for them are in a different book....or I'm just confused lol

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Enkili wrote:

Speaking of zero level "useless" stuff what is your opinion of this old one from Sword and Sorcery? (I'm fairly certain it's not IP) Gives a necromancer a little undead plaything early on.

Animate Vermin
Temporarily animates small animal skeletons or zombies.
Level: Clr0,Sor/Wiz1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: standard action
Range: Short (25 ft. + 5 ft/2 levels)
Target: 1 animal corpse
Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell allows the caster to animate one animal of no more than one hit die as per the spell animate dead. The corpse will follow simple commands, but is typically useful only for menial tasks and utterly useless in combat. After 1 day per level of the caster, the corpse disintegrates, consumed by the necromantic energies flowing through it.
Material components: The corpse to be animated and an onyx gem worth at least 5 gp.

A lot of Sword and Sorcery's content is "crippled" content. They made the rules open, but didn't make the names or flavor text open. So in this case, you probably wouldn't be able to print the spell's name at all, and you might not even be able to print the non-rules flavor text. Frustrating, and the main reason I haven't touched ANY of their products for inclusion in adventures.

Anyway... this spell's too powerful for a cantrip. Especially in Pathfinder, where cantrips are usable at will. It's okay as a 1st level spell, though. Not much different than unseen servant, power wise (although I might adjust its duration down to 24 hours).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Monkeygod wrote:

True, but there's no mass animate dead spell. I should think by 7th-9th level one could have a spell that raises a bunch of low level undead, since that's a staple of fantasy. Hell it could even be a part of a PrC.

Also what book has the rules for Graveknight?? I know it'll be in Undead Revisted, but I think you said the rules for them are in a different book....or I'm just confused lol

There's no mass animate dead spell YET. Probably won't be, in fact, until we figure out how our post-20th level spells work. But as I've mentioned on other threads... if you want a dude with an army of skeletons or zombies... just design him an artifact that lets that happen, or just say he made a bargain with a death god like Orcus or Urgathoa to gain the army. Easy.

Graveknights appeared in Pathfinder #26's bestiary. They're a template—kind of a fighter's version of a lich, basically. They'll have an entry in "Undead Revisited." The rules for the template itself won't be in that book, but they'll show up in another book by the end of the year, I suspect.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
The rules for the template itself won't be in that book, but they'll show up in another book by the end of the year, I suspect.

Does that count as announcing Bestiary 3? ;)

Dark Archive

So I am currently in the works of rendering some 3D mountainous terrain with the help of a buddy at a local factory. My big plan is to have a 3d representation of all terrain types along with all the dwarvenforge sets to aid with interior terrain. I plan to make the ultimate D&D 3d experience for me and my players, in fact I now have an entire D&D room. Do you think I am maybe taking the hobby to far or getting a wee bit too obsessed?

James Jacobs wrote:
Talonne Hauk wrote:
One of my players wants to create a spell called Bigby's Stinky Finger. (Or Stinky Finger, if you will.) It would be a low-level nuisance, possibly a cantrip, for humorous effect. How would you write this one?

I wouldn't.

1) I avoid using any WotC intellectual property in my writing, just because I don't want any of that to "leak" into print.

2) Bigby's a cool NPC, and I would never approve or want to design a spell that treats him as something silly—several 2nd edition products treated Greyhawk as a joke, and I pretty much hated those adventures. And I'd hate a "Bigby's stinky finger" spell too.

3) I'm not really a fan of "joke" spells or "joke" content even when it's NOT mocking/making fun of existing world canon.

4) I don't like seeing cantrip bloat. The game has enough cantrips.

5) And so on.

6) If points 1 through 5 didn't matter so much to me, though, I'd make "stinky finger" be a 1st level touch spell that makes the creature touched save to resist being nauseated. The spell would last for 1 round/level, and the victim would get a new save each round to recover from the spell effect early, spending the rest of the spell's duration merely sickened.

Breaking news! "Gaming is serious business" as paraphrased from James Jacobs. We'll have more on this story as it develops.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The rules for the template itself won't be in that book, but they'll show up in another book by the end of the year, I suspect.
Does that count as announcing Bestiary 3? ;)


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
So I am currently in the works of rendering some 3D mountainous terrain with the help of a buddy at a local factory. My big plan is to have a 3d representation of all terrain types along with all the dwarvenforge sets to aid with interior terrain. I plan to make the ultimate D&D 3d experience for me and my players, in fact I now have an entire D&D room. Do you think I am maybe taking the hobby to far or getting a wee bit too obsessed?

Maybe a bit.

If you call your D&D room a Pathfinder room, though, you'll be fine.

Does Dervish Dance and flame blade interact? It would appear to be a pretty powerful combination.

James Jacobs wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

A couple of questions...

Why are ogres not typed as Giants anymore?

Ogres are still giants. There's no "giant" monster type in Pathifnder, though. "Giant" is a subtype of humanoid. Ogres and all other giants are humanoids with the "Giant" subtype.

Oh wow you are right...did not notice that before. I am curious...what was the design reason for that? Or was it fluff?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The rules for the template itself won't be in that book, but they'll show up in another book by the end of the year, I suspect.
Does that count as announcing Bestiary 3? ;)

So are you saying you aren't releasing Bestiary 3 this year? ;)

Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The rules for the template itself won't be in that book, but they'll show up in another book by the end of the year, I suspect.
Does that count as announcing Bestiary 3? ;)
So are you saying you aren't releasing Bestiary 3 this year? ;)

I'm guessing that James can neither confirm nor deny the release of any potential book that may or may not be titled Bestiary 3.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

LoreKeeper wrote:
Does Dervish Dance and flame blade interact? It would appear to be a pretty powerful combination.

Not really.

You'd get your Dex mod to attack rolls, but that's about it. Like how strength can't modify a flame blade's damage, neither can Dexterity with Dervish Dance. And since it doesn't deal weapon damage anyway (it deals fire damage, not piercing or slashing), that doesn't use any Dervish Dance stuff either.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

John Kretzer wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

A couple of questions...

Why are ogres not typed as Giants anymore?

Ogres are still giants. There's no "giant" monster type in Pathifnder, though. "Giant" is a subtype of humanoid. Ogres and all other giants are humanoids with the "Giant" subtype.

Oh wow you are right...did not notice that before. I am curious...what was the design reason for that? Or was it fluff?

The fact that there weren't really any humanoids larger than Medium, and that there weren't giants smaller than Large, made it an obvious choice to just merge the two. It also made sense to merge them because their traits were almost identical anyway. And because it's logical—just because you're giant sized doesn't mean you're not humanoid.

We did a similar thing with elementals, making them a subtype of Outsider rather than their own thing.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

JMD031 wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The rules for the template itself won't be in that book, but they'll show up in another book by the end of the year, I suspect.
Does that count as announcing Bestiary 3? ;)
So are you saying you aren't releasing Bestiary 3 this year? ;)
I'm guessing that James can neither confirm nor deny the release of any potential book that may or may not be titled Bestiary 3.


Be patient. We'll make announcements for ALL of our book when the time is right. Which is how we've always done things.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The rules for the template itself won't be in that book, but they'll show up in another book by the end of the year, I suspect.
Does that count as announcing Bestiary 3? ;)
So are you saying you aren't releasing Bestiary 3 this year? ;)
I'm guessing that James can neither confirm nor deny the release of any potential book that may or may not be titled Bestiary 3.


Be patient. We'll make announcements for ALL of our book when the time is right. Which is how we've always done things.

Oh I know I was just having fun messing with you since I know you can't say anything. ;)

Justin Franklin wrote:
Oh I know I was just having fun messing with you since I know you can't say anything. ;)


The Exchange

If all the Gods in Golarion dropped dead from bad pie, would their Clerics be able to worship Rocks?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

yellowdingo wrote:
If all the Gods in Golarion dropped dead from bad pie, would their Clerics be able to worship Rocks?

They would! They would also all be ex-clerics, would gain no spells, and would be eaten by the cannibal survivors of the apocalyptic wasteland in which they found themselves.

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
If all the Gods in Golarion dropped dead from bad pie, would their Clerics be able to worship Rocks?
They would! They would also all be ex-clerics, would gain no spells, and would be eaten by the cannibal survivors of the apocalyptic wasteland in which they found themselves.

So no Icon Worship then? What if they can recruit ten thousand other worshipers of the Rock? Can they get cleric spells then? What Domains?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

yellowdingo wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
If all the Gods in Golarion dropped dead from bad pie, would their Clerics be able to worship Rocks?
They would! They would also all be ex-clerics, would gain no spells, and would be eaten by the cannibal survivors of the apocalyptic wasteland in which they found themselves.
So no Icon Worship then? What if they can recruit ten thousand other worshipers of the Rock? Can they get cleric spells then? What Domains?

No icon worship. You have to be a druid, a ranger, a paladin, an inquisitor, or an oracle if you want to gain divine spellcasting by worshiping a rock or icon.

If you as a GM want clerics to be able to worship anything and get domains... that's fine, but that means you get the joy of picking domains and all the rest on your own.

James Jacobs wrote:


Be patient. We'll make announcements for ALL of our book when the time is right. Which is how we've always done things.

Your welcome.

Would you ever consider making a post apocalyptic type setting with Golarion? Maybe as a "What If?" type setting book, a la what Green Ronin did with Worlds of Freedom?

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
If all the Gods in Golarion dropped dead from bad pie, would their Clerics be able to worship Rocks?
They would! They would also all be ex-clerics, would gain no spells, and would be eaten by the cannibal survivors of the apocalyptic wasteland in which they found themselves.
So no Icon Worship then? What if they can recruit ten thousand other worshipers of the Rock? Can they get cleric spells then? What Domains?

No icon worship. You have to be a druid, a ranger, a paladin, an inquisitor, or an oracle if you want to gain divine spellcasting by worshiping a rock or icon.

If you as a GM want clerics to be able to worship anything and get domains... that's fine, but that means you get the joy of picking domains and all the rest on your own.

Still annoying. Idiot worshiped by ten thousand with nothing better to do becomes a god, yet a rock worshiped by ten thousand doesnt get a look in...

The Face of Bo is angry at you!!! Prepare to be crushed beneath it's magnanimousness Dinoboy!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Talonne Hauk wrote:
Would you ever consider making a post apocalyptic type setting with Golarion? Maybe as a "What If?" type setting book, a la what Green Ronin did with Worlds of Freedom?

Not with Golarion.

But with Earth? Involving Lovecraftian monsters? Yes. In that I've got that game mostly written already.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

yellowdingo wrote:

Still annoying. Idiot worshiped by ten thousand with nothing better to do becomes a god, yet a rock worshiped by ten thousand doesnt get a look in...

The Face of Bo is angry at you!!! Prepare to be crushed beneath it's magnanimousness Dinoboy!

Not as annoying as complaining about it.

Face of Bo is not angry with anyone. It's a happenstance fracture in a rock that, in a few more centuries, will erode into further meaninglessness.

(steps on Face of Bo to hasten the process)

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