Mililani Deccubus Wants 101 Phylacteries


Greetings. I am Mililani Deccubus and I am a curator of rare magical items. I own a shop located in the thread called the Bazaar of the Bizarre. I have a question to ask of both gamers, players and dungoen masters, of adventurers and planar voyagers alike. If you were a lich, newly reborn or of ancient intelligence, what object, be mundane or exotic, would you use to house the soul of a lich. What object would you use as a phylactery. And yes, you may be creative and magical, but not asinine. I'm interested in gathering and publishing a forbidden work.

Lets start this off shall we?

01. This simple locket appears to be no more than any other keepsake. Hand-crafted from fine gold and adorned with a similar golden chain. It radius no hint or evil or magic until it is opened. Inside is a lithographic or etched likeness of the lich as if it were in his or her human life. The locket begins to fill with blood, a symbol of all the atrocious it committed in its long existence.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Holy symbol of a goblin priest. ;)

An ordinary gold coin mixed in with thousands of identical coins.

4. At the bottom of this mummer's kit is a set of false teeth that are often used to imitate a werewolf, vampire, or some other supernatural being. Should Inaiah the Endless, a lich located over a thousand leagues away spending her unending life perusing one of the few authentic forgeries of the Necronomicon in her sanctum (really a long-abandoned system of natural caves with a myriad of dead ends prized for its one entrance to the underdark) ever be dispatched by fortune seekers, she will re-form herself from this prop, even if they happen to be in a hapless actor's mouth at the time.

Liberty's Edge

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5. A simple sackcloth doll, dressed as a harlequin and stuffed with dried beans. Hidden within is a shriveled, dessicated kidney.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

The nastiest core rules option - use an Advanced Iron Golem Shield Guardian. It's mobile, and pretty nasty to try and destroy.

6. On the top shelf behind the counter of this well-to-do apothecary's shop is a bottle that seems to be full of swirling gas. This bottle holds the last breath of a mage known as Husorn in life and now reviled as the lich Zeren in death. The apothecary who currently owns the shop is one in name only, as he inherited the shop from his long-dead father and is more interested in spending the money that was left to him than continuing the trade. He carelessly sells off the rare potions and poultices one by one to maintain his extravagant lifestyle.

7. A recent convert to lichdom, Samuktes despairs that he may one day have need of his phylactery. He foolishly turned the spine of a dogmatic text for a good and lawful religion into his phylactery, and has only recently discovered that that particular book is no longer in the hands of the wandering cleric he tricked into guarding it but is instead on display in a library at that religion's stronghold, guarded by neophyte paladins day and night.

One of the lich's minions hass a glass eye. Or is wearing an eyepatch behind which a gem is hidden, which is the phylactery.

Dark Archive

Someone made a druid lich for the Superstar competition once. His phylactery was a tree.

It sounds cool, but I don't think it's a good combination. Mostly because nature and undead don't mix that well. Even if you would be neutral evil, you'd still lose your druid powers for violating your druid code. Ofcourse, you could then become a blighter.

Edit: Whoops, make that twice... In the same year. So I guess druid liches with tree phylacteries are a bit done? I don't know, really. I never had to fight one.

9) A master torturer with the gall to refer to himself as an artist in life, the lich Oisu's phylactery is the rack he honed his skill upon.

10. The Black Dracolich Nas'jalthyadrisch keeps her phylactery - a moderate-sized but precious shard of high-quality obsidian - interspersed with countless other such amidst her hoard. Should she perish but the hoard not be found she will reanimate near it; should the hoard be plundered, what adventurer is really going to destroy or throw away all that gemstone to make sure they get the one that has her soul?

Would so have done the coin option if someone hadn't beaten me to it.

the David wrote:

Someone made a druid lich for the Superstar competition once. His phylactery was a tree.

It sounds cool, but I don't think it's a good combination. Mostly because nature and undead don't mix that well. Even if you would be neutral evil, you'd still lose your druid powers for violating your druid code. Ofcourse, you could then become a blighter.

Edit: Whoops, make that twice... In the same year. So I guess druid liches with tree phylacteries are a bit done? I don't know, really. I never had to fight one.

Maybe it was an undead tree?

11) Originally a humble farm hand who rose to great heights as a sorcerer and is now beginning to plumb the unspeakable depths of unlife, Gideon's phylactery is an single inedible black seed that sits unperturbed in a great sack of grain going to waste on the farm he once toiled upon.

12) Irina the Gelder, the last survivor of a mostly chaotic and evil band of female mercenaries whose plan to establish a matriarchy ended in ruin, is about to perform the ritual that will turn her into a lich so that the ideals of her friends will survive where they did not. Her phylactery is the breast she cut off a little over a decade ago to improve her archery skills, which she has buried beneath the pyre her sworn sisters are burning upon even as we speak.

The Exchange

as a magic sword intombed within a solid slab of granite. On top of the granite is another identical blade enchanted to seem to be the self same sword.

14) As the epic runes C-H-A burned into the very face of Groetus. Spoon!

15) The watch has no idea that the latest serial killer they face- a man or woman known only as "The Dentist"- is slaughtering people to aid his transformation into a lich. His phylactery will be a the string from which he dangles the eyeteeth of each of his victims.

16) The lich has built a huge necropolis underground. At the bottom level the central pillar of the structure serves as his phylactery to attempt to destroy it would bring the entire structure down upon the head of the lich's enemies.

17)A gourmand in life, Eiocous' phylactery is his tongue, preserved in a jar in brine and forgotten in the back of his favorite chef's larder.

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18) The party stumbles across an unadorned longsword of moderate power, but it turns out to be intelligent. Attempts to magically divine the alignment of the sword show it to be the same alignment as the casters own. As the "intelligent" sword assists it's new weilder the lich slowly (or quickly if the person is evil) corrupts and takes over the weilders own will eventually acquiring himself a new body.

((A permanent Misdirection effect will redirect alignment based detection spells back onto the weilder.))

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