Advanced Kingmaker: Episode III - Varnhold's Vanishing


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Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |


Elisen casts Calm Emotions (DC 19 Will) on the boar, hoping to use the opportunity to leave the vacinity while he is no longer in attack mode.

For Elisen:
I believe your save DCs are 1 pt too high on your profile. 21 Wis is a +5 bonus not +6, +2 for spell level, and +1 for enchantment = DC 18.

Boar's Will save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14...fails! It calms down and heads back to its enclosure as it stares at you. Very nicely done!

For Skerrin:
Again, Skerrin receives telepathically: "What?! Impressive! She dismissed the boar with but a spell. The lady's got talents. You may want to meet her, she's coming in from the north."

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |


Good catch, DM. I had bumped them (the spell DC's) up too much.

Elisen heads in the opposite direction of the boar, not knowing how long her magic would last. She intended to make her head start last. Desna, don't fail me now, she thinks, breaking into a run.

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 1

"Gentlemen, it would appear that there is someone alive and kicking on the other side of the river - a spell-casting woman just dispatched a large boar over there...

...Perhaps we should go and 'greet' her?"

Bwana nods his head then summons 1d3 ⇒ 2 dire bats.

'Who would like, to accompany me by air, I wish I could, have called for more,' Bwana says regretfully.

I was going to suggest the best Diplomat go, but that's Bwana!

Male Human, Andoran Ranger 10

If'n it's all tha same, I'll keep me feet on tha ground. I can run fair 'nough, so I'll head ta tha town square, then come at 'er from tha roadway. If ye finds 'er first, hold ta position an I'll meet up wit ya an tha lass where ere tha be.

Bors will shoulder his pack, adjust his new sword arrangement for balance, and head off, watching both the roadway ahead for the lass and the darkening skyline for Bwana & associates to pass.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

DM, bad time I know, but I will be out for about the next 10 hours or so for a work road trip. I'll post as soon as I get back.

As Elisen approaches the banks of the Kiravoy river, she sees a village square on the other side with additional buildings. She also sees 2 large bats with riders approaching her position.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

"What is the deal with this place?" she asks herself, quickly scanning the area for cover from the strangers and their mounts.

Elisen Renard wrote:
"What is the deal with this place?" she asks herself, quickly scanning the area for cover from the strangers and their mounts.

The nearest cover to Elisen is a a building maybe 30' away. An acrid stench of a tannery wafts faintly from the place. An outhouse stands across from the yard in front of the building.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

What a choice, Elisen thinks, running toward what she believed to be the tannery. Once she enters the building, she immediately begins looking for a spot to scout the sky, looking for the bats and their riders.


1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 1

since no-one else jumped forward to claim it...

Skerrin clings to the back of the giant bat, as the scything motion of its great wings eats up the distance to where Legba spotted the woman.

via Message to Legba...

Where has she gone now? Do you still have a visual?

He then glances over his shoulder to check on Bors' and Augusto's progress; given the difficulty of the encounter with the Spriggans, he is reluctant to outpace the fighters too much...

Bwana Unjunti wrote:

You see the figure run into a building as soon as you were visible.

Skerrin Maltisse wrote:

via Message to Legba...

Where has she gone now? Do you still have a visual?

Via message back to Skerrin

She ran into the building on the left. She is quite spry and quick this one!

Male Human, Andoran Ranger 10

Bors waves to the others flying off over the village, noting their angle of direction, then glances over his shoulder to Augusto.

Dinnae fret me friend. I'm sure tha others'll save some o' any fun fer us. Like me gran' used ta say, ne'er rains that ye don' get wet, ne'er bright tha ye don' get burnt. Life gives wat it does an' we makes o' it tha best we can.

With a nod, Bors turns back to the roadway and begins a full speed run towards whichever area the flyers seem to head.

Elisen Renard wrote:
What a choice, Elisen thinks, running toward what she believed to be the tannery. Once she enters the building, she immediately begins looking for a spot to scout the sky, looking for the bats and their riders.

Elisen reaches the safety of the tannery and runs in. Through the back window, she can see hides hanging in the yard. Through the front window, she can scout the skies.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

What sort of hides are hanging in the tannery, DM?

Elisen Renard wrote:
What sort of hides are hanging in the tannery, DM?

Horses to the best of your knowledge.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

Elisen looks out the front window attempting to keep the flying creatures in a position that she can keep track of. She also tries to pay attention to the area that the boar is located in, in case it was able to track her after the spell wears off.

Male Human Inquisitor 1

[spoiler] srry for the delay again, its been one hell of a week![/spoiler

" Aye Lad, I'm sure there will be plenty of adventure left for us, but by the gods, I could use a rest"

with that Augusto takes off with bors, matching his speed, hat flapping in the wind

Hopefully, this dead posting is due to the holiday weekend and it picks up again next week.

Male Human, Andoran Ranger 10

Bors is still running, Augusto in tow...

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

I am just here hiding, waiting on the bat riders!

Me too!

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 1

Skerrin pulls-up his bat alongside Bwana's in the air outside the tannery.

"Don't land just yet" he conveys to Bwana via Message. "I would prefer to remain in the air until our 'ground support' arrives. Still, it would not hurt to open dialogue..."

He then turns to address the occupant of the tannery:

"Greetings. We were quite impressed with how you handled the boar. My name is Skerrin, and I have some skill in the arcane arts. We were sent here to discover the fate of the village. The rest of my companions will be along shortly, but in the mean-time, I think we can try to be civil...

Now, I am afraid we have a few questions for you: Who are you? Are you one of the villagers? If not, what are you doing in the area? Do you know what has happened here?"

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

"Civility would be appreciated, Skerrin, as I don't fancy hiding in this tannery all day, if I can help it," Elisen announces, still not sure of her situation. "I am Elisen Renard, a servant of Desna. I am not from this village; in fact, it sounds like I am here much the same as you. I am looking for someone who was in this town as well. What do you mean by fate of the village? Are there others missing?"

Internet went scitzo!

'Indeed. The whole village. Gone. Tracelessly,' Bwana says with a sad expression.

'We had hoped, you might, produce a lead. For the mystery.'

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

Elisen responds to the different voice she heard. "I haven't heard anything. My mother was in this village. She travels quite often, but after arriving here there has been no word form her. That is not like her at all. After a month of no word, I decided to come find her myself."

Thinking a bit, Elisen makes a decision. "I am coming out. Please don't have your bats eat me. That would not be very civil." She steps back out of the tannery, showing herself to the strangers.

'Not civil at all,' Bwana directs the bats to land, and dismisses them once Skerrin and himself have dismounted.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elder Human Mage and Cleric of Name Levels

Bors arrives a few moments later, with Augusto bringing up the chase.

Winded from the exertions of the day, Bors looks over the assemblage. Some of the mirth and humor returns to his face, lost over the day's previous battles and the realization that the townsfolk may have been lost to their fates.

Looks ta be, we've found ourselves a lost girlie. Not quite so fearsome a beastie as tha brutish fey we 'ad earlier. Still, kinnae be too careful. Legba best ta keep cap o'er us, whilst we learn tha facts o' it all.

Turning to the lass, his blades sheathed once more, If'n ye git ta changing sizes lassie, we'll be fer doin' ya right proper. We 'ad fair nough o' tha ta'dey. I am Bors Omanera, late of Mendev, an me an me assoicites 'ere hae been sent under charter ta discover the doin's o' Varnhold. I'd say ye arrived in town just in time fer nightfall, so tis fortunate fer ya. 'Ad ya arrived but a few 'ours ago, ye might've met much worse than our little band. Worse than a porkered piggie even. Might hae been much too much fer ye tis true.

Seeing the sun touching the skyline of the village, and falling fast Bors looks over the group once more. A'course, now ye be 'ere, we can nae let ya go, lest not till daybreak, as we kinnae vouch ferin yer safety an that o' our own, if'n ye gets ta wanderin round past dark. The town be forgotten by its peoples, but other nasties bits seem ta be takin' wit it. I be fer movin this party back ta tha fort, ta continue there lest ye'd gentlefolk prefer tha inn up the road there.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

Looking at the one who introduced himself as 'Bors,'Elisen repeats the personal information she gave to the advance scouts only seconds earlier. "You clearly know much more about this area than I, so I would be happy to take your advice. However, I am no gentlefolk, I am a traveller of Desna. I have stayed in much worse places than an abandoned fort during my ventures."

She begins walking with the party. "What about size changers? If you had a tough battle with one, are any of you still suffering ails? Desna has blessed me with a miniscule bit of her talent for healing."

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 1

"Size-changers? Ah, well..."

Skerrin smiles and flexes his fingers.

"When we arrived in town, we discovered that it was infested with some size-changing fey creatures called Spriggans. Normally small, they can become large, and pack quite a wallop. There were a couple in the village centre, but the majority of them were clustered inside the fort. We cleaned those out, and were about to start a systematic search of the town when we were alerted to your presence.

Sadly, we found no evidence of what happened to the villagers, or even whether the Spriggans had anything to do with it..."

He then nods at Bors' words.

"I think that we should head back to the fort for the night. I would prefer a somewhat more defensible position, and then in the morning, we can finish searching the village properly."

You reach the comforts of the stockade safely enough.

You may chat during the night and let me know what you do in the morning.

Male Human, Andoran Ranger 10

Bors is all for resuming the original plan in the morning, swat-style searching the houses, as previously laid out. If remembered correctly, it was Bors on the "inn" side, Agusto the other, with Skerrin and Bwana at the door for support and communication. Of, course, if Motokono can be summoned for a duration, it and Elisen can be added to the mix, with Legba again providing aerial recon. Ideally, the two or four people/pets with the highest perceptions should make up the search teams.

Well lairds and lady, I'll be biddin' ya a good night. Wake me on me watch, or earlier if'n trouble starts. I learn't along time ago, ne'er pass up tha time ta sleep, ye can ne'er get it back, an ye always seem ta be needin more'n than ye got.

Bors rolls out his gear in a corner near the outer door inside the main building. In moments he's asleep, lightly snoring.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

Elisen will sit on first watch with whoever normally takes it. She wants to find out more about what the gang have previously discovered, and more information about there being sent to investigate the village.

In the morning, she will be happy to help carry out whatever search plan the others have previously came up with.

Sounds good to me! Bwana will summon Motokono first thing in the morning!

Morning comes with no danger through the night. After breakfast, you start a thorough search of the village. If you memorize spells differently from your profile, list them in a post.

Summary of houses, where we can skip rping:
Cottages (20): Fairly well kept with simple furnishings (2-6 people lived in each cottage).
Hogkeeper's Farm: The dire boar lives here, I am assuming you avoid it.
Tannery: Knowledge (Nature) check please
Brewery: Village had its own beer brand, Cheerful Delver Stout. Perception check please
Livery: Hundreds of scavenging crows feeding on horse carcasses. I assume you avoid.
Tailor: Completely looted, nothing of interest.
Potter's house: Perception check please
Gemcutter's house: The house with the holes in the wall.

After 2-3 hours, you are left with the inn, the church, a house on a hill, a cottage with children's toys in the front yard, and the barn (these we have to rp). We'll start with the inn.

To reiterate....

A sign above the door depicts a rider clinging to the back of a madly galloping horse with a green mane and a fish's tail extending from its hind quarters. You notice a single word, apparently hastily scratched into the wood of the front door with a dagger in Common: "NOMEN". Inside, you see the inn's common room, painted a cheerful shade of yellow to match its red shutters. The tables of the inn are covered with half-full glasses filled with mead, that have spoiled. In the corner of the common room, near a booth, your eyes immediately fixate on the back of a spriggan that stands about 7' tall. It is not moving and is covered in a shimmering nimbus of amber. Bors points out to you that the back of the spriggan's skull is a shattered mess of blood and bone. You see a book on the floor entitled Secrets of Rashalka Mounds. You also notice a quill and ink, as well as other books in the booth: Iobarian Prehistory, The Centaur Skyles of Central Casmaron, The Untold Heritage of the Taldan Armies of Exploration. Each of the books has the same sigil on the cover.

You also see a letter jutting out at the bottom of the stack of books.

If you pick up the letter and read it:
Nothing happens to you! The letter is dated 2 months ago from Maegar Varn, addressed to Maestro Penrod and in summary, requests Penrod's expertise and presence to research and study a mysterious jade bracelet recently discovered by the village's march warden, Willas Gundarson, on the banks of a local river.

What else do you do, if anything?

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

Perception for Brewery 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19

Perception for Potter's House 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23

Assuming we all go to each building. If there is a plan for splitting up, let Elisen's check be for whatever building she is assigned.

Elisen walks into the establishment, looking for any clues to the whereabouts of the village. Instantly her eyes were drawn to the books, all of which had the exact same symbol on it. She looked closely to see if she recognized it.

Know. (History) 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Know. (Nobility) 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Know. (Religion) 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20

Elisen spots a hidden door in the Potter's house and in a cushioning bed of straw, she finds an elegant set of flagons and platters, hand crafted in chased in platinum. There is a small placard indicating the set was intended as a wedding gift for King Novelski's eldest daughter next spring. It is worth 300 gp.

Elisen does not recognize the sigil on the cover of the books.

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 1

I assumed that we would be able to take 20 on a Perception(search) check of each of the buildings? The idea is to do a thorough job, after all :-) My static 'take 20' is 24; I know that a number of the others are substantially better at it, though :-)

Knowledge(Nature) for Tannery: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35

Regarding the Inn:

Skerrin looks thoughtfully at the Spriggan, and the aura around it; he then casts Detect Magic and attempts to identify the aura/spell affecting the Spriggan... Knowledge(Arcana) 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (4) + 26 = 30 . He will then broaden his Detect Magic scan to checking-over the rest of the contents of the inn. Assuming that he notices nothing untoward, he will then move in closer to inspect the books.

Male Human, Andoran Ranger 10
The_Grinning_DM wrote:

Tannery: Knowledge (Nature) check please

Brewery: Village had its own beer brand, Cheerful Delver Stout. Perception check please

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Perception Brewery:
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 1

Skerrin will change his spell load-out slightly; these changes have been added to his profile.

Also, I need to roll new False Life hit points... 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

No knowledge nature for me!

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Bwana keeps his eyes peeled as he and Motokono aid in the search, the great ape keeping watch from the door.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

Does the group have a treasure keeper? If so, please write down the flagons and platters worth 300 gp. If not, let me know, and I'll stash it in her haversack.

Elisen picks up the wedding gift and placard. "When we find everyone, we need to make sure this gets returned to the rightful owner. Such a lovely present..."

Skerrin Maltisse wrote:

Regarding the Inn:

Skerrin looks thoughtfully at the Spriggan, and the aura around it; he then casts Detect Magic and attempts to identify the aura/spell affecting the Spriggan... Knowledge(Arcana) 1d20+26 . He will then broaden his Detect Magic scan to checking-over the rest of the contents of the inn. Assuming that he notices nothing untoward, he will then move in closer to inspect the books.

Skerrin realizes that the "horse hides" hanging in the tannery are actually centaur hides with the human torso removed.

As to the inn, Skerrin quickly determines that the nimbus of amber is a result of a spell: Sepia Snake Sigil, used to protect books or works of writing. Skerrin detects no magic in the area. Skerrin inspects these books but finds nothing of interest.

On the second floor of the inn, the party finds that only one of the 5 rooms was inhabited prior to the "incident" or "vanishing". By the personal effects, you can tell the occupant was a man named Ervil Pendrod, a professor of Iobarian ancient history at Oppara's Kitharodian Academy. Under the bed, you find a travel trunk of more reference books. The books have the seal of the Academy.

Male Elf Magus (Bladebound/Hexcrafter) 1

Skerrin is more than a little sickened when he realises the origin of the 'horse-hides' at the tanner's.

Skinning and curing the hides of fellow sentient creatures? I would have expected such behaviour from goblins, but not humans!

With disgust dripping from every word, Skerrin notes:

"Those hides came from centaurs! I sincerely hope that the leather-worker is dead; otherwise, he will wish he was shortly after I find him..."

Skerrin is sorely tempted to learn Baleful Polymorph purely to use on the tanner...

He will then move to collect up the hides, and arrange for a suitable burial.


Regarding the Inn:

Looking up from the books and other notes, Skerrin comments:

"Interesting. It would appear that a village-member discovered a strange piece of jewelry, and sent for an expert, who brought all of these books, at least one of which was protected by a Sepia Snake Sigil, which is what that Spriggan ran afoul of."

Shall we move on?

To the Church?

Elisen, check the Discussion Thread Re: Treasure Tracking

Perception check please

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