What level can I begin a Dragon Disciple if I need 5 ranks in Arcana?

Rules Questions

In the book/on the SRD it says this:
"You can never have more ranks in a skill than your total number of Hit Dice."

I want to get to the Dragon Disciple prestige class as soon as I can. So I'm leveling as a fighter, and taking only one level as a sorcerer. I'm assuming each level is considered a hit dice, which would mean I can start the prestige at 6th level. But when I was playing around with Hero Lab, it allowed me to start it at 5th level though. Or maybe the reason is because I can put a rank in Arcana in 5th level which would give me 5 ranks, so I can take the prestige also...

Any thoughts? Thanks!

Adam Zeliasz wrote:

In the book/on the SRD it says this:

"You can never have more ranks in a skill than your total number of Hit Dice."

I want to get to the Dragon Disciple prestige class as soon as I can. So I'm leveling as a fighter, and taking only one level as a sorcerer. I'm assuming each level is considered a hit dice, which would mean I can start the prestige at 6th level. But when I was playing around with Hero Lab, it allowed me to start it at 5th level though. Or maybe the reason is because I can put a rank in Arcana in 5th level which would give me 5 ranks, so I can take the prestige also...

Any thoughts? Thanks!

You can start the class at 6th. At 5th, you will have the 5 ranks in Knowledge (Arcane) and spellcasting ability met. You need to meet the specific requirements of a PrC before you enter it (says so at the start of the section in the PRD). You'd meet the prereqs at 5th, then next level go into it. No skin off your nose going a level early though.

You need 5 ranks before you may take the PRC. So 6th level is the earliest you may do so. Your program is in error.

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