Wildshape, and AC

Rules Questions

First off, after a 2,5 year campaign of World of Darkness we were happy to see that Paizo made something of the 3.5 rules instead of the 4.0 of WotC… Big up! for Paizo

Now, I choose to play a druid, but Wildshape has me confused.

I recently made an Excel sheet, so I don’t have to calculate the stats that change, I simply have stats for my main and a medium and a large creature. As soon as I change something in my main, both wildshapes change.

This sheet also gave me another insight; the difference in a medium animal and a large animal, AC wise is 0…

Now correct me if I am wrong, but large gives me 4 STR (size bonus), 4 NA and -2 DEX. Compared to medium that is 2 AC higher, but because of the DEX penalty that’s -1 AC…

Now this is where I probably go wrong. A large animal gets a -1 size penalty on AC, do I substract this too or is this already calculated in the -2 DEX?

On the same note, am I correct to add 1 to CMB and CMD for the large size bonus?

Medium animal: If the form you take is that of a Medium animal, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength and a +2 natural armor bonus.

Large animal: If the form you take is that of a Large animal, you gain a +4 size bonus to your Strength, a –2 penalty to your Dexterity, and a +4 natural armor bonus.

Large means -1 size mod to attacks and AC but +1 to CMB and CMD (all above and beyond any changes you get from changed ability scores)

That means the total modifier for medium is 2 (+2 natural armour) and for large is 2 (+4 natural -1 dex -1 size).

Yes, it's the same. You do get a net bonus on attacks, increased damage potential, and it becomes easier for you to grapple, trip, and do all the other fun things.

KaeYoss wrote:

Yes, it's the same. You do get a net bonus on attacks, increased damage potential, and it becomes easier for you to grapple, trip, and do all the other fun things.

Actually, I think both of them give a net +1 to hit unless you have weapon finesse.

Medium: +1 (strength) = +1
Large: +2 (strength) -1 (size) = +1

So medium and large will be equal in AC, but large will win on damage, CMB and CMD. Medium will have better touch AC and to hit if you are using weapon finesse.

udalrich wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:

Yes, it's the same. You do get a net bonus on attacks, increased damage potential, and it becomes easier for you to grapple, trip, and do all the other fun things.

Actually, I think both of them give a net +1 to hit unless you have weapon finesse.

Medium: +1 (strength) = +1
Large: +2 (strength) -1 (size) = +1

So medium and large will be equal in AC, but large will win on damage, CMB and CMD. Medium will have better touch AC and to hit if you are using weapon finesse.

I switched references mid-thought. The net bonus to hit referred to the unmodified character, who will get a - 1 size penalty to attacks, but will still win out because of his +2 attack bonus from the strength gain.

It's true: Both medium and large will give you +1 to attacks. In that regard, both choices are equal.

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