Jason Nelson Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games |
Khellendros460 and I are extremely glad we happened to stumble upon this game. We met some people we hope to see at future cons and hope to play in this next year. I will +1 what Bigg D said thanks for the hospiatlity and such.
Angela & Keven
I was happy to facilitate the connection. Angela just happened to reply to my open invite for free guest passes to the Pacific Science Center, and after bumming around there and then getting lunch at the Pike Place Market Neil and I were coming over for the game and they just decided to tag along (maybe in part just to follow us to the hotel so they didn't get lost).
Then Neil gets sick, Angela jumped in to play Merisiel, and they ended up playing the adventure a bunch and having a blast (and I ended up ditching out to play in Ed Greenwood's adventure - hey, I LOVE your Paladin in Hell game, but dude, ED GREENWOOD!). I'm glad they had such a great time, and I look forward to coming back next year. I'll even bring by the stuff I had Ed sign, including an FR map from around 1984, before he even sold out to TSR... :)
daemonslye |
First I have to say we had a great group of players. Each added to the enjoyment of the game and writ deep marks in the ongoing campaign that is A Paladin in Hell. They also made it quite a way through Demonwing and gelled well as a team.
The group started in the Darkness with the theme to John Carpenter's "The Thing" ringing in their minds. Starting where the great Auspician, Squeeks (Ranger of Death), Laughing Goblin, the awesome Eric Tillemans, Shadowborn, the Dread Mr. Nelson, and others left off in 2010, the group answered "yes" and found themselves floating in the Abyssal Plane known as Demonwing.
They were a hardy group, composed of Wilburforce (Ezren), Tom Hall (Seelah), Jason Nelson (Harsk), Bigg D (Lem), LilBtyRam (Merisel), and the lovely Ms. Butterflychaser (Kyra). After some time exploring the environment (large, dark hall, filled with black water), they were greeted into the area by a fiendish Mother of Oblivion. After some conflict (including the repeated squeezing of Lem), Harsk peppered the beast with bolts to send it along its way.
After this, the intrepid adventurers ventured into a room holding what could only be a Sphere of Annihilation. There, amongst the many (almost) deadly traps, they discovered Seltyiel (Joshua Donovan), trapped behind (under) the Sphere. After a bit of intense questioning, he was allowed (by Seelah) to join the group. Her phylactery of faith grew warm. Harsk wandered off at this point.
A secret door was discovered, which led the group to a workroom. After some investigation, by Merisel (now Dark Sasha) the PCs were attacked by a warrior and his gish squire in the room, while the arcanes (Ezren and Seltyiel) were attacked by a sorcerous succubus, which Ezren quickly feebleminded. The paladin made short work of the undead-looking fighters (and was saved by Kyra's shield other) who committed some sort of ritual suicide rather than be defeated in combat by the Sword of Iomedae.
Ezren, being a supra-genius but not that wise (especially with Will's wisdom damage caused by an ingestible poison known as Macallen "Cask Strength"), took control of the Sphere of Annihilation and began to "eat" a larger pathway through Demonwing. This must have inconvenienced the ship, for it took control of the Sphere and annihilated the wizard. Fortunately, Ezren had prepared wish-level magics in this case and, so, was merely inconvenienced (until his second death, but this comes later).
Merisel found a secret trap door that led to a lower room and, after a bit of looting, another secret trap door that led to yet another room. After a final bit of looting and the tripping of several traps, the group found a secret door leading to a tiny hallway covered in rusted steel plates. Merisel investigated and disappeared.
The group finally decided to follow her, taking every precaution, and found their way into a room where they met the Rock-God, Threakil. Big hair, big armor, big spike. He bade the group find the Demonglass which would grant control over the ship. Ezren, acting as legal counselor, recorded the contract between Seelah and the cambion. The paladin’s phylactery grew hot to the touch.
The group took a canoe down the hallway that ended in a roaring waterfall opening into a huge room dominated by a two-headed statue of Lamashtu. Here they fought a mob of boggards and their high priests, a flock of stirge-demons including a high priest demon, and the ship's religious officer, a marilith cleric of Lamashtu.
An intense (and long) combat ensued with deaths on both sides (Seltyiel was rescued by Kyra breathing life into him), the Marilith was defeated and the group was victorious. Hark (Khellendros460) and Merisel joined toward the end.
As the group was looting, the Marilith (who was pregnant) was found to a living child (as the group debated to release it). The baby was not some monstrosity, but a perfect, blue-eyed baby boy. Kyra's mothering instincts took over and she created a baby sling to carry the child.
Two black portals stood in the room connected to a beating heart type of apparatus - Lem disappeared through one of them (he finally leaned against the wrong wall). After some discussion, the group ventured into the portal which deposited them into a prison area.
The group discovered a bit of torturing in progress by a depraved babau (singing of show tunes) protected by a wall of force. The three prisoners were a halfling alchemist named Luck (Kyle Baird), a tien samurai (cavalier) (played by gailedon) and Eva Erendez, an antiquities dealer (Battleraven). Luck was killed with a hot poker to his eye (he recovered quickly due to an elixir of life), and in the ensuing battle, Ezren (now run by Bigg D) was assassinated (...but he got better - Thanks Kyra!). The group started to turn the tide on the babau assassins before they buggered off.
Several traps later and a few new friends (including "Scratch" a bone devil of many voices), the group entered a new area made entirely of glass. A horrible growling sound was heard and the word DOOM! emanating from above. The babe in Kyra's arms, started to cry...
This ends the 2011 game of A Paladin in Hell and where the 2012 game will begin if any exist who would brave this as the first encounter. “To those who are about to die, I salute you!”
daemonslye |
I'd further like to say - I had an awesome time, meeting many totally cool people like those in my post above and including the late night stylings of Clinton Boomer (cursed to be the most talented guy in the room) and N'Wah who conjured some interesting artwork I may post later. Jason introduced us to Neil Spicer (who had missed a Fortitude save vs. nausea so could only make a single move action per turn) and the most infamous Clark Petersen (thanks for coming by). Hey, I'm even such a geek I was thrilled when Jason Buhlman came in and yelled at us (or maybe just at Kyle)!
If folks are up for it, I may continue the tradition for a while. Thanks for our time together - this is why we keep playing the game.
Jason Nelson Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games |
It was great for us to good sir. Speaking for Ms. Butterflychaser, BigD and myself we really enjoyed gaming and getting to know everyone there. And in all honesty i wouldn't mind playing this again at Paizocon 2012 :D
Ditto. I guess I'm one of the originals, so I gotta keep my streak going! As if it wasn't just plain fun... :)
daemonslye |
DeathBecomesus |
Daemonslye: Thanks for the write up and info on this
Sounds wonderful
You have mentioned possible work on a revised (Bloodstone H1-H4) work.
Any further thought on this?
Any chance this would be your module you run in 2012? as great as Paladin in Hell is/was, I would be thrilled to see your work with Bloodstone series.
Whatever you do Thanks for sharing the GREAT WORK!!!!
Bigg D |
It was great for us to good sir. Speaking for Ms. Butterflychaser, BigD and myself we really enjoyed gaming and getting to know everyone there. And in all honesty i wouldn't mind playing this again at Paizocon 2012 :D
Ditto I had a great time with you guys would like too not die so much,sorry ezren. But all in all it was a great time and wouldn't mind continuing next year where we left off if possible. As long as you update lem arcane duelist? Really? Just kidding...see ya guys next year.
N'wah |
I keep forgetting about you crazy kids until I get lost and stumble into your room, as I've done I think at every PaizoCon you've run it so far. I intend to do so this time as well, if only to keep the tradition alive.
One of these days I'll run "Antipaladin in Heaven" and give you guys a run for your money, I do so swear. :D
daemonslye |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'll see if I can get a decent room tomorrow. Not sure how the new space will support the type of gaming (in a decent sized room/space) we were able to do in the previous hotel. If I can make something work, I'm in!
N'wah, we always love it when you and CB stop by. My copy of the Anthology must have the best sig ever! (er, NSFW, BTW, depending on where you W)
Jason Nelson Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games |