Playing Chaotic Evil

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Cartigan wrote:
WWWW wrote:
Cartigan wrote:

The only thing "predictable" about a CE character is that they will betray you as soon as it is more beneficial to do so than not.

In a number of sad attempts to discredit people trying to define CE, people are making patently absurd interpretations of what was actually said and then putting forth characters that far more easily fall into pretty much any alignment but CE.

Well while not the only thing that chaotic evil characters are said to always do this is just another thing that makes chaos super lawful. I mean this is not based on whim or fancy it is based on cold hard measured calculation and requires following a code and never deviating even in the slightest. It requires chaotic evil to constantly run long term cost benefit predictions while making multiple contingency plans then as soon as the odds tip in favor of one of their plans the code dictates that they must betray.

1) No, it doesn't. Non sequitor. You are about to get attacked by a dragon. In the future, if your party survives, you could be gods! Or, you could be eaten by a dragon right now. Which do you choose? I don't know, do you think you can betray your party in such a way as to NOT get eaten by a dragon?

2) Then by your argument EVERYONE is Lawful. Everyone.

Oh I finally figured out what my problem was. You guys are describing a subset of neutral evil.

"A neutral evil villain does whatever she can get away with."

So describing a "non-stupid chaotic evil" you say that they will not do things when they think might not be able to get away with it.

"She is out for herself, pure and simple."

Describing how the character will backstab the group but only when it is profitable but not because the alien cat hive in his head told him to or some other fickle reason. Also describing how the character will always backstab the group when profitable since they are always only out for themselves.

"She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience."

Describing how the character does not place emotional weight on others and so has no emotional cares about killing them. Nor would they care about their comrades if and when they choose to kill them for profit.

"She has no love of order and holds no illusions that following laws, traditions, or codes would make her any better or more noble. On the other hand, she doesn't have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic evil villain has."

Again describing having no qualms about breaking laws but like the "non-stupid chaotic evil" does not go out of their way to vandalize the mayors house in broad daylight and then start killing off passers by who looked at him funny or some other flaunting of the laws because they are there.

Liberty's Edge

My take on the topic, based on my current concepts of Evil vs Good and Chaos vs Law.

Chaotic evil :

- Chaotic = you trust yourself more than you trust the system. You will not obey any order or social more that goes against what you feel is good for you

- Evil : you enjoy hurting others

I believe that with such guidelines, we can find many many examples of chaotic evil people who are not usually considered psychopaths.

One example could be Biff Tannen, from the Back to the future trilogy. Absolutely no respect for the law and thouroughly enjoys bullying other people.

That did not make him a serial killer, though.

northbrb wrote:

so i was thinking, do you think it is possible to play Chaotic Evil without being a blood thirsty psycho?


northbrb wrote:

cant a chaotic evil character have close friends without being tempted to kill them and without them also being evil?

Of course.

The problem is usually that most players who play CE immediately turn their chars into bloodthirsty psychos with utter temptation to kill their friends ;)

Evil parties only work for more than one session if you have players with at least a basic level of emotional and mental maturity.

The black raven wrote:

- Evil : you enjoy hurting others

That's the definition of sadism, not evil itself. While a CE character might be a sadist, it's not a necessary condition for being chaotic evil.

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