Witch for PFS how to improve


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I hate to say the command spell is very witch like and can go away at higher levels.

At level 1 you are a d6 caster with no armor.

The command spell can keep you out of melee and also flavor wise is very witch like.....

Those options are
Approach: On its turn, the subject moves toward you as quickly and directly as possible for 1 round. The creature may do nothing but move during its turn, and it provokes attacks of opportunity for this movement as normal.

Drop: On its turn, the subject drops whatever it is holding. It can't pick up any dropped item until its next turn.

Fall: On its turn, the subject falls to the ground and remains prone for 1 round. It may act normally while prone but takes any appropriate penalties.

Flee: On its turn, the subject moves away from you as quickly as possible for 1 round. It may do nothing but move during its turn, and it provokes attacks of opportunity for this movement as normal.

Halt: The subject stands in place for 1 round. It may not take any actions but is not considered helpless

The halt command is great for enemy casters, the others situationally for use against various melee types.........

Stone the Crows wrote:
hogarth wrote:
PeteZero wrote:

Where can I find the metamagic rod of reach?

hogarth wrote:
Stone the Crows wrote:
You may wish to consider a little more Strength for use with Spectral Hand as a back up plan if the Enchantments don't work out. There are many Touch spells that don't grant a save.
A Reach metamagic rod is pretty cheap, though.
It's in the Advanced Player's Guide.
He'll still need some Strength to hit, plus Spectral Hand gives a +2 bonus.

Why would he need Strength to hit with a ranged touch attack (which is what the Reach Spell metamagic feat does to a touch spell)?

hogarth wrote:

Why would he need Strength to hit with a ranged touch attack (which is what the Reach Spell metamagic feat does to a touch spell)?

Sorry, I totally missed that bit! That makes Reach Spell much better than I thought!

However, for the OP, His Str is -1 so with Spectral Hand it would be +1.
His Dex is +1, so with Reach Spell, he's still only +1.

I was thinking that some strength [maybe a +1 start] would make Spectral Hand a better choice long term [doesn't cap out a 3rd level like the cheap Rod] as it grants a better chance to hit.

Either way I guess it's a mute point for the OP as he hasn't mentioned any interest in using RTA's anyway, that bit was from my own build for an up-coming game! I'm trying to weigh up the pro's and con's of having a Str bonus in place of Dex and Con, I'm not doing very well ;)

Why should I take a STR higher then 8 - just for touch attacks? I never intend to go into melee, and ranged touch attacks are based on Dex, so there would be the case to take a higher Dex. I was weighing Human vs. elf, as with elf you get a +2 to INT and Dex, but the -2 to CON really hurts, esp. with a D6 hitdice.

So for spells: command, mount and oscuring mist sound good to me, later on mage armor, ill omen, cause fear and charm person sound good too, esp. with Spell focus: enchantment

Patron: still weighing trickery, but looks good.

for familiar: would the scorpion also be a good option instead of a fox?

PeteZero wrote:

Why should I take a STR higher then 8 - just for touch attacks? I never intend to go into melee, and ranged touch attacks are based on Dex, so there would be the case to take a higher Dex. I was weighing Human vs. elf, as with elf you get a +2 to INT and Dex, but the -2 to CON really hurts, esp. with a D6 hitdice.

As I said, you shouldn't as it's not part of your build. I was really contemplating it for my own build.

I'm going Spell Focus Enchantment/Gr. Spell Focus Enchantment route too but wanted an alternative attack method vs. monsters that are immune. As the Witch gets all the good touch attacks [chill touch, touch of idiocy, vampiric touch, enervation, inflicts] I was thinking Spectral Hand with a bit of Strength might be a cunning plan B. Trouble is that I want a Cha bonus to help UMD, and maxed out Int, then some Str, plus some Con and Dex! 20pts. won’t go that far :( [My stats: Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 14]

For Patron I'm taking Trickery, I really want that Mirror image!
Familiar: Rat for Fort save boost!

Got'cha, but your stats are too high for 20 pt buy (INT costs you 17 points, and your CHA 5, STR 2 - you need to have something below 10, with this build your INT should be 19, not that bad either).
I chose the CON for survivability, like to have a bit more hp, and with FORT saves boosted - Fox as a familiar.

stuart haffenden wrote:
PeteZero wrote:

Why should I take a STR higher then 8 - just for touch attacks? I never intend to go into melee, and ranged touch attacks are based on Dex, so there would be the case to take a higher Dex. I was weighing Human vs. elf, as with elf you get a +2 to INT and Dex, but the -2 to CON really hurts, esp. with a D6 hitdice.

As I said, you shouldn't as it's not part of your build. I was really contemplating it for my own build.

I'm going Spell Focus Enchantment/Gr. Spell Focus Enchantment route too but wanted an alternative attack method vs. monsters that are immune. As the Witch gets all the good touch attacks [chill touch, touch of idiocy, vampiric touch, enervation, inflicts] I was thinking Spectral Hand with a bit of Strength might be a cunning plan B. Trouble is that I want a Cha bonus to help UMD, and maxed out Int, then some Str, plus some Con and Dex! 20pts. won’t go that far :( [My stats: Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 14]

For Patron I'm taking Trickery, I really want that Mirror image!
Familiar: Rat for Fort save boost!

PeteZero wrote:

Got'cha, but your stats are too high for 20 pt buy (INT costs you 17 points, and your CHA 5, STR 2 - you need to have something below 10, with this build your INT should be 19, not that bad either).

I chose the CON for survivability, like to have a bit more hp, and with FORT saves boosted - Fox as a familiar.

Forgot to mention I'm middle aged, +1 to mental stats, -1 to physical.

Cannot do that for PFS, otherwise would have.

Heart of the wild (trait)?

What is that?

KenderKin wrote:

Heart of the wild (trait)?

What is that?

I think it is one of the alternate racial options from the APG. Instead of the bonus skill point per level a human character gains +1 per 2 levels to survival checks, +5 for con checks to stabilize when at negative HP, and add 1/2 their level to the number of negative HP they can be at before making the switch from "mostly dead" to "all dead."

Abraham spalding wrote:
KenderKin wrote:

Some spell choices can be eliminated by hex selection....

First level
obscuring mist

Now at higher level I would trade it out for something else (possibly phantom steed).

Phantom Steed (bard 3, magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 2) is not on the Witch's spell list...

Liberty's Edge

Evil Genius Prime wrote:
I said "All witches are EVIL". I meant "All witches are female".

Bad break-up? :)

Liberty's Edge

Abraham spalding wrote:

Misfortune can last forever... IF you stay within 30 feet, AND you spend that move action every round. Those are two big "if"s. Unless you have a means to move away and back every round without using a move action you're going to get smashed cackling regularly as a witch if you do anything else.

Flight isn't bad, it can save on spell slots -- but by level 9 I can instead cast overland flight, and honestly a fly speed before that point is useful... but not needed -- not to mention that it can be covered by the actual fly spell.

In a lot of earlier encounters, though, the Flight hex will make it easier to Cackle to extend Misfortune while continuing to stay out of reach of your target.

For PFS you could also spend 2 PP for a wand of ill omen.

A 14 dex and a compsognathus or scorpion familiar will give you a +6 on Initiative so you can maybe skill improve initiative.

I also think that 3 hexes on lvl 1 is good, cackle, evil eye (or misfortune) and slumber. Save the slumber for boss fights otherwise your GM might get annoyed. Get a wand of ill omen, maybe after the wand of cure light wounds. I'll pretty much dedicate all my PP for wands of spells that I like. For weapons, a light crossbow is good but so far I haven't really used it yet.

A wand of ill-omen, command and other utility lvl 1 spells will really be good to have, and 2 spring loaded wrist sheaths.

Ear-piercing scream is also good for roleplay, imagine if they get to act on the surprise round, so in shock you scream like a baby and scare them away.

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