Quick rules question

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Dark Archive

first of all, there is a rules forum if you scroll a bit further down. A mod will probably move this there later.

As to your question, cleave and two weapon fighting do not interact. A cleave attack is a separate standard action that is done with only one weapon. A two weapon cleave feat would be neat and something you gys could brew up with your DM's permission.

Edit: Where the devil did the question go?

YuenglingDragon wrote:

first of all, there is a rules forum if you scroll a bit further down. A mod will probably move this there later.

As to your question, cleave and two weapon fighting do not interact. A cleave attack is a separate standard action that is done with only one weapon. A two weapon cleave feat would be neat and something you gys could brew up with your DM's permission.

Edit: Where the devil did the question go?

Thanks for the info, Second, I reposted it then deleted the question

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