gorrath |
"Benefit: You deal additional damage equal to your weapon’s critical hit modifier when you score a successful critical hit with a weapon; this additional damage is added to the final total, and is not multiplied by the critical hit multiple itself. This extra damage is a trait bonus."
Critical hit modifier = critical hit multiplier?

Captain McPowergamer |

Although they do say "hit modifier" I suppose it could mean whatever you add to your attack roll is added to the critical hit damage. That would be ridiculously overpowered though.
You mean I add the modifier I use to confirm my critical hits to damage with this trait? Man, I'll be sure to take this one next character.

Captain McPowergamer |

Right, that would be like more powerful then every other trait combined. Traits are supposed to be half as strong as a feat so my first interpretation seems more likely.
But that more strict interpretation of the rules does not give me the superior mechanical advantage that I am going for. Therefore, I will use the more liberal interpretation until evidence to the contrary is presented (preferably handed down by a majority of the writers and devs, notarized and in triplicate).

keltic1701 |

Scipion del Ferro wrote:Right, that would be like more powerful then every other trait combined. Traits are supposed to be half as strong as a feat so my first interpretation seems more likely.But that more strict interpretation of the rules does not give me the superior mechanical advantage that I am going for. Therefore, I will use the more liberal interpretation until evidence to the contrary is presented (preferably handed down by a majority of the writers and devs, notarized and in triplicate).
I think that the critical hit multiplier is the intended value for the Killer trait. Here is another message thread that supports that thinking.
You can choose to use your more liberal interpretation of the trait, but your GM may not see it that way. Unless you are the GM, in which case you are just making your job that much harder. +2, +3 or +4 are ample crit mods.