About Wadi Ahk'kolonWADI AHK'KOLON
Stats: Str 11, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 19 Description: 23 years old, 5’5”, 148 lbs., A slender wiry man walks into the meeting area wearing nondescript traveling clothes along with a scarf tied around his neck in the latest fashion for Absalom. A closer look reveals his light brown hair flows out down past his shoulders, currently braided in a stylish way. Sky blue eyes peek out from his youthful face. His lean, wiry body is covered in dark tanned skin with a reddish undertone only noticeable in bright light. DEFENSE:
Skills: 16+16(int)= 32 total
Class Abilities Sorcerer Elemental Bloodline (Fire)
Possessions Worn/Carried: +2 Amulet of Natural Armor
- Tent - Entertainer's outfit - Cold Weather outfit - MW Courtiers outfit (plus 120 gp jewelry) - Sling (makeshift), and pouch with 12 shot glasses as 'bullets': -1 to hit, 50% 1d2 bludgeoning or 1d2 slashing damage per hit. Background:
Wadi was the youngest child of a middle class family born in Kintargo who had been blessed/cursed with a throwback to the old elemental bloodlines, back before Cheliax fell to the rule of House Thrune, under the thrall of Asmodeus. He was subject to the Fires of Hell ritual to allay suspicion from the rulers of Cheliax, but he was counseled to become an actor, all the better to conceal his motives from enemies. He is a good-natured soul, who wants nothing more than freedom for his people.
Now he works as an actor during the playwright season. Still, his talents have not gone unnoticed, as he has been sponsored for membership into the Pathfinders. Now his first mission is about to get underway... Now that his first mission has been completed, as attesting to the nightmares about the final confrontation, he is looking forward to his next assignment... After completing his second assignment successfully, he never talked about what happened at the end of the assignment, but at various odd times he would break out in a smile, and hum various syllables in a foreign language. Most people considered him a bit addled, and considering what happened, they may very well be right. As his fame has increased, so had the attention he has received from members of the opposite sex. He generally enjoys the compamy of a pretty lady, but he is all too aware of how pleasure is used as a tool or a weapon by House Thrune. A complicated situation, which requires him to walk a fine line. He realizes as his fame grows too his ability to hide his true feeling must grow as well, else his soul (not to mention his life) will be lost. Complicating things is a growing attraction between a fellow actress Alena. He wonders whether he should pursue the lovely woman further, or if allowing himself to become romantically entangled would compromise his charade further...
PFS Rewards:
Beggar's Pearl 509 gp + 5 gp Day Job ------------- 514 gp -150 gp 2 vials of Antiplague, and 1 vial of Antitoxin ------------- 364gp Pallid Plague
Bloodcove Disguise
Rescue at Azlant Ridge
Slave Pits of Absalom
Among the Living
*-2 PP for purchase of wand of Infernal Healing Among the Dead
Mists of Mwangi
The Wardstone Patrol
Risen Sands
Overflow Archives
Song of the Sea Witch
Sky Key Solution
Through Maelstrom's Rift
Hell's Rebels
From Shore to Sea
The Hao Jin Hierophant
*-2 PP for purchase of wand of Mage Armor
*+2 circumstance on all Cha based checks with dwarves of the Five Mountains. *Exemplar of Falcon's Hollow:
*Hero of the Fey:
*Voucher for 267gp of equipment from House Cartahegn, no weapons or armor. *History of the Sands: Thanks to your discovery of the tomb of Pharaoh Sekh-pa-Mefer III, scholars and researchers can begin cataloging all of the history, art, and grave goods to better understand the life and achievements of this once-forgotten Pharaoh. As recompense for your contributions, you are invited to review and copy these academics’ research. You can use this boon before attempting a Knowledge (history or religion) check to take 20 as a standard action, as if you had lore master ability of a 5th-level bard. If the check pertains to Osirian history or religion, you also gain a +5 competence bonus on the check. When you use this boon, cross it of your Chronicle sheet. *Darklands Study (Dark Archive faction): Zarta Dralneen has perused a cursed tome that you recovered known as The Darklands Precepts, and she has shared some of her findings with you. You gain a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks against humanoids native to the Darklands, such as drow, derro, and duergar. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge checks to identify and learn about such creatures. *Upstanding Archivist (Dark Archive faction): You have demonstrated excellence in the Grand Lodge’s vaults and improved the Dark Archive faction’s reputation. As a result, Zarta Dralneen has provided you a choice pick from among the treasures rescued from the flooded library. You can cross this boon of your Chronicle sheet when purchasing one of the items found below to purchase that item at 75% of its listed price. (Refer to Chronicle Sheet for full list.) *Twin Tomes: You may spend 1 Prestige Point to gain access to either the Celestial Song or Infernal Incantation while the Pathfinder Society researches their contents. Your time spent poring over the chosen book’s pages grants you proficiency in either Celestial or Infernal. Due to the many parties in the Pathfinder Society vying for time with the tomes, you may only research one of the two books. Champion of Time: You survived the Society’s ill-advised jaunt through time and survived. You gain one of the following boons depending on your role in the victory. Record the number of the character who earns this trait below, and include a copy of this Chronicle sheet with that character.
Timelost Chronicler: You have journeyed through the ancient serpentfolk city of Sessegishoss and witnessed the fall of the Starstone, granting you a remarkable perspective of Golarion’s history. You gain a permanent +1 bonus on Knowledge (history) checks from your first-hand knowledge. Once per scenario you may call on the nascent power granted by your exposure to the falling Starstone to find inner greatness, granting you a +1 morale bonus to a single d20 roll. You must declare your use of this power before the roll is made. Air Affinity: Your connection to elemental air has grown stronger over the course of your recent adventures. This boon has no mechanical efect on its own, but it may interact with other boons or play a role in future adventures—especially those set on the Elemental Planes.
Resisting the Blackcove Taint: You have resisted the warping taint of the waters around Blackcove and now your body is more
Dark Archive Season 8 Faction Card::
[X] [ ] [ ] Recover a named text (typically listed in italics or quotes) found during the course of an adventure. [ ] [ ] Recruit a named NPC scholar, knowledgeable spellcaster, or similar figure to the Dark Archive. Recruitment requires a
[ ] Recover a spellbook that contains spells whose combined spell levels equals or exceeds three times your character level
[x]Recover a named minor artifact or major artifact during the course of an adventure. [ ] Identify a potion or other magic item whose caster level equals or exceeds your character level. [X] Possess a number of ranks in one of the following skills equal to your character level (minimum 4): Bluff, Knowledge
[ ] [ ] While adventuring in an area strongly connected to an element (e.g. a volcano, deep under the ocean, or an Elemental
[ ][ ][ ]/[ ][ ] Serve as the GM for an adventure that grants 1 or more XP, and apply the Chronicle sheet to this character.
Scenarios Completed: Silent Tide (Incomplete)
Future Purchase Retrain Combat Expertise Feat for Combat Casting
Email address:
swansoneric6 (at) gmail (dot) com |