What's the worst thing that has ever happened at your gaming table?

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Table flip -- At a convention, a particular problem player that had made a module go 'over time' so much that we didn't get a dinner break before a massive interactive event got pissed that the GM refused to give him an entire base of NPCs to kill. Table went flying over into a corner... and then landed back on its legs(!)

Stopped by police for 'gaming material' -- Back in the Dark Ages of Gaming (after a troubled person shot two of his friends and then blamed gaming for the cause) our area went from a 'modest' gaming presence to worse than dancing in 'Footloose'.
Still remember to this day being stopped by a police officer from a nearby community and the question "Do you have any dice or gaming materials on you?" came up as one of the questions. Thankfully, I didn't *at that time*, so it wasn't lying when I said 'no'.
When he requested to search my bag to verify it, and found a model kit for a P-51 Mustang he let me go without any further questioning. Still sticks in my head, though.

Off-duty deputy carrying firearm around LARP without notifying the LARP -- World of Darkness Larp, Vampire the Masquerade, we're holding a special event at a hotel. No problems so far.
Then two different wedding parties that were also at the hotel start to get into a brawl. Off-duty deputy runs into the fray, pulling out his firearm and announcing his presence, etc.
Our policy (in keeping with Mind's Eye Theatre rules) was *NO WEAPONS*.
Deputy got pissed when he came back from handling that situation and we politely told him to leave, or we'd call hotel security AND the Sheriff's department to have him arrested for trespassing. He actually started making a motion that we all took as him reaching for his pistol and we restrained him, and told him to be glad we weren't pressing charges, and to get out...

Scarab Sages

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Stopped by police for 'gaming material' -- Back in the Dark Ages of Gaming (after a troubled person shot two of his friends and then blamed gaming for the cause) our area went from a 'modest' gaming presence to worse than dancing in 'Footloose'.
Still remember to this day being stopped by a police officer from a nearby community and the question "Do you have any dice or gaming materials on you?" came up as one of the questions. Thankfully, I didn't *at that time*, so it wasn't lying when I said 'no'.
When he requested to search my bag to verify it, and found a model kit for a P-51 Mustang he let me go without any further questioning. Still sticks in my head, though.

Holy bananas - I never knew it got to the point of actual law enforcement taking it seriously! Where did you live?

Shadow Lodge

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In game: Mutants & Masterminds game; GM said in his initial set-up that we (the players) are the heroes. Another player and the GM then conspired to rape my character's in game cohort. Both use the excuse that it is what the other player's character would do/it is what the dice made happen. Who the hell does that shit? I left after that session, sent a brief email to the GM that I wouldn't be back, and dropped that game. The GM tried talking me into coming back several times, not understanding why I didn't feel comfortable with that group anymore.

Out of game: One game group I hung out with met at a married couple's rental when we were stationed in the UK. She was cool; he was the idiot we tolerated because she was a cool player. The idiot liked playing with their low key bondage toys when everybody was around. One of those toys was a short, but very real whip. Needless to say, I was walking out of the kitchen and had just stepped through the living room doorway when the idiot flips this thing out right at groin level trying to show how cool he is. Caught me right on the tip of my most sensitive part. Denim only provides so much protection and I was commando at the time. Yes, it bloody well hurt. I saw starts before I blacked out.

Everybody swears I hung in the air for a full minute. The only reason that the idiot didn't get the beating of his life is because I couldn't breath for about an hour. Or stand up. Or see straight. No permanent damage, but I'd rather have been kicked there that hit with a whip. His wife slapped the shit out of him, locked all his toys up, and spent the entire weekend babying me because of that. No, she and I were not having an affair. We really were just friends and she really did just feel bad for me; and I just wanted somebody to hold the bucket in-case I puked. Still, their marriage didn't last much longer either.

Doesn't compare to murder or drunken gun waving, but I do still remember the pain very vividly.

Sovereign Court

Man, I feel great about carrying guns being completely illegal in my country unless one is in active military service or law enforcement, as well as getting a permit to own a firearm is nigh impossible to acquire.

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Hama, all I can say is that I wish guns were illegal in this one...

This wasn't personal experience, but a friend of mine told me this one that happened about 25 years ago at a game he was playing in shortly after he'd moved to a new town. He didn't know the other gamers well, but they seemed pretty cool/nice. It was the third session of the game and they were playing D&D at the GM's house. Anyway, one of the players gets into an argument with the GM over a gray-area rules interpretation. During the argument, the player casually pulls out a real-world, actual .38 revolver and just starts grinning while he argues, gesticulating casually with the gun as if it were a pen. He won't put the gun away after several of them asked him to. The GM backs down, and the game ends shortly thereafter. After the gun-toter had left, the GM calls the cops to report this guy had threatened them with a firearm. My friend stuck around long enough to give a statement to the cops, and then decided he needed to find a different group to join.

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This is a lesson in how I need to be less forgiving.

In/Out of Game: A guy who was a friend of a friend (of a friend, actually) had invited myself and one of the friends over to his house for a new game. The GM was a guy I didn't know, but since I knew a few of the other players, I figured why the hell not. Good group, and we had a lot of fun. One of the guys I didn't know was hosting. At one point, his wife called him into their bedroom to help with something. The timing wasn't great, because it was his turn, but we politely waited for him. About five minutes later, he came back out, zipping up his pants. He smirked, and proudly declared he had just gotten laid. I made a sarcastic comment about how he'd been gone less than five minutes, and the group chimed in with how long it would take to take clothes off, put them back on, etc, and ended teasing him about it for a few minutes. Not terrific behavior, but he had the grace to look embarrassed. We ended up moving the game to another person's house when he was no longer available.

Eventually, a year or two later, that same guy invited me to a game with a GM I didn't know, and another player I did. Game went well, the new GM was actually quite good, very story-driven, and prone to bouts of really long in character conversation. I loved it. After several hours, the FIRST session, the host(Mr. Five Minutes) failed a REALLY trivial roll. I don't even remember what it was now, but it was a simple skill check. The player flipped out, stood up, and said his character slits his own throat. He threw his character sheet on the table, and went into his bedroom. He called out we were welcome to stay and continue the game. Cut to us, awkward as hell, not really wanting to keep playing, and not quite sure what had just happened. We ended up leaving later after he refused to come out, for twenty minutes.

Out of Game: A few years later, we ended up inviting several gaming friends over for a big group. I'm now married, and have a three-year old in the house. A friend also often brought his two-and four-year olds over. All the kids would play together in the adjoining living room, within eyesight of the parents. It was all working out great, and was the first time I ran a homebrew setting: which I am running a game in on these very boards. The setting stuck around, obviously. Here is the facepalm moment. That same player from above(Mr. Five Minutes) was in the game. It had been several years, and a player (a mutual friend) said that the troublesome player had shaped up. Sure enough, he had a good job, had gotten married also; it seemed things had changed for the better.

They hadn't.

We are a few sessions into the game, and he is playing on his cell phone. He, as a joke, played an adult video on his phone, and set it on the table. Something graphic. He was told to knock it off, and he put his phone away. He pulled it back out, and was told in no uncertain terms to KNOCK IT THE HELL OFF, as there were kids in the house. Thankfully they were in my daughter's room at the time.

He did it again, when the kids had come out to have a snack.

And when I say he played the video, I mean he turned the volume up as far as it would go, and made moaning noises along with the women in the video.

He hasn't been allowed back.

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I believe the expression is "threw their toys out of the pram".

Parambulator is UK for baby carriage, shortened to pram.

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

Holy bananas - I never knew it got to the point of actual law enforcement taking it seriously! Where did you live?

Near Wheaton, IL.

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It was a somewhat tempering thing, as well, and why when folks do the 'murder hobo' thing I get a bit unsettled... Because it was not too long ago...

Liberty's Edge

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Haladir wrote:
Hama, all I can say is that I wish guns were illegal in this one...

Just as a counterpoint, I've had several players who carried concealed, including at game. Never any problems of any sort with them. Other people? Yes, as mentioned. Them? No.

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Yeeeesh. I can't measure up to these.

In game: Playing Kingmaker, pre-playing character planning phase. Nobody wants to be the leader, everyone wants me to do it. I agree, roll up my character to be a leader, give my pitch. "He's an aged half-orc with a storied life. He was born in Belkzen but shown mercy by knights of Lastwall. He's well traveled, having been a Drumish serf, an Absolom scholar, an Andoran refugee, and many other statuses over his life. His goal with the Aldori's plan is to establish a Neo-Andoran, with even greater freedoms. A place where everyone is treated equally, even monstrous races. So long as you are a good person, you are welcome in his eyes."
I hoped for support from like minded adventurers, good people with good hearts who would seek the redemption of others over slaying them. What I got was a deceitfully Evil Asmodean ninja, a paladin who was racist against small sized creatures to the point of being willing to let some flooded gnomes drown, Mr Magoo the Flames Oracle, and a splattering of other less memorable characters. Sadly, the Asmodean was the best support I had in my vision...

Out of Game: Back when I was in High School, DnD was picking up amongst the nerdy and I was a DM in high regard. Everyone wanted to be in a game that I DMed, and I wasn't the type of guy to turn someone away. In the end sixteen people wanted to play a game, way more than I could handle at once. Just managing to get five or six together was a scheduling nightmare.
But then inspiration struck!

There was a day in Winter Break that worked for everyone.
I decided to host a big party, everyone was invited.
I would take groups of four into the basement for a couple hours to play DnD, videogames were available in the living room, pizza was in the kitchen, movies in the back room, card games in the dining room. Every couple hours I'd cycle out the group, everyone got to do everything (except for me, but I was host so meh). Everyone was up for it, it was going to be a blast!
I wrote up a big plot, helped people make characters before the big day. Two evil parties, two good parties. Large, interwoven plot; very ambitious of me at that age. Parties would clash at certain points, or interact in others. Was going to be interesting.

Then the big day rolled around. I received one phone call from someone who said they couldn't make it. I had four people show up...and of course they were split right down the center for which side they were on. The other eleven were no call no shows.

Suffice to say, I ordered waaaay too much pizza.

There are worse things that could have happened!

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No such thing as too much left over pizza, cold pizza breakfast anyone, why YES PLEASE!

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Pizza party at your house
I came just to check it out
Thirteen extra larges
What a shame,
No one came!

Just us, sitting there alone
You said, "Take the pizza home"
"No sense letting all this
Go to waste"
But now I'm faced

With pizza all day
Every day
This cheese 'round the clock
Is getting me blocked

(I'll just stop there...)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

In-game: Had my character kill another player character at the behest of the moderator. I don't recall the reason, but the other player was being booted I think.

Out-of-game: The GM freaked out over my wife discussing a rule at the table that he had ruled against us on. Complaints about 'junior DMing' were leveled and we got through the rest of the setting on autopilot. She decided that we wouldn't be gaming with him anymore and I wrote an undiplomatic email to the group mailing list. That was the end of that gaming group, which was probably better for all involved.

Silver Crusade

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This did not happen at my table per say but it's pretty damn funny

Shadow Lodge

Why did you remind me of that? >.<

Another one. This was over a decade ago, nicest guy you would ever want to meet. Give you the shirt off his back type fellow. Gamed with us for years. He moved away from the group in the mid 90s back to his parents house in a town a couple hours away.

Time passes, we only sporadically hear from him. Next thing we know we find out he tried to hold up a liquor store in broad daylight with a BB gun. It didn't succeed and no one was hurt. The store owner saw through the BB gun ruse and ended it before it was started.

Friend is not hurt but does go to prison for attempted robbery. This was a total WTF! moment for all of us that knew him. Turns out he had been battling depression his whole life. Not an excuse for his actions of course.

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Mine isn't RPG related, I've got too bloody many of those to count. This is from a night where my occasional D&D 2E group had gotten together at my apartment just to play some card games as a change of pace.

We're sitting around my kitchen table playing a card game, when we notice one of the players is holding way too many cards, and mention it to him (perfectly politely, we weren't sure if he just didn't know the rules or not). He got up, screamed at us about accusing him of cheating, then got so angry about us "ganging up on him" that he started to cry. Flipped my table, breaking a few bowls snacks that were on it. So I threw him the hell out of my apartment. Haven't really associated with him since.

The game we were playing? Munchkin.

Actually, for a RPG group story... it's an out of character thing. I was running Skulls & Shackles for a group of guys that I didn't know that well, the owner of the local game store had found them for me. I only had one friend in the group. Group is all guys. One of my friends found out about the game, and she wanted to join in. No problem there, she's one of the best roleplayers I know. So we get her character into the game, introduce her to everyone, and get started... which is when I discovered that three of my four original players are MRAs. They'd kept it quiet until a woman joined the game. Things went downhill fast from there. I'd been having a few other issues with them, so at that point I pretty much just pulled the plug on the group and apologised for about three days straight to my friend, though honestly she got a bit of a laugh out of the whole thing (if you pick a fight with her, you need to be a really fast talker to have a hope of winning).

Tinkergoth wrote:

Mine isn't RPG related, I've got too bloody many of those to count. This is from a night where my occasional D&D 2E group had gotten together at my apartment just to play some card games as a change of pace.

We're sitting around my kitchen table playing a card game, when we notice one of the players is holding way too many cards, and mention it to him (perfectly politely, we weren't sure if he just didn't know the rules or not). He got up, screamed at us about accusing him of cheating, then got so angry about us "ganging up on him" that he started to cry. Flipped my table, breaking a few bowls snacks that were on it. So I threw him the hell out of my apartment. Haven't really associated with him since.

The game we were playing? Munchkin.

That's actually really funny because if you get away with cheating in Munchkin, it's all good. Throwing a fit for getting caught is really rich.

Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
This did not happen at my table per say but it's pretty damn funny

Hah! Oh man, reading that sure killed some time. Though I figured it out. It all makes sense IF he lives in Night Vale.

Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that's the guy who tried to tell me how there was a whole group of Tuatha de Danann that I'd clearly just never heard of but he couldn't recall the names of any of them and no amount of Search Fu would find them.

Liberty's Edge

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Out-of-game. Long time ago, with my second gaming group, playing AD&D on a sunny Sunday afternoon shortly before the turn of the century. The table was set on the patio, lovingly painted pewter minis next to our, admittedly, well-thumbed character sheets.

A tad graphic.:
One of the players barfed. No. That doesn't paint the correct picture. One of the players's stomach exploded upwards and out his mouth and nose, turning him into a brief but violently gushing geyser of what could only be described as an overcooked soup made with cow tripe and rotten fish heads, complete with red-brown spongy chunks.
Much like a fireman's hose, the player's mouth showered the entire table, and the two players sitting across from him-a good five feet away-for what seemed like an eternity but was probably closer to a good thirty seconds. Time seemed to slow down to a crawl. Those of us not directly involved could only stare in horror. From the blower-of-chunks, whose eyes were shut closed in sudden and visually excruciating pain, to the abject horror on the faces of those receiving said vile effluvium.
When it finally came to an end, our friend tried to utter an apology, but slid from his chair and hit his nose on the table, hard, adding a sudden, but blessedly small, spray of bright red blood to the unholy mess that the table had become. He then proceeded on his way to the floor, where he lay in a tearful sobbing heap.
Bad prawns. He'd had bad prawns the night before.

I'm so sorry for your friend, but I'm in tears at the punch line.

BUT THE MINI'S! Are the mini's okay?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

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College, in the early '80s. The party is in a bar, asking too many of the wrong kind of questions about local criminals. So, the GM decides that the bartender spikes the party's drinks and will sell them to the crimelords.

One of the players is on the fencing team, and her foil broke off, about 8 inches from the hilt. For whatever reason, she's kept it and she's filed the broken end down to a very sharp point. When she realizes that her character is being drugged, she picks up the 8-inch piercing weapon and tries to kill the GM.

That is, she has one hand on his hair, pulling his head back, and goes after his exposed throat with the weapon.

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Hama wrote:
Man, I feel great about carrying guns being completely illegal in my country unless one is in active military service or law enforcement, as well as getting a permit to own a firearm is nigh impossible to acquire.

Did you miss the fact that the armed guy who intervened was law enforcement?

Sovereign Court

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y'all game with some lunatics.

I got one for out of game. I threw together a game of half my friends have a guy I recently met. As everyone arrives a few of us crack a beer. One of the guys I dont know says, "wait wait this isnt going to be drunken D&D is it? I dont want to play in that type of game." We tell him that no its a few beers adult type of game. His fears are quieted for the time being.

Well a few hours later he has polished off near a 12 pack and is pretty drunk. One of my friends a female player playing a female character casts charm person. The "oh no drunken D&D" guy starts hollering that she uses her huge breasts to charm. Well she was right creeped out and the game session ended with this guy passed out on the front lawn. Only session we played together and now that lady has sworn off gaming. :(

Loren Pechtel wrote:
Hama wrote:
Man, I feel great about carrying guns being completely illegal in my country unless one is in active military service or law enforcement, as well as getting a permit to own a firearm is nigh impossible to acquire.
Did you miss the fact that the armed guy who intervened was law enforcement?

I'll admit, I'm not too sure what the problem was with that story... I'm not sure what the rules are everywhere of course, but the idea of an off-duty cop carrying a weapon everywhere isn't unheard of and I've heard it's required of at least some of them...

He stepped in as law enforcement to break up a brawl that had nothing to do with the game or the gamers... Then was threatened and forcibly evicted from the game...

It hardly seems to rate with the drunken stories, or people pulling guns at the table... or fencing lady holding a blade to the DM... I'm inclined to side with deputy on this one.

Liberty's Edge

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Green Smashomancer wrote:
BUT THE MINI'S! Are the mini's okay?

Good Ral Partha metal minis. Had to be washed and repainted, but the minis themselves got off easy.

Everything made of paper, however, was... too far gone.

Our friend had to be taken to the hospital but made a full recovery. We continued gaming for several more years, before life sent each one in a different direction.

Liberty's Edge

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phantom1592 wrote:

I'll admit, I'm not too sure what the problem was with that story... I'm not sure what the rules are everywhere of course, but the idea of an off-duty cop carrying a weapon everywhere isn't unheard of and I've heard it's required of at least some of them...

He stepped in as law enforcement to break up a brawl that had nothing to do with the game or the gamers... Then was threatened and forcibly evicted from the game...

It hardly seems to rate with the drunken stories, or people pulling guns at the table... or fencing lady holding a blade to the DM... I'm inclined to side with deputy on this one.

There's a strict rule in most theatrical LARPs about not having weapons or even models of weapons on your person (partially for legal liability reasons if it's part of a larger organization). He broke that rule. And, as the people running the game are the ones providing the space, this is roughly the equivalent of coming into someone's home with a gun and not telling them.

It's definitely not the same as the examples you mention, but it is inappropriate behavior and booting someone from the game (and the venue) is a reasonable enough reaction. Threatening them a bit less so, but not completely out of line.

Me, I'd be inclined to let them back next session as long as they didn't bring the gun (or, in my own games rather than as part of an organized thing, mentioned having it), but the guy reaching for his gun is pretty much sure to take those options off the table (if that's what he was doing).

Deadmanwalking wrote:
phantom1592 wrote:

I'll admit, I'm not too sure what the problem was with that story... I'm not sure what the rules are everywhere of course, but the idea of an off-duty cop carrying a weapon everywhere isn't unheard of and I've heard it's required of at least some of them...

He stepped in as law enforcement to break up a brawl that had nothing to do with the game or the gamers... Then was threatened and forcibly evicted from the game...

It hardly seems to rate with the drunken stories, or people pulling guns at the table... or fencing lady holding a blade to the DM... I'm inclined to side with deputy on this one.

There's a strict rule in most theatrical LARPs about not having weapons or even models of weapons on your person (partially for legal liability reasons if it's part of a larger organization). He broke that rule. And, as the people running the game are the ones providing the space, this is roughly the equivalent of coming into someone's home with a gun and not telling them.

It's definitely not the same as the examples you mention, but it is inappropriate behavior and booting someone from the game (and the venue) is a reasonable enough reaction. Threatening them a bit less so, but not completely out of line.

Me, I'd be inclined to let them back next session as long as they didn't bring the gun (or, in my own games rather than as part of an organized thing, mentioned having it), but the guy reaching for his gun is pretty much sure to take those options off the table (if that's what he was doing).

Yeah, I wouldn't have a problem if it was part of his job or if he got rid of it. Lock it up, trunk it, do something like that and all would be forgiven.

Just from the story... I KIND of doubt that he was reaching for it... I think there was some over reacting going on, but if that's the worst that's happened at a game night, that sounds pretty lucky compared to most of these stories featuring drunken sociopaths.

Myself, I play with the same group of well adjusted friends for the past 20 years... so I really don't have any fun stories.

DID try a game in college with some other aquaintences... they promptly thought it would be fun for NPCs to try to rape a character of mine, so I left and never looked back.

Sovereign Court

Loren Pechtel wrote:
Hama wrote:
Man, I feel great about carrying guns being completely illegal in my country unless one is in active military service or law enforcement, as well as getting a permit to own a firearm is nigh impossible to acquire.
Did you miss the fact that the armed guy who intervened was law enforcement?

Here they can't carry guns off-duty.

Deadmanwalking wrote:

There's a strict rule in most theatrical LARPs about not having weapons or even models of weapons on your person (partially for legal liability reasons if it's part of a larger organization). He broke that rule. And, as the people running the game are the ones providing the space, this is roughly the equivalent of coming into someone's home with a gun and not telling them.

It's definitely not the same as the examples you mention, but it is inappropriate behavior and booting someone from the game (and the venue) is a reasonable enough reaction. Threatening them a bit less so, but not completely out of line.

Me, I'd be inclined to let them back next session as long as they didn't bring the gun (or, in my own games rather than as part of an organized thing, mentioned having it), but the guy reaching for his gun is pretty much sure to take those options off the table (if that's what he was doing).

The follow-up on this one: We had two other deputies that locked/trunked their firearms when they came to play. When THEY found out what had happened, they asked to be present during any further conversations.

A month after there was a very tense meeting between the offender and the storytellers, as he came to 'apologize' and then insisted that he had the Right By Law to walk around armed off-duty.

The two other deputies looked at each other, looked at the offender, coughed politely, and suggested that they go 'have a talk outside'.

Individual came back without a sidearm, staff let him back in.

Liberty's Edge

phantom1592 wrote:
Yeah, I wouldn't have a problem if it was part of his job or if he got rid of it. Lock it up, trunk it, do something like that and all would be forgiven.

Yeah, that sounds about right for a LARP. As mentioned, I don't care at all if people are armed at my tabletop games.

phantom1592 wrote:
Just from the story... I KIND of doubt that he was reaching for it... I think there was some over reacting going on, but if that's the worst that's happened at a game night, that sounds pretty lucky compared to most of these stories featuring drunken sociopaths.

Oh, it's comparatively tame, sure. But as compared to the murder stories, so's everything.

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

The follow-up on this one: We had two other deputies that locked/trunked their firearms when they came to play. When THEY found out what had happened, they asked to be present during any further conversations.

A month after there was a very tense meeting between the offender and the storytellers, as he came to 'apologize' and then insisted that he had the Right By Law to walk around armed off-duty.

The two other deputies looked at each other, looked at the offender, coughed politely, and suggested that they go 'have a talk outside'.

Individual came back without a sidearm, staff let him back in.

Yeah, I think that sounds pretty reasonable.

Liberty's Edge

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Every day for about two months in junior high school me and a couple of other kids played D&D with this guy in the school lunchroom.

He would always do weird stuff like sit with his feet in a wastebasket or whisper to himself but I honestly thought he was doing it to get attention and ignored it. Hell I just wanted to play D&D.

He moved to another city after a couple of months and we never saw him again. He only went to school with us for two or three months.

Fast forward a couple of years. I get a phone call from one of the kids from the lunchtime D&D game. After he left our city he went full on Ramirez and started killing small animals and carrying their bones around in a bag. He wore a bird's skull necklace.

He finally ended up taking a couple of little kids in the woods behind his housing complex and killing them. According to articles in the paper around that time he called the little kids "his kenders" and tied them to a tree or something before he killed them. I seriously hate even writing that last paragraph.

This thread has had way more murder than it should.

Here's an article about the murder.
http://pilotonline.com/news/local/crime/families-face-parole-hearing-ordeal -in-va-beach-case/article_2d2b9dc9-2e29-5b38-b7a3-41b45d48a795.html

What do you mean 'full on Ramirez?'

I don't recognize the reference outside of Highlander...

And frankly, hearing all these stories makes me A) Extremely thankful for the group of friends I have... and B) curious if all those Anti-D&D people years back had a point. This hobby draws some SICK people...

Scarab Sages

It also draws the best and the brightest. Such is the way of Chaos!

Scarab Sages

phantom1592 wrote:

What do you mean 'full on Ramirez?'

I believe he is referring to a notorious serial killer from decades ago, also known as "The Night Stalker" - from what little I know, he was what TVTropes would refer to as a "Complete Monster."

Liberty's Edge

phantom1592 wrote:

What do you mean 'full on Ramirez?'

I don't recognize the reference outside of Highlander...

And frankly, hearing all these stories makes me A) Extremely thankful for the group of friends I have... and B) curious if all those Anti-D&D people years back had a point. This hobby draws some SICK people...

Yeah that might have been an odd reference. I was talking about Richard Ramirez. He was a serial killer from the 70s. He drew pentagrams all over everything (including one on his palm during his trial) and it reminded me of Shawn and his bag of bones.

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Seriously this thread got allot darker and way more disturbing than I figured. Just goes to show though, pays to know who you game with.

Worst gamer I ever ran into was the guy who was a little too happy to suggest other players of the PF game he hosted join his BDSM kajira/kajiru slave deal. I politely declined, though I have no issues with said life style, just the large increasingly creepy guy grinning while chatting about his favorite knife and how well it cuts his slaves.

A little background I guess is in order for this story. A friend of mine found this guy on-line looking for a PF game. We joined up and drove to his place. Seemed like an OK guy, if a bit eccentric about not wanting us to bring any of our own gaming books into his house, but, your house, your rules.

So after character generation (slave master guy was GM), he offers to show my friend Jay his dungeon. Now Jay, good dude though he is, is not always fast on the uptake, and thinks this is a gaming dungeon, you know, the basement hangout that every gamer is familiar with.

Well, it wasn't, it was a BDSM dungeon, and Jay has NEVER even seen such a thing, may not even be aware what goes on in such a place. Though after a very uncomfortable 15 minutes of very proud chatting from our host (slave master guy) Jay certainly got an education.

Turns out slave master guy had a tough time keeping players because he was a very overbearing and pushy GM, going so far as to dictate what feats our PC's could take (not book limits, or request for "core only" but literally forcing players to take certain feats, whether they wanted it or not) and making decision about our characters for us. Sufficed to say, game lasted only one additional session.

Just goes to show, it is important to know the context of the term Dungeon Master when starting PF games with folk you have never met before.

Liberty's Edge

My 1E Paladin entered Tomb of Horrors. This was the local legend Gerry the Paladin who I had dutifully played all the way to level 11 and went into ToH like a boss. When he died, like all characters in that damn thing inevitably do, the older kid who was GMing reached across the table and snatched my character sheet, tore it up in front of me and I walked home crying. Ok... I was 9 years old at the time. My Mom saw the trauma on my face, compelled to tell the story and then proceeded to call the other Moms up to complain about what had happened turning it into a huge mess.

Screw Tomb of Horrors! Screw Gary Gygax!

RIP Gerry the Paladin

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I have a question: For those with truly traumatic and HORRIBLE out of game experiences. Is this thread helping? Like do you feel better after getting something off your chest/mind? Is it therapeutic to process this out and see other people go: "Dude! that is messed up!"

Because I HAVE to believe this thread is helping people... otherwise... this is just awful.

Scarab Sages

I guess I should have expected things to get a bit dark after I started with the story of my friend who was murdered.


At the very least this thread serves to make folks aware that you do need to look into people you do not know that you game with. While it may seem invasive or paranoid, it really is not. Given some of the absolutely terrible stories some have told, there is most definitely reason to at least be aware of who you are playing with. Sad but true.

Our chosen hobby represents such a small cross section of people that I think the natural inclination is that these kinds of stories happen to other people.

Think what the stamp collecting forums must be like.

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Threads like this reinforce my philosophy of: No Gaming is BETTER than Bad Gaming.

Liberty's Edge

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Dire Elf wrote:

I guess I should have expected things to get a bit dark after I started with the story of my friend who was murdered.


Honestly we could have been talking about anything.

"What's your worst baseball collecting story?"
"What's the most messed up thing you've seen outside a Burger King?"
We're a large cross-section of people. We've all had our shares of tragedies. We've also had our share of awesome things. Of course the awesome stuff isn't as lurid and so we're not going to share that.
We're just telling campfire stories.
No need to feel shamed. Every time you remember the people who died (even if it's awful) you honor them.

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phantom1592 wrote:

And frankly, hearing all these stories makes me A) Extremely thankful for the group of friends I have... and B) curious if all those Anti-D&D people years back had a point. This hobby draws some SICK people...

It draws a slice of humanity - and humanity includes some very sick people.

As far as drawing more than its fair share? Maybe, but it's not exactly D&D's fault. People often play to escape - that's why there are such blow-ups in the forums about various real-world issues like racism or sexism in games - they want to escape those aspects of the real world. Well, think about this thread and especially the kid who went from sitting with his feet in the wastebasket to murdering two younger children, and just imagine what issues some people are trying to escape by playing D&D.

No murderers in my group, just a guy who is 46 and has never had a date and a guy who is 47 and has only ever had one. Both have their quirks but don't we all (I don't like touching my food with my hands when I avoid it). But no slavers, murderers, thieves, drunks, druggies,etc here.

Scarab Sages

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I thankfully don't have any stories about people like that (maybe I'll share what I do have if/when I feel like it), but there was one gaming shop in my area that was shut down because at least one person there was involved in a kiddie porn ring.

Here's the funny part about that: The place was called "ARES Wargames," with a big ol' Spartan helmet as its logo, and kind of had a very macho militaristic thing going on. I guess the proprietors and staff were all in or had been in the military, the website had a bunch of rugged quotes about war and strategy/tactics, and what was really amusing was how one corner of the store just had a big-screen TV with sports or something on it (with chairs for watching), and surrounded by posters of James Bond movies and cars and stuff - apropos of nothing else in the store.

I guess somebody just took their idolization of Ancient Sparta to its logical conclusion. Better historical fidelity than Frank Miller, I'll give them that.

Scarab Sages

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
No murderers in my group, just a guy who is 46 and has never had a date and a guy who is 47 and has only ever had one. Both have their quirks but don't we all (I don't like touching my food with my hands when I avoid it). But no slavers, murderers, thieves, drunks, druggies,etc here.

We have a player who's 50 and I'm not sure he's ever had a date. I'm convinced he's asexual. He also uses gaming as his only social activity. We gave up asking him to go to movies with us, as he always turned us down.

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