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1) Evan Whitefield, Kayluss - Fighter 1
2) Ramarren, Khedon - Wizard 1 (Conjurer)
3) Eric Swanson, Wadi Ahk'kolon, Sorcerer 1 (Elemental)
4) Gerald, Alie Saechell - Sorcerer 1 (Fey)
5) Luke Parry, Sekhemre of Karnak - Alchemist 1
6) RedAssassin, Dakram Kasail - Rogue 1
1) Jelloarm, Samyiel Nesticar - Rogue 1
Heavy on the arcane, no cleric, all first game characters. Never know what you are going to get at a PFS table :)
Evan Whitefield |
Just thought I'd throw this out there for the people who have been "Dotting". You might want to try just listing the thread instead. I've been using the listing feature to keep track of all my posts and it works really well.
Hoping to be helpful,
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Yeah since Aubrey has been busy and is now away my pbp action has trickled off. I've been running the PFS stuff for about a year or so now so I thought I might try one as a pbp where I can take the time to be a little more descriptive and the players have time to engage in scenes. I'd have pitched the idea for you guys but I thought everyone was fairly neutral on PFS. Assuming everything goes well here I'll probably do another and save you a spot when we get there.
I was reading up on the IC thread, but our electricity has gone out just as I started. For now I'm going to wait for it to come back (city workers on our block). I'm using my phone for now but the idea of doing a bunch of tiny-key powered posting isn't too appealing yet ;)
Evan Whitefield |
At the top of the thread right above the facebook logo is a List this thread option. Once its listed you go the Wishlist tab at the top banner or in you profile and you should see a list with all the threads you listed. I just made my lists public to give an example. You can go to my profile and lick on wishists and see the the two threads for this game. Also kind of neat is you can list lists which I use to stream-line checking the Paizo site.
Hope that helps,
Gerald |
![Sky Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1120-SkyDragon_90.jpeg)
Hey guys, just want to let everyone know that Alie will be very hit and miss for the next three days. I've got a work conference, and don't know if the hotel is set up for internet or not. I suspect it is and therefor I can post in the evenings, but I can't say that for sure. If you need to autopilot her, please feel free.
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Thanks for letting us know Gerald.
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At this point if Dakram is in you have 6 players (and one has been very quiet all this time). If he is not, there will be the five of you. The mods are written for 4 players, so it won't be a problem. The other guys on the alt list have had luck getting into other pbps and I didn't want to put things on pause to recruit another. There isn't really a good point to add another pathfinder in after you leave civilization and we were ready for that today.
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I'll set up the scene in the IC thread tomorrow. We are going to be out too late to get back to it tonight. But on the up side I have some vacation where I'll mostly be home so I have a wider posting window this next week.
In the meantime, Kayluss was able to hit the Perception DC for the spoiler if he wants to add that in.
Gerald |
![Sky Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1120-SkyDragon_90.jpeg)
Doubt my turn will come up to do more than just finish my sleep spell, but I will be out until tomorrow morning eastern standard time. If it does, just have Alie spam another sleep spell at either of the blue guys who succeed at their first ST. If they both are down, have her acid splash the ant.
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I'm an American living in Greece and we are witnessing our first Orthodox Armenian wedding tonight. It's 1am and people just started dancing now. 5 hours in and maybe 4-5 hours to go before it winds down. Greeks tend to stay out all nght anyways but for weddings... Sleep before because you aren't sleeping that night.
Luckily we were wise enough to rent a room just down the beach so we won't be among the drunken masses trying to make it back to the city at sunrise :)
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I was thinking about the mapping situation and decided I may do something slightly different from here out. I think I'm going to post an image of the map with coordinates only when a fight begins. You guys can use that to sketch one out on graph paper, in excel or whatever you prefer and track movement that way. At the top of each round I'll post positions with the init list.
Comparing the pbps I play in against each other I tend to do a better job mapping when I am in charge of tracking movement myself on my personal map. In others where there is a map posted periodically I am more apt to just scroll back, look at the last map, and end up forgetting to account for a move here or there. Add that in to the fact that I'm slow to get the maps uploaded as a gm and this is probably a better system all around.
btw- You guys have won this fight. We don't really need to wait for any other actions- I'll probably assume Kayluss maintains full defense and Allie's spell goes off in a little while to keep things moving. I mistakenly rolled the save for sleep when Allie cast it rather than waiting for it to come into effect so that took some of the suspense out of waiting, but I'm sure you won't mind when he passes out. :) Hope this game of "Battleship" wasn't too frustrating for you guys!
As far as healing- whoo! You guys are in a tough spot. Looks like you have 2 cure light wounds potions between the six of you and no healer's kits. You may have to whip up some strategy to make this work, but pbp is good for this. You have time to think about your moves and choices. It is worth mentioning that unlike some, this scenario is not on a timer for completion. Additionally- worst case scenario, if all hell breaks loose and things get very dire you can always run. You still get the +1 XP, and GP/PA based on whatever you managed up to that point. I'm laying all the cards on the table so you guys know what your options are.
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I'll be on vacation from the 18th to the 28th. I will probably post anywhere from 0 to very little during those days. I thought I was all good keeping up with various pbps during a trip a few months ago and then I got the bill :( Lesson learned.
Anyways- I'm telling you now to say that if we push the pace a little bit we could be past the grand showdown of this scenario before I leave with only loose ends to tie up when I get back. We'll get there either way, but if you want to avoid leaving it on a cliffhanger you can.
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Sweet! Glad you have been enjoying it. I've run this one a couple of times as real time tables and was looking forward to the opportunity to draw it out and describe things in more detail via pbp. It has been one of my favorite scenarios to run so congrats Sir Wulf! You have any more in the works?
Guys- I ran off this weekend for an island wedding and didn't get a chance to let you know ahead of time. Thought I was going to have some time at home before the trip, but I got stuck at work. Anyways- back now and we'll jump ahead tomorrow.
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Just to let you guys know where we are- you have completed the adventure for all intents and purposes. I will be writing up an epilogue covering the rest of your exploration in the gallery and return back to civilization as soon as I can but the site is a complete bastard right now and I'm out of town using my phone which makes it worse. I think I'm going to have to do it as a series of short posts and you guys can chip in along the way.
If you haven't completed your faction missions take a look at those and see if you can do so. You may have all finished them at this point but I don't remember off hand.
Congrats on making it through a brutal series of beatings with almost no healing capacity between you! Nice work!
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Sorry to hear about your dad Evan. Hope things are ok.
+2 PA
+ 509 gp
+2 circumstance on all Cha based checks with dwarves of the Five Mountains.
Option to buy:
+1 fey bane arrows (limit 2) 166 gp
Scroll of Aid 250 gp
Ivory handled short swords 60 gp
I'll take care of chronicle sheets when we get back to Athens on Tuesday.
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In pfs every 3 xp = 1 level and every scenario is 1 xp. So play 2 more times and Alie will be level 2.
PA is prestige award. That represents how capable your faction regards you and as a result how much they are willing to invest on you. Those points can be traded for goods or services which your faction supplies to reward you for your service or maybe in expectation of further service. It also determines your access to magical gear. Your total prestige award sets the cap on what you can buy. Check out the guide to organized play for more details on that.
I left it open ended with a lead in to more adventure because whether you play another pbp or a local game or whatever these characters are likely just beginning their careers. I probably will start another one in two or three weeks though. I'll let you know when I get back home and figure out what it will be.
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![Friendly Fighter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/opener4.jpg)
I'm back. My dad's doing ok should be leaving the hospital today.
Little confused about the loot. I would like to purchase the breastplate but do not see it as an option. Because it is standard equipment does that mean I can just purchase it as normal? Also does everyone get the +2 PA did we all accomplish both our fraction missions?
And I would also be up for another scenario if you start one.
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Luke has it right. Anything you find in the scenario which is always available will not be listed on the rewards sheet. If you want it- just buy it and you know that you found it in Barek's Gallery. Maybe it is crafted in Barek's ancient dwarven technique or maybe in is some alien design Lady Morilaeth brought from the Darklands- up to you.
As far as Prestige, I'm pretty sure everyone got both points in this scenario though I will double check as I fill out the sheets. As long as one member of a faction succeeds on the faction mission, all members of that faction at the table get the reward. So sometimes you don't do anything and still get it. Other times it may be impossible to get because no one has the right skill. In particular, Kayluss' second faction mission was to find out what happened to the missing Andoran Lumber merchants. You didn't make the roll yourself (and could not have), but I had Dakram make it and he reported that the bodies in the ballroom were members of the Lumber Consortium. As long as Kayluss was listening, he found out and therefore got that point.
Some of you guys can make Day Job rolls for a little extra money. These are specialized rolls for PFS that represent working your downtime job. You are only eligible if you have actual ranks in Perform, Craft, or Profession. For these rolls you may only count Ranks + Ability Mod + Feats + Traits. So basically you can't enhance them with spells.
As far as I can see that is:
Wadi (Perform - Acting)
Dakram (Perform - Singing)
Sekhemre (Craft - Alchemy)
Roll those out and then I'll fill out the sheets and mail 'em out.
I'll need email addresses to send them to. If you don't want them permanently publicly available on the board you can put them in your character sheet profile and then edit them out again after I send the sheets.
I posted in another thread a couple weeks ago to see if Mothman was still interested and wanted to pick up the 6th spot since Dakram's player wasn't able to continue. In the process I picked up 4 people who wanted to jump in. So I think I'm going to try running two tables at once- different scenarios so I don't confuse myself with what is happening between groups. That means you guys can stay united as a group and pick up one new guy or you can mix it up. At this point I think I'll be running one scenario in the desert of Qadira and the other one may be set in Darkmoon Vale in Andoran. I'm going to figure it out here in a little while.
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Perform Acting, for Day Job, 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Ith, my email address is
As for a new scenarion, yeah sign me up. The Qadiran one sounds interesting...