Identifying Spells w / Knowledge (Arcana)

Rules Questions

Is there a FAQ or something that spells out exactly how this works? The usage that states "Identify spell effect that is in place." Do you need to have Detect Magic up? Do you just know the name of the spell or do you know all the particulars like in the spell listing?

Can anyone enlighten me?

Liberty's Edge

meatrace wrote:

Is there a FAQ or something that spells out exactly how this works? The usage that states "Identify spell effect that is in place." Do you need to have Detect Magic up? Do you just know the name of the spell or do you know all the particulars like in the spell listing?

Can anyone enlighten me?

For you to use Knowledge (Arcana) to identify a spell in place you would first have to be aware of the effect in place. Next you would have to recognize that it indeed a spell. While detect magic helps considerably with the first two parts by literally showing you the aura it is not a requirement for you to use Knowledge (Arcana) in such a way.

Generally speaking when you identify a spell you are assumed to know its parameters, requirements, and what it does/can do. I don't know exactly how this would work in terms of *fluffing* it up in game for explaining what the spell is, how it works etc, but showing them the spell entry is about the easiest way to accomplish this.

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