Kierato |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
I am working on a full conversion of Diablo II to Pathfinder. I am going to try to keep it balanced with the rest of PF and work with existing classes and abilities. I plan on releasing 2 new Sorcerer bloodlines (Horadrim Mage (Diablo 2 sorceress) and Deciple of Trang'oul (Daiblo 2 Necromancer)) For now I have a few new sor/wiz spells and a link to my Diablo II socketed items thread [url](Here)[/url].
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V,S
Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels)
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You hurle a small ball of fire at one target within close range. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to affect the target. This spell deals 1d8 points of fire damage, plus an additional 1d8 fire damage per two caster levels beyond 1st(1d8 at first level, 2d8 at third level, etc).
Ice Bolt
Evocation [Cold]
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V,S
Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels)
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
You hurle a small shard of Ice at one target within close range. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to affect the target. This spell deals 1d4+1 points of cold damage, +1 cold damage per caster level (1d4+2 at first level, 1d4+3 at second level, etc).
Furthermore, if the target takes damage from this spell, it must also succeed on a Fortitude save or be slowed for 1 round, +1 round per 3 caster levels beyond 1st.
Charged Bolt
Evocation [Electricity]
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V,S
Range: 10 ft. +5ft./2 caster levels
Effect: Cone shaped spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex/half
Spell Resistance: No
You release numerous motes of lightning that surge outwards in a cone shaped spread (page 214 PF core rule book). Any creature caught in the area takes 1d6 points of electricity damage (reflex save for half). For ever 3 caster levels beyond 1st that you possess, the targets take an additional 1d6 electricity damage.
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V,S
Range: 10 ft. +5ft./2 caster levels
Effect: Cone shaped spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex/half
Spell Resistance: No
You fire several small teeth that streak outwards in a cone shaped burst (page 214 PF core rule book). Any creature caught in the area takes 2d4 points of damage (reflex save for half). For ever 2 caster levels beyond 1st that you possess, the targets take an additional 1d4 points of damage.
Amplify Damage
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V,S
Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: 20 ft radius burst
Duration: Concentration +1 round per level
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You place a curse upon the targets causing them to feel each blow greater than normal. Any creature that fails their Fortitude save takes an additional damage each time they are dealt physical damage (Piercing, Slashing, or bludgeoning). This additional amount of damage is equal to your caster level, up to double the damag of the attack. This additonal damage is untyped.
Please let me know what you think and if you have any ideas.
Kierato |
Here is a variant for the rogue, it requires you to give up your sneak attacks.
Lv. Special
1) Katar Style (You gain Two Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat. You treat the damage die of a punching dagger sized for you as being one step higher.)
3) Tiger Strike (You can perform a tiger strike as a standard action. If you hit, you deal damage as normal and gain a charge. This charge can be released on a normal attack and increases the damage by 1/2 your rogue level (Round up). You can have up to 3 charges at a time, and if you decide to release a charge, you release all charges (and gain the accumulated effects of those charges).
5) Katar Training (You gain a +1 to hit and damage with punching daggers)
7) Fists of Fire (You can perform a "Fists of Fire" strike as a standard action. If you hit, you deal damage as normal and gain a charge. This charge can be released on a normal attack and increases the damage dealt by 1d6 fire damage per 3 rogue levels. You can have up to 3 charges at a time, and if you decide to release a charge, you release all charges (and gain the accumulated effects of those charges).
9) Katar Training (You gain a +2 to hit and damage with punching daggers)
11) Cobra Strike (You can perform a Cobra Strike as a standard action. If you hit, you deal damage as normal and gain a charge. This charge can be released on a normal attack Recover 1d6 points of damage per 4 rogue levels. You can have up to 3 charges at a time, and if you decide to release a charge, you release all charges (and gain the accumulated effects of those charges).
13) Katar Training (You gain a +3 to hit and damage with punching daggers)
15) Thunder Claws (You can perform a "Thunder Claws" strike as a standard action. If you hit, you deal damage as normal and gain a charge. This charge can be released on a normal attack and increases the damage dealt by 1d10 electricity damage per 5 rogue levels. You can have up to 3 charges at a time, and if you decide to release a charge, you release all charges (and gain the accumulated effects of those charges).
17) Katar Training (You gain a +4 to hit and damage with punching daggers)
19) Blades of Ice (You can perform a "Blades of Ice" strike as a standard action. If you hit, you deal damage as normal and gain a charge. This charge can be released on a normal attack and increases the damage dealt by 1d4 cold damage per 4 rogue levels. If the target takes any of the cold damage, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 your rogue level+your Cha mod) or be slowed ofr 1 round/4 rogue levels. You can have up to 3 charges at a time, and if you decide to release a charge, you release all charges (and gain the accumulated effects of those charges).
Kierato |
Here is a variant for the fighter, It requires you to give up 4 feats (May need some balancing, open to suggestions).
Lv. Special
1) Jab (When you make a melee full attack action with a Short Spear, Spear, or Long spear; you gain one additional attack at your highest attack bonus, but all your attacks this round are at -2. )
6) Power Strike(Su) or Poison Javelin(Su) (Power Stirke: As a swift action 1/day per 2 fighter levels you may add 1d8/3 fighter levels electricity damage to your melee attacks for 1 round. This only applies to attacks made with a spear (any type))
(Poison Javelin: As a move action 1/day per 2 fighter levels you may imbue your javelin with a deadly poison. If you throw the javelin before the end of the round that you activated this power, your javelin infects the target with the following poison (Type: Poison, Injury; Save: Fortitude (DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod); Frequency: 1/round for 1 round/3 fighter levels; Effect: 1d4+Int mod damage). Furthermore, the javelin leaves a trail of poison (treat as a line effect), any creature that passess through this cloud or starts it's turn there is subjected to the following poison (Type: Poison, Inhaled; Save: Fortitude (DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod); Frequency: 1/round for 1 round/3 fighter levels; Effect: 1d4+Int mod damage). This trail lingers for 2 rounds and does not fill the square you were in when you threw the javelin.)
12) Impale(Ex) or Lightning Bolt(Su) (Impale: As a standard action 1/day per 2 fighter levels you can make an attack at a -2 penalty, if you hit you deal double your normal damage (this stacks with a critical hit). Your weapon takes 1 point of damge (by passing hardness) at the end of the attack.)
(Lightning Bolt: As a standard action 1/day per 2 fighter levels you can turn a javelin into a Lightnin Bolt (Caster level equal to your fighter level, Save DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod). Using this ability consumes the javelin in the process.)
18) Charged Strike(Su) or Plague Javelin (Su) (Charged Strike: As a full round action 1/day per 2 fighter levels you you can make an attack with any type of spear to deal normal damage +2d6 electricity damage and unleash a Charged Bolt effect(Caster level equal to your fighter level, Save DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod). The target of the attack must be within the area of the charged bolt.)
(Plague Javelin: As a move action 1/day per 2 fighter levels you may imbue your javelin with a deadly poison. If you throw the javelin before the end of the round that you activated this power, your javelin infects the target with the following poison (Type: Poison, Injury; Save: Fortitude (DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod); Frequency: 1/round for 1 round/3 fighter levels; Effect: 1d6+Int mod damage). Furthermore, the javelin leaves a trail of poison (treat as a line effect) and creates a 10 ft. cloud of poison centered on the target, any creature that passess through this cloud or starts it's turn there is subjected to the following poison (Type: Poison, Inhaled; Save: Fortitude (DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod); Frequency: 1/round for 1 round/3 fighter levels; Effect: 1d6+Int mod damage). These clouds of poion linger for 1 round/4 fighter levels and does not fill the square you were in when you threw the javelin(Unless you were within 10 ft of the target).)
Kierato |
Here is another variant for the fighter, Bow and crossbow skills. It requires you to give up all of your bonus feats, which means that you cannot combine it with the Spear and Javelin Variant (which I will repost soon in an updated form).
The Skills gained make use of EP(energy points). A character that has this variant gains a number of energy points equal to his Int mod + 1/2 his fighter level.
Lv. Special
1 Magic Arrow (Cost: 1 EP; Action: Swift; Effect: All arrows or bolts you fire this round are composed of force, as opposed to actual arrows or bolts (when you use this ability, you do not expend ammunition.)
2 Fire Arrow (Cost: 1 EP; Action: Swift; Effect: All arrows or bolts you fire this round deal +1d6(+1 per 2 class levels) fire damage. )
4 Cold Arrow (Cost: 1 EP; Action: Swift; Effect: All arrows or bolts you fire this round deal +1d4(+1 per 2 class levels) Cold damage. Any creature that takes even a single point of cold damage from this attack must make a Fort save (DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod) or be slowed for 1 round per 3 class levels you possess.)
6 Multiple Shot (Cost: 2 EP; Action: Full Attack; Effect: You forgo your regular attacks to magically transform 1 arrow or bolt into many. You may make one attack against every creature within a cone shaped burst, and deal damage as normal.)
8 Exploding Arrows: (Cost: 2 EP; Action: Standard Action; Effect: You imbue an arrow or bolt with the ability to explode upon impact. In addition to the normal effect, the target and every creature within 5 ft of him, takes 1d6/2 class levels fire damage (Reflex save (DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod) for half). If you miss, treat this as a splash weapon.)
10 Ice Arrow (Cost: 2 EP; Action: Swift; Effect: All arrows or bolts you fire this round deal +1d4(+1 per 2 class levels) Cold damage. Any creature that takes even a single point of cold damage from this attack must make a Fort save (DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod) or be paralyzed for 1 round per 4 fighter levels. A succcessful save means the target is mearly slowed for 1 round per 3 class levels.)
12 Guided Arrow (Cost: 3 EP; Action: Standard Action; Effect: You fire an arrow or bolt that can ignore total cover and concealment, provided that there is a clear path to the target. This attack can go arround corners and over walls to hit it's target. You must have some idea as to where your target is (saying: "the creature nearest to the left behind that wall" works).)
14 Immorlation Arrow (Cost: 3 EP; Action: Standard Action; Effect: This functions as Exploding Arrow (above), except that the area remains filled with fire for 1 round per 3 class levels. Any creture that starts its turn in the area takes 1d6/3 class levels fire damage (Reflex save (DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod) for half).
16 Strafe (Cost: 4 EP; Action: Full Attack; Effect: In lieu of your regular attacks, you can fire an arrow at each and every target within range, to a maximum of one target for every 2 class levels. Each attack uses the your primary attack bonus, and each enemy may only be targeted by a single arrow.
18 Freezing Arrow (Cost: 4 EP; Action: Standard Action; Effect: You imbue an arrow or bolt with the ability to explode with freezing cold upon impact. In addition to the normal effect, the target takes 1d4(+1 per 2 class levels) Cold damage. In addition, the target and every creature within 5 ft of him must make a Fort save (DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod) or be paralyzed for 1 round per 4 fighter levels. A succcessful save means the target is mearly slowed for 1 round per 3 class levels. Creatures immune to cold damage are immune to the paralize/slow effect.)
Kierato |
Here is the update for Spear and Javelin skills. As mention before, you must give up all of your Fighter bonus feats to gain it.
The Skills gained make use of EP(energy points). A character that has this variant gains a number of energy points equal to his Int mod + 1/2 his fighter level.
Lv. Special
2) Jab (Cost: 1 EP; Action: Swift; Effect: When you make a melee full attack action with a Short Spear, Spear, or Long spear; you gain one additional attack at your highest attack bonus, but all your attacks this round are at -2. )
4) Power Strike(Su) (Cost: 1 EP; Action: Swift; Effect: You add 1d6/3 fighter levels electricity damage to your melee attacks for 1 round. This only applies to attacks made with a spear (any type).)
6) Poison Javelin(Su) (Cost: 1 EP; Action: Standard Action; Effect: You imbue your javelin with a deadly poison. You make an attack as normal. If you hit, your javelin infects the target with the following poison (Type: Poison, Injury; Save: Fortitude (DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod); Frequency: 1/round for 1 round/3 fighter levels; Effect: 1d4+Int mod damage). Furthermore, the javelin leaves a trail of poison (treat as a line effect), any creature that passess through this cloud or starts it's turn there is subjected to the following poison (Type: Poison, Inhaled; Save: Fortitude (DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod); Frequency: 1/round for 1 round/3 fighter levels; Effect: 1d4+Int mod damage). This trail lingers for 1 round per 3 fighter levels and does not fill the square you were in when you threw the javelin.)
8) Impale(Ex) (Cost: 2 EP; Action: Standard Action; Effect: You make an attack at a -2 penalty, if you hit you deal double your normal damage (this stacks with a critical hit). Your weapon takes 1 point of damge (by passing hardness) at the end of the attack.)
10) Lightning Bolt(Su) (Cost: 2 EP; Action: Standard Action; Effect: You can turn a javelin into a Lightnin Bolt (Caster level equal to your fighter level, Save DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod). Using this ability consumes the javalin in the process.)
12) Charged Strike(Su) (Cost: 3 EP; Action: Standard Action; Effect: You make an attack with any type of spear to deal normal damage +1d6 electricity damage and unleash a Charged Bolt effect(Caster level equal to your fighter level, Save DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod). The target of the attack must be within the area of the charged bolt.)
14) Plague Javelin (Su) (Cost: 3 EP; Action: Standard Action; Effect: You imbue your javelin with a deadly poison. You make an attack as normal. If you hit, your javelin infects the target with the following poison (Type: Poison, Injury; Save: Fortitude (DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod); Frequency: 1/round for 1 round/3 fighter levels; Effect: 1d6+Int mod damage). Furthermore, the javelin leaves a trail of poison (treat as a line effect) and creates a 10 ft. cloud of poison centered on the target, any creature that passess through this cloud or starts it's turn there is subjected to the following poison (Type: Poison, Inhaled; Save: Fortitude (DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod); Frequency: 1/round for 1 round/3 fighter levels; Effect: 1d6+Int mod damage). These clouds of posion linger for 1 round/4 fighter levels and does not fill the square you were in when you threw the javelin(Unless you were within 10 ft of the target).)
16) Fend (Ex) (Cost: 4 EP; Action: Full Attack Action; Effect: You may make one attack with a spear (any type) against every creature within reach (including adjacent targets, even if you would not normaly be able to target them). You gain a bonus to this damage equal to 1/2 your class level.)
18) Lightning Strike (Su) (Cost: 4 EP; Action: Full Attack Action; Effect: Make a single attack with a spear or javelin. If you hit, in addition to the normal damage, You create a chain Lightning effect (Core rule book page 253) originating on the target struck. You use 1/2 your class level for the caster level and the save DC is 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod.)
20 Lightning Fury (Su) (Cost: 5 EP; Action: Full Attack Action; Effect: You make an attack with javelin to deal normal damage +10d6 electricity damage and unleash numerous Lightning Bolts from the target. You can create 1 lightning bolt/2 class levels and each Lightning bolt deals 10d6 points of electricity damage (Reflax Save DC 10 +1/2 your fighter level+your Int Mod for half). Each bolt has a max range of 30 ft and no single target can be effected by this attack more than once per use.)
Kakarasa |
I am working on a full conversion of Diablo II to Pathfinder. I am going to try to keep it balanced with the rest of PF and work with existing classes and abilities. I plan on releasing 2 new Sorcerer bloodlines (Horadrim Mage (Diablo 2 sorceress) and Deciple of Trang'oul (Daiblo 2 Necromancer)) For now I have a few new sor/wiz spells and a link to my Diablo II socketed items thread [url](Here)[/url].
** spoiler omitted **...
I like the idea. Have you seen this BTW? You may be able to update the existing spells..
Kakarasa |
No, I hadn't seen that, thank you. BTW, they also made a Diablo II for 3.0, but I don't know that much about it.
Yep, this book was printed on the verge of 2nd to 3rd. The book linked came just before and theres one in 3rd format that came after. I had them for the generators, it was fun. :D
Kierato |
And here is the final Variant for the fighter that turns it into a true Amazon: Passive and Magic skills! To gain Passive and Magic skills you must give up Armor Training, Weapon Training, Armor Mastery, and Weapon Mastery.
Passive and Magic skills make use of the same Energy Pool that "Bows and Crossbows" and "Spears and Javelins" use. If you possess two variants that both give you Energy Pool, You gain an additional 2 points of energy.
Lv. Special
1 Inner Sight (Su) (Cost: 1 EP; Action: Standard Action; Effect: All enemies within 40 ft. shed light as candles and take a -1 penalty to their AC/4 class levels (Minimum -1).)
3 Criticalcal Strike (Ex) (Cost: None; Action: Passive; Effect: You Increase the Threat range of any Bow, Crossbow, Spear, or Javelin you wield by 1/5 class levels (minimum of +1). This does not stack with any other effect that increases threat range.)
5 Dodge (Ex) (Cost: None; Action: Passive; Effect: In any round that you do not move more than a 5 ft. step, you gain a dodge bonus to AC vs. melee attacks equal to 1/3 class levels.)
7 Slow Missiles (Su) (Cost: 2 EP; Action: Standard Action; Effect: You Gain a Dodge bonus to AC vs. Ranged attacks (Including ranged touch attacks) and a bonus to Reflex saves equal to 1/3 class levels. This ability lasts for 1 round +1 round/class level.)
9 Avoid (Ex) (Cost: None; Action: Passive; Effect: In any round that you do not move more than a 5 ft. step, you gain a dodge bonus to AC vs. ranged attacks equal to 1/3 class levels.)
11 Penetrate (Ex) (Cost: None; Action: Passive; Effect: While wielding any Bow, Crossbow, Spear, or Javelin you gain a +1 bonus to hit/3 class levels.)
13 Decoy (Su) (Cost: 4 EP; Action: Standard Action; Effect: This functions as Mirrior image except as follows: You create only one duplicate and it lasts for 1 round per class level. A single attack is insufficient to destroy a duplicate, the duplicate has 5 hp/class level and is destroyed when it's hp reaches 0. The Duplicate is partialy real and fulls blind sense and blind sight. Enemies need not see the Duplicate to be fooled.)
15 Evade (Cost: None; Action: Passive; Effect: In any round that you move more than 5 ft, you gain a 2% miss chance/class level for 1 round.)
17 Pierce (Ex) (Cost: None; Action: Passive; Effect: Any time that you hit the target with a ranged attack from any spear, Javelin, Bow, or Crossbow, there is a 2% chance per class level that it will pass through and keep on going. The next creature in th path of the weapon (treat as a line area of effect) is susceptible to the same attack as the first (Including special effects of the attack, and Pierce). You must make an attack roll to see if you hit the target as normal.)
19 Valkyrie (Su) (Cost: 5 EP; Action: Standard Action; Effect: You summon a Valkyrie at any point within close range. The Valkyrie has a level equal to yours, With a good BAB, Good Fort, Good Ref, and Poor Will. It possesses a d10 HD (average hp) and Attributes as follows: Str 10+class level; Dex 10+3/4 Class level; Con 10+1/2 Class level; Int 10; Wis 10+1/2 Class levels; Cha 10. It appears to be wearing a random type of armor, but it possesses no Armor check penalty, Max Dex Bonus, and provides +1 enhancement bonus to AC/2 class levels. The Valkyrie wields a +5 spear, and can recall this spear to her hand as a move action. Nobody else can wield this spear. The Valkyrie has energy resistance 10 to all enegy types, and can be healed as normal. The Valkyrie is considered a summoned Outsider(Extraplanar). The Valkyrie has the following feats based on your class level: 1-18- Dodge, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Spear), Toughness, Improved Critical (spear), Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Greater Vital Strike, Critical Focus, and Bleeding Critical. The Valkyrie has a base land speed of 30 ft, X4 run. The Valkyrie has max ranks in Acrobatics, Climb, Ride, and Swim. The Valkyries Alignment is the same as yours. The Valkyrie follows your orders to the best of it's ability, and is completly loyal. If the Valkyrie is destroyed, it can simply be resummoned, otherwise it lasts until you rest and recover Energy Points or until you dismiss it (a standard action).)
Kierato |
Here is what your Valkyrie would look like when you first got her (at 19th level):
Valkyrie 19
N Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Init +7 Senses: Perception +4
AC 27, Touch 19, Flat-Footed 18 (+9 AC +7 Dexterity, +1 Dodge)
HP 184 (19d10+80)
Fort +15, Ref +18, Will +10
Resistance: Acid 10, Cold 10, Electricity 10, Fire 10, Sonic 10
Speed: 30 ft
Melee Spear +34/+29/+24/+19 (1d8+18 19-20/X 3 plus 2d6 bleed)
Special Attacks Power Attack +29/+24/+19/+14 (1d8+33 19-20/X 3 plus 2d6 bleed) or
Greater Vital Strike +34 (4d8+18 19-20/X 3) or
Greater Vital Strike and Power Attack +29 (4d8+33 19-20/X 3 plus 2d6 bleed)
Str 29, Dex 24, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 10
BAB +19; CMB +28; CMD 35
Feats: Dodge, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Spear), Toughness, Improved Critical (spear), Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, Greater Vital Strike, Critical Focus, Bleeding Critical
Skills: Acrobatics +29, Climb +31, Perception +4, Ride +29, Swim +31
stringburka |
Gorbacz wrote:Summoning CR 18 stuff for free is kinda over the top, really.Yup. Diablo 2 heroes are exceptional. Even by DnD pc standards
How so? If you compare their powers to D&D spells, about the most powerful thing that's present in both would probably be for the classes:
Amazon - Elemental arrows/javelins vs. Imbue Arrows of arcane archers, gainable by level 9.Assassin - Nothing really to compare, as they are too different in any powerful region.
Barbarian - Whirlwind vs Whirlwind attack, gainable by maybe 7th or 9th level in D&D
Druid - Whirlwind, gainable by level 15
Necromancer - Raise Skeletal Mage vs. Create Undead - gainable by level 11.
Sorceress - Teleport vs. Dimension Door - gainable by level 7
Sure, they kill mighty demons, but they don't really create dimensions, travel that much between layers of existence, or hang around with the gods as upper-level PC's do.
Kierato |
Here are the mana potions from Diablo II.
Aura: Faint (no School); CL: 4
Slot:-; Price: 100 gp; Weight:-
Description: This potion has different effects depending on who drinks it. A spell caster who drinks this potion regains one first level spell slot (if spontanious) or recall one first level spell (for spell casters that prepare spells). If a character with a Ki Pool or Energy Pool Drinks it they regain 1 point. If the character has rage or bardic music, they regain 1 round.
Special: If you have more than one of the above abilities, only one is restored. You cannot regain more than you have lost.
Construction: Requirements: Brew Potion, Mnemonic Enhancer; Cost: 50 Gp
Lesser Mana Potion
Aura: Moderate (no School); CL: 8
Slot:-; Price: 900 gp; Weight:-
Description: This potion has different effects depending on who drinks it. A spell caster who drinks this potion regains 3 levels worth of spell slots (3 first level spells,1 first and 1 second level spell, or 1 third level spell; if spontanious) or recall 3 levels worth of spell slots (3 first level spells,1 first and 1 second level spell, or 1 third level spell; for spell casters that prepare spells). If a character with a Ki Pool or Energy Pool Drinks it they regain 2 point. If the character has rage or bardic music, they regain 3 round.
Special: If you have more than one of the above abilities, only one is restored. You cannot regain more than you have lost.
Construction: Requirements: Brew Potion, Mnemonic Enhancer; Cost: 450 Gp
Standard Mana Potion
Aura: Moderate (no School); CL: 12
Slot:-; Price: 2500 gp; Weight:-
Description: This potion has different effects depending on who drinks it. A spell caster who drinks this potion regains 5 levels worth of spell slots (5 first level spells,1 first and 2 second level spell, 1 second and 1 third level spell, 1 fifth level spell, etc; if spontanious) or recall 5 levels worth of spell slots (5 first level spells,1 first and 2 second level spell, 1 second and 1 third level spell, 1 fifth level spell, etc; for spell casters that prepare spells). If a character with a Ki Pool or Energy Pool Drinks it they regain 3 point. If the character has rage or bardic music, they regain 5 round.
Special: If you have more than one of the above abilities, only one is restored. You cannot regain more than you have lost.
Construction: Requirements: Brew Potion, Mnemonic Enhancer; Cost: 1250 Gp
Greater Mana Potion
Aura: Strong (no School); CL: 16
Slot:-; Price: 4900 gp; Weight:-
Description: This potion has different effects depending on who drinks it. A spell caster who drinks this potion regains 7 levels worth of spell slots (7 first level spells,3 first and 2 second level spell, 2 second and 1 third level spell,1 seventh level spell, etc; if spontanious) or recall 7 levels worth of spell slots (7 first level spells,3 first and 2 second level spell, 2 second and 1 third level spell, 1 seventh level spell, etc; for spell casters that prepare spells). If a character with a Ki Pool or Energy Pool Drinks it they regain 4 point. If the character has rage or bardic music, they regain 7 round.
Special: If you have more than one of the above abilities, you only one is restored. You cannot regain more than you have lost.
Construction: Requirements: Brew Potion, Mnemonic Enhancer; Cost: 2450 Gp
Super Mana Potion
Aura: Strong (no School); CL: 20
Slot:-; Price: 8100 gp; Weight:-
Description: This potion has different effects depending on who drinks it. A spell caster who drinks this potion regains 9 levels worth of spell slots (9 first level spells,3 first and 3 second level spell, 3 second and 1 third level spell,1 ninth level spell, etc; if spontanious) or recall 9 levels worth of spell slots ((9 first level spells,3 first and 3 second level spell, 3 second and 1 third level spell,1 ninth level spell, etc; for spell casters that prepare spells). If a character with a Ki Pool or Energy Pool Drinks it they regain 5 point. If the character has rage or bardic music, they regain 9 round.
Special: If you have more than one of the above abilities, you only one is restored. You cannot regain more than you have lost.
Construction: Requirements: Brew Potion, Mnemonic Enhancer; Cost: 4050 Gp
Kierato |
Here are the "Boss Monster Templates" for Diablo II. Since "Boss Monster" sounds really cheesy, I have decided to call them "Plane Scarred". A player can identify the Traits (templates) of a Plane Scarred creature with a successful Knowledge (Arcana) check, DC 10 + HD. This reveals the name of the Template and a vague description. All Plane Scarred monsters also possess the Advanced Creature Template.
A Plane Scarred creature possesses one of the templates at CR 1, +1 template per 5 CR (of the base creature, not including CR bumps for Plane Scarred templates). The base creature should be 1 CR lower than the APL if it fights alone, or 2 below APL if it has allies.
You can choose the templates to add or determine them randomly as follows (reroll any duplicate powers):
1-Fire Enchanted
2-Cold Enchanted
3-lightning Enchanted
4-Extra Fast
5-Magic Resistant
6-Mana Burn
7-Extra Strong
8-Stone Skin
Defensive Abilities: Fire Resistance 5/2 HD; Offensive Abilities: all attacks gain plus 1d6 +1/ 2 HD fire damage; Special Attacks: Fiery Death (Su): A Fire Enchanted Creature explodes into a burst of flame when it drops to 0 hp or fewer. Anyone adjacent to the creature when it is destroyed takes 1d8 points of fire damage per 2 Hit Dice the Creature possessed (minimum 1d6). A Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the creature's Hit Dice + the creature's Cha bonus) halves this damage.
Cold Enchanted Simple Template (+1 CR)
Defensive Abilities: Cold Resistance 5/2 HD; Offensive Abilities: all attacks gain plus 1d4 +1/ 3 HD cold damage and creatures struck must make a Fort save(DC = 10 + 1/2 the creature's Hit Dice + the creature's Cha bonus) or be slowed for 1 round per 2 HD of the creature (minimum 1 round); Special Attacks: Ice Nova (Su): A Cold Enchanted Creature explodes into a burst of Ice when it drops to 0 hp or fewer. Anyone within 15 ft. of the creature when it is destroyed takes 1d4 points of cold damage per 2 Hit Dice the Creature possessed (minimum 1d6). A Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the creature's Hit Dice + the creature's Cha bonus) halves this damage. Creatures must also make a Fort save(DC = 10 + 1/2 the creature's Hit Dice + the creature's Cha bonus) or be slowed for 1 round per 2 HD of the creature (minimum 1 round);
Lightning Enchanted Simple Template (+1 CR)
Defensive Abilities: Electricity Resistance 5/2 HD; Offensive Abilities: all attacks gain plus 1d6 +1/ 2 HD electricity damage; Special Attacks: Shocking Rebuke (Su): Once per round as an immediate action when a Lightning Enchanted creature is hit with a phisical attack it can release a cone of electricity in the direction of the attack. The cone is 5 ft long per HD of the creature and deals 1d8 points of lightning damage, Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the creature's Hit Dice + the creature's Cha bonus) for half. The damage increases to 2d8 at 5 HD, 2d3 at 10 HD, 3d8 at 15 HD, and 4d8 at 20 HD.
Extra Fast Simple Template(+1 CR)
Defensive Abilities: +1 Initiative/3 HD, +1/3 HD Dodge Bonus to AC and +1/3 HD to Reflex Saves; Offensive Abilities: +10 ft. to all movement modes/6 HD, +1 to hit/3 HD, +1 Attack at highest bonus when making a full attack action.
Magic Resistant Simple Template(+1 CR)
Defensive Abilities: SR 11+HD, All resistances +5/4 HD,
Mana Burn Simple Template(+1 CR)
Offensive Abilities: Whenever the creature hits a target with an attack or spell, that creature losses 1 spell slot (or 1 prepared spell) of the lowest level he has left. A successful Will save (DC 10 + the monsters HD) negates the effect.
Extra Strong Simple Template(+1 CR)
Offensive Abilities: +1 Strength/2 HD, All of the creatures weapon (natural and manufactured) damage dice increase by 1 step.
Stone Skin Simple Template(+1 CR)
Defensive Abilities: +1 Nat AC/3 HD, DR1/- per 3 HD
I will add the rest of the templates at a later date. I look forward to feed back.
Kierato |
This is the Horadrim Mage Bloodline, meant to allow sorcerers the ability to emulate the Diablo II sorceress. It also includes a new spell, Frozen Armor.
Class Skill: Linguistics
Bonus Spells: Fire Bolt (3rd), Frozen Armor* (5th), Fire Ball (7th), Wall of Fire (9th), Call Lightning Strom (11th), Chain Lighning (13th), Greater Teleport (15th), Polar Ray (17th), Meteor Swarm (19th)
*Frozen Armor is detailed below.
Bloodline Feats:Combat Casting, Arcane Armor Training, Arcane Armor Mastery, Shield Proficiency, Skill Focus (Knowledge Arcana), Toughness, Empower Spell, Maxamize Spell
Bloodline Arcana: You can take 10 on concentration checks as if it were a skill check. You can take 10 even if stress or distractions would normally prevent you from doing so.
Bloodline Powers
Magic Item Focus (Ex): Starting at first level, a number of times per day equal to 3+ your Cha mod, you can treat any spell completion or spell trigger itemas though it's caster level was equal to your own.
Warmth (Su): Starting at 3rd level, you can regain a number of expended spell levels equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level as a full round action. Therefore at 3rd level you could regain 1 first level spell slot, while at eighth level you could regain 1 fourth level spell, 2 first level spells, etc.
Mastery (Ex): Starting at 9th level, you may choose one of the following masteries:
Fire Mastery: A number of times per day equal to 3+ your Cha mod, you may add 1/2 your sorcerer level to the damage of your next fire spell.
Lightning Mastery: You can increase the damage die of your next electricity spell be 1 step. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3+ your Cha mod.
Cold Mastery: Your next cold spell counts the target creature(s) Cold resistance as being an amount lower equal to 2 X your sorcerer levels. This has no effect on creatures without cold resistance.
Additional Mastery (Ex): Starting at 15th level, you may choose one of the masteries you did not get at level 9.
Horadrim Magus (Ex): You gain the last mastery that you did not gain at levels 9 and 15. Furthermore, you gain an additioal benefit to each mastery as follows:
Fire: Whenever you activate your Fire Mastery, you may also treat all 1s on damage dice as 2s.
Lighning: Whenever you activate your Lighning mastery, you deal an additional point of damage for every die that rolled max damage.
Cold: Whenever you activate your Cold Mastery, if you reduce the targest cold resistance below 0, they gain a vulnerability to cold. A creature that does not normaly have cold resistance is treated as having cold resistance 0 for the purpose of this ability.
Frozen Armor
Conjuration (Creation) [Cold, Force]
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V,S
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
This spell grants you an armor bonus to AC equal to 3, +1/4 levels. THis armor bonus is composed of force and cannot be bypassed by incroporeal creatures. Furthermore, any creature attacking you in melee must make a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1 round/6 levels. A successful save means the creature is mearly slowed instead. A creature that is immune to cold is also immune to the paralyzing/slowing effects of this spell.
The books were some of the first published for 3.0 but should give a great basis for conversion to Pathfinder. It's been a while since I read them but they seemed okay as far as a straight conversion is concerned.
I apologize if someone else mentioned these books already, I didn't see them in any of the posts.
Kierato |
Here is the Paladin's Defensive Auras Variant. Enjoy and please tell me what you think.
Defensive Aura
(paladin Vaiant that requires you to give up your Lay on Hands, Mercy, Channel Energy, Aura of Courage, Aura of Resolve, Aura of Righteousness, and the DR increase, positive energy, and lay on hands benefits of the Holy Champion Class Features.)
A Paladin is trained to create magical Auras to benefit those around him, including himself. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 6 + his Charisma modifier. At each level after 2nd a Paladin can use a his Paladin's Aura for 2 additional rounds per day. Each round, the paladin can radiate any one of the auras that he has mastered, as indicated by his level.
Starting a Paladin's Aura is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. Changing a Paladin's Aura from one effect to another requires the paladin to stop the previous aura and start a new one as a standard action. A Paladin's Aura cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the paldin is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A paladin cannot have more than one Paladin's aura in effect at one time.
At 7th level, a paladin can start a Paladin's Aura as a move action instead of a standard action. At 13th level, a paladin can start a Paladin's Aura as a swift action.
A Paldin's Aura has a range of Close.
Lv. Special
2 Prayer (All allies (including yourself) in the aura gain fast healing 2, +1/5 paladin levels you possess. Your allies gain the fast healing only on rounds that they start in your aura.)
4 Defiance (All allies (including yourself) in the aura gain a +1 sacred bonus to their AC, +1/4 paladin levels you possess. )
6 Resist Fire (All allies (including yourself) in the aura gain Fire resistance 5, +5/ 5 paladin levels you possess.)
8 Resist Cold (All allies (including yourself) in the aura gain Cold resistance 5, +5/ 5 paladin levels you possess.)
10 Resist Lightning (All allies (including yourself) in the aura gain Electricity resistance 5, +5/ 5 paladin levels you possess.)
12 Clensing (This functions as the Prayer aura (above) except that it also provides allies with a bonus vs. Poisons, Diseases, and curses equal to 1 oer 3 paladin levels.)
14 Vigor (All allies (including yourself) in the aura gain +5 ft. to all movement modes they possess/5 paladin levels you possess. Allies also gain a bonus on saves vs. fatigue and exhaustin effects equal to 1/2 your paladin level.)
16 Meditation (This functions as the Prayer aura (above) except that it also restores spell slots, Ki points, Bardic music, Rage, and Energy points (See fighter varient). Spell casters regain 1 level worth of spell slots (for spontaneous casters) or recall 1 level worth of spells (For casters who prepare spells) per 4 full round that they are in the aura. They can "save up" these levels to regain higher level spells. Bardic music and rage are regained at the rate of 1 per 2 rounds. Ki and Energy points are regained at the rate of 1 per 3 full round that they are in the aura.)
18 Salvation (All allies (including yourself) in the aura gain Cold, Electricity, and Fire resistance equal to 5, +5/ 5 paladin levels you possess.)
Kierato |
Feats for Diablo II characters. They go along with the Variants I have already provided. They are divided into 3 categories; Extra, Amazonian Training (Spear and Javelin skills), and Amazonian Training (Bows and Crossbow skills)
Extra Warmth
You can use your Magical energy than most.
Prerequisite: Warmth class feature.
Benefit: The spell levels provided by Warmth increase by 1.
Special: You can gain Extra Warmth multiple times. Its effects stack.
Extra Energy
You can use your Energy pool more times per day than most.
Prerequisite: Energy pool class feature.
Benefit: Your Energy pool increases by 2.
Special: You can gain Extra Energy multiple times. Its effects stack.
Extra Aura
You can use your Paladin's Aura ability more often than normal.
Prerequisite: Paladin's Aura class feature.
Benefit: You can use Paladin's Aura for 6 additional rounds per day.
Special: You can gain Extra Aura multiple times. Its effects stack.
Jab (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Bows and Crossbow skills, Fire Arrow class feature
Benefit: You gain the Jab class feature of the Spears and Javelin skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Power Strike (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Bows and Crossbow skills, Cold Arrow class feature, Jab (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Power Strike class feature of the Spears and Javelin skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Poison Javelin (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Bows and Crossbow skills, Multiple Shot class feature, Power Strike (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Poison Javelin class feature of the Spears and Javelin skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Impale (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Bows and Crossbow skills,Exploding Arrow class feature, Poison Javelin (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Impale class feature of the Spears and Javelin skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Lightning Bolt (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Bows and Crossbow skills, Ice Arrow class feature, Impale (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Lightning Bolt class feature of the Spears and Javelin skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Charged Strike (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Bows and Crossbow skills, Guided Arrow class feature, Lightning Bolt (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Charged Strike class feature of the Spears and Javelin skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Plague Javelin (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Bows and Crossbow skills, Immolation Arrow class feature, Charged Strike (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Plague Javelin class feature of the Spears and Javelin skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Fend (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Bows and Crossbow skills, Strafe (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Fend class feature of the Spears and Javelin skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Lightning Strike (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Bows and Crossbow skills, Freezing Arrow class feature, Fend (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Lightning Strike class feature of the Spears and Javelin skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Lightning Fury (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Bows and Crossbow skills, Freezing Arrow class feature, Lightning Strike (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Lightning Fury class feature of the Spears and Javelin skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Magic Arrow (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Spear and Javelin skills
Benefit: You gain the Magic Arrow class feature of the Bows and Crossbow skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Fire Arrow (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Spear and Javelin skills, Jab class feature, Magic Arrow (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Fire Arrow class feature of the Bows and Crossbow skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Cold Arrow (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Spear and Javelin skills, Power Strike class feature, Fire Arrow (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Cold Arrow class feature of the Bows and Crossbow skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Multiple Shot (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Spear and Javelin skills, Poison Javelin class feature, Cold Arrow (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Multiple Shot class feature of the Bows and Crossbow skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Exploding Arrow (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Spear and Javelin skills, Impale class feature, Multiple Shot (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Exploding Arrow class feature of the Bows and Crossbow skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Ice Arrow (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Spear and Javelin skills, Lightning Bolt class feature, Exploding Arrow (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Ice Arrow class feature of the Bows and Crossbow skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Guided Arrow (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Spear and Javelin skills, Charged Strike class feature, Ice Arrow (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Guided Arrow class feature of the Bows and Crossbow skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Immolation Arrow (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Spear and Javelin skills, Plague Javelin class feature, Guided Arrow (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Immolation Arrow class feature of the Bows and Crossbow skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Strafe (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Spear and Javelin skills, Fend class feature, Immolation Arrow (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Strafe class feature of the Bows and Crossbow skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Freezing Arrow (Amazonian Training)
Prerequisites: Spear and Javelin skills, Lightning Strike class feature, Strafe (feat)
Benefit: You gain the Freezing Arrow class feature of the Bows and Crossbow skills.
Special: You gain +1 Energy point to your Energy pool for every 2 Amazonian Training feats you possess.
Kierato |
Here is the Paladin's Offensive aura variant. It uses the same pool of aura uses per day as the Defensive auras (if you use both the offensive and defensive aura variant, they do not get double the rounds of aura.
(paladin Vaiant that requires you to give up your Smite Evil, Divine Bond, Aura of Justice, Aura of Faith, and the banashment effect of the Holy Champion Class Features.)
A Paladin is trained to create magical Auras to benefit those around him, including himself. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. At each level after 1st a Paladin can use a his Paladin's Aura for 2 additional rounds per day. Each round, the paladin can radiate any one of the auras that he has mastered, as indicated by his level.
Starting a Paladin's Aura is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. Changing a Paladin's Aura from one effect to another requires the paladin to stop the previous aura and start a new one as a standard action. A Paladin's Aura cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the paldin is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A paladin cannot have more than one Paladin's aura in effect at one time.
At 7th level, a paladin can start a Paladin's Aura as a move action instead of a standard action. At 13th level, a paladin can start a Paladin's Aura as a swift action.
Lv. Special
1 Might (All allies (including yourself) in the aura gain a bonus on damage rolls equal to 1, +1/4 paladin levels you possess.)
3 Holy Fire (All enemies within your aura at the beginning of your turn take 1d4 points of fire damage, +1 point of fire damage per paladin levels. A Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your paladin level + your Cha bonus) halves this damage. Furthermore, You add 1d6 per 3 paladin levels fire damage to your attacks. This does not stack with the flaming or flaming burst weapon property.)
5 Thorns (Any time you (or your allies within your aura) take damage from a melee attack, the attacking creature takes damage equal to your paladin level, up to a maximum of the damage dealt.)
7 Blessed Aim (All allies (including yourself) in the aura gain a bonus on attack rolls equal to 1, +1/3 paladin levels you possess.)
9 Holy Freeze (All enemies within your aura at the beginning of your turn take 1d4 points of cold damage, +1 point of cold damage per 2 paladin levels. A Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your paladin level + your Cha bonus) halves this damage. Any crature that takes even 1 point of cold damge from your aura must make a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your paladin level + your Cha bonus) or be slowed for 1 round. Furthermore, You add 1d4 per 3 paladin levels cold damage to your attacks. Any crature that takes even 1 point of cold damge from your attack must make a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your paladin level + your Cha bonus) or be slowed for 1 round. This does not stack with the frosting or icing burst weapon property.)
11 Holy Shock (All enemies within your aura at the beginning of your turn take 1d6 points of electricity damage/3 paladin levels. A Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your paladin level + your Cha bonus) halves this damage. Furthermore, You add 1d8 per 4 paladin levels electricity damage to your attacks. This does not stack with the Shocking or Shocking burst weapon property.)
13 Sanctuary (All Undead in your arua take 1d6/paladin level damage at the beginning of your round. A Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your paladin level + your Cha bonus) halves this damage, and turn resistance applies to this save. In addition, all of your attacks automatically overcome all DR and immunitie possessed by undead creatures as long as this aura is active.)
15 Fanatacism (All allies (including yourself) in the aura gain a +1/4 paladin levels bonus on attack and damage rolls and may make 1 extra attack per round at their highest attack bonus when making a full attack action.)
17 Conviction (All enemies within your aura have their DR (if any) reduced by 1/4 paladin levels, their SR reduced by 1/3 paladin levels, and their Enegy resistance lowered by 5/4 paladin levels.)
MidknightTopaz |
Honestly, I love what you are doing, and frankly would find it totally awesome if when you get it all done and set up the way you like it, if you'd make it into a pdf, so people can save it. I'd hoped that with 3.5 they'd update it correctly, but that never happened, and I seriously do not want to see it in 4.0. I love how you've set up the Amazon's skills thus far.
MidknightTopaz |
Ah, well, depends on if you've Office or such, I can't really tell you how to set up a pdf, since the version I learned on is out of date. XD I just made myself sound really ancient when I'm not, Anyways. That's cool, they'll probably get some good options in the APG to which you could expand to fit what you're doing. Hm, you could offer documents via emails or something later. Never know. Anyways, I was curious how you were going to handle the Wizard, Monk, Bard, and Clerics?
Kierato |
Offensive Songs for the Diablo II Bard! They replace the standard Bardic music abilities for the bard.
Offensive Songs
1 Inspire Languor (All enemies within 30 ft that can hear the bard take a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls, plus an additional -1 per 4 bard levels.)
3 Annoying Noise (All enemies within 30 ft that can hear the bard take a -1 penalty to AC and Saving throws, plus an additional -1 per 4 bard levels.)
5 Opera of the Storm (All enemies within 30 ft that can hear the bard take 1d8 points of electricity damage per round. This damage increases by 1d8 per 5 Bard levels.)
7 Dirge of the Burning Hells (All enemies within 30 ft that can hear the bard take 1d6+1 points of fire damage per round. This damage increases by 1d6+1 per 5 Bard levels.)
9 Sonata of the Arreat Winds (All enemies within 30 ft that can hear the bard take 1d4+1 points of fire damage per round. This damage increases by 1d4+1 per 5 Bard levels. Any enemy that takes even a single point of cold damage must make a Fortitude Save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your Bard level + your Cha Mod) or be slowed for 1 round per 5 Bard levels.)
11 Song of the Swarm (Your song summons thousands of poisonous flying insects. Any enemy within 30 ft is subjected to the following poison each round: Type: Poison, Injury; Save: Fortitude (DC 10 +1/2 your Bard level+your Cha Mod); Frequency: 1/round for 1 round/4 Bard levels; Effect: 1d4+Cha mod damage.)
13 Song of Battle's Herald (This song inspires your foe to greater feats of bravery and stupidity. All enemies within 30 ft that can hear you are immune to fear. In addition, they must make a will save to move away from your allies. Their new found confidence makes them sloppy, taking a penalty on attack rolls and to AC equal to 1/3 your Bard level. lastly, if they are within 10 ft of you or your allies, they must make a will save or move and engage them in melee. This is a mind influencing effect.)
15 Dirge of Confusion (All enemies within 30 ft of you that can hear you are confused for 1 round. This is a mind influencing effect.)
17 Ode to Eternal Loss (your song calls to mind great sadness, all enemies within 30 ft that can hear you take a -1 morale penalty/3 bard levels to attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, skill checks and weapon damage rolls. Furthermore, all affected creatures must make a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your Bard level + your Cha Mod) each round or fall prone crying for 1 round (treat as Dazed).)
19 Requiem of Betrayal (All enemies within 30 ft must make a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your Bard level + your Cha Mod) or rally to your cause for as long as you play (even if they move farther than 30 ft. from you so long as they hear your music) they will fight for you to the best of their ability or do anything else they can to aid you. This is a mind influencing effect.)
Kierato |
I present an updated version of the Martial Arts skills (Rogue variant that replace your sneak attack class feature) along with Finishing Move feats (that can also be taken as rogue talents).
Lv. Special
1) Katar Style (You gain Two Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat. You treat the damage die of a punching dagger, Cestus, or a Tri-bladed Katar sized for you as being one step higher.)
2 You gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a Bonus Feat.
3) Tiger Strike (You can perform a tiger strike as a standard action. If you hit, you deal damage as normal and gain a charge. This charge can be released on a normal attack and increases the damage by 1/2 your rogue level (Round up). You can have up to 3 charges at a time, and if you decide to release a charge, you release all charges (and gain the accumulated effects of those charges).
5) Martial Arts Training (You gain a +1 to hit and damage with punching daggers, Cestus, Tri-bladed Katars, and unarmed Strikes)
7) Fists of Fire (You can perform a "Fists of Fire" strike as a standard action. If you hit, you deal damage as normal and gain a charge. This charge can be released on a normal attack and increases the damage dealt by 1d6 fire damage per 3 rogue levels. You can have up to 3 charges at a time, and if you decide to release a charge, you release all charges (and gain the accumulated effects of those charges).
9) Martial Arts Training (You gain a +2 to hit and damage with punching daggers, Cestus, Tri-bladed Katars, and unarmed Strikes)
11) Cobra Strike (You can perform a Cobra Strike as a standard action. If you hit, you deal damage as normal and gain a charge. This charge can be released on a normal attack Recover 1d6 points of damage per 4 rogue levels. You can have up to 3 charges at a time, and if you decide to release a charge, you release all charges (and gain the accumulated effects of those charges).
13) Martial Arts Training (You gain a +3 to hit and damage with punching daggers, Cestus, Tri-bladed Katars, and unarmed Strikes)
15) Thunder Claws (You can perform a "Thunder Claws" strike as a standard action. If you hit, you deal damage as normal and gain a charge. This charge can be released on a normal attack and increases the damage dealt by 1d10 electricity damage per 5 rogue levels. You can have up to 3 charges at a time, and if you decide to release a charge, you release all charges (and gain the accumulated effects of those charges).
17) Martial Arts Training (You gain a +4 to hit and damage with punching daggers, Cestus, Tri-bladed Katars, and unarmed Strikes)
19) Blades of Ice (You can perform a "Blades of Ice" strike as a standard action. If you hit, you deal damage as normal and gain a charge. This charge can be released on a normal attack and increases the damage dealt by 1d4 cold damage per 4 rogue levels. If the target takes any of the cold damage, it must make a Fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 your rogue level+your Cha mod) or be slowed ofr 1 round/4 rogue levels. You can have up to 3 charges at a time, and if you decide to release a charge, you release all charges (and gain the accumulated effects of those charges).
Dragon Talon (Finishing Move)
Prerequisites: Tiger Strike Class Feature
Benefit: You realease the charges of your Martial Arts skills with a deadly kick. This kick is an unarmed strike. This attack is a standard action that deals the normal damage for your unarmed strike +1/2 your class level, plus any accumulated charges.
Dragon Claw (Finishing Move)
Prerequisites: Tiger Strike Class Feature, Dragon Talon
Benefit: You release the charges of your Martial Arts skill with a deadly double claw attack (requires you to be wielding two claw class weapons, see above). To use this Finishing Move, you must make 1 attack as a standard action. If you hit, you deal damage with both claws. Precision based damage (such as sneak attacks, Charges, and critical hits) apply only to the first claw. If you have the two weapon rend feat, apply it's damage as well.
Dragon Tail (Finishing Move)
Prerequisites: Tiger Strike Class Feature, Dragon Talon, Fists of Fire Class Feature
Benefit: You realease the charges of your Martial Arts skills with an explosive kick. This kick is an unarmed strike. This attack is a standard action that deals the normal damage for your unarmed strike, plus an additional 1d6 + 1/2 class levels fire damage to the target and every enemy within 10 ft. of the target. You also deal the effects of any charges to the initial target.
Dragon Flight (Finishing Move)
Prerequisites: Tiger Strike Class Feature, Dragon Talon, Fists of Fire Class Feature, Dragon Tail, Thunder claws class feature
Benefit: You realease the charges of your Martial Arts skills with a teleporting kick. You must have line of sight and line of effect to the target and the target must be within close range (25 ft, +5 ft. per 2 class levels). This kick is an unarmed strike. This attack is a standard action that deals the normal damage for your unarmed strike +1/2 your class level, plus any accumulated charges.
Karel Gheysens |
Nofi, but I really think you missed out on the amazon. the amazon so isn't a fighter. It almost perfectly fits the ranger ihmo.
the combat styles can be used to offer the non magic bonusses of the amazon, possibly specific for the javelins, bows or general . Things like penetrate, pierce, critical strike, strafe, multishot, jab, fend, d/e/a etc.
the magic effects can be a (partial) replacement for the spells and some can replace spell completely. Slow Missiles and Inner Sight are just spells. The elemental enchantments can be implemented similar to what the arcain archer does. And decoy/Valkyrie can be a replacement for the animal companion.
P.S. And no MSLE boss and no one hit kill fire enhanced bosses in nightname. It'll never feel like diablo 2.
Sure, they kill mighty demons, but they don't really create dimensions, travel that much between layers of existence, or hang around with the gods as upper-level PC's do.
They don't do those things because it doesn't fit in an action rpg. Just like there aren't any skills similar to those in pathfinder. And just like pathfinder would be completely broken when you introduce town portals and free full heals from ncp's. Heck it almost broke diablo 2.
For what high level pc's do. Well, you end up killing the 2 most power demons alive. Those are simply 3 evil gods in pathfinder. And they hang around with Tyreal who is an angle.
Diablo 2 heroes are much more powerfull. try to compare some of the diablo 2 lightning skills to spells in pathfinder. Try to find a lightning to lightning conversion for skills that are similar. I'm think of lightning and chain lightning. Possibly lightning bolt and one of the arcain archers arrows.
Then do the calculations for a 100% pierce autohit lightning fury and let me know if it breaks pathfinder or not.
Or compare valkery to every summon in pathfinder. Safe for the fact that the dm will be smart enough not to attack a creature that does futile damage like the valkery, there is no summon in pathfinder that comes close. Alone the super fast regeneration, the huge life and the synergy with passive skills (skills everyone in pathfinder would want to have) like d/e/a make it more powerful then a simple dire tiger.
A strong valkery is almost immortal safe for poison damage which cancels out it's auto regeneration. And if it doesn't get killed, you can summon it again for futile mana cost with all potions and mana leech.
Diablo 2 is all about battle, and when you do a real conversion based on conversion factors and noting else, you will ruin the game.
Sparx |
Did you guys even look at the dates of the previous posts? It's been almost 5 years since Kierato started this thread and just as long since they have posted in it. If you look at they're profile, they haven't posted since 2011, so I think it's safe to say this project is no more.
Unless one of you wants to take up the mantle, I say let the thread die.