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Moorluck wrote:Studpuffin wrote:Gravy ______ kick ass.Yeah.... just, anything there will work. ;)Gravy donuts? Why not.
Gravy tacos? I'd eat 'em
Gravy saurkraut? Couldn't be any worse than regular.
Gravy termites? Maybe then I'd enjoy treating for them!
Gravy ice cream? Hey! Some people eat chocolate covered crickets...
Gravy anchovie pizza? Lose the anchovies...
Shield your eyes!!

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Crimson Jester wrote:I ain't seen no taco trucks! </Commacho>Studpuffin wrote:They have Taco Trucks in the midwest too. Yummy nom nom nom Taco trucks!!!!!Moorluck wrote:TACO NIGHT!!!
Tacotacotacotacotacotaco...... TACO YUMMY!!
Did you know they have TACO TRUCKS out on the west coast!
You live too far east.

Jyu1ch1 |

Jyu1ch1 wrote:Justin Franklin wrote:Lunds?Jyu1ch1 wrote:I am pretty sure you can get okra at Lunds.Crimson Jester wrote:Ah man! They don't have Okra up here! :(Freehold DM wrote:Hmmm fried Okra!!!Treppa wrote:Now I want fried okra.rolls fort save 1d20+4
FHDM manages to keep lunch down
Lunds or Byerlys (same store different name) in what general area of town do you go grocery shopping?
Oh yeah Byerlys! It's kinda out of our way so we don't really shop there.

Urizen |

Solnes wrote:Celestial Healer wrote:Solnes wrote:Celestial Healer wrote:Sucks about the gaming, but being snowed in with that special someone could be fun too. :)Solnes wrote:Anyone got plans for the weekend?I was supposed to be gaming tonight. Instead we're supposed to have a blustery, miserable weekend.
On the upshot, maybe I can use some of that time to plan a Ravenloft campaign.
It could be. But when that special someone is out of town for the weekend, it loses something.
Quote:Never played ravenloft, is it fun?I like it. It's a pretty old-school campaign setting. Gothic horror, lots of vampires, that sort of thing.Ok, now that does suck. :(
Sounds enjoyable. Is it all dark and gloomy?That's the idea.
** spoiler omitted **
Ustalav in Golarion is an archetype equivalent.

Urizen |

I spent all day under a house doing a termite treatment on a house that years ago my older brother lived in. Now I am hungry, tired, cold (I forgot my jacket today), and home. But tonight is taco night at the Moore house, the kids are being sweet, and I got my Fawtlys here with me. :)
Isn't it usually taco night at the Moore house? Giggidy!

taig RPG Superstar 2012 |

Solnes wrote:Anyone got plans for the weekend?Looks like we're going out here in a short while as Mindy's favorite covers band is in town. I'll be picking up another friend and we'll be having fun.
I'll be the designated driver.
No. I'm serious. Designated driver.
I can sense giggling.
Tee hee.

Woodraven |

So hubby and I are talking about trying to quit smoking...any tips/ideas?
I can't give any tips. I just did it cold turkey for smoking because I was getting slight chest pain after smoking. Maybe I should give up snus now just to be healthier. I might treat myself to shisha once in a while if I do. Sorry for the side rant. Support networks might help such as your friends here, and each other. For me smoking was just something to do, I have to keep my hands moving, and a slight oral fixation. Hope this helps.

taig RPG Superstar 2012 |

taig wrote:It's just as wacky Gregg being designated driver.Mairkurion {tm} wrote:::Pokes head in::
So...Anyone else watching Time Bandits?
"Mum! Dad! Don't touch it, it's evil!"
<Sean Connery drives by in his firetruck>
M. Night Slapmyhead only wishes he could end a movie like that.
I thought I had accidentally slipped into a mirror universe. I wouldn't be surprised if you told me you have a goatee.

All-Purpose M in Drag |

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:taig wrote:It's just as wacky Gregg being designated driver.Mairkurion {tm} wrote:::Pokes head in::
So...Anyone else watching Time Bandits?
"Mum! Dad! Don't touch it, it's evil!"
<Sean Connery drives by in his firetruck>
M. Night Slapmyhead only wishes he could end a movie like that.
I thought I had accidentally slipped into a mirror universe. I wouldn't be surprised if you told me you have a goatee.
A goatee? Don't be silly. I'm your Othermother.

Allen Taliesin Clockwork Gnome Publishing |

Studpuffin wrote:You live too far east.Crimson Jester wrote:I ain't seen no taco trucks! </Commacho>Studpuffin wrote:They have Taco Trucks in the midwest too. Yummy nom nom nom Taco trucks!!!!!Moorluck wrote:TACO NIGHT!!!
Tacotacotacotacotacotaco...... TACO YUMMY!!
Did you know they have TACO TRUCKS out on the west coast!
We have taco trucks in Columbus. Maybe the local taco trucks are hiding from him.

Emperor7 |

Solnes wrote:So hubby and I are talking about trying to quit smoking...any tips/ideas?A friend of mine recently quit. She found a hypnosis app for her iphone where this guy is speaking about how you don't want to smoke anymore. She'd listen to it every night as she dropped off to sleep.
She's been smoking 10 years and quit with only a single cigarette relapse a month or so in.
Tho she developed cravings to have wild sexual trysts with grumpy, sad, balding middle aged men and giving them the highlight of their year.
Not saying that I had anything to do with that app development....

dungeonmaster heathy |

Things that have happened in my month-and-a-half-long absence:
1. I've spent a lot of time with the woman of my dreams. Paizo kind of takes a back seat to being with her.
Can't compete with that, bro. Only one thing can, and you'll know what that is if or when it happens.
All the other stuff,.....man, good luck.
I'd tell you that I've gone through some extremely heinous life or death s!#! in my life.....and I'm still ticking.....
but I'm afraid that the example I represent might not exactly comfort you.
re: pbp,.....I'm in a bad place in my life right now; job crap; yadda yadda.....I'm not in a playing mood, so I'm putting that stuff on hiatus for a few weeks or months; when I'm back and you're down, man, we're on. It's all good, though. Take care of the dream woman.

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Solnes wrote:Anyone got plans for the weekend?I start taiko lessons tomorrow! I'm doing the recreational track - the performance track requires you pass physical fitness requirements (I'm doing it to find an activity I enjoy doing to get into shape, after all...) and you end up performing publicly. Um...not sure about that yet!
Then tomorrow night a friend who's a little too busy with family stuff the last few months to game with us is throwing a party, so that will be fun. Then Sunday...Kingmaker!
Hrm. I will need time to work on Kingmaker stuff before Sunday....
...or I could just wing it! All the monsters attack Wolfthulhu!
Haters gonna hate.

Urizen |

Urizen wrote:Tee hee.Solnes wrote:Anyone got plans for the weekend?Looks like we're going out here in a short while as Mindy's favorite covers band is in town. I'll be picking up another friend and we'll be having fun.
I'll be the designated driver.
No. I'm serious. Designated driver.
I can sense giggling.
Who has two thumbs and dodged three free shots from the Jack Daniels girls tonight and only had a bar tab of one dollar? This guy.
It was daunting.
That and the @#$%%# pothole that blew out my @$@%%# tire. Thank goodness for AAA to swap out the spare. It was %$@$%@% -10 F. I think my testes froze into cubes.

Urizen |

Solnes wrote:So hubby and I are talking about trying to quit smoking...any tips/ideas?I can't give any tips. I just did it cold turkey for smoking because I was getting slight chest pain after smoking. Maybe I should give up snus now just to be healthier. I might treat myself to shisha once in a while if I do. Sorry for the side rant. Support networks might help such as your friends here, and each other. For me smoking was just something to do, I have to keep my hands moving, and a slight oral fixation. Hope this helps.
If anything, stop the snus. Blech. Nasty.
As for your oral fixation? Lots and lots of popsicles. Pay no attention to the three gentlemen having lurid thoughts in the corner.

Urizen |

taig wrote:It's just as wacky Gregg being designated driver.Mairkurion {tm} wrote:::Pokes head in::
So...Anyone else watching Time Bandits?
"Mum! Dad! Don't touch it, it's evil!"
<Sean Connery drives by in his firetruck>
M. Night Slapmyhead only wishes he could end a movie like that.
There's something in Revelation about that being a sign of the Apocalypse. I'm 73% sure it is.
Because it happened.