Deadly Aim

Rules Questions

Does this feat work for ranged touch attacks?

For example, a wizard casts scorching ray at 3rd level. The wizard rolls a 13 to successfully hit the ranged touch opponent's touch AC. If the wizard had Deadly Aim, would he be able to apply 2 extra points of damage to his 4d6 scorching ray spell at the expense of -1 to hit?

It does not.

Deadly Aim wrote:
Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all ranged attack rolls to gain a +2 bonus on all ranged damage rolls. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.

Relevant portion bolded.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dorkis wrote:

Does this feat work for ranged touch attacks?

For example, a wizard casts scorching ray at 3rd level. The wizard rolls a 13 to successfully hit the ranged touch opponent's touch AC. If the wizard had Deadly Aim, would he be able to apply 2 extra points of damage to his 4d6 scorching ray spell at the expense of -1 to hit?

Nope. Last sentence of the feat: "The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage."


Y'know...I really ought to make a squad of flying monkey ninjas to face off against my players...

Mauril wrote:
Y'know...I really ought to make a squad of flying monkey ninjas to face off against my players...

Our DM did it once and it was a TPK. I do not recommend it prior to having Epic level characters...

Sovereign Court

Thazar wrote:
Mauril wrote:
Y'know...I really ought to make a squad of flying monkey ninjas to face off against my players...

Our DM did it once and it was a TPK. I do not recommend it prior to having Epic level characters...

Yeah, We didn't spank the monkeys. The monkeys spanked us.

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