GM Wulfson |

This will be the new discussion thread for the continuing saga of Death-Lok's Kingmaker PbP Discussion Thread.

GM Wulfson |

I would ask that everyone send me some form of contact information (Email or IM address) that you would like me to use to get ahold of you should you go AWOL for an extended period of time.
Also, please feel free to contact me at:
If there is anything you want to discuss with me about the game and a spoiler tag just won't cut it.

therealthom |

Excellent!!! Thanks, Vanulf.
Regarding AWOL -- I'll be out of reach all Independence Day weekend.
I anticipate no changes to Silstaren -- although -- No. No changes.
Now to check the game thread!
EDIT: Are you picking up from the current action or starting over? Will we be blessed with Arianna's presence?

GM Wulfson |

I'm going to retcon everyone to the point where tha new players joined in, just after you got back from the bandit camp. Since it's Retcon you can ask "Arianna?, Arianna who?"

GM Wulfson |

I've also created a MSN Messenger account using the e-mail address above.
I may appear offline but send a message anyway I might just be hiding.

GM Wulfson |

Thanks for the recommendations, I wanted to sound you guys out before I make my decision. By the way does anyone know or can reach Garyn? I'm going to post in the old thread again to see if he responds, otherwise I'm going to pick two players on Friday.

GM Wulfson |

Ok, all. I've made my decision, I've picked
Marcus Effington= Human Wizard
Arianna Tchovsky= Human Rogue
to join us.
I will be at my in-laws over the holiday weekend and as they live on a farm outside Champaign, IL and have AOL dial-up (weep for me) I will not be able to post anything more until late Sunday early Monday.
To our American players have a happy and safe 4th of July, and to our overseas players have a happy and safe July 4th.

Neil Spicer Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut |

Hey, guys! Just checking in. I believe I've already got some gaming history with most of you (i.e., Thom, FW, and Dabbler). I've read up on the game thread already and familiarized myself with what's transpired so far. Looks like you have some good characterization and roleplay going. I'll do my best to add to that and help keep the game moving forward.
So, I pitched Vanulf the idea of Arianna Tchovsky as an opportunity to give the party a rogue (since he's retiring his in order to GM the game). And, I also decided to make the character female to give the game the added touch of a feminine presence, which he'd just started doing with the original Arianna. I liked the direction that was starting to take in the underlying subplot involving Cale. I realize Vanulf is planning on retconning some things so I'll look for the right spot to jump into the actual game thread when it starts up again and see what I can do to carry on that kind of dynamic...only this Arianna won't be quite as put out with the nobility. In fact, she may see Cale as the means to an end benefiting her long-term goals.
Looking down the road a little, I had mentioned the possibility of multiclassing Arianna to give the party a little added oomph and backup capability in some of the other roles. She will always primarily be a rogue, but the possibility is there to also make her an arcance spellcaster (wizard or sorcerer). But, with the addition of Dabbler's PC (Marcus Effington) and Virgil changing over to a bard, that might not be as necessary. Instead, it looks like some backup divine magic might come in handy. Of course, as a bard, Virgil can play there, too. And I don't really want to step too fully into anyone else's niche. So, I may just keep Arianna as a single-classed rogue...with the possibility of dipping into Use Magic Device so she can activate any scrolls or wands the other spellcasters might carry or share.
Anyway, just thinking ahead for down the road. But I'm far more interested in where the story is headed now. I plan on playing Arianna as something of an entrepreneur in the frontier of the Stolen Lands with a very strong set of life experiences for dealing with the lower classes of Brevoy (and hence, what would like be most of the early settlers to the fledgling kingdom that gets built over the course of the campaign). As such, Arianna may eventually become the primary economic mover-and-shaker for the kingdom. In addition, because of her background and family ties to organized crime back in Brevoy, there's also the possibility of her playing a spymaster or thieves' guild kind of role, too. But we'll see where the story goes from here before I really make any solid plans in that regard.
Game on! And thanks for having me...

Virgil Longstreet |

Welcome aboard, NSpicer/Arianna! It will be nice to get back up and running again. DM, are we still starting up Monday?
I'm going to run a bard focusing on battlefield control. I will be picking up Improved Trip and Dazzling Display later on for tripping and debuffing, while using spells like grease and silent image to isolate foes.

GM Wulfson |

The in-game thread is up and running.

GM Wulfson |

I would appreciate it if you could continue handling the maps for the group.

Tanner Nielsen |

Yep, I can handle maps. Virgil has Knowledge (geography) trained, so he can be map-maker in the game as well.
The same software also produces wonderful tactical maps, so just let me know if you would like anything.
Here is a map of our journeys thus far. The yellow line is the extent of the charter.
And here is a 3-D view of Oleg's Trading Post, just for fun.

GM Wulfson |

How do you guys want to do initiative? Do you want to keep doing individual initiative,or do a group initiative (one person, preferably with the highest modifier, rolling for the group and me rolling for the bad guys?

GM Wulfson |

Yes, we are picking up from the point where we would have entered the scenario in the original campaign.

![]() |

I tend to use individual initiative, but if there is one bad guy only then it becomes less important, since it is more like to and fro. Don't really mind which way so long as everyone is posting regular. TT ran a complex fight in a few days and having the tactical maps that Dabbler did really helped make decisions.
Practice and experience will show you what suits this game. I'll support whatever methods you try.

Dabbler |

In Wellard's game by general agreement he does the initiative rolls for everyone to speed things up, using our individual scores. Just another way of doing things, I'll go with the majority on whatever you guys want to do.

therealthom |

therealthom wrote:My, you've all been busy. Catching up. Will post later.Let the flood gates open! ;-)
Too ... many ... posts.... Can't .... catch ... up....
Regarding initiative -- I like individual init because it mixes up the order in which people take actions in different combats, but I will cheerfully play however you rule.
I suggest you put some key stats -- initiative modifiers, AC, maybe saves on your GM profile. I find it easier to have in one place than searching each PC's sheet.

Snatcherbanderwocky |

I like individual initiative for PCs and group init for bad guys. Regarding maps and images, and character sheets, I'd suggest putting the game on plothook. I love Paizo, but plothook's more set up for a PbP game, giving the DM moderator privileges and parent boards. Here's a game I'm running and a game I'm playing in as examples.
Kingmaker (DMing): http://plothook.net/RPG/forumdisplay.php?f=1956
Savage Tide (playing Moby): http://plothook.net/RPG/forumdisplay.php?f=459

GM Wulfson |

Just a quick post to let you know I'm going to be extremely busy today and won't be able to post again until late tonight. I'll try to check in from time to time throughout the day, but don't count on it.

therealthom |

Silstaren wrote:"It would seem that way, if your intentions are aligned with Cale's, and if you can reach an accord. I doubt you've anything to offer me beyond the pleasure of your company."Arianna's eyes narrow at the elf's poor choice of words. She remains silent and still, offering no further reply or retort as she stares at him, unfeeling and numb. Instead, her thoughts cycle back to the night on the riverdocks when her father's rivals had accosted her before fleeing Silverhall. What had that lead ruffian called out to her?
'Why, hello, miss. We'd like the pleasure of your company for a bit...'
At least she had marked him with a fishhook for his troubles. But the episode left her with a decidely negative view of the advances and assumptions of uncouth men. Or, in this case, an elf...
I was not going there. But this will create a nice undercurrent of tension. WAy to wrap it around a flashback.

Neil Spicer Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut |

I was not going there. But this will create a nice undercurrent of tension. WAy to wrap it around a flashback.
Oh, I knew that's not what Silstaren meant...but decided to have Arianna interpret it that way anyway, because of her background...and it gives me a chance to widen out her characterization a bit more. It'll be interesting to see how you handle the elf's realization, as well. And, if Cale ever hits on her in an uncouth way, it could make for some interesting roleplaying, too. Somewhere down the line, I think it might be interesting if Vanulf draws one of those ruffians out of her past to introduce him among the bandits of the Stolen Lands. Now that could be fun... ;-)

Neil Spicer Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut |

I do hope somewhere down the road, as the campaign plays out, you plan on maturing him a little and making him more heroic. I do see his character as the most likely to become "king" in Kingmaker. And Arianna could either become his foremost economic advisor, someone in touch with people on the streets and any criminal underworld elements that develop, or even his queen depending on how things develop between them. Or even all the above. It's something I'll keep an eye on as the game moves forward...just to help me determine which way I'll develop her character. I love it when other players do something similar with their characters because then I can play off that stuff with my own.

Tanner Nielsen |

Cale is indeed the typical hot-headed, entitled young nobleman. I believe past discussions established that he was going to mature (like a fine cheese or wine) as our adventures progress.
For later leadership roles, this is how it looked so far going strictly off of ability scores, starting with strongest in a particular ability score. The personality of our PCs may significantly alter these listings. For example, Virgil would not want to be the Ruler. He's more likely to pursue the Grand Diplomat position, but I will list him anyway for completeness. Please correct me if you see any typos.
Ruler: Charisma
Virgil, Cale/Arianna
Councilor: Wisdom or Charisma
Virgil/Zennor, Cale/Arianna
General: Strength or Charisma
Virgil/Cale, Arianna
Grand Diplomat: Intelligence or Charisma
Marcus, Virgil, Silstaren/Arianna
High Priest: Wisdom or Charisma
Zennor I think he has the market cornered on this one.
Magister: Intelligence or Charisma
Marcus Same as above.
Marshal: Dexterity or Wisdom
Silstaren, Zennor
Royal Assassin: Strength or Dexterity
Silstaren, Cale/Arianna
Spymaster: Dexterity or Intelligence
Silstaren, Marcus, Arianna
Treasurer: Intelligence or Wisdom
Marcus, Zennor
Warden: Strength or Constitution
Cale, Zennor