Kingmaker - Dark Kingdom

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

So we have a Cuthwulf, a Durn the Wolf and a Lupus (Latin for wolf).

It seems like we should just name our group something obvious like...


Male Human Bard 1

I was working on a name for us last night, and was about to make a post about it. But our bartender seems to like the name the Green Belt Wolves, and good Eadric has already pointed out the similarity shared between a few of our party memebers.

What does everyone else think of the name?

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Did you come up with a name?

Let's hear it good sir!

Male Human Bard 1

I'll just post here what I wrote up before you guys were talking about the wolf pack.

Many bands of adventurers are named after their leader, or some great deed that they have done. But we don't have a leader, and we have yet to accomplish any great deed. Others have a name that describes the commonalities or nationality of its members. But we come from all races and walks of life, and we must divorce ourselves from the names of Restov and Brevoy by the necessity of our mission.

So instead, I suggest a name that describes our mission and the responsibilities we accept: The Wardens of Narl. It is simple, but functional. The name itself is a challenge and a pledge to all those who hear it. To bandits and outlaws it is a challenge- leave our lands, reform your ways, or fight us and die. To the common folk we give a pledge- protection and aid for all good people in our lands.

The name of Narl comes from the woodlands that dominate the Greenbelt known as the Narlmarches. But the territory will no longer be a dangerous, lawless land- it will no longer be a march. Instead it will be Narl, under our guardianship.

Vanion Bracke wrote:

I was working on a name for us last night, and was about to make a post about it. But our bartender seems to like the name the Green Belt Wolves, and good Eadric has already pointed out the similarity shared between a few of our party memebers.

What does everyone else think of the name?

He was saying that in jest, since he heard a couple of wolfie names, saw wolf pelts, and some of you smell as bad as wolves....not sayin, just sayin...but it coudl stick, the group should probably hear your name first though.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean
Vanion Bracke wrote:

Many bands of adventurers are named after their leader, or some great deed that they have done. But we don't have a leader, and we have yet to accomplish any great deed. Others have a name that describes the commonalities or nationality of its members. But we come from all races and walks of life, and we must divorce ourselves from the names of Restov and Brevoy by the necessity of our mission.

So instead, I suggest a name that describes our mission and the responsibilities we accept: The Wardens of Narl. It is simple, but functional. The name itself is a challenge and a pledge to all those who hear it. To bandits and outlaws it is a challenge- leave our lands, reform your ways, or fight us and die. To the common folk we give a pledge- protection and aid for all good people in our lands.

The name of Narl comes from the woodlands that dominate the Greenbelt known as the Narlmarches. But the territory will no longer be a dangerous, lawless land- it will no longer be a march. Instead it will be Narl, under our guardianship.

The Wardens of Narl?

I like it. :)

And I was only jesting about the wolf link...

Male Human Bard 1
Eadric Cuthwulf wrote:
And I was only jesting about the wolf link...

It's difficult to tell when a servant of the Drunken Hero is being sarcastic or dead (drunkenly) serious. XD

It's better than the name I was thinking up, because it turns out the first letter of each character's name doesn't make good combinations...

I like it.

Male Human Bard 1
Obi Canicus wrote:
It's better than the name I was thinking up, because it turns out the first letter of each character's name doesn't make good combinations...



The BELOVED Adventuring Company? I find this to be hilarious.


Huh, I never even thought of putting the leters in that combination.

Hm, The Beloved.. but of what?

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

The Beloved Wardens of Narl?

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

The Wardens of Kameland?

The Kameland Wardens?


The Kamens?

A little play on words there. Caimons are small, vicious reptiles and we are a small, viscious group.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

I do like the Warden part I must admit.

Male Human Bard 1

I actually kind of like Ellaria's Stolen Seven. It's a nice little throwback to the Seven Samurai / Magnificent Seven.

Eadric Cuthwulf wrote:
I do like the Warden part I must admit

You do you know you could always become the Warden of our little country once we get off the ground, right?

I take that back. If we get our country off the ground. Two weeks from now we may still be in that little tavern discussing our name. XD.

If there was only five of you you could be the green belt 5. Who is going to be michael?

The barkeep is about to remove you physically since you are disrupting his business.
Pick a name or vote on the best two or you can discuss it on the way to the Narlmarches/Kamelands! :)

The DM is retiring for the night and he is expecting a decision to be made by the time he wakes up...or he will be advancing said plot with a nameless group...please don't make me talk about myself again in the 3rd person, it is very painful.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric has already removed himself from the tavern. :P

I'm fine with whatever. Hopefully some others will post with their opinions on the name.

Maybe a combination? "The Seven Wardens of Kameland", which usually gets shortened to, "The Seven"? What do you think?

And Vanion, maybe Eadric has loftier titles in mind! ;)

Male Human Bard 1
Eadric Cuthwulf wrote:
And Vanion, maybe Eadric has loftier titles in mind! ;)

You plan on taking the Test of the Starstone?

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean
Vanion Bracke wrote:

You plan on taking the Test of the Starstone?

No, not quite that high! :)

Vanion Bracke wrote:
Eadric Cuthwulf wrote:
And Vanion, maybe Eadric has loftier titles in mind! ;)
You plan on taking the Test of the Starstone?

Well, there's an idea...

The Seven Stars of the Kamelands.

And we're each different Stars. Be it Hunter, Knight, or Free Eye, we'll end up shining bright!

I would have to say I like the Wardens of Narl myself.

The seven only works up until somebody dies (probably the rogue at the hands of the paladin) then you have change all the labels on everything get new stamps made up and it can get really costly:)

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean
Lupus Nequam wrote:

The seven only works up until somebody dies (probably the rogue at the hands of the paladin)

That would be ex-paladin to you bub! ;)

We could plan for that eventuality and call ourselves the Six Stars of the Kamelands & Lupus. We could then drop the last part when the time came. :)

We aren't going to get this name thing sorted out by the time DM DK gets back here at this rate... I hope this doesn't foreshadow all our future decision making...

The Narl part has been somewhat nixed by DK.

I am going back to sulking outside the tavern and let you guys sort this out... :)

Male Human Bard 1

Okay... throwing another one out there. I may think that we have a winner:

Vanion & Co.

Well? Isn't it awesome?


In all seriousness, what do you guys think of simply having the bland Greenbelt Adventuring Company be our placeholder name for the time being? Once we get to know each other (in character) and maybe get some deeds under our belt, and feel for each others style, we can actually settle on a decent name for us?

Female Halfling Cleric 1

greenbelt adventuring company sounds fine but I still like the wardens part too. How about the Greenbelt wardens?

However if we cant all decide on a name before DM DK gets back we should probably just go with greenbelt adventuring company (GAC for short!) we can always change it later.

M Human Ranger 1
DM Dark Kingdom wrote:
Check the main thread as well, but you can probably trade your hide for leather straight up with no issues.

Sorry I vanished off the boards yesterday had to move into my new house!

Just checked the main thread... neat.

Wardens of the Narl works for me.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean
Durn the Wolf wrote:

Sorry I vanished off the boards yesterday had to move into my new house!


Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

I'll throw my vote behind the Greenbelt Wardens as our name for the time being. It has a Red Sashes / The Grey Wardens vibe to it.

We could all get matching green belts! :)

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Just out of curiosity, where is everyone located? Time zone even. It could help with expectations regarding posting times. Lupus and I are in Edmonton, AB, Canada (Mountain Standard GMT -7).

Also, does anyone use the RSS feature to follow threads?

Eadric Cuthwulf wrote:

Just out of curiosity, where is everyone located? Time zone even. It could help with expectations regarding posting times. Lupus and I are in Edmonton, AB, Canada (Mountain Standard GMT -7).

Also, does anyone use the RSS feature to follow threads?

I am in EST, Atlanta GA, USA.

That is funny though I grew up in Edmonton from age 4-13, well actualy it was St. Albert...but close enough.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean
DM Dark Kingdom wrote:

That is funny though I grew up in Edmonton from age 4-13, well actualy it was St. Albert...but close enough.

I'm in Sherwood Park actually... if we are close in age (with I'm guessing we are) and you played hockey when you were that age, we may have stared at each other across the icy battlefield as mortal enemies. :)

Male Human Bard 1

Another EST (GMT-4) reporting in. I'm in Dayton, OH, USA.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

My mistake, with daylight savings in effect we are actually GMT -6 currently.

Eadric Cuthwulf wrote:
DM Dark Kingdom wrote:

That is funny though I grew up in Edmonton from age 4-13, well actualy it was St. Albert...but close enough.
I'm in Sherwood Park actually... if we are close in age (with I'm guessing we are) and you played hockey when you were that age, we may have stared at each other across the icy battlefield as mortal enemies. :)

I turn the big 40 this year.....I didn't actually play in a league, just a lot of pick up stuff at Sir George Simpson middle I think it was that was a long time ago.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

You've got me by two winters.

M Human Ranger 1
Vanion Bracke wrote:
Another EST (GMT-4) reporting in. I'm in Dayton, OH, USA.

I'm in Dayton Ohio...

Male Human Bard 1
Durn the Wolf wrote:
I'm in Dayton Ohio...

That's hilarious. If you go to Bookery or Krystal Keep with any sort of regularity, then we probably have seen each other a few times. Hell, I'm going to the Keep tonight...

M Human Ranger 1
Vanion Bracke wrote:
Durn the Wolf wrote:
I'm in Dayton Ohio...
That's hilarious. If you go to Bookery or Krystal Keep with any sort of regularity, then we probably have seen each other a few times. Hell, I'm going to the Keep tonight...

LOL haven't been to either in awhile, but when I do go to bookery it has been for L5R sundays

Female Halfling Cleric 1

GMT +0!! Liverpool, England. reporting in :)

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean
Bellis Haevic wrote:
GMT +0!! Liverpool, England. reporting in :)

Go Reds!

And just to add some more fuel to the fire, I was born in Bolton, England. I don't follow the Wanderers though, Go MANU! LOL's

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean
DM Dark Kingdom wrote:
And just to add some more fuel to the fire, I was born in Bolton, England. I don't follow the Wanderers though, Go MANU! LOL's

ManU?! Boo! I suppose you cheer for the Yankess too! ;)

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

RE: Eadric's extensive verbiage.

If I need to reign it in, please let me know. My enthusiasm is getting the better of me (1st PBP experience)!


Don't worry about the enthusiasm, it's good for us to have it!

Evansiville IN, Time zone escapes me right now...

M Human Ranger 1
Eadric Cuthwulf wrote:

RE: Eadric's extensive verbiage.

If I need to reign it in, please let me know. My enthusiasm is getting the better of me (1st PBP experience)!


I'm loving it personally so no worries here.

Eadric Cuthwulf wrote:

RE: Eadric's extensive verbiage.

If I need to reign it in, please let me know. My enthusiasm is getting the better of me (1st PBP experience)!


Keep on, it makes the roleplaying better.

Also, I'm from Israel (GMT+2)

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Thanks guys!

My wife's parents are staying with us tonight and Saturday... and our (myself and Lupus') local group plays this Sunday... so I won't be posting much this weekend. Most likely! ;)

This should give everyone else a chance to get a post in edgewise! :)


PS 2 Canucks, 4 Yanks, 1 Brit and an Israeli. Very cool!

Taking time off and the battle is just beginning! Shame on you...LOL's don't worry about it, if things move slowly all the better. I am DM'ing the last chapter of Crimson Throne as well with my 5 year tabletop group so I am plenty busy!

BTW keep on posting, keep me excited about moving forward with the campaign!

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Not so much taking time off, more like just posting at a normal rate. Unlike the avalanche of posts I have been spewing! :)

I'll do my best not to slow things down...

So you are saying that there IS a battle beginning? :)

Eadric Cuthwulf wrote:

Not so much taking time off, more like just posting at a normal rate. Unlike the avalanche of posts I have been spewing! :)

I'll do my best not to slow things down...

So you are saying that there IS a battle beginning? :)

Hmmm, lets see first map with characters, strange hump in the probably not an encounter, just a visual enhancement to my story telling...since you can't see me, please insert sarcasm here.

BTW since this is my first PBP, please feel free to give me feedback. I have a thick skin after 29 years of DM'ing so if I do something that doesn't work in a PBP be sure to let me know. I am a player in a PBP so I am using the lessons learned from that to try and make this work.

DK so far i would say it is excellent as this is my first ever PBP of any kind. I am looking forward to checking the boards daily.

I just wish I could get a word in edgewise on Eadric:)

Truthfully I wish i could post more often i feel like I am not holding up my end. I can usually check the boards when I am at work but often do not have the five minutes to post any responses hopefully work will slow down a little in the future:)

Oh and Eadric hope I do not mistakenly shoot you :)

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