Cohort ideas, looking for something fun and usefull


Running kingmaker as a player, Level 2 female elf alchemist. Looking for ideas for cohort once I reach 7th level. Ive hit a creative brickwall with this one, and could use some ideas.

Our group is constructed as follows:

Sanya, Female elf Alchemist 2 LN: worships Abadar, wields a great sword, first discovery was feral mutagen. More of a melee focused fighter, using shield and strength mutagen to give me some durability and bite in combat. Have skills in craft weaponsmith and craft alchemy, plan on using poison, also have a decent perception, survival, and appraise skills. Background: She grew up with her twin sister and mother in a small hut out in the wilds. Her mother was a witch and her sister took up that path with teachings from their mother. Sanya learned all about herbs and potions from her mother and though she had arcane talent, chose a different path than her sister and mother. Their mother was killed a months back by some young human adventurers, sons and daughters of nobles. They thought she was evil because she was a WITCH. When the twin sisters tried to seek justice, the town official, who was bribed by the noble families, refused to punish those responsible. Later that night, the twins crept into the officials house and used a vial of potent poison their mother had made to poison him in his sleep. Then they fled town and went to live with their cousin, Soanso, an apprentice wizard in Brevoy.

Esmerelda, female Witch 2 CN: Twin of Sanya
Soanso, Male Elf Wizard1/Ranger1 : Cousin of the twins
Beetle, Male Elf Bard 2:
Barker, Male 1/2 Elf Fighter2 : Will be taking levels of barbarian, his mother was elf, his father was 1/2 orc, using stats for 1/2 elf though
Shanequa, Female 1/2 Elf paladin: will be taking levels of rogue

I have toyed around with the idea of a Monk and a cleric of Abadar.
As you can see we are all Elf or 1/2 Elf. The twins and Barker have some issues with humans, I'm not against non elven cohorts or party members. In fact I love playing dwarfs, and rarely play an Elf.

I was thinking a cohort who could craft Armor would be nice, since I can make weapons and potions. The wizard can make scrolls and one of the others is going to take Craft Wonderous item feat.

I'd like the cohort to have some depth, and be useful, but also maybe add some comic relief. I'm open to any of the base classes or the ones from the APG.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Consider a rogue perhaps? That would seem to cover the one major hole in your party composition. You don't have a trapfinder, a lockpicker and a face for the seamier side of town might help you as well.

LazarX wrote:
Consider a rogue perhaps? That would seem to cover the one major hole in your party composition. You don't have a trap finder, a lockpicker and a face for the seamier side of town might help you as well.

The paladin will be taking rogue very soon, and has a decent charisma, the Bard has a good charisma and uses social skills pretty well.

Also i should mention my goal is to be the Royal Assasin. There are those that would corrupt our new nation and destroy the order we have brought to these lawless lands. If they can not be meet in the open, let us deal with them in the shadows.

If I were you, I would choose a cohort who stays home and runs your base of operations while you're away. Preferably one who can make magic items for you while you're advanturing.

I daresay that if I were the DM of a group that already has six PCs (already 50% larger than the AP recommends), I would never allow you to select a cohort that will increase the group size. Yeah, so what if he's two levels lower. Even at -2 levels, a good healer or buffer can be almost as effective as a PC, and the last thing your group needs is an extra PC, and I'll bet the last thing your DM needs is to have even more work editing every encounter to make them challenging for your ever-growing group. Heck, what will he do when all 6 of you each have a cohort? Is he prepared for a 12-man adventuring group?

Frankly, if your DM is even considering letting you have an adventuring cohort, in a group already way too big for the adventure as written, he's crazy as a loon. His game, his call, but it sounds crazy to me. Does the DM know what you're planning? If not, you better clear it with him now before you get disappointed later.

Have him give me a call, I'll set him straight; he could do like I do and simply ban this feat as the most overpowered, unbalanced, broken feat ever created for 3.x/Pathfinder. Which, obviously, you don't want him to do since you're looking forward to having a cohort, so I suggest you go with option 1 then - a stay-at-home cohort.

I'm quickly seeing your point as I run ideas through my head. Some particularly nasty ideas came to mind, not intentionally even, and there is another player who was thinking about it. hmmm, I'll have to think on this a bit. We have not breezed though anything so far, though not sure how much he has beefed things up.

With kingmaker, probably could have the cohort take on a role that one of us PC's dont take. Like a cavalier cohort whose our army general and such.

MundinIronHand wrote:

Running kingmaker as a player, Level 2 female elf alchemist.

Esmerelda, female Witch 2 CN: Twin of Sanya
Soanso, Male Elf Wizard1/Ranger1 : Cousin of the twins
Beetle, Male Elf Bard 2:
Barker, Male 1/2 Elf Fighter2 : Will be taking levels of barbarian, his mother was elf, his father was 1/2 orc, using stats for 1/2 elf though
Shanequa, Female 1/2 Elf paladin: will be taking levels of rogue

I have toyed around with the idea of a Monk and a cleric of Abadar.

I would go with a cleric as your party, for all its size, seems very lacking here.

Done well a cleric can make a nice cohort in the sense that he/she takes a little face time (enough that you feel that they are there) while not dominating things like a PC likely should.

I'd suggest going for a more 'loremaster' like cleric, though I would stay pure cleric. If you stick with Abadar I'd go with Law & Travel, otherwise I'd look towards Knowledge as a domain.

If you want the Paladin to freak out, take a level of Diabolist with him :) It's a nice PrC, and worth the single level delay on your channel energy.


MundinIronHand wrote:

Running kingmaker as a player, Level 2 female elf alchemist.

Esmerelda, female Witch 2 CN: Twin of Sanya
Soanso, Male Elf Wizard1/Ranger1 : Cousin of the twins
Beetle, Male Elf Bard 2:
Barker, Male 1/2 Elf Fighter2 : Will be taking levels of barbarian, his mother was elf, his father was 1/2 orc, using stats for 1/2 elf though
Shanequa, Female 1/2 Elf paladin: will be taking levels of rogue

I have toyed around with the idea of a Monk and a cleric of Abadar.

Well, you have a Witch, who can heal, a Bard who can also heal and the Ranger and Paladin, assuming they get a few more levels in addition to the Wizard and Rogue levels, can use wands. I'd say healing is fairly stitched up, although not an 'optimal' blend, but what is these days?

Give your lack of High-AC, perhaps a Halfling (or Gnome) Fighter who focuses on Mounted Combat? Give him a Reach Weapon, the Wild Cohort Feat (I'm not sure where you can find that these days, however!) and go to town. In one sense, having a full-plated Halfing on a Full Plate Barded Wolfhound, armed with a Glaive and running around knocking the 'tall folk' on their asses can be a great benefit for the party if they get into melee or need to run away. Also the high AC Wall can be of great use, especially if you go Lance/Tower Shield path (and a potential flying mount) while mounted, makes the Halfling (or Gnome) the Pathfinder equivilent of a Bunker Buster missile.

I recently stated up a pseudodragon cohort for a friend. Made it a cleric. ;)

It has an unknown god and gets pissy if you claim its not real. :)

mdt wrote:

I recently stated up a pseudodragon cohort for a friend. Made it a cleric. ;)

It has an unknown god and gets pissy if you claim its not real. :)

Thats awesome!!!

MundinIronHand wrote:
mdt wrote:

I recently stated up a pseudodragon cohort for a friend. Made it a cleric. ;)

It has an unknown god and gets pissy if you claim its not real. :)

Thats awesome!!!

Thanks. :) She also tries to convert any lizarfolk, halfdragons, pseudodragons, or other reptillian or draconic creatures it encounters over to the worship of her goddess. :) The reason nobody knows about her goddess, she claims, is that she's very sneaky, but quite charming if you have tea with her. (charm and trickery domains) :)

Even though we have no cleric, we do alright healing wise, not optimal but the bard and witch do well enough, the witch has good ranks in heal, and I can at least heal myself a bit. Not sure how many levels of each the ranger/wizard id going to do, might be going for an arcane archer prc.

When you say mounted halfling, I think cavalier. On a wolf or boar, with a lance and shield, sworn to protect the alchemist and her family (covers the witch and wizard/ranger)

A lore heavy cleric who mainly stays out of combat, sort of a craft/knowledge/lore guy. Might run a church in our kingdom some day.

Hmm....If i could get the DM to let the cleric carry around 1 Holy Hand grenade it would work marvelously. But that would require being bale to count to five.......

MundinIronHand wrote:
Hmm....If i could get the DM to let the cleric carry around 1 Holy Hand grenade it would work marvelously. But that would require being bale to count to five.......

Thank your Deity of Choice that Paizo didn't create an actual Holy Hand Grenade. PCs tend to pick up anything even remotely shiney and magical, and that's a trick too cruel to pull on your players .... what, why are you all looking at me like that?

MundinIronHand wrote:

Even though we have no cleric, we do alright healing wise, not optimal but the bard and witch do well enough, the witch has good ranks in heal, and I can at least heal myself a bit. Not sure how many levels of each the ranger/wizard id going to do, might be going for an arcane archer prc.

When you say mounted halfling, I think cavalier. On a wolf or boar, with a lance and shield, sworn to protect the alchemist and her family (covers the witch and wizard/ranger)

A lore heavy cleric who mainly stays out of combat, sort of a craft/knowledge/lore guy. Might run a church in our kingdom some day.

Hmm....If i could get the DM to let the cleric carry around 1 Holy Hand grenade it would work marvelously. But that would require being bale to count to five.......

I'm very fascinated with this idea. Love pseudodragons, and the goddess concept is brilliant.

MundinIronHand wrote:
MundinIronHand wrote:

Even though we have no cleric, we do alright healing wise, not optimal but the bard and witch do well enough, the witch has good ranks in heal, and I can at least heal myself a bit. Not sure how many levels of each the ranger/wizard id going to do, might be going for an arcane archer prc.

When you say mounted halfling, I think cavalier. On a wolf or boar, with a lance and shield, sworn to protect the alchemist and her family (covers the witch and wizard/ranger)

A lore heavy cleric who mainly stays out of combat, sort of a craft/knowledge/lore guy. Might run a church in our kingdom some day.

Hmm....If i could get the DM to let the cleric carry around 1 Holy Hand grenade it would work marvelously. But that would require being bale to count to five.......

I'm very fascinated with this idea. Love pseudodragons, and the goddess concept is brilliant.

On the contrary, its an excellent trick to pull on players, glad the ones I GM for don't read these boards. Currently running ROTRL converted to pathfinder and there is a very greedy gnome illusionist who jumps upon anything shiny. There is what appears to be a small gold metal rod, sunk into what appears to be around grey rock. The end of the rod has a loop with a diamond in it. (player would grab that before the others could say wai......BOOOOM!!!!

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