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Hi James.
Did you get a lot of Fallout gameplay during the holiday?
I did indeed get lots of Fallout time in during the four day weekend.
I haven't eaten pizza for years in a serious way—maybe a slice here or there, but I'm pretty much done with it since it combines food in all the right ways to make me fat again.

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Okay then.
How would you make a bard/cleric work with the Chelish Diva archetype work?
By applying the Chelish Diva rules to the bard class as normal and not really touching the cleric half. To make the combo work, I'd pick a deity for the cleric that would work well with a performer like a diva—I'd probably go with either Shelyn or Calistria.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Was the question tasteless? If so, I apologize. :(
Nope; it wasn't tasteless at all. But it's a topic that, the more you go into game mechanic details, the better the chance that it'll turn tasteless or immature gets, so one just has to make sure to keep that in mind if one were to build a whole big interbreeding subsystem into the rules.
Oh, okay. Thank you for the clarification.
Have you any opinions on the game Alan Wake?
Does Golarion have any deities that could be classified as "fertility gods/goddesses?"
Speaking of which, why is Thor so awesome whether in ancient mythology or comic book film?

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James Jacobs wrote:Archpaladin Zousha wrote:Was the question tasteless? If so, I apologize. :(
Nope; it wasn't tasteless at all. But it's a topic that, the more you go into game mechanic details, the better the chance that it'll turn tasteless or immature gets, so one just has to make sure to keep that in mind if one were to build a whole big interbreeding subsystem into the rules.
Oh, okay. Thank you for the clarification.
Have you any opinions on the game Alan Wake?
Does Golarion have any deities that could be classified as "fertility gods/goddesses?"
Speaking of which, why is Thor so awesome whether in ancient mythology or comic book film?
I quite enjoyed Alan Wake; very fun game!
Yes; lots and they cover different takes. Shelyn, Erastil, Lamashtu, Shub-Niggurath, Pharasma, Feronia, and Cernunnos would all count in one way or another.
Depends on the person. I've always been kinda bored with Thor. The new Marvel movies are the most interesting he's ever been to me, but that's 90% due to Chris Hemsworth and not any established Thor canon/mythology. So... I'm the wrong person to ask there, I guess, since for me, with that one exception, Thro's been the opposite of awesome.

martinaj |
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So JJ, I'm gearing up for a Carrion Crown AP, and am making some pretty significant tweaks to the BBEG and his motivations. What alignment do you think this guy is now?

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So JJ, I'm gearing up for a Carrion Crown AP, and am making some pretty significant tweaks to the BBEG and his motivations. What alignment do you think this guy is now?
** spoiler omitted **
I actually had very little to do with Carrion Crown, apart from developing the first adventure, and I actually don't have any real insights into the last adventure or the BBEG's motivations. That said, reading your spoilered text and the information on the character's background you provided... I'd make the guy chaotic evil.

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Yeah, it's generally best to direct Carrion Crown questions to Wes anyhow. By the way, currently playing Haunting of Harrowstone myself on the forums and I gotta say it's AWESOME! Thank you for that, James!
So, the Ulfen language is called Skald. Skald is also what people'd call you if you play an Ulfen Bard, and now there's an official class with the name. So...bit of a chicken and egg question: Did the Ulfen name their language after the poets or the poets after the language?

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So, the Ulfen language is called Skald. Skald is also what people'd call you if you play an Ulfen Bard, and now there's an official class with the name. So...bit of a chicken and egg question: Did the Ulfen name their language after the poets or the poets after the language?
I guess they did.
(Reason #321 why I'm kinda tired with more classes, frankly—each time we make a class, we steal words from ourselves.)

Tels |

Archpaladin Zousha wrote:So, the Ulfen language is called Skald. Skald is also what people'd call you if you play an Ulfen Bard, and now there's an official class with the name. So...bit of a chicken and egg question: Did the Ulfen name their language after the poets or the poets after the language?I guess they did.
(Reason #321 why I'm kinda tired with more classes, frankly—each time we make a class, we steal words from ourselves.)
Dervish Dance :P
What's your biggest criticism of Fallout 4 so far? What's your favorite aspect of it? Anything new in Fallout 4 that you'd add to your post-apocalypic RPG you designed? (that I cannot remember the name of!)

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Mr. Jacobs, I've always wondered how game developers/staff members interact with the rulebook in their own personal games. Personally, I GM no matter what decision I make in my prep time I have to make sure everything is 100% possible within the realm of the rules of the system I am playing in. To me, I feel like it is almost my duty to my players to make sure that we are all in agreement as to what is and isn't possible in this universe. It is also in part as to why I will blanket ban my players from any 3rd party content (obviously I understand there is some very well done content, but it's far easier to level the playing field). For example, I frequently will spend hours tinkering with the pathfinder rules to get exactly the result I want for a certain spell or spell combination. And if there is one tiny clause that prevents it from happening quite the way I want it to, I have to find another way to justify it.
Long-winded rambling aside, my question to you is, how often do you yourself fudge the rules when GMing pathfinder, or any other system in general? And additionally, what is your thought/personal preferences in regards to homebrewed content?

Ashkar |

Mr. Jacobs, my party is currently moving to make their runeforge weapons. One of the PCs is using his natural weapons in fights and other is a bladebound magus.
1. Does the pool infuse natural weapons (claws) with runeforge properties?
2. Will one use of it count only for one hand or both?
3. How better to deal with blackblade? Add "runeforged" as ability that can be activated by spending blackblades arcana points?

Guang |

Hi James!
Really enjoying reading through the Sahkil. Had two questions though
1. I kept being reminded of Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street. How would he compare power-wise with the other Sahkil?
2. Are the Sahkil Tormentors going to ever be given an Inner Sea Gods style statting, for fearful Clerics to use?

HWalsh |
Hey James,
What's you opinion on the Empyreal Knight?
Of all of the Paladin Archetypes I really like it... For flavor... Mechanically... Mechanically I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole while wearing a bio-hazard suit.
Of all of the archetypes that one feels, just, "What were people thinking?"
My group jokes about it being the non-Paladin Paladin given that it gives up almost all of the Paladin iconic abilities. What is your take on it?

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James Jacobs wrote:Archpaladin Zousha wrote:So, the Ulfen language is called Skald. Skald is also what people'd call you if you play an Ulfen Bard, and now there's an official class with the name. So...bit of a chicken and egg question: Did the Ulfen name their language after the poets or the poets after the language?I guess they did.
(Reason #321 why I'm kinda tired with more classes, frankly—each time we make a class, we steal words from ourselves.)
Dervish Dance :P
What's your biggest criticism of Fallout 4 so far? What's your favorite aspect of it? Anything new in Fallout 4 that you'd add to your post-apocalypic RPG you designed? (that I cannot remember the name of!)
As far as I know, "Dervish Dance" is not the name of a class, so I have no idea why you mentioned that.
My biggest criticism of Fallout 4 is that there's no mechanic that tags new notes and documents and holotapes you pick up as "unread" so you can miss information by not realizing you haven't read something you looted. As far as criticisms go, that's pretty light. It's one of the best video games I've ever played, frankly.
My favorite aspect of it so far is the areas where the game diverts into full-on horror themes.
My post-apocalyptic RPG is Unspeakable Futures. There's actually not a lot that's groundbreaking or game changing in Fallout 4 from previous Fallouts, honestly, so there's not really, as a result, "something new" that I'd add to Unspeakable Futures as a result of the game. If anything, Fallout 4 has added things I've had in Unspeakable Futures for over a decade. Which is kind of the reverse.

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Mr. Jacobs, I've always wondered how game developers/staff members interact with the rulebook in their own personal games. Personally, I GM no matter what decision I make in my prep time I have to make sure everything is 100% possible within the realm of the rules of the system I am playing in. To me, I feel like it is almost my duty to my players to make sure that we are all in agreement as to what is and isn't possible in this universe. It is also in part as to why I will blanket ban my players from any 3rd party content (obviously I understand there is some very well done content, but it's far easier to level the playing field). For example, I frequently will spend hours tinkering with the pathfinder rules to get exactly the result I want for a certain spell or spell combination. And if there is one tiny clause that prevents it from happening quite the way I want it to, I have to find another way to justify it.
Long-winded rambling aside, my question to you is, how often do you yourself fudge the rules when GMing pathfinder, or any other system in general? And additionally, what is your thought/personal preferences in regards to homebrewed content?
In my games, I pretty much interact with the Core Rulebook rarely, if ever. And when I do, it's usually to look up the specifics of a spell, or to randomly roll up some treasure for a wandering monster. I refer to the Bestiaries all the time though.
I'm comfortable enough with my rules knowledge and trust my players with their rules knowledge that in most situations I don't need to constantly go to the rulebook, and when I do need to go, often I'll just ad hoc a rule in order to keep the game play moving along. To me, the Core Rulebook is most useful when creating a character or writing an adventure.
I fudge rules every single time I run the game, in other words.
My preference for homebrewed content is that it's the best way to play the game. Even if you run a game in a published setting with published adventures, you ABSOLUTELY should homebrew elements to customize the game to your players and to their characters.

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Mr. James Jacobs,
For general interest, if one where to say make a dinosaur themed cleric which deity would be most thematically appropriate?
Also which is your favorite character from The Land Before Time series?
Don't have a favorite character from The Land Before Time, since I never had any interest in seeing that movie. If I had been born a few decades later, perhaps, but by the time the first of those movies came out in 1988, I was a junior in High School. I still loved dinosaurs, but had become VERY frustrated with the "dinosaur drought" in movies that had been running pretty much my entire life. There were a lot of dinosaur movies back in the 30s through the 60s, but once the 70s came along, they started tapering off, and new dinosaur movies were almost unheard of in the 80s. And those that DID come out in the 80s were family-friendly ones like "Baby" or "The Land Before Time," which didn't then and don't now hold much draw for me. Furthermore, I'm really kinda annoyed with the "Disney effect" that comes up in this genre, where the carnivore dinosaurs are always the "bad guy" and the herbivores are always the "good guy." Boring.
Fortunately, in the mid 90s, "Jurassic Park" made it cool and profitable for movies to show dinosaurs being dinosaurs again.

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Mr. Jacobs, my party is currently moving to make their runeforge weapons. One of the PCs is using his natural weapons in fights and other is a bladebound magus.
1. Does the pool infuse natural weapons (claws) with runeforge properties?
2. Will one use of it count only for one hand or both?
3. How better to deal with blackblade? Add "runeforged" as ability that can be activated by spending blackblades arcana points?
1) Only if there's a character in the game you're running who's focused his/her build and tactics for the course of the campaign in a natural weapon.
2) It only affects one claw.
3) If you have someone who uses a blackblade, I'd consider just letting the runeforge property work for free on that weapon. That's how it works for eveyrone else's weapon. It's not fair and kinda lame to penalize the magus by making him spend resources to use something that everyone else gets for free.

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Hi James!
Really enjoying reading through the Sahkil. Had two questions though
1. I kept being reminded of Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street. How would he compare power-wise with the other Sahkil?
2. Are the Sahkil Tormentors going to ever be given an Inner Sea Gods style statting, for fearful Clerics to use?
I actually did no work whatsoever on the sakhil, and haven't really read them much yet other than a single editing pass (which isn't the best way to take in the flavor of something, especially when you're on deadline). I like the basic concept of them, but I don't have a lot of insight into them. That said...
1) I see Freddy Kruger as a nightmare creature human rogue, not a sakhil.
2) They're in Golarion, yes. Whether or not we ever detail them more (or the psychopomp ushers, or the demigod kytons for that matter) remains to be seen— the time (and the product) has to be right, and so far, it hasn't ben.

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Hey James,
What's you opinion on the Empyreal Knight?
Of all of the Paladin Archetypes I really like it... For flavor... Mechanically... Mechanically I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole while wearing a bio-hazard suit.
Of all of the archetypes that one feels, just, "What were people thinking?"
My group jokes about it being the non-Paladin Paladin given that it gives up almost all of the Paladin iconic abilities. What is your take on it?
No opinion. I don't know what it is. I assume from the context of your post it's a paladin archetype. I don't really keep up on archetypes, frankly—they're one of the least interesting parts of the game to me. When I make a PC, I often sift through the archetypes that are options for the class I take, but more often than not, I end up not wanting any of them. And since I pretty much never ever play paladins (they're my least favorite class), the paladin archetypes are, to me, completely unknown.
So I guess my opinion on the empyreal knight (unfounded since I've not read it) is that it's kinda boring, just like all paladins.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |
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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:So, the Ulfen language is called Skald. Skald is also what people'd call you if you play an Ulfen Bard, and now there's an official class with the name. So...bit of a chicken and egg question: Did the Ulfen name their language after the poets or the poets after the language?I guess they did.
(Reason #321 why I'm kinda tired with more classes, frankly—each time we make a class, we steal words from ourselves.)
On the other hand, the implication that skalds (the class) are so prominent and important among the ulfen people in a linguistic sense that they named their language after them is a pretty compelling idea. It would be like the official language of England being "Shakespearean" rather than English.
What's your favorite happy coincidence that's happened in Golarion canon as its been developed?

Slithery D |

Tels wrote:As far as I know, "Dervish Dance" is not the name of a class, so I have no idea why you mentioned that.James Jacobs wrote:
(Reason #321 why I'm kinda tired with more classes, frankly—each time we make a class, we steal words from ourselves.)Dervish Dance :P
Dervish Dance is a feat and Dervish Dancer is a Bard archetype, just like Beyond Morality is a Wizard arcane discovery and Beyond Morality is also a mythic path ability that does something similar but different with the exact same name but is acquired through a different method.
I imagine his point, was with Skald (language), Skald (casual name for an Ulfen Bard), and Skald (hybrid class), was that Paizo has a habit of using duplicate names for similar purposes and this introduces confusion, not least to Paizo employees themselves. But it's nothing that couldn't be solved by 6 or 10 disambiguation pages on the PRD.

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James Jacobs wrote:Tels wrote:As far as I know, "Dervish Dance" is not the name of a class, so I have no idea why you mentioned that.James Jacobs wrote:
(Reason #321 why I'm kinda tired with more classes, frankly—each time we make a class, we steal words from ourselves.)Dervish Dance :P
Dervish Dance is a feat and Dervish Dancer is a Bard archetype, just like Beyond Morality is a Wizard arcane discovery and Beyond Morality is also a mythic path ability that does something similar but different with the exact same name but is acquired through a different method.
I imagine his point, was with Skald (language), Skald (casual name for an Ulfen Bard), and Skald (hybrid class), was that Paizo has a habit of using duplicate names for similar purposes and this introduces confusion, not least to Paizo employees themselves. But it's nothing that couldn't be solved by 6 or 10 disambiguation pages on the PRD.
That's not something I'm nearly as bothered by, frankly. Especially the feat, since feats are always capitalized. If we make a feat called Jouster, that won't confuse folks if we talk about a tournament featuring jousters.
It's particularly vexing for classes because the best names for base classes are one word, which is often NOT the case for archetypes.

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James Jacobs wrote:Ah... Well... To each their own I guess. I feel the same way about Rogues though so I know where you are coming from.
So I guess my opinion on the empyreal knight (unfounded since I've not read it) is that it's kinda boring, just like all paladins.
Further confirming the opposite factor between us! :-D

JohnFaraday |

Thank you for answering my previous question.
As i now have much more free time I may finally be actually to play Pathfinder and not just read all the wonderful wonderful lore of Golarion. My whole group (including myself) would be new to playing and i would be acting is GM, i plan on starting them all at first level which leads me to ask
How does one make an interesting encounter for first level and which monsters are most appropriate?
Which area would you suggest to start a campaign at first level?
Also, do you prefer monster of the week type campaigns or long arcs? (and T.V Shows for that matter)
And finally what dinosaur is your avatar and have you named him?

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James Jacobs wrote:My favorite aspect of it so far is the areas where the game diverts into full-on horror themes.Ooo which all ones have you been to? I could list some you could check out if you want to, though that would probably fall under your no spoiler request :3
Pickman's Gallery stands out. I'm eager to check out the Museum of Witchcraft and the Insane Asylum, but haven't gone in there yet.
And yes, listing them would indeed fall under the no spoiler request; thanks for not doing that! :-D

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Thank you for answering my previous question.
As i now have much more free time I may finally be actually to play Pathfinder and not just read all the wonderful wonderful lore of Golarion. My whole group (including myself) would be new to playing and i would be acting is GM, i plan on starting them all at first level which leads me to ask
How does one make an interesting encounter for first level and which monsters are most appropriate?
Which area would you suggest to start a campaign at first level?
Also, do you prefer monster of the week type campaigns or long arcs? (and T.V Shows for that matter)
And finally what dinosaur is your avatar and have you named him?
The best way to start out, in my experience, is to find a published adventure you like or that has excellent reviews/recommendations and play it, rather than try to make your own adventure right from the start. Reading and playing published adventures is the BEST way to learn what does and doesn't work for your group, and has the enormous advantage of not requiring you as the GM to spend weeks or months crafting an adventure only to find out your players are bored by it.
The more you run and read published adventures, the better you get at making interesting encounters and picking monsters and all that.
I much prefer long campaigns with immersive stories.

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With scientists saying it's already too late to do anything about global warming, with food production and disintigration of the polar ice caps now being an inevitability, are we doomed? :(

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With scientists saying it's already too late to do anything about global warming, with food production and disintigration of the polar ice caps now being an inevitability, are we doomed? :(
I think we're doomed regardless. Humanity is really good, it seems, at self-destruction. Global warming is just one of the ways we're going about it. The question is whether or not we want to do anything about it, and I suspect that we CAN do something about it, but not before there's a lot more calamity to wake up the people who oppose it.

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:With scientists saying it's already too late to do anything about global warming, with food production and disintigration of the polar ice caps now being an inevitability, are we doomed? :(I think we're doomed regardless. Humanity is really good, it seems, at self-destruction. Global warming is just one of the ways we're going about it. The question is whether or not we want to do anything about it, and I suspect that we CAN do something about it, but not before there's a lot more calamity to wake up the people who oppose it.
So...does that mean I should continue being miserable and scared?

Guang |

Guang wrote:Hi James!
Really enjoying reading through the Sahkil. Had two questions though
1. I kept being reminded of Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street. How would he compare power-wise with the other Sahkil?
2. Are the Sahkil Tormentors going to ever be given an Inner Sea Gods style statting, for fearful Clerics to use?I actually did no work whatsoever on the sakhil, and haven't really read them much yet other than a single editing pass (which isn't the best way to take in the flavor of something, especially when you're on deadline). I like the basic concept of them, but I don't have a lot of insight into them. That said...
1) I see Freddy Kruger as a nightmare creature human rogue, not a sakhil.
2) They're in Golarion, yes. Whether or not we ever detail them more (or the psychopomp ushers, or the demigod kytons for that matter) remains to be seen— the time (and the product) has to be right, and so far, it hasn't ben.
Who was the one who worked on them? Would love to find out more about their real-world inspiration and so forth.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:So...does that mean I should continue being miserable and scared?Archpaladin Zousha wrote:With scientists saying it's already too late to do anything about global warming, with food production and disintigration of the polar ice caps now being an inevitability, are we doomed? :(I think we're doomed regardless. Humanity is really good, it seems, at self-destruction. Global warming is just one of the ways we're going about it. The question is whether or not we want to do anything about it, and I suspect that we CAN do something about it, but not before there's a lot more calamity to wake up the people who oppose it.
I guess so?

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James Jacobs wrote:Who was the one who worked on them? Would love to find out more about their real-world inspiration and so forth.Guang wrote:Hi James!
Really enjoying reading through the Sahkil. Had two questions though
1. I kept being reminded of Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street. How would he compare power-wise with the other Sahkil?
2. Are the Sahkil Tormentors going to ever be given an Inner Sea Gods style statting, for fearful Clerics to use?I actually did no work whatsoever on the sakhil, and haven't really read them much yet other than a single editing pass (which isn't the best way to take in the flavor of something, especially when you're on deadline). I like the basic concept of them, but I don't have a lot of insight into them. That said...
1) I see Freddy Kruger as a nightmare creature human rogue, not a sakhil.
2) They're in Golarion, yes. Whether or not we ever detail them more (or the psychopomp ushers, or the demigod kytons for that matter) remains to be seen— the time (and the product) has to be right, and so far, it hasn't ben.
Dunno. Maybe Wes?

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Hey James would you ever be interested in making a pathfinder movie or pathfinder cinematic universe?
If you were going to make a movie or a series of movies, what would be one villain you would want as the main villain of a movie and why?
Me personally? No... I don't have the skills to make a movie that would be good.
I would love to write a screenplay for such a movie, though!
Beyond that... I would just love there to be a GOOD Pathfinder movie or show... but if it were a show, I'd want it to be on HBO or some premium cable network.
As for what villain I would want to be in the movie... probably Treerazer. Because I'm kinda tired of fantasy movies where the main bad guy is just a scary wizard.

DebugAMP |
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Therrux wrote:Hey James would you ever be interested in making a pathfinder movie or pathfinder cinematic universe?
If you were going to make a movie or a series of movies, what would be one villain you would want as the main villain of a movie and why?
Me personally? No... I don't have the skills to make a movie that would be good.
I would love to write a screenplay for such a movie, though!
Beyond that... I would just love there to be a GOOD Pathfinder movie or show... but if it were a show, I'd want it to be on HBO or some premium cable network.
As for what villain I would want to be in the movie... probably Treerazer. Because I'm kinda tired of fantasy movies where the main bad guy is just a scary wizard.
I take it having Grandmaster Torch end every episode sitting up in a walking mechanical bath yelling "Next time Pathfinders.... next time!!!!" while shaking his fist would not meet the qualifications for a GOOD Pathfinder show.

martinaj |

Golarion has been growing and evolving for years now. Certain elements have really been played up, others have been played down. Some have really broken out, and some have been left largely forgotten. A few years ago, I recall you saying that a setting is defined as much by what it doesn't have as what it does (a sentiment I've really hung onto in my own world building).
So looking back, is there anything that you wish you hadn't included in Golarion back when the setting was first put into hardbacks, or anything you REALLY wish you'd made different?

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James Jacobs wrote:I take it having Grandmaster Torch end every episode sitting up in a walking mechanical bath yelling "Next time Pathfinders.... next time!!!!" while shaking his fist would not meet the qualifications for a GOOD Pathfinder show.Therrux wrote:Hey James would you ever be interested in making a pathfinder movie or pathfinder cinematic universe?
If you were going to make a movie or a series of movies, what would be one villain you would want as the main villain of a movie and why?
Me personally? No... I don't have the skills to make a movie that would be good.
I would love to write a screenplay for such a movie, though!
Beyond that... I would just love there to be a GOOD Pathfinder movie or show... but if it were a show, I'd want it to be on HBO or some premium cable network.
As for what villain I would want to be in the movie... probably Treerazer. Because I'm kinda tired of fantasy movies where the main bad guy is just a scary wizard.
Not being involved in PFS at all, Grandmaster Torch is not an NPC I have any attachment to. He's VERY LOW on the list of NPCs I'd put in a Pathfinder movie.

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Golarion has been growing and evolving for years now. Certain elements have really been played up, others have been played down. Some have really broken out, and some have been left largely forgotten. A few years ago, I recall you saying that a setting is defined as much by what it doesn't have as what it does (a sentiment I've really hung onto in my own world building).
So looking back, is there anything that you wish you hadn't included in Golarion back when the setting was first put into hardbacks, or anything you REALLY wish you'd made different?
Yeah; plenty. But I'd rather not go on about that stuff, since it's better to just let those elements fade away, and me talking about them gives them more legitimacy and attention even if what I say is "it's too bad this was part of the setting."

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James Jacobs wrote:I'm kinda tired of fantasy movies where the main bad guy is just a scary wizard.But Karzoug was sooooo good! I think Rise of the Runelords would make a killer 12 episode miniseries.
Perhaps... but what's good for a campaign isn't necessarily good for a show. I'd rather do a NEW story than convert an existing one. Similar to the tactic we've taken with the novel line.

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Guang wrote:Dunno. Maybe Wes?James Jacobs wrote:Who was the one who worked on them? Would love to find out more about their real-world inspiration and so forth.Guang wrote:Hi James!
Really enjoying reading through the Sahkil. Had two questions though
1. I kept being reminded of Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street. How would he compare power-wise with the other Sahkil?
2. Are the Sahkil Tormentors going to ever be given an Inner Sea Gods style statting, for fearful Clerics to use?I actually did no work whatsoever on the sakhil, and haven't really read them much yet other than a single editing pass (which isn't the best way to take in the flavor of something, especially when you're on deadline). I like the basic concept of them, but I don't have a lot of insight into them. That said...
1) I see Freddy Kruger as a nightmare creature human rogue, not a sakhil.
2) They're in Golarion, yes. Whether or not we ever detail them more (or the psychopomp ushers, or the demigod kytons for that matter) remains to be seen— the time (and the product) has to be right, and so far, it hasn't ben.
Sakhils started as a very loose design goal for Bestiary 5, and when Adam Daigle and I heard about them, we started plotting some possibilities to pitch to Wes. The three of us figured out what their origins, goals, and very general visual appearances would be one afternoon (in addition to refining their names). That's about where my involvement ended, so I attribute any subsequent madness to Wes, Adam, our art director, and the artist. For your questions, I recommend asking Wes and Adam.