Alchemist and Metamagic Rods

Rules Questions

In fact Alchemists and Metamagic in general yae or nae ?

I couldn't see anything written about metamagic and the alchemist.

now if you can take metamagic feats and thus add metamagic to your extracts does that then mean a metamagic rod would then allow you to quicken/empower etc etc your extracts simply by holding a rod.

now drinking an extract as a swift action just by holding a quicken rod dosen't really sit all that well, but if you can what kind of fluff would you spin to explain it ?

Metamagic feats increase the spell's level in terms of the slot required to use them. What spell slots does the alchemist have available?

To answer Lathiira's question for you:

The alchemist has no spell slots available -- alchemists don't cast spells.

Extracts are exactly like potions; no spell is cast to make, nor is it a spell in itself. They mimic the effect of a spell, but that's as close as they'll get to a spell.

Abraham spalding wrote:

To answer Lathiira's question for you:

The alchemist has no spell slots available -- alchemists don't cast spells.

Thanks Abraham, I knew that, but I was trying to be subtle while making a point. You know, just for practice;)

It seems to me against RAW but not really a balance issue. I don't really think rods make sense but if you wanted to take something like extend spell and use a higher level extract slot i don't see a balance issue. If i was dming i would certainly allow it. I mean you could say the rod is instilling extra energy into the extract as you drink it ... still i don't see a balance issue, however, it seems to be against RAW.

Raw no.

There's no reason you couldn't make a stirring stick or a drinking draw to do the same thing though.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

so there's zero ways for an Alchemist to extend the duration of his extracts? he can't take extend metamagic spell feat because he doesn't have spellcasting, and he can't apply the extend potion discovery because it specifically doesn't work on extracts? that sucks. empowered false life is the bees knees, extended barkskin is awesome sauce.


Thread Res!

One note that may change the consensus above... you can use Metamagic Feats when creating potions, scrolls, and wands:

Feats wrote:
Magic Items and Metamagic Spells: With the right item creation feat, you can store a metamagic version of a spell in a scroll, potion, or wand. Level limits for potions and wands apply to the spell's higher spell level (after the application of the metamagic feat). A character doesn't need the metamagic feat to activate an item storing a metamagic version of a spell.

So if you can make a potion with a Metamagic Feat, and if Extracts are similar to potions, then that would imply that you *could* use a metamagic feat to extend or empower an extract. It's not straight RAW, but as a GM I'd probably allow it.

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