A few Druid questions.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Are there any prestige classes?
Is the Druid class so complete that they have no prestige classes and no need for them?

Where can i find more than 1-2 fun druid weapons,armor and wonderous items?

Liberty's Edge

Joes Pizza wrote:

Are there any prestige classes?

Is the Druid class so complete that they have no prestige classes and no need for them?

Where can i find more than 1-2 fun druid weapons,armor and wonderous items?

There's a Nature Warden prestige class in the APG, and I suppose there are others open to divine spellcasters, though I can't think of one off the top of my head.

As for weapons and armor, there's not much, though different races allow for a slightly larger weapon list.

Kortz wrote:
Joes Pizza wrote:

Are there any prestige classes?

Is the Druid class so complete that they have no prestige classes and no need for them?

Where can i find more than 1-2 fun druid weapons,armor and wonderous items?

There's a Nature Warden prestige class in the APG, and I suppose there are others open to divine spellcasters, though I can't think of one off the top of my head.

As for weapons and armor, there's not much, though different races allow for a slightly larger weapon list.

The Nature's Warden prestige class requires favored terrain as a prerequisite, thereby indicating that a level or two of ranger is required.

Is this it?
Wow, nothing else?
It seems Druids are in need of some serious love all around.

Joes Pizza wrote:

Are there any prestige classes?

Is the Druid class so complete that they have no prestige classes and no need for them?

Where can i find more than 1-2 fun druid weapons,armor and wonderous items?

The nature warden from the APG might fit depending on what you want to do. 3.5 has PrC's also, but the druid class is better without them if you are just looking for power.

None of the core classes need PRC's. You normally do better without PrC'ing.

You don't need a PrC to be "complete". That's 3.5 thinking. You need a PrC to explore alternative concepts that the core class can't quite fulfill.

Is there such a need for druids? Perhaps. What do you need that the class itself isn't doing for you?

Liberty's Edge

Joes Pizza wrote:

The Nature's Warden prestige class requires favored terrain as a prerequisite, thereby indicating that a level or two of ranger is required.

Is this it?
Wow, nothing else?
It seems Druids are in need of some serious love all around.

I don't think there are any PrCs for Druids without multi-classing. But Druid builds can be varied enough that I don't think a Druid-only PrC is necessary.

Slaunyeh wrote:

You don't need a PrC to be "complete". That's 3.5 thinking. You need a PrC to explore alternative concepts that the core class can't quite fulfill.

Is there such a need for druids? Perhaps. What do you need that the class itself isn't doing for you?

I never played 3.5 so it may just be the fact that i was wanting some fun and crazy options to allow me to be a better shapeshifter, similar to the ranger options in the APG, or maybe something along the lines of the sorcerer bloodline Starsoul.

An option to effectively mix martial combat with shapeshifting allowing for surprising maneuvers like changing from a mouse to a rhino while under an enemy.

Swift shifting to help with acrobatics checks and to prevent falls or grapples.
Spell shifts that take the energy of a produce flame to temporarily imbue a natural attack with an elemental attack.
coordinated animal companion and druid attacks.

Heh, my companion is a Dire Weasel with grapple and imp grapple.
Lots of things to do.

Living armor and weapons?
Stinger shooters?
Gloves that mimic cat's claws and provide a bonus to natural attacks when in animal form.
A staff that is used as a focus for so long before it is transformed into an uncontrollable treant that attacks any non-druid after a certain number of spells are cast through it.
Staff of Vines.

Joes Pizza wrote:

I never played 3.5 so it may just be the fact that i was wanting some fun and crazy options to allow me to be a better shapeshifter, similar to the ranger options in the APG, or maybe something along the lines of the sorcerer bloodline Starsoul.

Well, what you want is basically a core druid. If you look around you should be able to find guides for both caster-focused and wildshape-focused druid builds, that can help you build towards what you want.

But what you described is all within the realm of the core druid concept.

I may need a ruling, but the cricket bat with sharp stones embedded along the edge that azteks used should be an allowed weapon. The intent of the druid weapon and armor list is that they be handmade from only natural materials. Copper and gold need not be smelted, but I'll let that go. When I'm GMing, turtle shell shields are allowed for druids.

Goth Guru wrote:
I may need a ruling, but the cricket bat with sharp stones embedded along the edge that azteks used should be an allowed weapon. The intent of the druid weapon and armor list is that they be handmade from only natural materials. Copper and gold need not be smelted, but I'll let that go. When I'm GMing, turtle shell shields are allowed for druids.

There is nothing that limit a druid's use of weapons (except for proficiencies). His vows only restrict the kinds of armour he can wear. And then only to anything non-metallic. Turtle shell, dragon scale, giant scoprion carapace, etc., should all be a-okay.

(as for the aztec sword, I'd call it a club that deals slashing damage)

Stone Plate is good for druids if you take the heavy armor feat. I had a dwarf that wore it and it was great. It also helps if someone in the party can enchant it for you.

In my opinion one of the main goals of Pathfinder is that NO class NEEDS a prestige class. Prestige classes should be chosen for RP reasons, world flavor, or player fun. No class should have to take a prestige class to become better at what their class is already supposed to due.

That being said, you may want to look at the Advanced Players Guide. They have some alternate class options for Druids that you may like.

Slaunyeh wrote:
That's 3.5 thinking.

Even in 3.5 there were very few PrCs for Druids, and even fewer that were worth taking. There was Shifter/Master of Many Forms, which was borderline broken despite not giving any caster levels. Beyond that, I have trouble finding anything that I liked for any Druid.

The Druid is simply so good that you can't really improve it much :)

Dark Archive

Joes Pizza wrote:

Living armor and weapons?
Stinger shooters?
Gloves that mimic cat's claws and provide a bonus to natural attacks when in animal form.
A staff that is used as a focus for so long before it is transformed into an uncontrollable treant that attacks any non-druid after a certain number of spells are cast through it.
Staff of Vines.

a lot of that was in 3.5

armor and weapon symbiot's were in ebberon. the armor is artifact level, and they are aberrations,but they exist. also plant grafts

gloves like that were in savage species. they granted a +1 claw attack and it became +2 and +d6 damage. called beast claws

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