Skills: Ranks

Rules Questions

Hello all, three questions about skills that a handful of my friends can't seem to agree on.

1) If you pick a class skill and put one point in it I understand it is a +3 so that means your final total at first level would be +3 or +4 (+3, +1 for the skill rank)?
2) Is that +3 added to each point you put into a class skill? For example, 2 ranks in a skill = +6 (or +8, +6 +2 for each rank.)
3) If you put a point in a non-class skill, how does that work? Does it become a trained skill and thus +3 afterwards?


(On a side note, I suspect it would add too much to the final page count, but more examples of the math in the core rule book itself would help folks figure stuff out like this on their own.)

Panda40 wrote:

Hello all, three questions about skills that a handful of my friends can't seem to agree on.

1) If you pick a class skill and put one point in it I understand it is a +3 so that means your final total at first level would be +3 or +4 (+3, +1 for the skill rank)?
2) Is that +3 added to each point you put into a class skill? For example, 2 ranks in a skill = +6 (or +8, +6 +2 for each rank.)
3) If you put a point in a non-class skill, how does that work? Does it become a trained skill and thus +3 afterwards?


(On a side note, I suspect it would add too much to the final page count, but more examples of the math in the core rule book itself would help folks figure stuff out like this on their own.)

1) +4, 1 from the rank and 3 from the bonus

2) No, only for the first rank added
3) If you put a rank in a non-class skill and later multi-class into a class with the skill as a class skill, you get the +3 bonus

Panda40 wrote:
(On a side note, I suspect it would add too much to the final page count, but more examples of the math in the core rule book itself would help folks figure stuff out like this on their own.)

Don't be afraid to ask, most people here are ready to help.

Yep that is it.

This link to the rules has a table (Skill Check Bonuses) for describing the bonus you get to a skill check.

Very cool...thanks to you both!

Also, since this is a common mistake, I feel it's relevant to mention that the +3 for being a class skill is a bonus to the check, not bonus ranks in that skill.

Did I read somewhere that all class skills remain class skills, regardless of taking levels in another class? Or am I just very sleepy?

You read correctly. Once a class skill, always a class skill. Since there is not a penalty for cross-class skills (as there was in 3.5) it wouldn't make much sense to suddenly lose the +3 bonus for switching classes.

To clarify, in 3.5 cross-class skills cost 2 points for every rank. This is not true in Pathfinder, where all skill ranks cost one skill point, regardless of class/cross-class. In 3.5, you could also only have 1/2 HD skill ranks in a cross-class skill. Again, Pathfinder does not do this. You can have ranks in any skill equal to your HD.

I just have to say that I love that! Skills have always been a favorite part of the game for me and this is one of those adjustments to the rules that just really sits well with me.

ZeroCharisma wrote:
I just have to say that I love that! Skills have always been a favorite part of the game for me and this is one of those adjustments to the rules that just really sits well with me.

Amen, brudder.


Correction regarding 3.5:

Mauril wrote:
You can have ranks in any skill equal to your HD.

You can actually have HD + 3 skill ranks in class skills and 1/2 that (half of HD + 3) in cross class skills in 3.5. At level one for example, you could have up to 4 ranks in any class skill and up to 2 (four half ranks) in any cross class skill.

Right, Brian. Somehow I forgot the bonus skill ranks at level 1 in 3.5...

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