Spirit Animals for each PC; Suggest a few?

Homebrew and House Rules

So, I'm writing up my home game-- I do it in the style of the APs so that I can condense everything into a nice adventure while staying in the level and the theme of the adventure, and it helps with the structure of the story (why a level 17 villain would torment level 1 heroes for instance).

I'd been trying to decide where to place it for a while, and I finally decided on the Land of the Linnorm Kings. Cool, so I go with it for a while, and then I realize that I need a neat mechanic. CotCT had the Harrow readings, CoT had fame points, LoF had legacy weapons, RotRL had the sins concept... and I finally pinned down my idea.

I want each PC to have a "spirit animal" that they embody.

But I can't think of a lot of them that are distinctly "Ulfen" or "Viking" enough. I've got a couple...

Aurochs: Represents strength under pressure or endurance-- the mighty aurochs is too stubborn to move for even the forces of magic. At 1st level, grants +2 vs. environmental saving throws and 1 extra hp per level. At 5th level, grants +2 on saving throws vs. fear and magical compulsion. At 10th level, grants immunity to bull-rush and trip attempts. At 15th level, grants a +2 insight bonus to constitution.

Orca: Represents killing intent and mindless power-- the orca kills with frightening power and speed, merciless in its destruction. At 1st level, grants a +2 bonus on swim checks. At 5th level, grants a +2 bonus to confirm critical hits. At 10th level, grants a swim speed of 20 ft. and the Hold Breath special quality. At 15th level, grants a +2 inherent bonus to strength.

Wolf: Represents tenacity and cunning-- the wolf is weak as one but strong as a whole, and uses its intelligence to bring down mighty foes. At 1st level, grants a 5 foot enhancement to movement speed. At 5th level, grants an additional +1 bonus to all Aid Another checks and an extra +1 bonus to hit when flanking. At 10th level, grants an extra die of precision damage or 1d6 of precision damage if none are available. At 15th level, grants a +2 inherent bonus to dexterity.

I was wondering what other suggestions the community might have for totem spirits for the players, as I'm trying hard to justify an animal for each statistic as well as interesting bonuses for each animal (I think I've already exhausted myself today by thinking up unique campaign traits...).

Well if you want to go with animals used by the actual Norse here are a few:

Birds of Prey: Both gods and giants turn into these many times.

Raven: Odin's ravens would fly out and then return to tell him what they saw.

Goat: Thor's chariot was pulled by goats.

Cat: Freyja's chariot was pulled by cats. Blue cats.

SilvercatMoonpaw wrote:

Well if you want to go with animals used by the actual Norse here are a few:

Birds of Prey: Both gods and giants turn into these many times.

Raven: Odin's ravens would fly out and then return to tell him what they saw.

Goat: Thor's chariot was pulled by goats.

Cat: Freyja's chariot was pulled by cats. Blue cats.

I like the raven idea-- now, should I replace owl or eagle with it? It could easily be a wisdom or intelligence totem animal... Cat is kind of silly but I'm certain I could do that as well, dexterity or intelligence.

Goat is just right out. I don't know why it has to be, but it is.

A friend of mine suggested bear. I don't know why I thought of the orca whale before the bear, but, there you go.

Brown or polar bear
Mountain goat
Snow leopard
Arctic fox
Pseudo dragon
Hawk and/or Falcon
Woolly Rhinoceros
Maybe giant octopus or squid or something to get more sea creatures on the list?
Snowy Owl

I think that's all I've got for now.

Grand Lodge

Ice Titan wrote:

Goat is just right out. I don't know why it has to be, but it is.

How about if you change the goat to a Ram?

Oh, and don't forget the Rhemoraz!

Aeshuura wrote:
Ice Titan wrote:

Goat is just right out. I don't know why it has to be, but it is.

How about if you change the goat to a Ram?

Oh, and don't forget the Rhemoraz!

Oh, ram is good. That's much cooler.

Rhemoraz... that's not a bad idea either, but I wanted to keep it animals. Believe me, I already thought of the Hydra and the Dragon, but they're a little out there. Wanted to keep everyone on "even footing" so it doesn't seem like I'm playing favorites by declaring someone the dragon.

Bears. You know, like in berserks?

Raven (wisdom or Int)chaotic...plus smart ass attitude.
Wolf (Int) sneaky, cunning, ruthless.
Stag (Dex or Con) Noble, and elusive.
Dog (Cha or con) Loyal, brave.
Bear (str or con) sturdy, brave, but maybe not so bright.
Cat (cha) slinky, sexual.
Eagle (Wis or Int) aloof, plan's ahead, uses others weakness against them.

That's all I have for the moment ;)

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