Star Wars - Dawn of Defiance PbP - GM Kalderaan - OOC Postings

Play-by-Post Discussion

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This will be the out-of-character discussion thread for the Dawn of Defiance. Examples of posts will be character creation, character advancement, etc.

Male Human

Dotting. :-D

Male Human

Something I came across.

Star Wars Saga Edition Errata and Clarifications

I do not yet have a destiny selected for Stone. Is there something that would be appropriate for him given the adventure path?

Male Human

Markofbane, unless I am mistaken, Stone's Fortitude Defense and Threshold scores at level 1 should be 15 (10 + character level + class bonus + Constitution modifier) and his Will Defense should be 13 (10 + character level + class bonus + Wisdom modifier). :-)

F. Castor wrote:
Markofbane, unless I am mistaken, Stone's Fortitude Defense and Threshold scores at level 1 should be 15 (10 + character level + class bonus + Constitution modifier) and his Will Defense should be 13 (10 + character level + class bonus + Wisdom modifier). :-)

Thanks! When I level him up, I'll try to do it when I have my book at hand. I think I left the level out when I did that originally... Though I have been RPGing for decades, Stone is my first SW Saga character, so I appreciate the tips!

Male Human

First time playing Star Wars Saga for me too actually. :-)

For all of those without a Destiny or have a "secret" destiny, I have selected the Discovery destiny.

Stone - could you also update your background? I remember reading it once upon a time but it is cut off in your character profile.


This is also my first time. Great game so far Kalderaan. I will level up tomorrow. I am doing work tonight for my Friday D&D game.

Hey folks, I was thinking about a couple of house rules but I wanted your input first.

1. A "20" attack roll gives double damage. What do you think of a natural "1" causing a jam on a weapon (ranged) weapon. Not sure on something happening on a melee weapon. A jam could be fixed as a move action if you had a spare energy pack handy.

2. Skill Focus - Use the Force: can't be taken until 7th level (Jedi Knight).


The gun rules seem pretty D&D standard. So that is ok, is it 1 round standard or swift action to "unjam" a blaster?

The Use Force as I am not a Jedi I will remain silent on, I think the Jedi need to chime in on that one :-)

My updates:

HP = +5

Skills - +1 to all skills,

6 Force Points

Bonus Feat - Precise Shot.

Let me know if I missed anything, if not I will update my character sheet today.


All updated, with the Starship Designer feat.

As for the house rules, the first one seems fine. As for the Use the Force focus, I'm not a Jedi, but it seems punitive to not allow them to take the feat. I mean, if I can take the Skill Focus: Mechanics feat and get a +14 to it, why shouldn't a Jedi? The UTF skill is pretty bland, aside from enabling their powers, and that's really most of what a Jedi has. And given the Galactic state, using it will probably result in bad things.

Allerick Hosh wrote:

All updated, with the Starship Designer feat.

As for the house rules, the first one seems fine. As for the Use the Force focus, I'm not a Jedi, but it seems punitive to not allow them to take the feat. I mean, if I can take the Skill Focus: Mechanics feat and get a +14 to it, why shouldn't a Jedi? The UTF skill is pretty bland, aside from enabling their powers, and that's really most of what a Jedi has. And given the Galactic state, using it will probably result in bad things.

The biggest reason is Use the Force and Force Powers target defenses, not a Difficulity Class (DC) like most skills do.

Male Human


2 Destiny Points, 6 Force Points, +8 HP, +1 to attack and Defenses, +1 to all trained skills, Jedi bonus feat: Martial Arts I (base unarmed damage 1d6, +1 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense).

Out of curiosity, what does the Starship Designer feat do?

F. Castor wrote:


2 Destiny Points, 6 Force Points, +8 HP, +1 to attack and Defenses, +1 to all trained skills, Jedi bonus feat: Martial Arts I (base unarmed damage 1d6, +1 dodge bonus to Reflex Defense).

Out of curiosity, what does the Starship Designer feat do?

You are good to go on your character advancement.

I believe Starship Desinger allows you to design a ship from scratch or upgrade an existing ship with new features.

Dennis Harry wrote:

The gun rules seem pretty D&D standard. So that is ok, is it 1 round standard or swift action to "unjam" a blaster?

The Use Force as I am not a Jedi I will remain silent on, I think the Jedi need to chime in on that one :-)

My updates:

HP = +5

Skills - +1 to all skills,

6 Force Points

Bonus Feat - Precise Shot.

Let me know if I missed anything, if not I will update my character sheet today.


You get another Destiny Point (should be 2).

Your force points get refreshed (I believe to 6).
Your Base Attack Bonus should go up to +1.

You also get +1 to all your Defenses but I believe you have updated that already.

Allerick Hosh wrote:

All updated, with the Starship Designer feat.

As for the house rules, the first one seems fine. As for the Use the Force focus, I'm not a Jedi, but it seems punitive to not allow them to take the feat. I mean, if I can take the Skill Focus: Mechanics feat and get a +14 to it, why shouldn't a Jedi? The UTF skill is pretty bland, aside from enabling their powers, and that's really most of what a Jedi has. And given the Galactic state, using it will probably result in bad things.

You are all set with your advancement Allerick.

I did not update Defenses yet :0)

I will update the sheet today.

Okay, I have Stone leveled up with two exceptions: I need to add a feat for his new level and I need to check my math on some of my stats. I took care of the cut off appearance and background text, and added some spoiler tags to clean it up some.

Male Human

If you need a hand, your Defenses at 2nd level should be as follows:

Reflex 16, Will 14, Fortitude 16

Threshold should also be 16.

I do hope I am not stepping on any toes here by the way.

F. Castor wrote:

If you need a hand, your Defenses at 2nd level should be as follows:

Reflex 16, Will 14, Fortitude 16

Threshold should also be 16.

I do hope I am not stepping on any toes here by the way.

Stone - I agree on the math.

Reflex = 10 + 2 (level) + 1 (Class bonus) + 2 (Dex mod)+ 1 (Martial Arts feat) = 16

Will = 10 + 2 (Level) + 2 (Wis mod)= 14

Fort = 10 + 2 (Level) + 2 (Class bonus) + 2 (Con mod) = 16

Eamch Stone wrote:
Okay, I have Stone leveled up with two exceptions: I need to add a feat for his new level and I need to check my math on some of my stats. I took care of the cut off appearance and background text, and added some spoiler tags to clean it up some.

Thank you for the changes. It looks fantastic!

Are you seeking recommendations for a feat?

Castor and Kalderaan, thanks for the help on the numbers! I just don't have the book with me at work so I was trying to do it from distant memory.

For feats, I was considering Point Blank Shot. It is immediately useful, and a prereq for Gunslinger. I am also considering Pin, as a prereq for Pin and Crush, so I have a less lethal or less obvious method of combat.

For long term pathing, I am looking at staying with Soldier through level 7. At that point, take one or three levels of Gunslinger and then finish out his levels with Elite Soldier and possibly a couple more levels of Soldier.

Eamch Stone wrote:

Castor and Kalderaan, thanks for the help on the numbers! I just don't have the book with me at work so I was trying to do it from distant memory.

For feats, I was considering Point Blank Shot. It is immediately useful, and a prereq for Gunslinger. I am also considering Pin, as a prereq for Pin and Crush, so I have a less lethal or less obvious method of combat.

For long term pathing, I am looking at staying with Soldier through level 7. At that point, take one or three levels of Gunslinger and then finish out his levels with Elite Soldier and possibly a couple more levels of Soldier.

Sounds great. My 2 cents for feat is for the ranged attacks since they tend to be more common.

Dennis Harry wrote:

I did not update Defenses yet :0)

I will update the sheet today.

Dennis - you look to be in order, however, you have Point blank shot twice in your feats. I believe your last entry was going to be Precise shot, yes?

Thanks! Point Blank Shot it is! Stone is leveled up and ready to go on.

Yes Precise Shot, that is what happens when you rush updates at work!

I will change that and I believe I am done.

Dennis Harry wrote:

Yes Precise Shot, that is what happens when you rush updates at work!

I will change that and I believe I am done.

Yes, that was the last item - you are good to go!

markofbane wrote:
Thanks! Point Blank Shot it is! Stone is leveled up and ready to go on.

I checked - you are good to go!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Nerd 5/Expert 1

I actually already did all of the level up except picking my bonus feat. Need to dig my SAGA book out of my stuff, as I moved right before I left on tour with my university choir. Expect to see the feat selection by the end of the day!

Male Human

I also believe the damage from the various melee and ranged attacks needs a bonus of +1, which is derived by 1/2 character level in particular. Could be wrong since I do not have the books with me currently being at work and all. :-)

F. Castor wrote:
I also believe the damage from the various melee and ranged attacks needs a bonus of +1, which is derived by 1/2 character level in particular. Could be wrong since I do not have the books with me currently being at work and all. :-)

That is correct - +1 damage for all attacks from 1/2 level (now 2)

Colvin needs to update his damage as well.

Male Human

Kalderaan, if at any point my comments become too much, be sure to tell me. The last thing I want is to step on your toes. I am just a bit obsessive-compulsive when it comes to the number-crunching part of RPGs. :-)

F. Castor wrote:
Kalderaan, if at any point my comments become too much, be sure to tell me. The last thing I want is to step on your toes. I am just a bit obsessive-compulsive when it comes to the number-crunching part of RPGs. :-)

No worries! We're a team - I appreciate the help.

Liberty's Edge

Alright, assuming my welcome to the game from the other thread is still available, I'm reading through the posts right now for the game thread and will have a character whipped up shortly. Can one of you give me a rundown on exactly what classes are still here? From the start I saw:

Soldier - Pistol/martial artist
Jedi - Lightsabre wielder
Scoundrel - Tech Specialist
Scout - Trandoshan Bruiser
Jedi - Telekinetics
Scoundrel - Roguish

But I'm not yet sure who is actively still playing and who has been added. That will aid me in getting my character going.



Edit: Also, DM if you could give me something of a heads-up in regards to the spot you said would be good to bring in my character, it might allow for me to work it into my background better. Any info that would be pertinent to my characters history can be sent two felixcosima at gmail dot com

Male Human

If I may be of assistance...

With the exception of the Scout - Trandoshan Bruiser (Surussk), the rest are actively playing.

The Scoundrel - Tech Specialist (Allerick Hosh) and the Jedi - Telekinetics (Tamara Kess) have been in the game from the start. The Soldier - Pistol/martial artist (Eamch Stone), the Jedi - Lightsaber wielder (Alistair Cray) and the Scoundrel - Roguish (Colvin Dashwind) entered the game a little after it had started. :-)

Liberty's Edge

Sounds good to me. I think that I might lean towards a noble with a focus on medical skills, maybe touching on officer training. I'll have to give it a better look as I finish reading the thread. Just finished up with the switch fight.

Things certainly look interesting so far.

Tarlane wrote:

Sounds good to me. I think that I might lean towards a noble with a focus on medical skills, maybe touching on officer training. I'll have to give it a better look as I finish reading the thread. Just finished up with the switch fight.

Things certainly look interesting so far.

That would be a perfect fit here. I sent you an e-mail off-line with a few further points of interest.

Glad you are feeling better and you are back.

I will update my damage, loving the game so far!!! :-)

Liberty's Edge

Quick question for the Dm. Are there any special books allowed/disallowed from our character creation? Right now I am looking to be human and going pure noble, but I was thinking to pick up the medic class if that is available to me(admittedly, not available for 5 levels). I believe it was from the force unleashed book, but I'll have to flip through my books to ensure that. If it may be allowed, but you don't have the book I can fire over the exact details of the class to you for your approval.

If not, then I'm quite happy just going pure noble- almost all inspiration tree with a bit of leadership I believe. Right now I am just curious in terms of whether I should adjust my feat/talent selection now to be ready for the other class later.

Edit: Also, we are a pretty human heavy group so far. Would it give us more diversity if I went Ithorian instead, which certainly adds to the 'protect life' idea of a medic, or is everyone happy with being human-centric?

Tarlane wrote:

Quick question for the Dm. Are there any special books allowed/disallowed from our character creation? Right now I am looking to be human and going pure noble, but I was thinking to pick up the medic class if that is available to me(admittedly, not available for 5 levels). I believe it was from the force unleashed book, but I'll have to flip through my books to ensure that. If it may be allowed, but you don't have the book I can fire over the exact details of the class to you for your approval.

If not, then I'm quite happy just going pure noble- almost all inspiration tree with a bit of leadership I believe. Right now I am just curious in terms of whether I should adjust my feat/talent selection now to be ready for the other class later.

Edit: Also, we are a pretty human heavy group so far. Would it give us more diversity if I went Ithorian instead, which certainly adds to the 'protect life' idea of a medic, or is everyone happy with being human-centric?

Let me read up on the Medic Prestige class. I should have an answer for you tomorrow.

I was somewhat surprised at the human-centric party but not displeased. I know it started fairly diverse in the initial discussions (Wookie, Trandoshan, Mon Cal, etc.). Pick whatever you would like - I'm sure the party would adjust either way.

Liberty's Edge

Sounds fair to me, DM. Just so I can be ready to hop in the action whenever you want me to I'll try and get my character done tonight assuming that I'm just all noble. I will have plenty of time to pick up any feats I may need later anyway.

Don't worry too much about the prestige if you are iffy about it at all. It just seemed a way to specialize a bit more in letting my medic skills be more usable in combat. I am not heart set on it or anything.



Tarlane wrote:

Sounds fair to me, DM. Just so I can be ready to hop in the action whenever you want me to I'll try and get my character done tonight assuming that I'm just all noble. I will have plenty of time to pick up any feats I may need later anyway.

Don't worry too much about the prestige if you are iffy about it at all. It just seemed a way to specialize a bit more in letting my medic skills be more usable in combat. I am not heart set on it or anything.



I reviewed the Medic Prestige Class and it is fine by me.

Also, please call me Cary. DM seems so impersonal. ;)

I think I am going to build towards the Gunslinger Prestige Class.

Male Human

I will be going towards the Jedi Knight prestige class, with the Jedi Master being a long-term goal. Surprise, surprise, huh? :-P

If I may ask...

At 7th level Alistair will be allowed to make his very own lightsaber. Reading the Jedi Academy Training Manual supplement, I saw some very nice variations of the standard lightsaber. Not the crystal part actually (not interested in any variant crystals anyway), but the hilts (the dueling variant in particular) and the modifications (the Force-activated in particular). I know it is far too early, but would those be allowed?

Allerick is probably heading toward a combat engineer or saboteur path. Or perhaps Jedi Master. You never know, do you? ;)

F. Castor wrote:

I will be going towards the Jedi Knight prestige class, with the Jedi Master being a long-term goal. Surprise, surprise, huh? :-P

If I may ask...

At 7th level Alistair will be allowed to make his very own lightsaber. Reading the Jedi Academy Training Manual supplement, I saw some very nice variations of the standard lightsaber. Not the crystal part actually (not interested in any variant crystals anyway), but the hilts (the dueling variant in particular) and the modifications (the Force-activated in particular). I know it is far too early, but would those be allowed?

Let me read up on the variants and I will let you know. You will be able to make your own lightsaber but I need to know what else is in store.

Allerick Hosh wrote:
Allerick is probably heading toward a combat engineer or saboteur path. Or perhaps Jedi Master. You never know, do you? ;)

I was thinking the Alarming Cynic Prestige Class. ;)

Well I think my character is up and correct now, Cary. I'll just need to flesh out the background I had sent over to you through email, and I'll work on getting a better description up for him.

Let me know if you see any errors in the character and I'll be ready to pose in whenever you wish me to.



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