What settings do people play in?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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ProfessorCirno wrote:

One of my biggest gripes with FR is how laughably unchanging and conservative it is - and the fantasy genre is very conservative as is. The "There is no technical progress" mandate, for example, is stupid in ways I can't even fully formulate.

Admiral Ackbar says... IT'S A TROPE!

Medieval Stasis


Set wrote:

I liked it before they started mixing stuff up and Tyr became a free city, but we'd just gotten heavily into Al-Qadim, etc. at the time, and Dark Sun was just one setting too many for us to get invested in. None of us were huge psionics fans, which probably didn't help, although, perversely, the Athas-splat 'The Will & the Way' ended up making the 2e Psionics system actually fun for the first time, and one of our Al-Qadim players ended up playing a Will & the Way expanded Psionicist who would grow giant scorpion claws and stuff in combat...

So you liked it for the first like 6 seconds? lol

As some people may remember, as I've talked about it at length before on these forums, I played in a 3.5 dark sun campaign for 2 1/2 years and we ran nearly every published adventure translated on the fly by the DM. It was awesome because I went from knowing nothing about the setting to knowing the intimates of its long and complicated history. We had a large group, I think bursting at the seems with like 10 people at the height, and were nearly encouraged to powergame as the setting and the adventures are just THAT unforgiving that if we were unable to munchkin our way out of some situations we would just flat out be demolished.

Liberty's Edge

Molly Dingle wrote:

In the one in which I'm the GM, the setting is a fantasy version of colonial-era America, 1786. Muskets & Monsters, if you will.

I started out using Northern Crown, by Atlas Games, but decided early on to switch to a more historical version of "our world, plus magic" and dropped the alternate history presented in Northern Crown.

This sounds really interesting. Do you have a wiki or group for your game that you'd be willing to share?

Jeremy Puckett

Liberty's Edge

Molly Dingle wrote:

Admiral Ackbar says... IT'S A TROPE!

Medieval Stasis


How about Status Quo is God? =3

Jeremy Puckett

Mystara / Hollow World - This campaign has been running since the late 80s

Blackmoor / First Wilderness Campaign - Been running games based in and out of many of the areas for decades. Most groups have never seen most of the old stuff I have and it's all new and cool to em.

Started a Pathfinder / Golarion a few weeks ago and the group is still chewin on it. They haven't really gotten into it yet. Keeping my fingers crossed that they do like it as I've dumped a ton of work into the campaign We'll see how it goes.

Greyhawk was an old favorite of mine back in the days. I liked the feel of it and loved all the purty maps they had for it.

Have Fun out there!!

~ W ~

Shadow Lodge

I'm starting up a Ravenloft game in August. I do love the setting.

If anyone is interested I've posted a conversion guide for Ravenloft called Mistfinder. I'll be doing a second PDF to convert APG material when I've had a sit down with the book.


hida_jiremi wrote:
Molly Dingle wrote:

In the one in which I'm the GM, the setting is a fantasy version of colonial-era America, 1786. Muskets & Monsters, if you will.

I started out using Northern Crown, by Atlas Games, but decided early on to switch to a more historical version of "our world, plus magic" and dropped the alternate history presented in Northern Crown.

This sounds really interesting. Do you have a wiki or group for your game that you'd be willing to share?

Jeremy Puckett

I post a session journal on this website:


It's complete with in- and out-of-character commentary from the players and myself. ^_^

hida_jiremi wrote:
Molly Dingle wrote:

Admiral Ackbar says... IT'S A TROPE!

Medieval Stasis


How about Status Quo is God? =3

Jeremy Puckett

That one as well!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

We've one DM who's as much if not more of a Greyhawkphile than Erik.

I use Golarion, tweaked sutably.

My 'Red planet' currently is the 'furry planet' with the Litorians = Green Martians, Sibeercai = red martians, etc. The White Martians are a mix of human and Azlanti decendents. (note, these are ERB martians, not DC martians)

My 'Green Planet' is psi heavy, with the occasional portal to earth, the first Elan were Azlanti who were trying to avoid the fall of their empire. They emmigrated to the Green Planet and became Elans there. They occasionally 'scout' Golarion and create more Elans.

Numeria tech has a distinct stargate influence. There is a 'well of worlds' burried in the wreck, but I've not needed to flesh out the origin. Guards with P-90's amuse me though. "The guard holds up the rod to his shoulder, its construction of blackened metal and strange oily wood clearly alien. you see a red dot on your friend's chest an instant before the end of the rod erupts in thunder and flame, your friend falls back, blood soaking his chest." Also a long term subplot of Ori vs Elan comes to mind as an evil idea.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

KaeYoss wrote:
Zmar wrote:

Just Toril. Abeir is that invading thing in 4E, which in propper FR stays away in forgotten reality ;)

Abeir being a rogue planet or whatever it is is 4e retconn crap - showing that they were perfectly willing to retconn things but decided to destroy the setting with non-retconn "explanations" just because they hate it and its fans so much.

The FR world started as Toril, but was later renamed Abeir-Toril (rumour has it that they did that because they wanted their poster child setting to be on top - alphabetically as well as otherwise).

I seem to recall that Toril was the 'Forgotten Realms' originally because it used to 'touch' our world, and our legends (vampires, werewolves, Sean having hair) came from there. Over time the worlds drifted apart and its existence became 'forgotten'.

That's also how the Wizards Three were able to meet in Ed's living room.

Golarion, though I'm probably going to introduce an Iron Kingdoms area. I also use smaller things as well.

For fantasy we mostly use a homebrew unless the GM wants to use a published adventure path/module then we go with that setting. We've used Forgotten Realms (I like), Eberron (I do not like), Planscape (I love), and Golarion, a recent addition (I like so far).

For SciFi, it's a homebrew or Shadowrun (I love).

Liberty's Edge

Molly Dingle wrote:

I post a session journal on this website:


It's complete with in- and out-of-character commentary from the players and myself. ^_^

Thanks! I appreciate it!

Jeremy Puckett

Liberty's Edge

Well seeing as how this thread seems to have moved on from the OP's original question of what settings people use with the Pathfinder RPG (unless people really do use PF RPG to run Shadowrun! :), I guess I can chime in.

My preferred setting is Eberron and I have literally just kicked off a campaign using D&D4e, in a year or so's time I hope to run an Eberron campaign using D&D3.5 as well.

My other preferred fantasy setting is Freeport - I have the 3.5 version of the original trilogy in PDF and I own the Pirates Guide to Freeport along with the d20 Companion (hardcopy & PDF), Savage Worlds Campanion (PDF only) and the Mutants & Masterminds "companion" as part of Wizards and Warlocks. I am also considering getting the 4e Freeport Companion too.

I have played in Forgotten Realms and have the 3.0 setting book but didn't take to it really. I have also played in Golarion and own the Gazateer and some of the AP Players Guides, but again it doesn't really grab me.

Homebrew world, but there is a portal to Dave Arneson's Blackmoor if they ever get around to finding it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I used to exclusively play self-built campaigns in the FR, but since the setting was ruined by WotC, I haven't had the heart to return to it. :(

Well, it's Golarions gain, since I now run AP's. ^^

I've never played in any setting other than homebrew before.
I plan on running an adventure in Golarion, though, when I get the chance.

Homebrew here, set in a world some of our players are working on for 20 years now. Our DM takes huge effort fitting the Paths into our world - but it's worth every minute of work. (Thanks, Hon! :) )

I do plan to DM myself for the first time in a Golarion-solo-campaing (with the above mentioned DM as a player).

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It used to be Ravenloft Forgotten Realms and home brew. Now it's exclusively Golarion, as I run the APs.

Keep us informed on how the Grand conjunction modules go. I played a little into the first module (I think) using 3.0. My memory is a little blurry as this was almost 10 years ago, but I do recall the cultist's glass daggers being brutal. I think they did strength damage instead of normal damage and we were ill equipped to handle them.

Since three years ago, Golarion. Prior to that, a home-brew technically set in Greyhawk. I also run an occasional game set in a world based on ]Mud[/url].

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Since I this thread has quieted down, and I love numbers, I put together stats. While I would expect that these results are slanted toward Golarion because of the nature of the boards. Still, Homebrew, Golarion, FR, Eberron, Greyhawk, Ravenloft, and Planescape all have a sizable number of games that are being run/have run recently. While not all of these are actually Pathfinder games, it does seem a very wide variety of games get played.

This is a very rough count: (Excuse the board's lack of table formatting)

Setting - Games - Percent
Homebrew 46 17.8%
Golarion 42 16.2%
Forgotten Realms 36 13.9%
Eberron 21 8.1%
Greyhawk 18 6.9%
Ravenloft 12 4.6%
Planescape 11 4.2%
Mystara 6 2.3%
Dark Sun 5 1.9%
Dragonlance 5 1.9%
Freeport 5 1.9%
Blackmoor 4 1.5%
Ptolus 4 1.5%
Spelljammer 4 1.5%
Iron Kingdoms 3 1.2%
Nyambe 3 1.2%
Al-Qadim 2 0.8%
Hamunaptra 2 0.8%
Midnight 2 0.8%
Rokugon 2 0.8%
Scarred Lands 2 0.8%
Talislanta 2 0.8%
A Game Of Thrones 1 0.4%
Amethyst  1 0.4%
Arduin 1 0.4%
Black Company 1 0.4%
Conan 1 0.4%
Cyradon  1 0.4%
Dark Golden Age 1 0.4%
Dragonstar 1 0.4%
Empire of the Petal Throne 1 0.4%
Everquest 1 0.4%
Hollow World 1 0.4%
Kalamar 1 0.4%
Kitsunemori 1 0.4%
Lone Wolf 1 0.4%
Masque of the Red Death 1 0.4%
Oathbound 1 0.4%
Sarunia 1 0.4%
Savage Tides 1 0.4%
Spes Magna 1 0.4%
Thieves World 1 0.4%
Wilderlands of High Fantasy 1 0.4%
World of Warcraft 1 0.4%


Homebrew Pre-Hispanic south american mythos based. We're starting Kingmaker style game in that settign next week.

Hehe, I made the very bottom of the list. ;)

I use Pathfinder for Dragonlance, though I also use 4e for DL as well. Just depends on the game.

The main DL game I play in recently switched from 3.5 to Pathfinder, and it's been a lot of fun. Loving the changes that are made. In fact, the bloodlines for sorcerers helped me to further define one of my characters.

Good stuff!

We use this self created world, using the old 3.5 Pantheon:


It's a classic fantasy setting, after the defeat of a demonic invasion (our previous round^^).

Most parts are in german, but we are working on a full translation. As our campaign is still running, we will update this side from time to time. :)

The longest-running game I've ever been in (over 20 years now, off and on) is a systemless mixture of FR, Ravenloft and homebrew. Very munchkinny, lots of fun.

I'm currently playing in a 3.5 homebrew world created and DMed by my RL group. I'm also playing in a 3.5 PBEM mixture of Eberron and Ravenloft.

I'm running several online games, all Pathfinder: two Golarion (Rise of the Runelords) and one heavily-altered FR which I may or may not merge with Planescape much later on.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Coulda sworn I posted to this. Ah well.

I run in a homebrew game; I guess it's "standard" fantasy although the culture is "advanced" (they're in sort of an enlightenment/age of reason kind of era in a vague sense, with minor magic making quality of life decent for many). One pantheon for everyone, no racial deities. While there are horrible standard evils to destroy, I also try to work in some political intrigue where I can (current campaign the party is caught in the middle of a brewing civil war).

I'm in a pbp on here that takes place in 3.x Forgotten Realms, using Pathfinder rules.

And I will at last get to play in a Golarion based game (having never read the setting) on Friday.

In 3.x I played a lot of FR and some Eberron.

Scarab Sages Silver Crescent Publishing

deinol wrote:
I am curious what worlds people use with the Pathfinder RPG. I understand that these boards will skew towards people who probably play in Golarian, but how many of you don't? Do you play in settings produced by other companies? Do you craft your own world? Or are you all in with Golarian as your setting?

Lately I've been playing in the Realms of Twilight Campaign Setting by Silver Crescent Publishing (yes, I admit to a bit of tooting my own horn here). Most of my recent games have taken place in that world. I'm running one in the Illurian Empire and another on the continent of Ezalyth, as well as two play by post games on the Red Dragon Inn website.

The only experience I've really had with Golarian is the few adventure path modules that I've played/run. Though it does seem to be a very well-developed and interesting world.

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