Necrons in PFRPG


Hey there. I am conducting a game for my students this year as an afterschool activity. As part of the overall story, they will encounter an example of an ancient race from before the dawn of human history. Since I own alot of warhammer minis, I tend to use these in my games. One I haven't used, which I think would be perfect for this campaign plot, is the Necron.

I have not stated up monsters in PFRPG before, so I wanted to know what anyone in the know about WH40K/F or Necrons would consider a fair CR for a Necron Warrior to be.

My PCs are 6th level now and run the gamut in classes (everything from Wizards, clerics and Magus, to fighters, samurai and dragon shamans).

I want the warrior to show the truly ancient and alien nature of the C'tan but at the same time be manageable. Also keep in mind that I want them to be able to progress against more warriors and eventually the immortals, wraiths, flayed ones, Necron Lords and possibly the Nightbringer himself.

I was thinking CR3, 2HD, some undead/construct traits, hivemind (maybe?) high strength from their robot body and maybe 13 dex due to the gauss flayer they use (this would do 2d6 damage; 1d6 unholy, 1d6 acid). Average fighter saves, high natural armor bonus, infravision, low CHA and wisdom stats, average intelligence, immune to fear...

you get the picture.

Anyway, to clarify I would like some input on the stats for the warrior and what would be good/fair for a 'Necron Template'. Maybe necron template would be all I would need and then I could apply that to a 3rd lvl warrior, or 5th level rogue or what have you.


Liberty's Edge

Patrick Murphy wrote:

Hey there. I am conducting a game for my students this year as an afterschool activity. As part of the overall story, they will encounter an example of an ancient race from before the dawn of human history. Since I own alot of warhammer minis, I tend to use these in my games. One I haven't used, which I think would be perfect for this campaign plot, is the Necron.

I have not stated up monsters in PFRPG before, so I wanted to know what anyone in the know about WH40K/F or Necrons would consider a fair CR for a Necron Warrior to be.

My PCs are 6th level now and run the gamut in classes (everything from Wizards, clerics and Magus, to fighters, samurai and dragon shamans).

I want the warrior to show the truly ancient and alien nature of the C'tan but at the same time be manageable. Also keep in mind that I want them to be able to progress against more warriors and eventually the immortals, wraiths, flayed ones, Necron Lords and possibly the Nightbringer himself.

I was thinking CR3, 2HD, some undead/construct traits, hivemind (maybe?) high strength from their robot body and maybe 13 dex due to the gauss flayer they use (this would do 2d6 damage; 1d6 unholy, 1d6 acid). Average fighter saves, high natural armor bonus, infravision, low CHA and wisdom stats, average intelligence, immune to fear...

you get the picture.

Anyway, to clarify I would like some input on the stats for the warrior and what would be good/fair for a 'Necron Template'. Maybe necron template would be all I would need and then I could apply that to a 3rd lvl warrior, or 5th level rogue or what have you.


I know this is a bit OT... but you just described word for word in the first paragraph an acquaintance of mine.

Your name doesn't happen to be... Greg perhaps?

Actually, the monster creation chart will be your friend here. You probably want to make a "base creature" that's an undead with construct traits and immunities. From there you can add class levels as normal. As an undead it would gain bonus hp from a high Cha. If you steal the bonus hp for constructs you will have a creature that can take a beating without being overpowered. Add an ability that instant heals them once per day when dropped below zero and you really have something that'll scare your players.

Consider this idea stolen.

Themetricsystem: I do know a Greg, but he is not a gaming friend of mine. Unless you are in the Corner Brook region of Newfoundland, I highly doubt it the same Greg.

Hexcaliber wrote:

Actually, the monster creation chart will be your friend here. You probably want to make a "base creature" that's an undead with construct traits and immunities. From there you can add class levels as normal. As an undead it would gain bonus hp from a high Cha. If you steal the bonus hp for constructs you will have a creature that can take a beating without being overpowered. Add an ability that instant heals them once per day when dropped below zero and you really have something that'll scare your players.

Consider this idea stolen.

Stolen!! Ha. I guess it is a good idea then. !)

Dark Archive

Hexcaliber wrote:

Actually, the monster creation chart will be your friend here. You probably want to make a "base creature" that's an undead with construct traits and immunities. From there you can add class levels as normal. As an undead it would gain bonus hp from a high Cha. If you steal the bonus hp for constructs you will have a creature that can take a beating without being overpowered. Add an ability that instant heals them once per day when dropped below zero and you really have something that'll scare your players.

Consider this idea stolen.

some one stat this up. pure awesome

alternatively you couold add the half-golem template from to an undead

Liberty's Edge

Bump. I don't know how to make monster but I am highly interested in this as well.

Check out the Monsternomicon from Privateer Press, it has some necromantic constructs, such as the Iron Lich and Iron Maiden, that might be just what you're looking for.

Firest wrote:
Check out the Monsternomicon from Privateer Press, it has some necromantic constructs, such as the Iron Lich and Iron Maiden, that might be just what you're looking for.

I have those! I will definately look at them.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Sounds like you've got a good idea already. I agree with the suggestion--make it as a base creature and then just add class levels for many of the more powerful ones (though the Nightbringer should be his own statblock).

OT: I painted a couple C'Tan once. Those were really cool models.

PRPG+Necrons=Numeria/Technic League

Or is it just me?

Nekrill. CR 2
Xp 600
LE medium undead
Init +2. Senses: darkvision 60'. Perception +8
AC 14 flat 12 touch 12 (+2 dex, +2 natural)
hp 25 (2d8+16)
Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +4
Defensive Abilities: constructed body, rise again, undead traits
Speed 30
Melee slam +3 1d6+3
Str 15 Dex 14 Con - Int 12 Wis 13 Cha 15
Base attack +1 CMB +3 CMD 15
Feats: Alertness, Toughness (B)
Skills: Climb +7, Intimidate +11, Perception +8, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +11 Racial Modifiers +4 to intimidate and stealth
Languages: nekrill

Constructed Body: the nekrill gains 5 bonus hit points per racial hit die they possess.

Rise Again: at the start of a nekrills turn, if they are at zero or less hit points, then they heal an amount of hit points equal to their total bonus hit points from constructed body. This ability triggers once per day. If, at the start of the nekrills turn, they are at zero or less hit points and rise again has already triggered for the day then their body turns to ash and they are forever dead. This ability modifies the normal rules for undead when they are reduced to zero or fewer hit points.

Necron Warrior (1st draft) CR 5

NE Medium (Immortal Cyborg)
Init +1; Senses: darkvision 60ft, Pereception +10

AC: 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +8 Natural)
hp 32 (4D10+4)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +7
DR 3/adamantine; Immune(construct traits)

Speed 20 Ft
Melee slam +8 (1d4+4), axe-bayonet +8 (1d6+4)
Ranged Touch: Gauss Flayer +5 (3d6; 1d6 unholy, 2d6 acid)
Special Abilities: We'll be Back (see below)

Str 18,Dex 13, Con -,Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 3
BAB:+4; CMB +8, CMD 19
Feats: Iron Will, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Gauss Flayer)
Skills: Intimidate +7, Perecption +10, Climb +11, Sense Motive +8

Environment: any
Organization: solitary(rare),squad, battalion, legion
Treasure none

Special Abilities
We'll be back (Ex) when reduced to 0 hit points the Necron may make a will save versus a DC equal to 10 plus the damage dealt. If the save is successful, the Necron stands up fully healed at the beginning of the next round.

Phase out: A Necron lord may remove any number of Necrons from battle within range of his ability. This is equivalent to a mass teleport spell.

Racial: Necrons recieve a +4 racial bonus to intimidate for their imposing chassis and blank demeanor and a +2 bonus to perception due to their advanced technology.

Given their souless,enduring nature. Necrons make ideal killing machines and near perfect gaurdians; they are able to stand and endure such duty for eons. Able to fight, but severely lacking individuality or ego, Necron Warriors patiently wait for orders from their superiors. As such, they fearlessly follow orders from any Necron higher in the static structure of their society ( this includes Immortals, Wraiths, Necron Lords and the C'Tan).

Necrons have no allies and wish to see all living things die. This marginally ties them to such beings as Daemons and Rovagug but if given the power and opportunity Necrons would attempt the destruction of such beings as well. Necrons see no distinction between living and unliving so undead are equal opportunity targets. A Necron Tomb World is among the most forsaken places in existence. It is a barren wasteland of dust and ruin lit by a dying sun. Necrons wait in such places for their superiors to direct them to the next world or dimension ripe with life for reaping.

That looks good, though I think that the AC is a bit low, and I think the Gauss Rifle is underpowered as well.

First off, drop the Unholy ability, Necrons don't discriminate. Second, a Necron Gauss Rifle is essentially a disintegration ray, though that's not an ability that you can give it in Pathfinder Core.

To really drive home the horror of the Necrons in a Pathfinder game the Gauss rifle should be a ranged touch attack that destroys a targets armor and equipment then moves on to the flesh underneath.

Some kind of sundering effect similar to a rust monsters ability, then a re-skinned ranged vorpal ability with an improved crit range.

Overpowered? Probably. But these are the Necrons we're talking about here after all.

Thanks for the feedback. I gave the Gauss rifle some unholy power because of the nature of their gods/leaders. Given the nature of those leaders, they would not discriminate anyway. I wanted to just go with force damage which would hurt everything, but that didn't suit the flavor of the weapon. I know as is there will be folks that say they can't stand up against demons and such of the same CR. That is fine, I think 'acid' has to be understood as a description effect of the disintergration of the Gauss Flayer rather than as a chemical compound. If I were to run them, Acid Resistance/Immunity would not apply to Gauss Weaponry. If there is a better way to tweak it, I would like to hear about it.

I like the idea of the damaging armor. Maybe the acid damage goes straight to object hit points (a save for magic gear)

The armor is a bit low but I was thinking that since these are the weakest of the Necrons, and travel in large groups, their numbers would make up for it.

The other Necrons will have a stronger armor class, though I think it will be due to other factors than just the armor chassis.

Doesn't the we'll be back ability seem a bit O.P.?

I'm probably mistaken, but just seems so.

Eyolf The Wild Commoner wrote:

Doesn't the we'll be back ability seem a bit O.P.?

I'm probably mistaken, but just seems so.

It's pretty much one of the core things that make Necrons Necrons...though originally, you had to be in a certain range of other, standing Necrons (2" or 6" I forget which) for that to be in effect.

Necrons are hands down the worst army in 40k currently, so just being "TEH NECRONZ!" is not a good reason to make them that blatantly OP. So two shots from a gauss cannon and your armor is gone, and your skin is too? Little bit too much imo for a cr 5. That said I love the necrons, and this may give me a reason to dust them off my shelf finally. BTW any unit in the Necron army with the Necron "subtype" can make WBB rolls, they just get a significant boost to those rolls when a tomb scarab or necron lord with a ress orb is within whatever the specific range is, which might make for a less op ress rule. perhaps they must be within 5 or maybe 10 ft of a more powerful necron monster, i.e. immortals,etc in order to make a WBB roll.

Here's my attempt :P

Necron warrior CR 4
XP 1200
LE Medium construct (Necron)
Init -1; Senses Perception +11, Darkvision 60 ft.
AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (+8 natural, -1 dex)
hp 46 (4d10+24;Toughness)
Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +2
Special defenses DR 5/adamantite or magic, Fast healing 5, Immunity to cold, Fire resistance 10, Ressurection
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Bayonet +8 melee (1d6+6+1d6) or Slam +8 melee (1d4+6+1d6)
Ranged Gauss flayer +4 ranged touch (3d6)
Special Attacks Gauss flayer, Disruption field
Str 19, Dex 8, Con -, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +5; CMB +9; CMD 19
Feats Toughness, Weapon focus (Gauss rifle), Exotic weapon proficiency (Gauss flayer) (Bonus), Intimidating prowess

Skills Intimidate: +12, Knowledge (Arcana): +6, Knowledge (The planes): +6, Perception: +11, Stealth: +8
Languages Common, Necrontyr, C'tan
SQ Construct traits, +4 racial bonus to Intimidate, perception and Stealth
Combat Gear Gauss flayer

Gauss flayer: The gauss flayer is an exotic ranged weapon with arcane properties. Non-Necrons must make a DC 20 use

magic device check to be able to use one. The gauss flayer has a range increment of 50 ft. and deals 3d6 points of

disintegration damage. Anyone killed by a gauss flayer is reduced to a fine powder as if killed by a disintegrate spell.

Gauss flayer attacks are cosnidered ranged touch attacks and also ignore the hardness of objects and damage reduction.Each

Gauss flayer holds 50 charges before it must be recharged using techniques known only to the Necrontyr and C'tan races.

Ressurection: A Necron reduced to 0 or below hit points may return to life if it makes a Will save DC 10+negative HP

total. It may only make this saving throw if there is another Necron within 30 feet and only once per day. A Necron reduced

to -11 or more negative hit points or one killed with a critical hit can't use this ability. The Necron in question is

immediatly restored to 1 hit points and starts to fast heal.

Disruption field: All necron melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of damage. Anyone striking a necron takes

1d6 points of damage unless he is using a weapon with reach greater than 5 feet. Objects striking a necron also suffer 1d6

points of damage. This damage ignores hardness and damage reduction of any kind.

Necron Immortal CR 8
XP 4800
LE Medium construct (Necron)
Init -1; Senses Perception +14, Darkvision 60 ft.
AC 23, touch 9, flat-footed 23 (+14 natural, -1 dex)
hp 94 (8d10+28;Toughness)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +3
Special defenses DR 10/adamantite or magic, Fast healing 10, Immunity to cold, Fire resistance 10, Ressurection
Spd 20 ft.
Melee Bayonet +13/+8 melee (1d6+7+1d6) or Slam +13 melee (1d4+7+1d6)
Ranged Gauss blaster +8/+3 ranged touch (5d6)
Special Attacks Gauss blaster, Disruption field
Str 21, Dex 8, Con -, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +8; CMB +13; CMD 22
Feats Toughness, Weapon focus (Gauss rifle), Exotic weapon proficiency (Gauss flayer) (Bonus), Intimidating prowess

(Bonus), Point blank shot, Presice shot
Skills Intimidate: +16, Knowledge (Arcana): +8, Knowledge (The planes): +7, Perception: +14, Stealth: +11
Languages Common, Necrontyr, C'tan
SQ Construct traits, +4 racial bonus to Intimidate, perception and Stealth
Combat Gear Gauss flayer

Gauss blaster: The gauss blaster is an exotic ranged weapon with arcane properties. Non-Necrons must make a DC 20

use magic device check to be able to use one. The gauss blaster has a range increment of 80 ft. and deals 5d6 points of

disintegration damage. Anyone killed by a gauss blaster is reduced to a fine powder as if killed by a disintegrate spell.

Gauss blaster attacks are cosnidered ranged touch attacks and also ignore the hardness of objects and damage reduction.Each

Gauss blaster holds 50 charges before it must be recharged using techniques known only to the Necrontyr and C'tan races.

Ressurection: A Necron reduced to 0 or below hit points may return to life if it makes a Will save DC 10+negative HP

total. It may only make this saving throw if there is another Necron within 30 feet and only once per day. A Necron reduced

to -11 or more negative hit points or one killed with a critical hit can't use this ability. The Necron in question is

immediatly restored to 1 hit points and starts to fast heal.

Disruption field: All necron melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of damage. Anyone striking a necron takes

1d6 points of damage unless he is using a weapon with reach greater than 5 feet. Objects striking a necron also suffer 1d6

points of damage. This damage ignores hardness and damage reduction of any kind.

Scarab swarm CR 3
XP 800
LE Swarm of tiny constructs (Necron, Swarm)
Init +3; Senses Perception +13, Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+3 natural, +2 size, +3 dex)
hp 19 (3d10+3)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2
Special defenses DR 5/adamantite or magic, Fast healing 2, Immunity to cold, Fire resistance 10, Ressurection, Swarm

traits, Half damage from piercing and slashing weapons
Spd 20 ft., Burrow 10 ft., Fly 30 ft. (Perfect)
Melee Swarm (2d6+1d6)
Special Attacks Disruption field, Swarm, Distraction (DC 15; Includes a +4 racial bonus)
Str 10, Dex 16, Con -, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +3; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Toughness, Alertness, Improved sunder (Bonus)
Skills Fly: +25, Perception: +13, Stealth: +21
Languages Common, Necrontyr, C'tan (Can't speak)
SQ Construct traits, +4 racial bonus perception and Stealth, Repair

Ressurection: A Necron reduced to 0 or below hit points may return to life if it makes a Will save DC 10+negative HP

total. It may only make this saving throw if there is another Necron within 30 feet and only once per day. A Necron reduced

to -11 or more negative hit points or one killed with a critical hit can't use this ability. The Necron in question is

immediatly restored to 1 hit points and starts to fast heal.

Disruption field: All necron melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of damage. Anyone striking a necron takes

1d6 points of damage unless he is using a weapon with reach greater than 5 feet. Weapons striking a necron also suffer 1d6

points of damage. This damage ignores hardness and damage reduction of any kind.

Repair: A scarab swarm can repair other Necrons including itself. As a full round action a scarab swarm can heal

3d8+5 points of damage to a damaged necron. It can also grant another necron another chance to ressurect as a full-round

action in which case the affected necron immediatly gets a new saving throw to ressurect at a +4 bonus.

Tomb spyder CR 9
XP 6400
LE Large construct (Necron)
Init +0; Senses Perception +20, Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision
AC 27, touch 9, flat-footed 27 (+18 natural, -1 size)
hp 108 (12d10+42)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5
Special defenses DR 10/adamantite or magic, Immunity to cold, Fire resistance 10
Spd 20 ft., Burrow 10 ft., Fly 30 ft. (Clumsy)
Melee 2 Claws +20 (3d6+8+1d6+grab)
Special Attacks Disruption field, Particle projector
Str 27, Dex 10, Con -, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +12; CMB +21 (+25 grapple and sunder); CMD 31 (Can't be tripped)
Feats Toughness, Hover, Power attack (-4/+8), Weapon focus (Claw), Improved sunder, Greater sunder
Skills Fly: +3, Perception: +20, Stealth: +15
Languages Common, Necrontyr, C'tan (Can't speak)
SQ Construct traits, +4 racial bonus perception and Stealth, Create scarab swarms

Disruption field: All necron melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of damage. Anyone striking a necron takes

1d6 points of damage unless he is using a weapon with reach greater than 5 feet. Weapons striking a necron also suffer 1d6

points of damage. This damage ignores hardness and damage reduction of any kind.

Particle projector: As a standard action the Tomb spyder may create a 120 foot line of disrupting energy. Any living

creature and unattended object caught in this line will take 10d6 points of damage. Anyone killed by a particle projector

is reduced to a fine powder as if killed by a disintegrate spell. A reflex save DC 18 reduces this damage by half. The DC

is constitution based and includes a +2 racial bonus.

Create scarab swarms: By spending one complete round concentrating and sacrificing 10 HP, the Tomb spyder may create

a single scarab swarm which will enter any open adjacent space on the Tomb spyders next turn.

In WH40K Necrons are especially vulnerable to power or force weapons, such as Terminator Powerfists or a Librarians weapon. If a Necron was killed with such a weapon it could not make a WBB roll at all. Is there anyway to replicate that effect?

Nermal2097 wrote:
In WH40K Necrons are especially vulnerable to power or force weapons, such as Terminator Powerfists or a Librarians weapon. If a Necron was killed with such a weapon it could not make a WBB roll at all. Is there anyway to replicate that effect?

All creatures (except those with the eternal warrior usr)suffer from insta-kill if said weapon has a strength of twice the targets toughness, wounds and allows no armor save. Necrons aren't any more susceptible to these effects than other races in the 40k universe. Force weapons insta-kills targets using psychic force, this ability affects almost everything wounded by a force weapons, including necrons.

I have been gone for awhile, but I like what has been suggested here. Much of it I will use. Thanks for the feedback everyone.

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