Kingmaker - Dark Kingdom PBP


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Male Human Bard 1

Vanion reacts sharply to the boar's attack, and while he still presses his advantage, his next few attacks are done with a bit more measure, careful of dangerous husks that had bled him moments before.

Round 5:

Arcane Strike on Rapier
Attack Boar #2, while fighting defensively (base + str - defensive) 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 2 - 4 = 16
Damage (base + str + arcane strike) 1d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 1 = 7
Current AC: 19

Edit: Threatened Crit: 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 2 - 4 = 16
Possible Damage: 1d6 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 1 = 7

Ellaria surveys the battlefield and when she understands she doesn't have anything better to do, she moves closer to the boar and attempts to touch it, chanting in a low voice and discharging a magical effect on the boar.

Round 5:

Dazing touch on boar #2, 1d20 ⇒ 10 touch attack, if hits - boar is dazed for another round.

Adding the initiative to this page:
Start of Round 5:

Bellis 20
Boar #4 Several Injuries/Sleeping
Obi 18
Vanion 18
Boar#1 Dead
Ellaria 14
Boar #2 injured and very angry
Ellaria 13
Durn 13
Lupus 13
Eadric 11
Boar #3 Dazed...
Boar #5 Dead

Bellis strikes the boar, Vanions opens up it belly with a vicious stike.
Obi launches an acid slapsh at the creature but it veers wide.
Ellaria waits until the boars starts to regain its thoughts and then touches it but you realize that a powerful beast like this may not be affected by this power! Initiative re-set to 13 right after the boar.
Durn to attack!
Lupus kills boar #4 with his coup de grace.
Eadric, depending upon what Durn is doing you may or may not attack #2, so you may hve to switch to another one, or change your action.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

If Durn happens to kill boar #2 before my turn then please substitute the following for my previously posted round 5 action.

Upon seeing the big boar go down, Eadric spins to look for his frightened mount as well as check and see where Ula has gotten to in all the confusion.

Upon spying Ula, Eadric sheathes his sword, and snatches up his lance before quickly mounting his skittish horse. With a soothing word and a purposeful kick, he quickly rides over towards Ula and regains the loose end of the tether.

I have no desire to tangle further with the last of these boars! I plan to put as much ground as I can between us and it before it regains it's senses. I suggest you do the same! We have slaughtered enough of these animals today! We have more important matters to attend to!

With that, Eadric spurs his horse and gallops in the direction of the bandit camp, keeping a respectful distance, where possible, from the remaining boar and mindful that other boars (or worse!) might be lurking about in the area.


Please see the OOC discussion as well:

Durn fires an arrow into the boar tearing into its jaw and ending its life.
Wait Edric, there is already too much carnage and this is the bandits trail. I doubt if we will be ready to attack tonight now that some of us are hurt and we have spent some of our magical energy. I suggest finishing the last boar and then cleaning the site in case any bandits happen to come by on the way to the camp. We can camp off the trail a ways and possibly attack tomorrow morning?

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

As Eadric attempts to take hold of his frightened horse's reigns and bring it under control that he might take to his saddle and prepare to leave, he hears Durn's plea to wait and his suggestion to finish off the last boar.

Eadric ponders the request and waits to see what everyone else's thoughts are...


Female Halfling Cleric 1
DM DK wrote:
Wait Edric, there is already too much carnage and this is the bandits trail. I doubt if we will be ready to attack tonight now that some of us are hurt and we have spent some of our magical energy. I suggest finishing the last boar and then cleaning the site in case any bandits happen to come by on the way to the camp. We can camp off the trail a ways and possibly attack tomorrow morning?

"No!" shouts Bellis visable anger etched upon her face "We have caused enough carnage to this family, let us leave at least one to look after the children" she says pointing at the piglets cowering in the undergrowth. "We can camp further down the line" and readies her horse to leave.

"Are they a threat to us now? If not let's leave." Obi says as he looks around the site.

I see no reason to continue this fight Lupus locates his horse and quickly settles and remounts ready to go whichever direction the group decides.

"Leaving is fine for me - I have no will for more death, but we need to do it as quickly as possible if we want to avoid the fight", Ellaria says, then rides quickly along the trail.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Hearing everyone's sentiments, Eadric vaults himself into the saddle.

As he prepares to leave with the rest of the party, he pauses to look at each of his new comrades in arms. A slight smile can be seen upon his face. A smile of relief.

Let us delay here no longer! We may yet still do some good today! If not today, then surely tomorrow!

Eadric rides up beside Ula and grabs the tether. As he does so, he leans in and remarks to Ula in a lowered voice, The fact that you did not attempt to flee just now in the confusion has instilled some measure of hope within me that you may yet see the error of your wicked ways and may seek the redemption that will be your salvation if you are to avoid the fate of all those who spread evil and lawlessness in this land. Make good on your word to help us learn the fate of the girl Imeria and I will make good on my word to take your actions into account before rendering judgement upon you.

With that, Eadric spurs his horse and gallops in the direction of the bandit camp...

The party gathers and rides off in time to get away from the battle with the Boars.

The aftermath requires a little conversation as there appeared to be much confusion. Durn spends much of the time arguing with the rest of the group over tactics and also about finishing the creatures. Their hides and meat would have been very useful and now we are in danger of being discovered! he argues a little later.

You stop about an hour fromt he camp according to Ula at a decent spot with some cover from the road. The Thorn river is now a little deeper, stronger and wider than when you first encountered it. Ula tells you there is a ford just before you get to the camp that you must cross to get to it.

It is around dinner time and there is probably still time to attack the bandit camp if that is what you agree upon?

Either way, Vanion is injured and Bellis and Ellaria have used at least one spell that I can recollect.

What is your plan for the bandit camp and Ula?

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Well, if I recall, Eadric had relinquished any claim of leadership of the party, and supported Durn in that position, and with it, the role of planning the bandit camp attack. So... we have a problem. ;)

Eadric's response to Durn's concerns is one of resigned fate. If the gods see fit to remove the element of surprise we may have enjoyed over the bandits, by the discovery of the boars, so be it. I, for one, still plan on taking the bandit camp either way. Before we get on with the how, however, we must all agree to the when. What say everyone? Shall we make camp for the night and attack in the morning when we are at full strength while risking discovery and possibly losing our element of surprise? Perhaps even running afoul of some other creature or creatures that inhabit this land in the night. Or do we attack tonight when we are not at our peak strength but hopefully retain our advantage of surprise? Wardens. What say you all?

"I think.. if we set watches.. and attack at dawn, we'll have an advantage." Obi suggests as he gathers firewood quietly.

Striking at night would be best. Catch them unaware as they sleep or eat is what we should do. Then pick them off while they thrash around trying to get organized. Plus we have the advantage of stealth to dispense the sentries before they realize we are thereLupus then continues to watch the woods around the party for any more "surprises"

Female Halfling Cleric 1

"and you call yourself a follower of erastil" mutters Erastil as Durn complains about not killing the last boar. As they ride foward through the plains Bellis thanks her horse for its courage following the battle, complimenting it on its bravery and detirmination.

"I agree with lupus" claims Bellis after they approach the outskirts of the bandit camp. "Whilst it is not exactly honorable or right to attack without warning in the middle of the night, these bandits bandits have proven they deserve no mercy nor quarter. I say we bring them swift justice."

"I agree, we should fight at night. Although I've got a few handy spells left, 1 sleep, 1 charm person, we'd be in a disadvantage whenever we fight, so we ought to compensate for that by some kind of trickery, just as we did back then in the trading post. It may be dishonorable <glances at Eadric>, but it's the most effective way. I for one would prefer being dishonorable than to lose one of our small group".

Lupus looks at Ellaria I am all for trying to trick the bandits but what can you suggest that would work in this situation? Personally I would just sneak in and slit their throats one by one. Lupus says this with a flat stare as if Otis just routine the taking of a life from someone who is unaware it is coming.

Male Human Bard 1

Though in pain, Vanion ignores the parting gift that the boar had left him. My wounds are of no moment. Other than this little scrape, I am fully prepared for battle (all spells and bardric performances). Do not hold back on my account.

Although, I wouldn't object if Bellis wanted to try to heal me the ole fashioned way without wasting any magic. Okay. Yes I would- just not very hard. If that fails, I can just wait until a channel energy gets used- and if worst gets to worst, I'll expend a clw on myself.

That said, I agree we should attack at night. Many of us are quite sneaky, and if we take out any watchmen, we can take them utterly by surprise- especially with his, he points at Ula, help. And if by some chance a signal is raised, most of them should still be caught unprepared, and without a chance to fully ready themselves.

Ellaria thinks for a while, then proposes: "One of us, prehaps Durn, and Ula could move towards the guard, and have Ula call him (under threat of death of course), claiming that Durn is his prisoner. On the meantime, Lupus could sneak around him and backstab him, or I could charm or daze him. Durn would simply attack him after Lupus strikes if he'll still be alive. After that we should move closer to the bandit camp into position - casters in the back and the fighters in the middle. Lupus should sneak ahead and start attacking the sleeping bandits, as he's the silent one of us. If a bandit wakes up close to him, Durn and Eadric should rush in there and help Lupus, while Obi, Bellis and I will give the covering ranged support in case the bandits in the other tents wake up, or the sentry decides to come check in. Vanion will guard us casters and join the battle as he sees fit. It's not a sure plan, but in the worst case, we'll simply retreat to the horses, which we'll leave nearby, run away and start harassing them".

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric listens to the others as they formulate a plan. A frown creases Eadric's face when Lupus mentions slitting the throats of the bandits as they sleep. After a short time in quiet contemplation, he adds his voice to the discussion.

It would seem that most of us are set on taking the bandit camp this evening. I would like to remind everyone that while we are here to met out justice upon these bandits, we are also seeking the whereabouts of a little girl. If we kill all the bandits, or even just the ones who know the fate of the girl, we will have failed in part. We should endeavor to take as many of them alive as possible. If anyone is going to ride into the bandit camp with Ula, it should be me. He is my responsibility and Durn is more skilled with a bow than myself. He would be better suited to taking the bandits at range.

Something that we should not overlook is that none of us present see very well in the dark. If we attack after the sun goes down, we are going to need to address this issue. Does anyone know if the moon will be up tonight? Eadric casts his gaze upward, checking to see if clouds will obscure the stars this night.

After watching the sky for a few moments, Eadric continues, What I propose my friends, may seem risky but it might just work. If Bellis would be so kind as to lend me her horse, I will take Ula and ride into the bandit camp after dark and demand the bandit's surrender. If I am unconvincing and they refuse, we will spring into action and let the god's decide victory tonight! If these bandits are anything like those we encountered previously, we should be able to route them by taking out their leader as soon as possible. I will attempt to lure this woman who leads the bandits into the open where you others might strike her down from spots encircling the camp. What do you think? Might we take the bandit camp by threat of death alone?

As Eadric awaits the responses of the others towards his proposal, he turns his gaze to his prisoner, Ula. Do the bandits man their watch posts at night? Do they set additional watches in the camp itself? Do they keep a fire going after dark? Do they have a challenge code word and answer to identify friend from foe?

"I do not believe the bandits will surrender, and especially not to a single person. Darkness will indeed be a problem, but it affects them as well, and will give us the advantage because that way we can move pretty much unnoticed, while Lupus will able to do his dirty work much more easily. You're brave indeed Eadric to offer to attack them all if they don't accept your surrender, but it sounds like suicide to me".

Durn to Bellis Those skins would have brought us good gold from Oleg and you know better than to waste all of that meat. With one parent left, those piglets are most likely done for anyways and now we have to worry about our backs. It just seems like a waste to m, the deed is done, I would have rather avoided the fight entirely bu once it started we shouldn't be squeemish

Ula: Kressle, she runs a pretty tight camp, she doesn't ave any slackin or she slits our throats. The men ul be up til after dark. Normally we ave one man in each tower and one man awake at the camp in case of trouble. We keep a fire on but low after night so we can quickly stoke it. There is no word, we just knows each other and yell out if there is trouble. I wouldn't be riding in there bys yourself if ye wants to live. If you die now, I die for bringin ye back to our camp.

[ooc]Just a reminder I am out for a long weekend starting tonight so I am not sure if I will be able to post at all until Sunday evening, but I will try. It may be better to just get everything planned out and set up to start Sunday night[/b]

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

I'm not so foolish as to actually believe that the bandits will surrender. However, the other option is to allow him, Eadric nods in Lupus' direction, to sneak into their camp and slit there throats while they sleep. This is not something that I can abide. By me entering the camp alone, their overconfidence should make them careless, at least at first. That might be all the opportunity we need.

We could deal with the sentries and then I could enter the camp and attempt to draw this Kressle out into the open. If we take her out quickly there is a decent chance the rest will surrender. That is my hope anyway. The darkness should give everyone a good chance at approaching the camp undetected and get into position before I ride into the camp. We should have the further advantage of them being unprepared for combat. At least some of them should be unarmored when we spring our attack.

Besides, with the use of Bellis' horse I may finally get a chance to use this lance I have been lugging around for months! Eadric chuckles as he gives Durn a wink.

If things go badly for me, I can always use the horse to regroup with the rest of you. And as long as Bellis isn't too far from me, she should be able to keep me vertical for a little while longer! Eadric gives Bellis a knowing smile.

I could also augment my defenses with that potion that Oleg provided us. Given my superior training and armor, I should be a tough nut to crack for these bandits. With me causing a commotion and drawing their attentions, you all should be able to swoop in and save the day!

Ellaria can slumber a number of them so that we might interrogate some of them at least. Obi, perhaps you could use your fire to bring a little light upon the situation? Vanion, I look forward to seeing your skill with that rapier of yours! Lupus and Durn can deal with the sentries and then put those bows to good use! Bellis will ensure that we continue the fight as long as is needed!

This is my suggestion. If this does not sound like a solid plan, I will listen to any other idea that doesn't involve the murder of unarmed men in their sleep.

If I demand surrender and they refuse, my honor will be served, having been given the free choice and refused mercy, they shall pay for what they have done with their lives forfeit!"

Eadric falls silent, awaiting the party's input.

I think that if you ride into that camp alone, so that you may satisfy some lofty ideal involving honor, something these bandits have none of, the only thing that you will acomplish is getting yourself killed. While that doesn't concern me in the grand scheme of things, if we are to sucessfully elminate these bandits and rescue this missing girl, you are of better use to us alive than dead.

I think it would be best if you hung back on Bellis' horse while the rest of us use our talents to level the playing field a bit more in our favor. Once this has been accomplished, you are free to charge into the camp, making whatever flowery declarations required for someone such as yourself, and help us finish off whoever has escaped our blades, arrows and magic.

In response to Eadric's questiom, Obi draws a dagger and cast a simple spell over it, causing it to glow with transperant fire.

Couple of things, it is partly cloudy tonight and cold...brrr...travelling at night is considered diffcult terrain without a light source.
All creature in the dim light of the moon have a 20% miss chance due to concealment. This would apply to you and the bandits not around the fire.
Durn thinks it is unwise to ride in there alone and possibly get cut down by a lucky shot without the rest of us there but is willing to go with what the group decides.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean
Eadric Cuthwulf wrote:
...Eadric falls silent, awaiting the party's input.

Hint, hint. ;)

Male Human Bard 1

Vanion looks at Eadric incredulously. Why alert the bandits to our presence at all? Sure, your little excursion into their camp may be all the distraction we may need to win the battle- but on the flip side, letting the bandits know we are here may be all that is needed for them to defeat us!

Besides, their lives are already forfeit! All these men have stolen, extorted, or murdered multiple times- that's unrepentant banditry. And we've been charged to deal with unrepentant bandits by either blade or rope. Lupus will simply be fulfilling that duty. And he'll be fulfilling that duty in a manner that is least likely to get the rest of us killed!

Vanion takes a steady breath for a moment to calm himself down before continuing on, Now, we do need some of the bandits alive, but I have absolute confidence that Elaria will be able to take care of that. And once the battle gets under way, you can call for the surrender of anyone you come across to your heart's content.

He then turns to the rest of the group, and address them. Personally, I'm of the opinion that we refrain from calling out to the bandits. Alert one of them, and we risk alerting and awaking them all. So my suggestion is to split up into two groups. A stealthy group and well... the rest of us. Lupus, Durn, and Obi should be able to easily hide in these woods at night, and can hopefully sneak up on the sentries one at a time to dispatch them. The rest of us will watch their backs, and be on standby if something goes wrong. I've also picked up a little trick that will let us stay in communication with the other group, even when they are some distance apart (Message). Then, once the sentries are taken care of, we all make our way towards the center of camp. Ellaria disables the group of them, and we all rush in to mop up the left overs.


Sounds like a plan

Female Halfling Cleric 1

"Agreed Vanion, that is a sound plan" says Bellis "These men have proven themselves unworthy of justice, this is our duty. They have enslaved the local people and forced them into slavery."

"They deserve no mercy" she says through gritted teeth.

"The charter said we were to punish the non-repentent. I don't like it, but they should get a chance to repent." Obi mutters loud enough for everyone to here as he lights the firewood and stokes the flame into a blaze to ward off the cold.

Male Human Bard 1

Overhearing Obi's comments, Vanion responds obstinately, They've had their entire lives to repent. He turns his back and begins to walk away. If no one catches him, he will simply get his things in order, prepare for the battle, and hopefully catch a short nap before the allotted time.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

I must confess to being confused by the intentions of many of you. I have shown by my past actions that I too believe these men unworthy of mercy and deserving of death for their lawlessness. When I lawfully executed the dying bandit at the fort, I was chastised for my rush to judgement. And yet, we now are discussing a plan that involves murdering men in their sleep? What opportunity to repent is there in a death such as this? I am not advocating that we do not bring swift justice to these men, but if one bandit deserves an opportunity to repent his evil ways, shouldn't another?

My intention was, after taking out the sentries and getting into position, I would charge into the camp, catching most of them unawares and unprepared. For us to have the best chance of saving the girl, we need Ula to point out which bandits are the ones who took her and subsequently sold her. He cannot do this from a distance in the dark. Without his insight, we might kill the very men we need to talk to. I am going to end up in the camp sooner or later, it might as well be sooner. I am willing to put myself in greater risk that we might increase our chance to save the girl.

We can take the sentries by stealth. This is a requirement of us successfully taking the bandits by surprise and therefore allowing us to fulfill our duty of removing the threat of banditry by these individuals. What I cannot abide by is the slaughter of defenseless men in their sleep. If you can make your way into the camp to slit a man's throat, can you not simply knock them unconscious instead?

Non-lethal coup de grace?

Once we have revealed ourselves, I would suspect the element of surprise will convince many of the bandits to surrender out right or flee. Seeing as how dangerous this land is, I wouldn't be too worried about those that flee unprepared into the night. We will catch many of them unarmored and ill prepared to fight and at a great disadvantage as we will be in position, whilst they are confused.

I will agree to whatever plan that you come up with, that does not involve the murder of defenseless men. While they are not honorable and do not deserve the same respect as many others, if we kill them in their sleep, are we any better than them? Once I have offered, and they have refused, I will be more than glad to put any and all of the bandits to the sword!

OK back, once you guys have made a final decision on your plan we can start the scene and play it out as it happens.

Male Human Bard 1

Eadric, you've essentially suggested the same plan that I have. The only difference is that instead of you recklessly charging into the middle of the bandits once the sentries are taken care of, you simply allow Ellaria and Obi to first throw them into disarray with a few of their disabling abilities. Once that happens, then you can charge in and call for a surrender.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

As long as we are not murdering defenseless men in their sleep, I am fine with whatever timing you see fit for me to enter the camp with Ula.

I await your decision.

"My vote.. goes for Eadric's(and Vanion's) plan.""

Obi sits as close to the fire as he can without catching fire, staring into it with a far off look on his face, one of old happiness.

Lupus shrugs his shoulders. Fine by me either way.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

In the interest of moving things along... Eadric will agree to wait for a signal from Obi (flaming something or other) to enter the camp. Durn, Obi and Lupus can begin dealing with the sentries while Vanion, Bellis, Ellaria and I take up positions behind them. Unless someone has an objection, we should post where we go and what we do as we creep up on the camp.

Bellis, would you allow me the honor of using your fine steed during this evenings activities? My own horse has shown to be inadequate for combat.

Okay team, life and work have gone into overdrive, I really hope I can keep the campaign going through all of this, not going to bother you with all of my personal issues, but don't want to let you guys down either.
If you guys are okay with me moving things along at a very slow pace until things slow down around here I will keep it going. I feel bad though since I don't think I am being a very good DM due to the distractions. My tabletop game has been suiffering as well, I am just glad that we are in the last 1-2 sessions of Crimson Throne and closing on the grand finale.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

I'm fine with a slower pace, seeing as how the alternative is stopping altogether. Frankly, I was expecting things to slow down over the next two months seeing as how it is summer (vacations etc). My only concern is the reduced pace leading to some players drifting off. If everyone is committed to continue, I am as well.

For some reason my post disappeared. In any case, I agree with Eadric about the slower pace and the commitment to the pbp. I think we've had some fine role-playing and decent battles up till now, and it would be a pity to lose it all.

Ellaria nods her head, consenting to Vanion's plan.

Male Human Bard 1

I agree with everyone. I can't say what the far future may hold, but at the moment I'm having a blast, and I'm committed to keeping this baby alive. I'm also eagerly anticipating some of the forthcoming events that we all know are going to take place.

OK gents so here we go.

As the group slowly approach the area of the camp, Ula sees the ford and whispers to you The towers are about 50-60 feet pass the ford. The camp is to the southeast with a tower to the southwest and a tower directly south past the ford.

You think you can almost make out a very dim light to the Southeast of the ford.
Go ahead and give me your starting position and tell me how you proceed.
Looks like you will have to go through the ford first and then you can branch off from there however you wish.
Give me a stealth and perception check unless you are not part of the stealth team.

Map posted!

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric and Ula will be mounted and in A-17 and 18 respectively. We will wait for some sign from the others to advance into the camp.

In case it is required here is a perception check for Eadric.1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Eadric leans over as they take up their position, and whispers to Ula, Now is the time of your judgement. Repent your evil ways and help us to find the girl! Do this and I promise to show mercy upon you! Return to your evil ways and betray us and you will be the first to die!

I am still awaiting Bellis' response as to whether I can borrow her horse. :) We have also still not distributed the potions that Oleg gave us. If no one has any objection, why don't we give Durn and Lupus each a potion of cure light wounds. Eadric could take the potion of shield of faith. If this is fine with everyone, then Eadric would have the potion readied to consume as he waits for the signal. If not Eadric then perhaps Vanion?

Ellaria will be mounted at C16. She'll follow Eadric and Ula a short distance behind, to provide support and be protected.

"I think the stealth team should leave their horses a short distance from here, so they won't make unnecessary noises. Also, don't hesitate to kill any sleeping bandits if we need to - obviously they would do the same to us".

Have we rested since the boar encounter? If not, we should, as it would raise our chances significantly.

Once you cross the ford do you plan to continue down the trail to the guards in the towers or go to the camp?

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean
Ellaria wrote:

"I think the stealth team should leave their horses a short distance from here, so they won't make unnecessary noises. Also, don't hesitate to kill any sleeping bandits if we need to - obviously they would do the same to us".

Did you just say that in front of Eadric?! Please tell me you whispered that to the others, that Eadric did not hear you. :)

And I thought I was confused before... you admonish Eadric for hanging the bandit without giving him a chance to repent yet you espouse killing these bandits in their sleep?

Ellaria wrote:

Have we rested since the boar encounter? If not, we should, as it would raise our chances significantly.

We already discussed this and voted to attack before we rested... at least that is what I remember...

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean
DM Dark Kingdom wrote:
Once you cross the ford do you plan to continue down the trail to the guards in the towers or go to the camp?

If this is directed at Eadric and/or Ellaria, Eadric is planning on waiting back until the signal to attack is heard/seen and then crossing the ford and entering the camp.

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