Third Eye

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Liz Courts wrote:
Updated with final cover image.

Inspired by Silence of the Lambs, eh?

Artanthos wrote:
Hero Lab provided the correct numbers for my bladebound magus builds.

And you're also getting the + to damage as well?

He's built with Weapon Finesse and Dance +2. Like I said it's correct with a normal scimitar, but with a Black Blade scimitar it only gives me the + to hit, not to damage.

Does the Dervish Dance feat not apply to a scimitar Black Blade, or it is a Hero Lab bug?

I configured a Magus with that feat and weapon, as well as a regular scimitar. It give me the correct bonus to hit with both, except it does not give me the damage bonus with the Black Blade, only the normal scimitar.


Thanks everyone!

Can you get slam AND 2 claws within the barrage of attacks?

I'm creating a 6th level eidolon. It says that the max number attacks is 4, NOT including any weapons it may possess. So if I want to create a biped with claws, how would I configure it to utilize it to have the maximum number of attacks? I'm trying to create a genie type of eidolon.

Based on what I read I get 2 claws automatically, so that's 2 attacks. If i take bite that's another. If I want a 4th I would have to include a tail or gore?

What about if I get 2 more arms? Could I place a weapon in one and get a 5th attack?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

David knott 242 wrote:

An easier approach might be just to play a dhampir for the mechanics, then make up whatever story you want for the character's background.

Originally I was thinking that, but I wanted to create something that will give it more traditional vampire qualities that are found in books and movies. There are a lot of great traits that help with that.

It's all about background story BltzKrg242.

Anyways I don't seem to grasp the concept of what the subtypes do, other than give you a starting "template" for the ones that cost you some points. Anyone else have an ideas on what the purpose of those are for?

Anyone? :)


It's interesting that Hero Lab would allow you to add both, that's why I asked if the effects stacked.

Or are you Blinded only for 1 round, and then it turns into Dazzled as long as you remain in the area? Can you choose both?

If I'd like to create a half-vampire race; do I need to take the Half-Undead custom racial quality, or can I use the custom racial traits to build it?

I have a 11pt build, so I can use my points more effectively mixing and matching rather than taking the half-undead which is worth 5 points.

Thoughts? Thanks.

Grick wrote:
Adam Zeliasz wrote:
I'm using the Advance Race Guide to create a race, but I'm not sure what the difference is between the two.

Light Blindness (Ex): "Creatures with light blindness are blinded for 1 round if exposed to <b>bright light</b>, such as sunlight or the daylight spell. <b>Such creatures are dazzled as long as they remain in areas of bright light.</b>

Format: light blindness; Location: Weaknesses."

Light Sensitivity (Ex): "Creatures with light sensitivity <b>are dazzled in areas of bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.</b>

Format: Weakness light sensitivity; Location: Weaknesses."



It still doesn't help. They both talk about being dazzled as long as you remain in the area.

I'm using the Advance Race Guide to create a race, but I'm not sure what the difference is between the two. They seem the same other than the wording. But either way as long as you're in the area you get effected.

One is worth -1 point and the other is -2poits. Can you take both and would they stack? In Her Lab it allows you to take both.

Thoughts? Thanks.


Phasics wrote:

Ability damage is temporary and heals at 1 point per day. so in your case you would heal 1 CON every day your not in sunlight.

Ability Drain is the other kind of ability damage and that requires restoration spells, but fortunately not in your case.

Im playing around with creating a half-vampire race instead of using a Dhampir, so that would be a significant disadvantage unless I can heal more points per day.

And what does exposure to sunlight mean exactly? Do I have to have beams of sunlight hit my skin, or will wearing a cloak/gloves or being outside when it's overcast prevent me from taking damage?

How do you heal the 'vulnerable to sunlight' racial trait, which gives me a -1 to CON every hour Im exposed? Will resting do that, or only a restoration spell will repair that damage?


It's legal to own saves in Katapesh, and I think it's the way you treat them that determines how they would behave to the owner and party. Plus I also enjoy some interesting role-play since we have a Paladin in the group that hates the ideal of slavery. I feel that character builds that are outside-of-the-box creates a unique role-playing experience and interaction between everyone.

All good suggestions, thanks! Anyone else? :) I'm trying to get good feel from other players as well as GM's to help my argument.

I'm a 7th level ninja in the Legacy of Fire campaign setting. My family background is selling of exotic slaves in Katapesh, and I choose to set up a merchant shop selling them as well in Kelmarine at the end of book one.

A quick background of the cohort is that she's a slave that I rescued (bought), and my family and me treated her well. I've grown fond of her over the years, and we developed a romantic relationship. So she's in essence my own personal slave. She rose up in our merchant shop and became a mistress, managing and training all the slaves we own. Now she wants to adventure forth and see the world at my side. I created her as a 5th level bard, focused on dance and using a bladed scarf as a weapon. So she has spells, skills and abilities that fit the slave theme very well.

Our GM doesn't like the idea of having a slave as a cohort. He says it's a "hero" NPC, and the slave mentality wouldn't fit. I'd play her fairly; she would entertain us with her dancing and cooking, but I would never order her to do anything that seemed demeaning or morally questionable, especially since I do have that romantic relationship established.

What are you thoughts?

If Im playing an armored rouge with Major Magic and I choose Shield, do I get a Arcane Spell Failure Chance for wearing the armor?


Jiggy wrote:
Hm... Maybe it wasn't going to hit you with the nonproficiency penalty while you still had unassigned feats floating around that could have become proficiency?

I tried it again and made sure I distributed all my feats, and it still comes up a +1.

Jiggy wrote:
Adam Zeliasz wrote:
Then it's another bug in hero lab. I chose a 1st level fighter, half elf, and then took the Curved Elven Blade and it game me a +1 without the feat.

It only gave you a +1 to hit? Then it might be right. Nonproficiency doesn't mean you can't use it; it means you take a -4 penalty to attack rolls with it.

So if you have BAB +1 and 18 STR (or DEX, if you have Weapon Finesse) for a total of +5, then using the ECB nonproficiently would leave you with a net total of +1 to hit.

All my attributes were at 10. I just chose my race, class, and added that weapon which gave me a +1

Then it's another bug in hero lab. I chose a 1st level fighter, half elf, and then took the Curved Elven Blade and it game me a +1 without the feat.

I did take one level of fighter, so maybe it does become a marital weapon for a half-elf.

If you play a half-elf, do you automatically gain proficiency with the Curved Elven Blade since I'm partial elf? Hero Lab is saying that I do, so I don't need the exotic weapon proficiency, but I wanted to run the rules by the experts. ;)


We're going to be starting a Legacy of Fire Campaign. So I'd like to build a Ninja who specializes in a Scorpion Whip and Shruiken's, focusing on Sneak Attack damage bonuses. Think of the assassins in the Prince of Persia movie. We have a group of 4; a Paladin, Magus, Oracle, and finally me...

We have a 20 pt build, so here are my thoughts:

Dex Bonus
Alternate Racial Trait - Ancestral Arms (Whip)


The part that I need help with is building a Ninja that will give me the greatest chance of being able to use my Sneak Attack damage bonus. Specializing in the Whip requires quite a few feats, and of course there is Feint as well as Trip and Disarm. I'm use to playing fighter types that do a ton a damage every turn, so I'd like to do something similar with a Ninja so I dont get frustrated with trying something new.

Thoughts or advice?

Whip Definition

"The whip is treated as a melee weapon with 15-foot reach, though you don't threaten the area into which you can make an attack. In addition, unlike most other weapons with reach, you can use it against foes anywhere within your reach (including adjacent foes).

Using a whip provokes an attack of opportunity, just as if you had used a ranged weapon."


I wanted to make a ninja and use the scorpion whip. Can you use sneak attack with it?

Deidre Tiriel wrote:

The point was that there are some *nice* falchions and scimitars available as loot in the campaign - ones you won't be able to afford to buy. Also, you won't always have access to Katapesh. As long as you don't take any feats or traits limiting you to the curve blade, you should be able to use whatever you find.

btw - what I meant by "no elves" is that there aren't any elf npcs. I'm trying to give advice as someone who has played the campaign, yet I don't want to give spoilers.

Good to know, thanks!

From the Companion Players Guide, There are a variety of races including elves. And I can pretty much get my hands on any weapon since Katapesh sells just about anything.

A falchion might fit better, Im just looking at something that will give me some decent damamge as well as a 15-20 crit after I apply Keen to my blade.

We're starting the Legacy of Fire campaign soon, and its to heavily revolve around Genie's and the "Persian" theme. I don't know all the archetypes of the various classes, so I was looking for advice about what to play that would incorporate the Suli race, and have some sort of "elemental" feel within this setting. I prefer more of a warrior type, thinking about using a Curved Elven Blade two handed, with Keen eventually added to it. We get 25 points for attribute dispersion. Any thoughts? Thanks!

Secane wrote:
Adam Zeliasz wrote:

Im a follower of Sarenrae, so I was thinking about the Scimitar with Keen, giving me a 15-20 x2 critical, plus Flame of the Dawn Flower trait giving me an additional 2 points of damage when the crit is a success.

Or what about a Bastard Sword with Keen, 17-20 critical? Granted it needs the exotic weapon feat to use it one handed.

Im playing a level 8 character, Cleric/Holy Vindicator with plate and a shield. My attributes are as follows:
STR 16
Dex 12
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 19
CHA 16


!!! You don't have to go with high Str as a Battle Cleric.

There are currently 2 ways in Pathfinder for a Cleric to use his Wisdom in place of Str when Attacking! One of the methods even allows damage to be replaced!

Method 1) Feats, Channel Smite(CRB) and Guided Hand(UC).
The key here is the feat Guided Hand that requires Channel Smite to obtain.

Guided Hand - Benefit: With your deity’s favored weapon, you can use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier on attack rolls.

This allows you to focus on a high Wis to attack. Damage is still key off Str, but you can overcome this with spells like Bull's Strength and Magic Weapon and Divine Favor.

Method 2) Guided Weapon Property from Pathfinder 10: A History of Ashes. apon-property---guided
Guided Weapon
Source: Pathfinder 10.

Aura moderate evocation; CL 7th; Slot weapon quality; Price +1 bonus.

A weapon with the guided property allows its wielder to use his instinct when striking blows with it. Attacks from a guided weapon generally don’t strike hard, but they strike at precisely the right moment to maximize damage if in the hands of a particularly wise wielder. A character who attacks with a guided weapon modifies his attack rolls and weapon damage rolls with his Wisdom modifier, not his Strength...

Awesome suggestions! I'm definitely diggin Guided Weapon!! Now I have to run it by the GM...

Im debating between that and flaming since I have 8 channel energies. I'm also a Holy Vindicator so I also need to use those to power my shield and heal the party...

So it's only the 1D6+1, similar to Flaming with some additional benefits?

Im confused as to what this addition to a weapon does.

So it gives it a +1, lasts 1 round per D6 of channel energy, counts as good and silver for damage reduction, but how much damage does it actually do? It says a D6 but then it talks about the flame strike spell... Thoughts?

Thanks everyone!

I think Im going to stick with the scimitar, and choose the Glory and Fire domains.

Fromper wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

You're a battle cleric of Sarenrae?

Scimitar it is!

Yeah, not all deities focus that much on their favored weapon, or care if their clerics use it, but Sarenrae is definitely one that does. Her followers are all about the scimitars.

I dont think the GM is really going to care one way or another. I would be nice to use their favorite weapon, but I also want something that's going to do some decent damage too.

Im a follower of Sarenrae, so I was thinking about the Scimitar with Keen, giving me a 15-20 x2 critical, plus Flame of the Dawn Flower trait giving me an additional 2 points of damage when the crit is a success.

Or what about a Bastard Sword with Keen, 17-20 critical? Granted it needs the exotic weapon feat to use it one handed.

Im playing a level 8 character, Cleric/Holy Vindicator with plate and a shield. My attributes are as follows:
STR 16
Dex 12
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 19
CHA 16


Good question. I have both the Adventurer Armory and the Inner Sea World Guide. When I configured two characters, one with each book, the Inner Sea World wouldn't give me the bonus but the Adventurer Armory would. Have them both active for one character would let me use the Weapon Finesse feat.

So which one takes precedence?!

After reading that thread, he doesn't make any mention about letting Weapon Finesse to be used. Unless Im missing it...

Does anyone have a link to where James said that either works? Just so I can run it by my GM. :)

Grick wrote:
Adam Zeliasz wrote:
If I get the Exotic Weapon Proficiency Feat and choose Sawtooth Sabre, can I also gain the benefit of using Weapon Finesse for it?

Which version of the weapon are you using?

IIRC one of the newer books listed the Sawtooth saber as being light ONLY for TWF. James says it's OK to use whichever version you want, though.

Well I'm using the Pathfinder rules, and I have most of the add-ons to Herolab so I'm assuming the weapon is the most recent version. Who is James?

If I get the Exotic Weapon Proficiency Feat and choose Sawtooth Sabre, can I also gain the benefit of using Weapon Finesse for it? Herolab is giving me my DEX bonus to hit with using that weapon. My GM says that's incorrect, I can only gain the benefit of it being a "light" weapon for Two Hand Fighting thanks to the Exotic Feat. The Weapon Finesse Feat should not apply. Thoughts?

Jeff1964 wrote:
Adam Zeliasz wrote:
The party understands that I'd like to be in the front lines and Channel heal when needed. We also have a witch that heals as well as a quite a few healing potions so I feel that we're covered.
Don't forget to pick up Selective Channeling if you're going to depend on Channeling for healing, otherwise you wind up healing the enemy from the front lines.

Got that and extra channeling, thanks.

calagnar wrote:

You started with: 16 STR, 12 DEX, 10 CON, 8 INT, 14 WIS, 16 CHA

This is a good if your going HV with heavy armor and shield. The advantage here is BAB and damage.

Personly: 10Str 18Dex 10Con 8Int 14Wis 16Cha
Take two levels of paladin, and two levels of monk. Put all level incresses in to Dex. And go Dervish Dance. With the dex incress puts your ac the same as using the shield. Along with given you a higher to hit and damage with the scimitar and a initiative bonus. The advantage here is Divine Grace, Evasion, AC(Yes this will have a higher AC vs HV).

Out of curiosity, how would you level this build up until 12, 6 of Monk and 6 of Paladin?

atheral wrote:

There has been great debate over this topic in my group and we came to this consensus.

If your purpose as cleric is to be the parties primary healer and/or undead bane then do not multiclass as the cleric's class abilities are watered down way too much.

If by some chance your are not the primary healer and the campaign your in is lacking in undead then multiclass but don't completely neglect the cleric class by alternating levels.

Just an opinion of course all characters and players are different and what works for one won't work for everybody.

The party understands that I'd like to be in the front lines and Channel heal when needed. We also have a witch that heals as well as a quite a few healing potions so I feel that we're covered.

My perspective is that I would like to play something enjoyable; so combat based with buffs to enhance my attacks, plus also the ability to heal the party when needed.

Cheapy wrote:

If you do go with HV, you should probably take Versatile Casting, so you can channel negative energy to use in your channel smites.

One of their abilities sickens the enemy when you channel smite, and that's basically useless against Undead.

I don't believe I can choose Versatile Channeling since Sarenrae is a Good Aligned deity.

Jeff1964 wrote:
If you want to mulitclass, I would suggest avoiding Paladin for the simple reason that your healing powers (Lay on Hands and Mercies) will not benefit you as a Dhampir, unless the race has been modified in your game.

You're right, so I need to use Cause Wound spells to heal myself. Channel Energy and any Lay On Hands are for the party.

Thanks everyone!

I automatically get the Heavy Armor proficiency once I start the Holy Vindicator prestige.

calagnar wrote:

If your going to make a melee cleric. The stats you have ok if you where doing a point buy you could have done much better. You will need every point of to hit you can get.

Multiclassing with a fighter is a bad idea. If your going to take levels of a melee class for heavy armor and martal weapons. With your stats. I recomend paladin 2 ( Divine Grace, Detect Evil, Smite Evil 1/day). The bonus to saves with a 16 Cha, and the one smite evil a day to bypass DR is well worth the investment. The other thing to rember is you don't want to start multiclassing a cleric untill level 3 so you have the ability to use lesser restoration scrolls. And will if your in a paizo adventure at this level stock up on like 20 of them if you can.

If you where going scimitar and not going for two weapon fighting. I think you should have going Dervish Dance. Alowing you to change your dex and str. Giving you the same to hit and damage, but a higher initiative bonus. Why still useing the scimitar.

We're playing Rise of the Rune Lords, and we're going to be starting book 2 this week. The point buy is 20, so what would you suggest as far as attribute dispersion?

Dervish Dance wont work since I would like to use a shield and take advantage of Vindicator's Shield from the prestige.

Right now I'm playing a cleric to help heal the party, but I'd like to focus more on melee and be in the front lines. Should I multi-class with a Paladin, and then grab some Holy Avenger?

Im playing a Damphir, level 3 Cleric. My focused domain is Fire. My stats are: 16 STR, 12 DEX, 10 CON, 8 INT, 14 WIS, 16 CHA. I have Extra Channeling and Selective Channeling for my feats. I'm using a Scimitar which will eventually have Keen, giving me a 15-20 critical. I also have Flame of The Dawnflower trait giving me a +2 dam to any critical hits with a Scimitar. I'm also using a shield and eventually I'll be wearing full plate.

Suggestions? Thanks!

Full Name

Ruathan Riadreth


KnowArcana +13, KnowDung +6, KnowEng +6, KnowGeog +6, KnowHist +13, KnowLoc +6, KnowNat +12, KnowNob +6, KnowPla +13, KnowRel +6, Ling +9 (+10 to dec unfam lang), ProfScribe +7, Spellcraft +11 (+12 to dec scrolls, +13 to id mag items)[/spoiler]


Familiar: Ron Weasel (pilferer)

Familiar Skills:
Acrobatics +10 (+6 to jump), Climb +10, Escape Artist +6, Linguistics +0, Perception +5, Spellcraft +2, Stealth +16; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +4 Stealth


Male elf witch 4 | 30/30 | Spells Lvl2: 3/3, Lvl1: 4/4 | AC 16, t 12, f 15 (+4 armor, +1 deflection, +1 Dex, w/Mage Armor) | Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5; +2 vs. ench; Imm sleep | Init +1; low-light; Perc. +7 | Speed 30 ft. [spoiler="Ruathan Skills"]









Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 19
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Ruathan Riadreth

Ruathan Riadreth
Male elf witch 4 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Animal Archive, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 65)
CG Medium humanoid (elf)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7

With Mage Armor (always on, CL1): AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 deflection, +1 Dex)
Without Mage Armor: AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 armor, +1 deflection, +1 Dex)
hp 30 (4d6+12)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +5; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep

Speed 30 ft.
Melee darkwood longspear +3 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks hexes (evil eyeAPG, fortuneAPG, wardAPG)
Witch Spells Prepared (CL 4th; concentration +8)
2nd—blindness/deafness (DC 16), glitterdust (2, DC 16)
1st—aphasia (DC 15), detect secret doors, remove sicknessUM (DC 15), shocking grasp
0 (at will)—detect magic, light, read magic, touch of fatigue (DC 14)
Patron Elements

Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Breadth Of ExperienceAPG, Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Traits observant, self-taught scholar
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (engineering) +6, Knowledge (geography) +6, Knowledge (history) +13, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (nature) +12, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Knowledge (planes) +13, Knowledge (religion) +6, Linguistics +9 (+10 to decipher unfamiliar language), Perception +7, Profession (scribe) +7, Spellcraft +11 (+12 to decipher scrolls, +13 to identify magic item properties); Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Spellcraft to identify magic item properties
Languages Auran, Common, Elven, Osiriani, Shadowtongue, Sylvan, Tien, Varisian
SQ elven magic, witch's familiar (weasel (pilferer) named Ron)
Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds, wand of mage armor (50 charges); Other Gear darkwood longspear, bracers of armor +1, cloak of resistance +1, handy haversack, ring of protection +1, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, mess kitUE, soap, spell component pouch, torch (5), trail rations (5), waterskin, wrist sheath, spring loaded, wrist sheath, spring loaded, 1,487 gp, 5 cp

Special Abilities
Cypher Script You are more efficient at using your spellbook
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Evil Eye -2 (7 rounds, DC 16) (Su) Foe in 30 ft takes penalty to your choice of AC, attacks, saves, ability or skill checks (Will part).
Familiar Bonus: +2 to Reflex saves You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Fortune (1 round) (Su) Ally in 30 ft can roll 2d20 for an attack, save, ability, or skill check (and take higher) once/rd.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Ward +2 (1 at a time) (Su) Ward another, granting +2 to AC and saves until hit or fail a save.
Witch's Familiar (Ex) Gain the services of a special familiar that stores spells.


Weasel (pilferer) (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 133)
N Tiny magical beast (animal)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +5

AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +3 natural, +2 size)
hp 15 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +5

Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee bite +6 (1d3-4)
Space 2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks attach

Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 5
Base Atk +2; CMB +2 (+4 steal); CMD 8 (10 vs. steal, 12 vs. trip)
Feats Improved StealB, APG, Weapon FinesseB
Tricks Attack, Burglar, Come, Fetch, Maneuver (Steal), Seek, Sneak
Skills Acrobatics +10 (+6 to jump), Climb +10, Escape Artist +6, Linguistics +0, Perception +5, Spellcraft +2, Stealth +16; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +4 Stealth
SQ attack, burglar, sneak

Special Abilities
Attach (Ex) If you hit with the listed attack, you can latch on to your opponent.
Attack [Trick] The animal will attack on command.
Burglar [Trick] An animal trained as a burglar knows the come, fetch, maneuver (steal), seek, and sneak tricks. You can order it to steal a specific item you point out.
Climb (20 feet) You have a Climb speed.
Improved Steal You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when stealing.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Sneak [Trick] Creature stays hidden.