Xealot's Protecting your Home


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Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

"Kiptera, retrieving the fallen and their possessions would probably go a little ways towards mending the fences between the kobolds and Asorva's people, but it would mean very little to the kobolds without an apology from Asorva's people for the deaths they caused in their 'invasion', as the kobolds see it. Something tells me that such an apology would be...highly unlikely."

"I know little of dwarven culture. Tell me: would the rest of Asorva's clan know of the presence of this gold, or would she have kept that knowledge from them to profit from the mine herself? Also, will her clan attempt another, better-prepared and more-heavily armed expedition to wipe out the kobolds, either out of desire for the gold, or for revenge of their fallen? Perhaps our next stop after finalizing the accord between the kobolds and Tanner's Crossing should be to broker some sort of deal between the kobolds and Asorva's clan. Such a thing would probably make the deal we're about to broker here look like a stroll on the beach...not that I've ever strolled on a beach myself, but I hear it's nice."

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

"You're right about no apologies, but not likely the Kobolds will want one. I can guarantee that the clan would know about it, an mining outpost feeds the artisans at the main clan hold. Once it stops, you can expect an armed investigation. A return of the kinsmen will go a long way towards an uneasy but stable peace. I don't know, offer them cake from Tanners Crossing and return the bodies with Asorva to the clan hold will also bring honor to this town."

"On a more personal note, certainly the dwarves would prefer the mine ore themselves but I am thinking we could pull this off. I'll need to consult with Asorva. Don't think ill of me or that I am greedy. What if... hmmmm, What if once peace treaty and fallen dwarves are returned, we arrange a three way contract. This particular Dwarf clan gets regular shipments of ore from the Kobold labor, Tanners Crossing provides shipping, supplies and protection from incursion for monopoly of caravan route as well as a solid form of income and a place on the map for both Dwarf and Human kingdoms. Kobolds get exclusive use of mountain and cake."

"Just me brainstorming and trying to address the concerns of my fellow dwarves and adopted home of Tanners Crossing. Or we could have a war 'tween Kobolds and Dwarves with Tanner's Crossing in the middle. That'll go over quite well with the Mayor." Kiptera smiles to herself but you're not sure how to interpet that...
WTF? When did Kiptera take lessons in economics? And really, did we just put Tanners Crossing in the middle of a trade route? DM Xealot, you ready for this? I suspect serious growing pains as we try to pull this off and Xealot rains on our parade.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

She sets up Asorva with Widow Erin's boarding room, and convinces the gang to see the Mayor at first light regarding payment and/or supplies for the near future excursion Part One of signing 1)Peace Treaty, 2)Return of Dwarf fallen, 3)Cake and "Gifts". Part Two should be 4) business contract and 5)public debate/knowledge of Gold in themtharhills 6)prep for influx of opportunities good and bad

Kiptera shakes her head, a simple life style just disappeared. And she also rests for the night at Widow Erin's Boarding Room.

Human (Romandan)

You are a dwarf greed... er... economics comes natural to you

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1

Looks like a good idea , Kiptera . I'll let you explain to the mayor ...

Simon turns to the mayor and indicates the street is not the place to speak .

Female Human Witch 1

Isis bring the mule Bear back to the stable and makes sure to wash him down and set up a good bag of feed.

She has to fend off the family dogs that are happy to see her after an absence of several days.

Her mother watches her as she performs the task with a critical eye but saying nothing. Her sisters also watch and go to speak to her but her mother's one gesture keeps their tongues in check. They know better than to interrupt at a moment like this.

Isis then takes the saddle bags loaded with things like her bedroll and healing kit and heads into the cottage.

'Would you like some soup?' her mother offers.

Isis was going to say, no, but after several days on the trail, her mother's root soup smelled like heaven. She gobbled down the bowl of soup with a good chunk of bread. By the taste of the bread, she guessed it had been made by one of her sisters because it hadn't had enough time to properly rise the second time and the crust was bit extra brown on the bottom.

Her mom waited patiently while she ate and the cats took turns circling around her ankles. Her sisters, dangled their legs over the edge of the loft, wanting to ask all sorts of questions on what had occurred but knowing they'd have to wait till their mother had given her permission. The calls of 'unfair' would come later.

'So? You wanted to talk?' Her mother had patience but it was not infinite. A village witch was always a busy person.

Isis wiped her face with a napkin and ordered Skitter down on to the table to take his place at her right. Isis' mum noting the change and formal start of a Witch conversation ordered her familiar, a pig named Pietro, to sit at her right.

To an outsider, nothing would have been heard. You would likely think that the pair were in some sort of meditation with their lips barely moving. This was Witch talk. It was the way that Isis had been able to speak to Kiptera over great distances but Witches used it to keep their conversations from prying ears.

Some witches job was to walk disguised through an area and use Witch talk to the various agents in the community. The witch might appear to be just a peddler or a miner or any of a dozen other people that stopped for a meal at a tavern or paused outside of a home at the road side. Often at night, witches would take to the wind and fly across great miles to meeting spots to exchange information.

The power of the coven was not in the magical might it wielded but in the hundreds of threads of knowledge it gathered and exchanged. Most of the knowledge flowed up to the Coven Elders and only a small trickle flowed down to the village witches. It was for the security of the coven that it had always been so. Even the true faces and idenities of the Coven Elders was a mystery. There were always three but they adopted forms and disguises that they exchanged amongst each other chosen from a historical set of names and faces that had been used in the past. The Coven Elders of the county coven were members also of covens that covered larger areas or covens that were dedicated to a particular task.

Networks inside of networks with each built as cells that could not betray the rest. It was how the witches protected their knowledge and their members from the various periods of time when suspicion and anger might turn on a witch or coven.

So, Isis and her mother sat, and Isis told her mother of the events of the past few days.

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

The mayor nods in understanding and tells the group he will meet them on the 'morrow. He then tells all of the townspeople to give the group some space as they are likely very tired.

Finish up anything you want for the current day in game tonight, and tomorrow I will advance time the following morning, the big meetings etc.

Xealot wrote:

The mayor nods in understanding and tells the group he will meet them on the 'morrow. He then tells all of the townspeople to give the group some space as they are likely very tired.

Finish up anything you want for the current day in game tonight, and tomorrow I will advance time the following morning, the big meetings etc.

Since me, Mercy and Isis are intereacting with NPCs then we have to wait for you to give us replies so we can't advance until you do for all of us.

Female Human Oracle 1
Xealot wrote:

The group of heroic companions ride back into town having lost no one, and in fact added to their already sizable contingent of adventurers. The entire village gathers are you ride back into town, curious about the newcomer as well well as word from the happenings in the west.

Haggard comes out and gives a very friendly welcome to Mercy and Claire begins asking question after question.

"So, how was your trip?"

"Uneventful," Mercy replies. "We wandered around half-blind in the woods for three days before we ran up onto some kobold tracks."
"And then what happened?" Claire asks, excitement in her voice.
"We found them. We made peace, saved Asvora," she gestures to the dwarf woman in the crowd behind her, "and came home." Mercy shrugs.
"Peace? Like, there was fighting?" Claire asks.
"None. We had the priest talk to them and they gave up and left." She feels unimpressive.
"I'm glad no one was hurt," Haggard says with relief. "I'm glad you all made it home in one piece."
"So, no fighting at all?" Claire asks, almost puzzled.
"Nope. I lugged around all of this for no reason for three days! Looks like the egg's on my face. Should've brought a white flag instead." Mercy smiles.

Xealot wrote:

Haggard also smiles when he sees Caelin and comments that he missed his best customer, informing him that he has a new batch of ale that he wants him to try. "Drink all you want tonight friend, it's on the house."

"Are you sure that's okay?" Mercy asks, laughing.

"As long as you're there to make sure he doesn't go too overboard," Haggard replies.

Xealot wrote:

After a few seconds of hounding Mercy, Claire sees Denis and waves and smiles shyly before blushing and talking to Mercy again.

"He's so mysterious!" Claire gushes, glancing back to the disapproving raised eyebrow from her father. "What?"

Mercy rolls her eyes. Her feet ache and she feels like she needs to sit down.
"Hey, I'll meet you guys back at home. I need to take off my boots and drop off my backpack," and she's almost a step away before Haggard takes her pack right off of her shoulders. She glances at him and he smiles at her from behind his weathered blonde mustache. He doesn't say anything and neither does she, but Mercy is glad to be home.

Mercy returns to the Everfull Mug and goes upstairs with Haggard, who is carrying her backpack. After a few moments, Haggard returns downstairs while Mercy changes out of her armor and her adventuring gear.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

"Haggard by Erastil if you wern't so darn ugly I would hug you for those words" laughs out loud "Now serve me a drink I'll go take my stuff to my room upstairs and be down there in a moment to taste this new ale you got Haggard" winks at Mercy after listening to her reply "I can hold my self, it is a day to celebrate so give me some pork and ale to celebrate" he says gladly turning quickly as if he forgotten something "Oi! Venedictos! Denis! ain't ya boys coming to celebrate your great victory over the Kobolds, after all Venedictos speech and Denis words saved the day" smiles at them "Well I'll be inside don't take too long there might be nothing left" chuckles and strides into the Everful Mug.

Female Human Witch 1

Isis finishes her report to her mother of all the events that occurred as she knows them and can remember them. She adds that she thinks it might be best to contact her father since he knows more of mining then anyone in their family.

She knows that her mother will scoff at the idea and kick up a fuss but dad lived his whole life for a score like this. If he missed this then he'd never forgive any of them.

Isis only got the words from her mother, [b]'You leave me to worry on what's good for your father. Now, run along, you've got chores in the morning to do before the counsel meeting occurs.'[b]

Isis took her leave and practically ran to the Everful Mug. It was considered unsightly in her mother's eyes for a witch to ever be seen running unless someone was actually hurt and dying. Isis, thus only ran when she was fairly sure that no one was watching her.

When she got to the tavern, she got a bowl of honey covered nuts and a cup of water. She then sat back to hear the villagers press the others with ale and questions on how things had gone. She was sure that at least a few like Caelin would have their lips loosened with enough of Haggard's ale.

Caelin McHern wrote:
"Haggard by Erastil if you wern't so darn ugly I would hug you for those words" laughs out loud "Now serve me a drink I'll go take my stuff to my room upstairs and be down there in a moment to taste this new ale you got Haggard" winks at Mercy after listening to her reply "I can hold my self, it is a day to celebrate so give me some pork and ale to celebrate" he says gladly turning quickly as if he forgotten something "Oi! Venedictos! Denis! ain't ya boys coming to celebrate your great victory over the Kobolds, after all Venedictos speech and Denis words saved the day" smiles at them "Well I'll be inside don't take too long there might be nothing left" chuckles and strides into the Everful Mug.

Denis was already going to hear into there, but the words that Caelin said made him a little more confident and she smiled sheepishly. He decided that if they sat as a group then perhaps he could gain some confidence, but still wanted to wear his hood up. He had no reason to believe that the entire bar wouldn't start a fight with him from seeing his strange looks. Tieflings didn't have good names like the majority of civilised races. On this thought in some ways the prejudgement he often recieved is similar to what they give to Kobolds and Goblins.

"I'll drink to our victory then." he said to Caelin, though he knew he wouldn't be able to drink as much as the powerful warrior.

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1

Simon go to the temple to give thanks for a safe return and then goes home to his family .
In the morning , having done some chores in the farm , he comes back to the meeting with the mayor
Xealot , can you precise which townspeople are there ?

Female Human Witch 1

Isis enjoys her evening at the Everful but doesn't stay till Haggard has to start tossing people out.

She finds she is very tired after the last several days and craves her bed and a fresh start on the new day and the council meeting.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1

Brev has a single drink with the others before deciding to do some insect hunting for the rest of the evening. He happily invites any of the others who are interested to come along with him and he can show them the wonders of the insect world. If no one's interested, he'll go on his own. When he's done, he spends the night in his usual spot against a tree.

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

The next morning the town is abuzz. Everyone wants to hear what happened and what will happen next. Years of leading this town has given Igor the wisdom to know that a public forum will not be what's best for this town. Igor calls all of the members of the investigative party into his home as well as the other three members of the council, Risca, Tanya, and Haggard.

Once everyone is inside he beckons everyone around a large diner table has them take their seats.

"Mornin' all, I thank you y'all for comin'. I guess the best thing to do is just have one of you start buy telling us what happened."

Asvora is not present, stating that she wanted no part of the politics regarding what was going to happen.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

"Well, Mr. Mayor, while not setting out to do this, the opportunity presented itself to strike what I believe to be a very good deal for this town." He pauses to let that sink in a moment before he continues.

"Kiptera very ably found kobold tracks just over two-day's travel from here, which we followed. We met with the leader of the kobold clan, and learned that the kobolds had been stirring because of an attack they suffered from a group of dwarves. You see, sir, the kobolds have gold in their hills-gold they don't want and have no use for. We have struck a tentative deal whereby the kobolds themselves will mine all of this gold and give it to the town in exchange for three, I believe, minor things: mining tools, to be left alone, and cake. Yes, cake, as in desserts."

He pauses to let that sink in.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Xealot wrote:

The next morning the town is abuzz. Everyone wants to hear what happened and what will happen next. Years of leading this town has given Igor the wisdom to know that a public forum will not be what's best for this town. Igor calls all of the members of the investigative party into his home as well as the other three members of the council, Risca, Tanya, and Haggard.

Once everyone is inside he beckons everyone around a large diner table has them take their seats.

"Mornin' all, I thank you y'all for comin'. I guess the best thing to do is just have one of you start buy telling us what happened."

Asvora is not present, stating that she wanted no part of the politics regarding what was going to happen.

So what happened with Denis and Claire last night? It it went really well then perhaps he could be late and seem like he's in a dream.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

"Mayor, as Venedictos has sed this Kobolds are willing to do labor for us in exchange of food and tools for the labor. I find this of the best intrest of Tanner's Crossing and we also have a request from the dwarfs that we shall recover their fallen to give them proper burial" pauses for a moment "We must make haste if you wish to claim rights to this mine in a peaceful way before there is a war between kobolds and dwarfs"

Perception to see the townspeople reactions to our proposal1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

If there is but a minor greedy idea I shall answer like this


"I warn you all people of Tanner's Crossing don't let greed take in your heart and minds or I shall rip them out of you. This is the best offer you can find with out bloodshed and if it's blood you want instead of peace I'll start with yours until I see no more greed. Think about this for a moment and be very careful how you reply, for if this is offer is not accepted the dwarfs won't mind taking the mine and leaving NOTHING to this town."

Intimidate 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin
Denis Dubosc wrote:

So what happened with Denis and Claire last night? It it went really well then perhaps he could be late and seem like he's in a dream.

Just a little small chit chat... nothing to much, but she is a nice girl whose company you enjoy and who seems to enjoy your company.

Also note there are no other town memebers, only the Igor, Risca, Haggard, Tanya and the PC's.

Tanya is all ears when she hears gold, and goes to say something but Caelin's little speech seems to calm her right down.

Risca steps up to comment. "I ain't usually one for speaking, but lives were lost over this mine. I'm not saying we are the ones to do it, but I say someone needs to go in and take care o' them little murders. I say let the dwarves who started the mine go back in there, get there money and clear them out. We found that they aren't a threat to us, let's just leave well enough alone."

Tanya can stay silent no more and interjects, "NOO!!! All of that gold down there, I say if we can get it then we get it. What happened to the dwarves were bad, but we can't turn down an opportunity like this. And the kobolds won't be much of a problem, heck we can just hire adventurers like yourself to go in there and clean the lot of the out."

"Now hold on a minute, the both of ya," Haggard begins. "The kobolds were peaceful, and only defended themselves from what they thought was an attack on their home. I say we broker the deal with them, maybe pay some restitution to the dwarves, help them bury their dead, and maybe even cut them in on the mine as well. There is no sense in us going to war over this, or anyone for that matter."

Igor rubs his chin as he listens to the heated debates, awaiting more input.

Caelin McHern wrote:

"Mayor, as Venedictos has sed this Kobolds are willing to do labor for us in exchange of food and tools for the labor. I find this of the best intrest of Tanner's Crossing and we also have a request from the dwarfs that we shall recover their fallen to give them proper burial" pauses for a moment "We must make haste if you wish to claim rights to this mine in a peaceful way before there is a war between kobolds and dwarfs"

Perception to see the townspeople reactions to our proposal1d20 + 1

If there is but a minor greedy idea I shall answer like this
** spoiler omitted **

He looks towards the Mayor and wonders what life must've been like for him being rich and living off everyone else's backs. "I can speak in the Kobold's tongue, Draconic, language of many lizard creatures, including Dragons. I believe that since the Kobolds care nothing for the gold and will simply work for cake then Tanner's crossing will come off it much better." he smiles as he starts to think of last night with Clare. Of course nothing happened, but they still spoke and it was still great to have been able to talk with her if nothing else. Just talking with her made him happy.

Female Human Witch 1

Isis watches Venedictos start the discussion with the details of the trip.

She's a bit surprised that he mentioned the Kobold gold. Wasn't he suggesting that they keep that part quiet to avoid this sort of muddying of the waters? She even remembers Simon calling for a show of hands on whether that detail should be mentioned.

Oh, well, too late now.

Venedictos heard her thoughts on the councilors and now Kender was like enough to have tripled the price on spades and picks before anyone stepped a toe out of this room.

Even if her mum listened to her it was very like that her father wouldn't make it back before all the sites for twenty miles around had been staked and claimed. Cursed in luck and mining. He'd end up doing back labour for someone else's palace while they sat on the their lump ass and checked each worker's teeth for hidden gold.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

"Mayor, we have here an opportunity for this town to take one of three directions. One, we claim the gold for ourselves turning this place into a mining town. Miners will descend upon the town like locusts, getting drunk every night, fighting over claims; crime will skyrocket. Two, we honour this agreement and instead of attracting disreputable miners, we instead attract the region's finest pastry chefs, and this town inexplicably becomes known for its fine confectionaries. Third, we let the dwarves have the gold and have to with them when they exhaust the kobold's mine and start looking closer and closer for more gold. Just what kind of town did you have in mind when you founded Tanner's Crossing in the first place?"

Female Human Oracle 1

Mercy nods, listening. She's just a local bar maid, so she leaves the talking up to the more reputable townspeople and members of their party. She gives Caelin a smile for crushing down Tanya's dreams of tiny dogs in handbags with his brash words, but remains silent, listening.

She definitely wouldn't like it if the patrons at the bar transformed from demure farmhands and workers into rowdy and drunk miners.

Venedictos wrote:
"Mayor, we have here an opportunity for this town to take one of three directions. One, we claim the gold for ourselves turning this place into a mining town. Miners will descend upon the town like locusts, getting drunk every night, fighting over claims; crime will skyrocket. Two, we honour this agreement and instead of attracting disreputable miners, we instead attract the region's finest pastry chefs, and this town inexplicably becomes known for its fine confectionaries. Third, we let the dwarves have the gold and have to with them when they exhaust the kobold's mine and start looking closer and closer for more gold. Just what kind of town did you have in mind when you founded Tanner's Crossing in the first place?"

At the mention of this place becoming a possible minding town with the talk of people getting drunk every night and fighting his thoughts went straight to Claire. He had seen first hand from his step father exactly what men do when they drink far too much and he didn't want the same thing to happen to her. He didn't like that first idea nor the third, but he decided to stay out of this as he was afraid he would completely mess up everything by being incohirent and not being able to use his words correctly, unlike Venedictos who appeared to be masterful at talking and such. He had his deep feelings for Claire and didn't want any harm to come to this town if it would somehow harm her or his mother. He hadn't seen her for a while, but he didn't really have anything to bring back for her anyway.

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1

Just to elaborate . The kobold we spoke with did not have a really good common so it is possible he meant something else when he spoke of cake . Also I would like you to note that the kobolds are many and did succeed in killing 35 dwarves so even if I was willing to attack them , it would be a difficult thing . Finally , the deal Venedictos did negotiate would make this town prosperous so there is no need to.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

"Well I might not have the silver tongue of Vendictos, but I will say I don't like the idea of dealing with the kobolds since they are going to be nothing but problems later on, but we could domesticate them or whatever you do with them to avoid futher conflicts and secure allies in the near future" looks at Mercy "Failing to have that with the gold we get from the kobolds we might as well pay some mercenaries to help us deal with them and get a treaty with the dwarfs, they are honorable and will respect the terms long after we are dead" looks at each one in the room for a moment, and specially Tanya with a long cold stare.

"Well as I see it we have only two options" he looks at the mayor

1st Option
"We make the deal with the kobolds and respect theirs homes and right to mine the minerals for mutual trade benefit and securing those resources for the town" pauses and with a grim look in his face "This will cause some problems with the dwarf clan of Asvora since I don't think they will sti quietly and let those resources go even if they are not the owners, we will have an uneasy peace with them"

2nd Option
"If we have the time we can make a deal with Asvora clan to unite as a single force and get rid of the Kobolds and get the mine for mutual benefit and have problems to make a good bargain with the dwarfs, since after all they might be inclined to just say it was rightfully theirs from the start and leave us with nothing or just leftovers if we are not careful with the treaty we sign iwth them and betray the kobolds" makes a sour face just for thinking in betrayal "Trust me I don't like Kobolds but I wont betray for money, my honor would be spoiled and if you cheat me making me do it I will have my vengeance"

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

Just for the record Kender is not at the meeting.

The mayor nods as he listens intently to what everyone has said thus far. He nods to those who haven't spoken, showing that he is waiting on an input from everyone.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Venedictos shakes his head sadly.

"I keep getting the feeling that a lot of you are of the opinion that betraying the kobolds (whether to mine the gold ourselves or work with the dwarves) will net the town more riches, so let me be clear. We aren't talking about the kobolds cutting us in for 30%, the kobolds don't want the gold and are willing to give us all of it. We won't have to risk our own miners, all we have to do is send wagons to pick up the ore and bring it back here to use as we wish! If you make an alliance with the dwarves, and Kiptera, I do mean no offense with this, I must caution you that the town would be even more likely to be betrayed. The kobolds aren't in this for the greed or riches; they want to be left alone and are willing to exchange the gold for food. No matter what deal we could strike with the dwarves; eventually, they are going to want a bigger cut. They have already shown their willingness to just try to take the gold; what's going to stop them for trying to take it from us also?"

More diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1

"It seems to me," Brev says, standing up on his chair to be seen better, "that there is a lot of talk of betrayal. Betrayal by the kobolds, betrayal by the dwarves, even betrayal by us. The fact of the matter is, any of the sides could potentially betray, but going into things assuming that somebody's going to betray somebody else just makes the whole endeavour pointless. The deal with the kobolds gives us a possibility of resolving everything with no further bloodshed. Are we guaranteed no further bloodshed? No, but there's a chance. All the other options will require fighting the kobolds at the very least, if not others. We're guaranteed bloodshed in those circumstances. So it seems to me that making the deal with the kobolds is the only viable option for us.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

He waits a moment to see if anyone responds to him. If not, he will sit down again.

Female Human Witch 1

Isis heard Venedictos say,

No matter what deal we could strike with the dwarves; eventually, they are going to want a bigger cut. They have already shown their willingness to just try to take the gold; what's going to stop them for trying to take it from us also?

and shuttered. She didn't no much but she did know that you don't say that Dwarf's word can't be trusted. Especially when you had a dwarf, Kiptera, and some staunch defender of dwarves, Caelin and Mercy, in the room with you.

If Asvora had been in the room, Isis was fairly sure that Venedictos would right now be praying for a new spleen.

It didn't matter if it might be true, you just didn't say it. It was worse then commenting on the wart on woman's face and that was just considered plain rude.

'Uhm, I know this might be getting ahead of things but what would happen when the town got the gold? I mean, sure, whatever gold comes into the town, if'n we were to own it or get paid by the kobolds in ore. How would it be divided? Who'd get what shares and what would happen if new people came to the town and claimed they wanted shares?'

'Sorry, I know that's getting ahead of things but I think it really is an important question that someone needs to be asking and getting answers to cuz there are plenty of people going to be pretty angry and mad on the answer that comes back.'

It was like tossing in the golden apple and asking who's the fairest.

Once Kiptera and Caelin were done with chewing on Venedictos' hide that would leave Simon as the only viable leader of the expedition that people would all respect. Too bad he was too much a puppy, even if he did look so really cute, to handle the councilors.

"I...I support Venedictos's second suggestion. I don't wish harm to come to those who I care about by attracting disreptuable miners who would get drunk and start fights." he seems shy as he says this and blushes as he wonders if this would somehow get back to Claire. "I...have no love for Kobolds, however...if we turn on them doesn't that make us as bad as they are?" he suggests as he was more interested in any choice that would mean the town was safe as were the people in it, especially his mother and Claire.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

"Well Isis yer a sly one I tell ya, I'm keeping one eye on you. About the gold if we are even sure it's gold, since I won't know it until I see the darn thing" shrugs his shoulders "Well we must trust the Mayor of the town to put that money to good use for the community, it's not in our hands Isis to pick who is better for the task since the first to jump over it is one greedy oäkting and I'll use him as a sparring dummy"

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Back from beyond {yawn} that was a nice nap.. ;)
Kiptera waited patiently, her face a range of thoughfulness, grimaces, and small smiles. She nods to Venedictos to address his concern first.

"The dwarves would no doubt have hard feelings if you took advantage of thier hard work. But war? Not likely. As for staking every claim within 20km and encroaching on others, I'd like to know the source of your Dwarven lore and have a wee talk with them."

She rubs her hands together and looks at the Mayor. She paces back and forth as she speaks.
"I'll speak for the Dwarven concerns and guide you as best as I can. #1)Recovery of the fallen Dwarves, hopefully before it hits any stewpots or too used from poking, will go a long way towards putting the town and its elders in a favorable position. Initiate this before the clan starts anything. #2)Loss of the mining rights to the Kobolds and Town. This is a hard sell but made easier if #1 is done well. If the town wants to broker a treaty 'tween the two great/wonderful but don't expect any dwarves to sit at same table as kobolds. Same goes for any ore you send to the clan, which presses this town into a contractual caravan service. If none of the ore goes to the clan, and I am not saying some/most/all, it makes for a harder sell. I'll leave the details to you.
#3)No one owns those mountains, the hills, or the forests. So granting a mining charter over an area which you do not control, and cannot enforce will only diminish your authority. If you deal with Kobolds and Dwarves thats fine, don't expect to tax them on the fruits of thier labor, might as well tax the deer for eating your forest. Now there were another party of dwarves, a different clan, thatwas also prospecting. Nothing special, we Dwarves do that all the time and everywhere. Asorva's Clan got lucky, worked hard for it, and lost it all. If it is an area that is clearly under the control of another, we ask permission or move on. Not a big deal, but betrayal? Don't ever say that to a dwarf and expect a polite discourse.
#4)You have a final opportunity to affect the direction of this town. Mining town with claims everywhere, majority will not pan out but then a large unemployed wannabe miners hanging out here. May happen anyway. Set this town up for becoming a major trade hub, with the unique combination of Kobold (and other dark denizens), Dwarfs and human civilizations. Or let it become the centerpiece in a wartorn wilderness. Which By the way we still don't know anything about the rumors concerning Town of Kern and this is only one tribe of Kobolds that was merely the first one encountered AND willing to talk, thanks to Venedictos honeyed words.
Heavy sigh
Alright I've said my piece."

Kiptera reaches for the "Good stuff" in front of the Mayor and helps herself. "aaaahhhh, had to wet my whistle." and she sits back down along the wall.

Female Human Witch 1

'Well, Caelin, if you put it that way then I guess that I would support your first option. I wouldn't want the Kobolds thinking we wouldn't fight here in Tanner's Crossing if we had to protect ourselves but I don't see any reason to go borrowing trouble either.'

'It may mean our town goes through some growing pains with new folks and new ideas being brought to town with the smell of money but more people will also mean we are stronger and more able to take care of ourselves come what may.'

Isis decided it was best to throw in with the people wanting make peace with the Kobolds. Make peace for the present day when the town was only a hundred or so bodies and mostly farmers.

The flood of new people would open new opportunities. It would be a genie bottle that once opened gained its own momentum.

The counsel that thought they were the kings of the world would likely find new people would come along and sweep them away; especially, as the numbers of new comers out numbered the people that grew up in Tanner's Crossing.

In a few years time it would be the humans that were the most numerous people in the area and setting terms with their sheer numbers. The greater the opportunity and the more the people would crush the land surrounding Tanner's.

Kiptera may talk of owning of deer. Deer might not have owners but they knew enough to flee a forest fire and the deal with the Kobolds was going to be a forest fire.

Female Human Oracle 1
Brevaddelar wrote:

"It seems to me," Brev says, standing up on his chair to be seen better, "that there is a lot of talk of betrayal. Betrayal by the kobolds, betrayal by the dwarves, even betrayal by us. The fact of the matter is, any of the sides could potentially betray, but going into things assuming that somebody's going to betray somebody else just makes the whole endeavour pointless. The deal with the kobolds gives us a possibility of resolving everything with no further bloodshed. Are we guaranteed no further bloodshed? No, but there's a chance. All the other options will require fighting the kobolds at the very least, if not others. We're guaranteed bloodshed in those circumstances. So it seems to me that making the deal with the kobolds is the only viable option for us.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5

He waits a moment to see if anyone responds to him. If not, he will sit down again.

She listens to Brev, nodding her head. "I agree. We need to minimize the amount of bloodshed. I also agree that we need to return what's theirs to the dwarves, out of respect. We should do what's right. Killing the kobolds won't bring back the dwarves."

Diplomacy:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Hopefully her words mean something.

Mercy grows quiet again. She prefers to listen now, paying close attention to everyone's arguments and nodding along. When Denis speaks, she raises her eyebrows at his shared sudden concern over the drunkenness of the mining population.

Sense Motive:1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11

Maybe he liked the inn a lot more than he let on?

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Oopsies Forgot to add rolls
Diplomacy 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
bluff 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Intimidate 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Miss Congeniality Stonehaven Clan 2010 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
AAahhh Thats why I didn't place. :(

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

"Like Mercy sed and first things first, we must collect the fallen dwarfs and avoid bloodshed" looks at Mercy "I remember saying those words and probably didn't sound right or something but I'm glad of what you sed" turns his sigh to Kiptera "I trust your words and see no reason to doubt you in a certain way, but still let us see what the rest thinks now that we have all spoken our ideas, unless someone else has something to add"

Female Human Witch 1

Isis looked to the councilors and mayor to try and gauge how they were currently viewing the discussion.

Sense Motive (untrained) 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

Igor looks to the group, all seem to be awaiting his decree. "You have all voiced your opinions, and the consensus seems clear. Priority number one is to retrieve the dwarf fallen and return them to their families. The second is to work an alliance with the kobold and the dwarves, The former by supplying things which they want, the latter by giving them a portion of the gold. Regardless of the cost, it seems that we want to maintain peace. As long as we aren't attacked and the other two parties are fair, I don't foresee any problems. You have all done great things for the town so far, can we ask you to continue with this deal? Oh and as for who gets what money, it will allow us to lower taxes, build new buildings, repair existing ones, and pay people proper wages for an honest days work. Or for working on behalf of Tanner's Crossing as adventurers."

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

Seeing that no one has any comments, the mayor says, "So it's settled, I'll leave the lot of you to deal with the issue. Good luck, I'm afraid you are all gonna need it."

Alright, tell me what you guys are gonna do now!

Female Human Witch 1

'Ah, Miss Stiresong, how are we gonna get the bodies back? I know that Venedictos will likely ask for them but what if they, I mean the Kobolds, won't give them back. Or worse, that they've, uh, already, um, been put in a stew pot? Do we break in, even if means giving up a chance for peace?'

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Kiptera gets an unfocused look in her eyes, and starts putting together a list.
"1) Horses for all (including gear)
2) Two, maybe three wagons with team
3) Supplies, Bribes and Gifts for the Kobolds in one wagon; additional incentives as needed in another appropriate for the Dwarves; if we get a third wagon, that could be any trade items Tanner's Crossing merchants are willing to sell/trade for other items.
4) The Kobold wagon will be emptied and the fallen can be placed in there as well as the Dwarven Wagon. (oh yeah, We'll need lime (type of powdered stone to slow down decay/reduce smell) or if Brevaddalar can come up with a simple preservative...)
5) Formal agreement in writing to each party. Multiple copies in case trouble is encountered. The pessimist in me wants backup.
6) While the town gets their act together, I have to get mine together.
7) This is only tribe of Kobolds we are making peace with, hopefully the only one. We'll know more when we leave the Kobolds. I'm preparing for the worst.
8) Anyone thought of a name for us yet or entered our names in some ballad? No? Must be the romantic in me...

Isis, as for the stew pot, we'll have to blaze a new trail and see where we end up. This may all be for naught.
McHern! I've got an idea for your coat of arms. lol"

Kiptera heads out of the meeting fully expecting the Mayor and the elders to do the what she tasked them. She also mumbles to herself,
perception 15 and dwarven language

about getting some messages out posthaste.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

"We shall indeed do our very best to recover the bodies of the slain dwarves. It is a crucial issue and if we are unable to convince the kobolds to relinquish the bodies, then I fear this peace will have no chance. If they have already, " he pauses to swallow hard, "consumed the dwarves' remains, then we shall have to get some sort of compensation payment from the kobolds for the dwarves. As I think about it, it mightn't be a bad idea to convince the kobolds to offer some sort of restitution to the dwarves for the dead. I know in the kobold's minds, they were just defending their home, but still. I'm sure I could spin it so that the kobolds thought they were demonstrating their superior "civilizationness" by offering up the first gift of apology. Show them the high road, so to speak."

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Kiptera solo actions later that day, she is not being secretive just rushed. Perception 5 for all:
At the Everful Mug


She drops off a sealed scroll tube to Haggard. Clearly addressed to the Goldpick Clan Dwarfs, should any make an appearance at the Everful Mug. She also recommends that he give up a keg of his newest brew as goodwill and for a friendly contest with their brewmeisters. Also a keg of one of his poorer qualities for the Kobolds for barter.

If she recieves any money from the mayor for her troubles thus far.
She'll approach a local trapper and drop a pouch and note into his hand, and have a short conversation with him. He tips his hat and departs out of town soon thereafter.

She visits the Halfling Kender Leftfoot.
Shopping for bling, "for herself" but clearly not. Leaves with a med pouch of oddities that makes Leftfoot happy and as always mildly curious.

Her last official stop is Mama Hex.
She thanks Mama Hex for her obvious excellent tutelage of Isis and looks forward to working with Isis again.

Cue the subplots, hope I dont get killed by them

Female Human Witch 1

Isis will return home to her mother and report on the events of the meeting.

Isis will then see if she can beg her way out of chores to get ready for the group to be leaving. She'll spend time gathering up any dried berries, nuts, and grain/flour to bake up travel cakes for the group as a form of trail rations.

She'll also send one of her sisters to Bev and request any fish that he might have recently caught to be taken back for smoking and preserving for the journey.

When Kiptera stops by, she smiles happily at the words spoken.

If meeting is Adjurned then Denis will head back to the Everful Mug and wave towards Claire, smiling and feeling a bit more confident after their first chat.

Denis has no experience with talking or getting along with women and so at times he felt like he was making a fool of himself, but the fact she remained sat across from him made him feel better.

Female Human Oracle 1
Denis Dubosc wrote:

If meeting is Adjurned then Denis will head back to the Everful Mug and wave towards Claire, smiling and feeling a bit more confident after their first chat.

Denis has no experience with talking or getting along with women and so at times he felt like he was making a fool of himself, but the fact she remained sat across from him made him feel better.

Mercy, knowing Kiptera generally has most of the work covered on her own, goes to Haggard to ask if they can use his wagon to bring the kobolds gifts... and to bring back the dead bodies of the dwarves.

Diplomacy:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Having obviously failed, she goes to the Everfull Mug and gets down to working again for the rest of the night, sharing small talk with Denis whenever her services aren't necessary.

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1

Simon will go speak to Asvora
"Greetings . If I remember rightly , your clan is far from here . At least two months of travel for a man on foot and even more for a wagon . So , while we'll try to give your clan brothers a decent burial , I doubt it will be feasable to return the bodies to your clan We are going to speak with the kobolds and we'll insist they give back the bodies . Is there anything we have to konw abour your burial practices ? I intend to dedicate their souls to Torag . will it be all right ?

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Thanks Mercy for once again prompting with the rolls
For Haggard diplomancy 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
For Leftfoot, bluff 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6He needs to mind his own business...
For Trapper Fees for task diplomancy 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16 For Mama Hex, diplomancy 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16, and Sense Motive 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 Just trying to see if there was a problem with her daughter disappearing and let her know Isis prescence was needed and appreciated.

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