Twig's page
Goblin Squad Member. 76 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Tigerkralle wrote: Well for Piloting i can say with a high rank in Piloting and most likely the highest Dexterity in the group you would be the either the best Pilot or the best Gunner for Space Combat.
Because Gunnery check is calculated like this:
Gunnery Check = 1d20 + the gunner’s BAB or the gunner’s ranks in the Piloting skill + the gunner’s Dexterity modifier + bonuses from computer systems + bonuses from the captain and science officers + range penalty.
So a campaign with a focus on Space Combat does need a good pilot and a good gunner! And keep in mind you can switch your roles at the beginning of Space Combat round.
Having seen fellow Operatives and planning to take that exploit too i can assure you that the exploit Uncanny Mobility can be a life saver!
Jack of All Trades is game mechanically very useful if your group as a whole does not cover all the skills especially those trained only skills.
If you play that character a lot in Starfinder Society you might end up with a group not covering all the necessary skills so Jack of all Trades is a nice backup to be at least able to roll at all for that skill with 1 (one) character on a full table! Because all the other players playing a PC have no rank in that trained only skill!
In a private group with friends you can coordinate who takes which skills and there might be no need at all to be able to roll for a trained only skill with the Jack of All Trades exploit.
On the other hand if Jack of All Trades fits the character for who he/she/they is then go for it!
In the end it's all about being happy to play and develop that character and have a great time.
Thanks for the advice.
We have place three games thus far and we have had space and vehicle combat. I changed my bluff skill to Piloting, making it 9 instead of 5. It makes a difference :)
I still have double feelings about Mobility and uncanny Mobility. At level 10 when you get improved Uncanny mobility as Trick, Mobility is useless. I feels double.

Good morning everybody,
My group recently started Starfinder after an 11 year Pathfinder campaigne and we are realy enjoying the new setting.
I picked an android operative after 11 years of playing a wildshape druid. I am realy enjoying this class, but have some finetuning issues I hope you guys can help me with.
My character was stolen just after "birth" and reprogrammed as a hitman voor a group of outlaws. After a hit went wrong and my character got hit by an explosing, memory's of his original life started to return. He fled and started a new life for the starfinder society als a gun for hire.
I am planing on ranged play, "can't touch this", "one shot, one kill".
Android Street rat Operative (Ghost)
Str 10, dex 18, con 11, int 14, wis 12, cha 8
acr 11, ath 5, bluff 4, comp 7, cult 7, eng 7, med 7, percep 6, phys si 4, sleigh 9, stealth 12, surv 6
1ste feat Mobility.
And this is my first question. I like very mobile characters, I like to have options (hence the wildshape druid).
I am thinking about going the Shot on the Run route. Combined with Trickshot this feels like a good choice for my character, running from cover to cover. I thought I needed Uncanny mobility at 2nd level, but this and its followup feel like to much of the same thing. My character has a high Acrobatics and Mobility will give a bonus on AC for the AoO's. Do I really need Uncanny Mobility or is it better to take something like Jack of all Trades (we already have a Mechanic in the group with high science skills).
Second question is my ability points. I switched two points in STR to WIS for the extra perception and my focus on ranged. But in hindsight I think about switching it to INT for extra Piloting. Our DM lets us make switches until the end of second level. And he already told us that there would be many space and vehicle battles. With only one other high pilot in our group of 7 I could easily fill that roll. It would go from 5 now to 9.
Thanks in advance.
Callin13 wrote: Just tossing this out there as a Shield and Agile Weapon user to be an Offensive Defense.
1 Double Slice
2 Reactive Shield
4 Twin Parry
6 Reflexive Shield or Shield Warden
8 Quick Shield Block
10 Combat Reflexes
12 Paragons Guard
14 Twin Riposte
16 Improved Twin Riposte
18 Improved Reflexive Shield if taken at 6 or Savage Critical
20 Boundless Reprisals
You will have an Extra Reaction to Shield Block, to AoO, and to preform Twin Riposte and also NOT need to have Twin Riposte up to do so. Paragons Guard is a Stance to always have your Shield Raised at lvl 12. For more defense pick up Reflexive Shield and Improved, or to be a bit of both pick up Shield Warden and Savage Critical (my favorite choice)
This great, thanks!

SuperBidi wrote: One great advantage of PF2 is that you don't need to min-max anything to get a very potent character. In general, the only piece of advice I give to a player who wants to start and be efficient is to put an 18 in his main stat and take the feats that are linked to his combat style.
Dual wielding Fighters are very efficient characters. You should not worry about it and give it a try if you want. You also don't need to multiclass to deliver consistent damage.
12 in Dexterity will be mostly nullified if you use a Full Plate (you'll still get the bonus to non area of effects saves and to Dexterity-based skills). But if you don't plan on increasing Dexterity in the long run, you can easily put this 12 in Intelligence, for example, to get a bit more skills (you said no face, but I don't know if you like Intelligence-based skills).
Also, as a side note, PF2 is a game where you can have multiple healers (especially if they have other specializations on the side). In case you miss playing a Cleric.
Is there any reason not to take full plate? Aaide drom the speed decrease

We are going to switch to P2 this weekend and our group has a blast designing their new characters. I myself made two characters, a backstabbing rogue and a cleric (Durance type, from Pillars of Eternity, healing and damage)
a friend quickly called dips on the rogue and another one told us he would like to be the party healer. Since he can attend our games much more often than I do, I let both characters go.
And now I am at a loss, I have played a wildshape druid for 10 years in our previous campagne. I enjoyed to be a jack of all trades when doing damage. But when searching for another fun class I get a manner of choice anxiety, every guide I find is min-maxed and multi-classed.
So unless someone has a nice build for a Striker class, no Face, I would like advice on the following dual wielding fighter build.
(Other groupmembers have Alchemist, Champion, Rogue, Cleric)
Human, Half-Orc fighter
Background, Laborer
Heritage, Half-Orc
Ancestry feat, Orc Superstition
Class feat, Double Slice (Pick, short sword combo)
I am in doubt of the 12 in Dex, because full plate will nullify that (Bulwark)
Is dual wielding viable? there are not many feat's to choose from?
I have also thought about a Barbarian with a great sword, summilar setup.
Thanks in advance
Hey guys,
I am using a simular sheet for my Druid
Druid Wildshape sheet
fill in your stats in the upper part below "score", add ability bonus to the right.
you can change what form you want to use by clicking on the light blue "beast shape".
It's a work in progress! but feel free to use it.

Hey guys,
first off, thanks for the advice.
CWheezy wrote: Extra rage power.
Get beast totem lesser and reckless abandon. Always use reckless abandon
I do not like the beast totem chain. I know a lot of people use it for the AC and pounce, but in my oppinion you can not claw/claw/bite/2h sword. And I really want the 2H.
Funny I almost forgot about reckless abondan. Thanks!
Iterman wrote: Stalwart is good feat to have as well. Although it doesn't mesh too well with your build since you already have raging vitality (the prerequisite diehard does the same thing pretty much). Spell sunder is nice with strength surge. Ghost rager is nice since it gives you ghost touch and improves your touch ac. Althoug Stalwart DR stacks with the Barbarians DR, it takes up three feats in total, making it hard to get to Come and get me. Ghostrager looks cool, but I can not get that until level 6 ;)
Renegadeshepherd wrote: One method to use is go racial heritage (changeling) and then mothers gift feat for spell resistance. It's costly but would fit the theme and is good enough to be playable.
As for rage powers I favor beast totem chain for this as getting natural armor that scales is very welcome. Guarded stance is also a worthy choice for more defense when needed.
In general when you don't have a feat that stands out to you as a must get at this level, get extra rage or toughness as you can't go wrong with them.
guess for now it will be an extra rage power. Probably witch hunter and reckless abandon.
thanks all
I am playing a human Invulnerable Rager (Barbarian) in a Viking campaign. The game is high stat, low magic. The campaign pits us against winter witches in a society which disbelieves and detests magic and thus I have chosen to go for a Superstition build.
I missed out on a few games and was allowed to level from level 3 to 5. So now I am undecided about my feat and ragepower
I don’t want a Vital Strike build, I have had one on my previous character. Since healing will be low, I have been looking at the Renewed Vigor or Witch Hunter ragepowers.
My current build is as following:
Level 5 Invulnerable Rager (Barbarian) wielding a 2H Sword
STR 20
DEX 14
CON 16
INT 11
WIS 12
1 Power attack and cleave
3 Raging Vitality
Rage powers:
2 Superstition
I have been thinking about the spellbreaker and come and get me chains. But both of them are only allowed at level 8. I have no clue what to do in the meantime.
Any advice?
Arcmagik wrote: I think the stories are universal and can be adapted atleast in spirit to whatever game/system/setting that you want it to do, but you will have to work. That's what I wanted to heard!
I have some premade characters, with a different amounts of XP spend. Just like having a list of NPC's on certain levels with certain builds. It's suprisingly easy to switch a wizard in Pathfinder to a mage in nWoD.
HTC Sensation for the PRD (although it sometimes changes to the website version) I would really like to see this as an app :D
Tablet PC (Windows laptop without a keyboard) Paizo's PDF's are still heavy on the processor, a normal tablet is just to slow. Asside from that, I use it to draw things out.
Drejk wrote: I assume that you want to use nWoD mechanics for a fantasy setting/Golarion, not adapting AP to modern world? It is certainly doable as any incident of using adventure with different mechanics. It will be lots of work for the GM as he'll have to design mechanical side (mainly opponents) from scratch basing them on the description but plot is plot and can be used anywhere. I am looking into adapting the AP to (early) modern world or a post apocaliptic world. Mostly to cancel out some "handy technology". I am up against a "rules efficiency expert" and several Munchkins hehe.
So yes, mostly using the plot from Pathfinder (probably CC or CotCT) and the mechanics from NWoD. I just hope I am able to not get lost in al the mechanical flavour that is called Pathfinder hehe.
At first it looked easy to "just" use the story and plot, but I get lost in all the fun stuff fast...
I hoped someone had some pointers for me
in short;
Anybody ever used an AP for a New World of Darkness game?
I understand you can not copy everything, since they both have totally different game mechanics, but what about the story, the NPC's, some of the creatures and bad guys?
On a side note, we are all familiar with the NWoD rules.
is it possible to make a "primary" healer Bard?
i'm stuck in my head with a cleric with healing domain and a oracle with a life "domain" (can't recall what they are called)
our cleric (with healing domain) is going to play a ranger, we are in dire need of something heal'ish
bard it is, now to sift to all the bard builds, archtypes, spells, etc
thanks for the advice!
Blave wrote: Hard to say without knowing what you are looking for. If the cleric, fighter and paladin are all going melee, a ranged bard would be a great addition.
Or if you want personal combat prowess with versatility, I'd say inquisitor or magus (what's wrong with hybrids?). An alchemist bomber would be good, too.
Well, I guess I like to have options (and after Bestiary 3, my druid has OPTIONS!). That's probably the reason I usually take a class which can melee and cast.
a bard seems a challange to me, but I guess I don't know how to "play" it. I buff the group? can I use ranged (treantmonk guide)?
All guides on the magus tell me to use shocking grasp, I don't want to be a one trick pony :D
So I have played my druid up untill level 11 now. I play it as a melee druid, I don't like cooky-cutter-builds. I enjoy it much, I am on par with damage compared to our fighter, but I want something else.
we already have a wizard, clerc, fighter, sorc-dragon disciple and a misfit paladin with an identity crisis...
To make things worse, i don't want to play something we use I our other storyline; monk, ranger, sorc, oracle, rogue.
I thought I liked the rage prophet, but it does not get good reviews on these boards.
I thought about a bard, simply because nobody else seems to want to play it haha.
I thought about a magus and then I realised I always seem to pick a hybrid class....
so... any suggestions?

James Jacobs wrote: Twig wrote: What adventure path would you recommend to a beginning DM and do you have any advice how to convert it to a group of 6-7 people starting at level 4.
(I started with the Crown of the Kobold King module, but want something more coherent)
Big up! for answering all the questions.
Well... I would actually still start with the 1st installment of an AP, even though the players are 4th level, honestly. They'll have an easy time of the first adventure, but the first adventure is where and when a lot of the AP's groundwork is laid.
In any case, I think I'd probably recommend Carrion Crown to a beginning GM. It's got the right combination of good reviews and relatively simple mechanics (no kingdom building or extensive sandbox elements like you get in Kingmaker or Serpent's Skull, and no exotic stuff like you get in Jade Regent). hmm never thought about it that way, i thought about "upping" Curse of the Crimson Throne, since most people like it.
I have to research the storyline for Carrion Crown before i buy the six of them. Thanks for the advice!
What adventure path would you recommend to a beginning DM and do you have any advice how to convert it to a group of 6-7 people starting at level 4.
(I started with the Crown of the Kobold King module, but want something more coherent)
Big up! for answering all the questions.
Slaunyeh wrote: Twig wrote:
Bestiary has some nifty beasts you are missing btw. A large rhino with 4d8 and a huge hippo with 4d8 (good for DR and vital strike!) and since both are the only attack they have you get 1,5 your strenght :D Are those from bestiary II? The rhino in the bestiary only has a 2d6 gore attack, and there are no hippoes.
I didn't include anything from bestiary II (yet).
Oh, and I appreciate the feedback btw. Had completely missed the Magical Beast thing. :) yeah both are form bestiary II; the rhino is listed under Megafauna page 187 if i am not mistaken.
I almost messed up with magical beasts my self... Druid isn't one of the easier classes to play. I have a nice Excel sheet to help me out with the shapes and a list of all beasts i can change in (with attacks, speed and abilities)
Slaunyeh wrote: Twig wrote:
there is a major flaw in you list (or i am misreading something in your doc), but a druid cannot change in magical beasts like a Cockatrice and the Darkmantle.
page 51 core book under Wildshape "Her options for new forms include
all creatures with the animal type."
its the same reason we don't get beastshape IV, because that only adds Tiny and Large magical beasts
Oh, all right. Fair enough.
I don't think I'd call that a "major flaw" though, since all the magical beast shapes are pretty useless anyway. :) yeah i never quite understood what use Beastshape IV and III are when you don't get the special attacks of the magical beasts...
Bestiary has some nifty beasts you are missing btw. A large rhino with 4d8 and a huge hippo with 4d8 (good for DR and vital strike!) and since both are the only attack they have you get 1,5 your strenght :D
Slaunyeh wrote: If anyone's interested, I threw together a short guide to wild shape options. Just for my own reference when playing my druid, but I figured someone might find it useful (or violently disagree).
It's just for the beast shapes, and only for the bestiary. I tried going over the bestiary II, but found I couldn't be bothered. :)
I was wondering what's up with the horse hoof attacks though. If you wildshape into a horse form, you don't get the docile special quality. But on the other hand, hoofs are always secondary attacks, so I assume that's also the case for druids.
there is a major flaw in you list (or i am misreading something in your doc), but a druid cannot change in magical beasts like a Cockatrice and the Darkmantle.
page 51 core book under Wildshape "Her options for new forms include
all creatures with the animal type."
its the same reason we don't get beastshape IV, because that only adds Tiny and Large magical beasts
miniaturepeddler wrote: So a Druid is able to assume the form of an animal.
1. His stats remain the same (int, wis, con, cha)?
All his mental stats stay the same, only physical stats change.
the reason i say this is because you have Con in your list and some elementals get a Con bonus. (elemental body)
DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote: It's not softer/harder.
It's accurate/inaccurate.
Proportionally it's easier for a small creature to hit a bigger target, and harder for a larger creature to hit a smaller target :)
yeah but it still sucks :p
its the same with AC; you get bigger, get more AC, but loose dex to even it out.
mdt wrote:
1) You only change the stats the spells tell you to change. For example, Beast Shape IV...
Beast Shape IV wrote:
Large magical beast: If the form you take is that of a Large magical beast, you gain a +6 size bonus to your Strength, a –2 penalty on your Dexterity, a +2 size bonus to your Constitution, and a +6 natural armor bonus.
You only add 6 to the str, -2 to dex, and +2 to con and +6 to NA. Your wisdom doesn't change at all.
2) You are not wearing armor in wolf form, so yes, you get your wisdom bonus to AC. Provided you are not wearing wildshape armor, and are not wearing barding.
a druid can't do magical beasts, only animals.
but your example stays the same.
Starglim wrote:
No, you get the same size modifier to attacks as to AC (-2 for Huge, +2 for Tiny).
so being bigger makes you hit softer? and being smaller makes you hit harder?
that sounds really illogical...
Although "enlage person" has this piece of info in the text; ...and a –1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size.
*sad druid*
So I am making my self a new Excel sheet for the different shapes (lost the previous one)
and all of a sudden I see this in the core book (page 179)
"Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + size modifier"
you get a size bonus to your attack for being bigger than medium?
I did know you get a penalty on your AC, but this is like totally new for me. (and my druid is level 10 in the meantime...)
so when I am in huge shape I get a +2 to my attack bonus?
and when I am in a tiny shape I get a -2 to my attack bonus?
Gorbacz wrote: Mind you, it's not that dramatic. A lvl 8 druid with total Str of 18 (including beast shape bonus) would take a single attack at +10 to hit and scoring 16d6+6 damage, which would be around the level of an optimized Fighter full attacking. I am currently playing a level 9 druid in a high magic campagne, I can do a grand total of 16d8+15 in my huge Hippo form with strongjaw and vital strike. My strengt bonus is 11 in this shape and since the hippo has only one attack i get to multiply the bonus by 1,5 :D
24d8+30 if I crit (correct me if I am wrong)
starting strenght 20 + 2 ability increases + 4 from my belt + 6 from my huge wildshape= 32 strenght
Augmented summoning is wasted on this character :p

wraithstrike wrote: You using 3.5 stuff? I know there was a 3.5 feat that you use shapechange as a move action. I think there is also one that works as a swift action.
Take the fullplate feat at 11.
What animal will you be wildshaping into?
we started our campagne in 3.5, at level 4 we switched to pathfinder. I think it was from 3.5 indeed, but my DM is quit open for these kind of things.
It comes in handy every now and than and we limited it to 3 times a day.
Mike Schneider wrote: OK. That works then -- if you get the Wild enhancement. Otherwise it's junk for a DEX 18 character.
I still don't like the feat expense. Druids are starved for feats. For instance, you don't have any Metamagic feats.
(Some of the most hideously powerful druids I ever encountered didn't spend a single gold piece on armor after 1st level because they were always wild-shaped into some uber-sneak Tiny-size animal and raining destruction and Summons in from afar. It's hard to see a hummingbird sitting on a branch a hundred feet away.)
If I where a caster, I would have done that. When there is damage reduction to overcome this hipo loving druid will Vital Strik for 8d8+15 (don't forget the 15 feet reach!!). Any other time is usually the Dire Tiger pouncing and raking around with 5 attacks (+9 on every one of them).
I also play around with the elementals, but usually for utility, like earth glide and whirlwind/vortex.
My spells are only as backup and are usually the AoE spells, the enchancement spells (the APG has a lot of them for wildshaped druids) and a spare healing spell.
The new Aspect spells are great, so are Thorn Body and Natural Rythem.
Any advice on other feats?

wraithstrike wrote: You using 3.5 stuff? I know there was a 3.5 feat that you use shapechange as a move action. I think there is also one that works as a swift action.
Take the fullplate feat at 11.
What animal will you be wildshaping into?
we started our campagne in 3.5, at level 4 we switched to pathfinder. I think it was from 3.5 indeed, but my DM is quit open for these kind of things.
It comes in handy every now and than and we limited it to 3 times a day.
Mike Schneider wrote: OK. That works then -- if you get the Wild enhancement. Otherwise it's junk for a DEX 18 character.
I still don't like the feat expense. Druids are starved for feats. For instance, you don't have any Metamagic feats.
(Some of the most hideously powerful druids I ever encountered didn't spend a single gold piece on armor after 1st level because they were always wild-shaped into some uber-sneak Tiny-size animal and raining destruction and Summons in from afar. It's hard to see a hummingbird sitting on a branch a hundred feet away.)
If I where a caster, I would have done that. When there is damage reduction to overcome this hipo loving druid will Vital Strik for 8d8+15 (don't forget the 15 feet range!!). Any other time is usually the Dire Tiger pouncing and raking around with 5 attacks (+9 on every one of them).
I also play around with the elementals, but usually for utility, like earth glide and whirlwind/vortex.
My spells are only as backup and are usually the AoE spells, the enchancement spells (the APG has a lot of them for wildshaped druids) and a spare healing spell.
The new Aspect spells are great, so are Thorn Body and Natural Rythem.
Any advice on other feats?

Mike Schneider wrote: Because fullplate has a maximum-allowable DEX bonus of +1, which means that, once your DEX is 18, 3 AC-worth of your DEX bonus including Touch-AC will be nerfed. IOW, this fabulous gift of dragonhide fullplate, which you can only wear by spending a feat, gets you...a measly +1 AC over wearing brigidine medium armor or +2 over the ordinary hide-shirt you're wearing right now. But you suffer a loss of 3 Touch-AC and you eat another -3 armor-check penalty "upgrading" to dragonhide fullplate. This post by James Jacobs clearly states otherwise (while wildshaped!)
James Jacobs wrote: The armor, once you wildshape, no longer impedes your movement. its max Dex no longer applies, nor does its armor check penalty. This is what helps make the "wild" armor quality a +3 equivalent bonus and not +2 or +1. level 9 druid (CN human)
Str 20 (start 18) (24 with belt of giant strenght)
Dex 17
Con 17
Int 12
Wis 14 (16 with headband of wisdom)
Cha 9
We rolled 4d6 minus lowest number (we play a high-end game)
1 Combat Casting and Power attack
3 Cleave
5 Natural spell
7 Quicken supernatural abilty (wildshape as a move-action 3 times a day)
9 Vital strike
my DM is willing to change the vital strike chain so i can actually get greater vital strike (since you need a BAB of 16 for it and druids only go to 15) so from the 5 feats left I will need 2 for the vital strike chain.
I am not planning on multi classing and i have a tiger (with Int 3) as companion (which wil probably get a teamwork feat along the line)
Mike Schneider wrote: Quote: I could ask for another boon, since I can’t get heavy armor proficiency till level 11, but hey, it seems easy to get this way. Is your DEX higher than 12, or are DEX-granting items available? Are you frequently wildshapped into an animal with a 16 DEX?
If so, you don't want full-plate anyway; barter instead for a dragonhide breastplate with the Wild enhancement. My Dex is 17 right now (i had A LOT of luck rolling my atributes) next point will go into Dex to get it to 18. I am almost constant in wildshape. Why do you ask?
I will need the wild enchant to get to use the AC in wildshape anyway. A breastplate does save me an extra feat, although I only need two more to finish the Vital Strike chain and I don't know what to do with the other feats...
I just got an email from my DM, telling me that killing a red isn't in the black's survival guide. So its either black, a good dragon or a crag (with a deathcurse)
wraithstrike wrote: The dragon is already dead and he would probably prefer it go to a good cause. If you are worried about a neutral dragon attacking you then get it glamered so it looks like different armor.
PS:Who is the promise to not attack a black dragon being made to in the game, and what happens if you break the promise?
That was my reaction too, but our cleric kept on b+$@+ing about it being from a "good" dragon. Me being a CN treehug... i mean druid, am glad the circle of life can continue; "you lost you jacket, now i get to use it"
The promis is to that specific black dragon
I just noted that al Chromatic dragons are evil and only the Metallic dragons are good aligned... Red seems a good choice this way.

So my DM gave me a change to get some dragon hide for a nice full plate armor. *happy druid*
So me (a level 9 CN druid) and our sorcerer/dragon disciple did a favor for a black dragon. The DM gives me a choice to take one color of dragon hide for my armor, but every color has a consequence.
Black; I have to promise I will never attack a black dragon again…
Good aligned color; I will piss off my cleric since he is NG and he will give me a very hard time RP wise. The black dragon will probably raid THE dragon graveyard for this. I just know this will get me into trouble the next time I enter a big town…
“neutral aligned” color; my DM was very cryptic about this, although I don’t understand what color this could be, I got a definite *evil grin* from him after asking if there where any neutral dragons…
I could ask for another boon, since I can’t get heavy armor proficiency till level 11, but hey, it seems easy to get this way.
I can't decide :(
On a side note, my druid has been build like a fighter, build to hurt other creatures, a lot! The problem is, our fighter has an AC of 29, while I, in wildshape only have 18 AC in Huge form. Guess who gets his ass handed to him as soon as the bad guys see the big hipo is easy to hit…

Trainwreck wrote: You didn't mention where you were in relation to the animal companion and the fighter.
If you were anywhere that the AC could sense your presence, I don't see the fighter having any chance to use the handle animal skill.
On the other hand, if you weren't around, didn't leave any instructions before leaving, and your AC had seen you interact in a friendly manner with the fighter in the past, then maybe it might work. Even then, though, I'm not certain.
I am reminded of the time I agreed to feed my friend's Newfoundland while he was on vacation. I had been around that dog plenty of times, and I walked out into the backyard with a bowl full of food, and the damn thing still chased me out of there! I had to toss food over the fence, and shoot water into its water dish with a garden hose every day for a week. But the next time I came over when he was around, the dog was fine with me.
Our party wizard asked me to "hold his shoulder" and dimension door-ed us out of the trap ladden dungeon (i should have known)
So i was save in a temple at the other end of the city....
I'm going to reteach my animal companion his tricks in druidic.
thanks for the advice!
2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Topic says it all; our fighter just told my animal companion to stay, with a handle animal skill check of 17. Will my companion just sit there, because I'm not near?
ohw nice,
can't open the file at work but will look at it at home.
i have an Excel sheet with all the math in it for the different shapes. As soon as something changes, like level or belt of giant strenght i just input the number and everything changes for all shapes.
i also have a list of all beasts, although most of Bestiary two are still missing
can't wait to have a look at your sheets
So basicly I get (almost) killed when I WildShape because my AC drops like mad.
Sure, we have Barkskin and a ring of protection, but as soon as my level 8 druid changes to a huge shape my AC goes back from 21 to 18. And i don't have to tell you how easy 18 is to hit at level 8...
so, i want more!
Enter full plate dragonhide armor (and one feat for future use)
My GM will allow me to get it, but only if i make up HOW to get it... i have to supply him with a bit of storyline or how i would like to get the skin to make it.
Could any fellow druid help me out with how they got their armor of something simular? I don't want to pay 9k gold for the wild enchant on my hide armor...

Happler wrote: Twig wrote: Happler wrote:
BTW, this is what makes Lockjaw a great spell to slap on a monk who already has improved grapple, since the monk's unarmed strike "...is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons." First attack with grab, then continue your flurry on the, now grappled, opponent.
Sorry mate, monk have natural weapons, not natural attacks, two distinct different things.
natural weapons have iterative attacks
natural attacks work with another principal (primary/secondary at full BAB/-5)
From the PRD
Quote: Natural Attacks: Attacks made with natural weapons, such as claws and bites, are melee attacks that can be made against any creature within your reach (usually 5 feet). So, attacks made with natural weapons are natural attacks. The monks unarmed strike counts as a natural weapon for spells that effect that. Thus, per RAW, attacks made with a monks unarmed strike count as natural attacks for spells and effects that can enhance them. Note that it says "such as" and not "limited to". James Jacobs clearly stated that the improved natural attacks feat doest work for monks. (since natural weapons /= natural attacks)
Confusing semantics indeed.
Happler wrote:
BTW, this is what makes Lockjaw a great spell to slap on a monk who already has improved grapple, since the monk's unarmed strike "...is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons." First attack with grab, then continue your flurry on the, now grappled, opponent.
Sorry mate, monk have natural weapons, not natural attacks, two distinct different things.
natural weapons have iterative attacks
natural attacks work with another principal (primary/secondary at full BAB/-5)

Like most already told you, use a spreadsheet.
i've made myself an nice excelsheet with all the different sizes on it. You only need to make; diminitive, tiny, small, medium, large and huge. Only the size of the creature will change the stats.
make one normal statblock, copy it down several times. Make a small statblock with the changes you need next to the corresponding sizes and just add those two together.
I even have a small statblock for bonusses like my belt of strenght. I just enter +2 or +4 and all blocks recalculate automaticly :D
I've done the same for my elemental shapes and animal companion. When i level i just adjust the level and everything (like BAB) gets changed for the both of us.
I also made a list of all the animals i can change to, with special ability's , swim/climb/fly, the amount of attacks and conrresponding page numbers in the Bestiary 1 and 2.
you can either print the pages or, like me, have it open on a tablet pc. (with the rest of the books in PDF)
Yeah...i love my druid :D
The rules state:
Skills: This lists the animal's total skill ranks. Animal companions can assign skill ranks to any skill listed under Animal Skills. If an animal companion increases its Intelligence to 10 or higher, it gains bonus skill ranks as normal. Animal companions with an Intelligence of 3 or higher can purchase ranks in any skill. An animal companion cannot have more ranks in a skill than it has Hit Dice.
is this the total of all skills? Example: at level 1; one point in perception and one point in climb for a total of 2
or is this the total of one skill? example: at level 1; two points in perception and two points in climb for a total of 4
i find the text very confusing...
Heymitch wrote: Treantmonk - Great guide.
I was just wondering if you've had a chance to look over the critters in Bestiary 2 yet?
It looks like Allosaurus would make a great replacement for Dire Tiger at level 8.
don't rule out the Hippo, trample is fun for packs, and the hippo has 15feet reach for 4d8 :o
i did a 62 crit vital strike last week (at level 8)
12d8 + 15 is good m'kay
(STR in huge 32, 22 to start with, +4 belt, +6 shape)
I am playing a melee druid my self.
i made a list of all the (magical) animals in the Bestiary with the corresponding ability's the animal could do. Instead of melee you could choose flying animals or magical who have things to add to your spelllist. Elementals are great too; earthglide, whirlwind.
Natural spell is a must have to do this, it allows you to cast spells while wildshaped. Also, don't forget to throw some skillpoints into fly and look at the monster feats like fly-by-attack and hover.
Also, take a look at the following guide :)
http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderR PG/advice/archives/treantmonksGuideToDruidsOptimization&page=1&sour ce=search#0
BigNorseWolf wrote: Yes. the sneak attack happens before the move. so the dm says monster is moving from square a to square b, you say hold up, have your aoo, check for flanking and SQUISH. Kidney pie
note in the above situations the monster could use the withdraw action to avoid the aoo.
He could, but would still get an AoO
"The square you start out in is not considered threatened by any opponent you can see, and therefore visible enemies do not get attacks of opportunity against you when you move from that square" (page 188)
the right most square in the middle is still threatened by both players.
Dire Mongoose wrote:
It's a lot older than that even, actually. It goes back about 30 years to the original MUDs.
(Although it was also short for mobile in that case.)
MUD's..... Multi User Dungeons... wow... am I that old....
Thanks for the info guys :D
Tanis wrote: Mob Anatomy (Ex): A mob has no clear front or back and no discernible anatomy, so it is not subject to critical hits or sneak attacks. A mob cannot be flanked, tripped, grappled, or bull rushed.
*edit* pretty much a swarm of humans.
i am sorry for the online slang...
MOB stands for Monster Or Beast in MMO's like Everquest and World of Warcraft. TBH my group of friends uses it both online and in pen and paper games...
isn't there a rule that you can only use a "normal" attack for an AoO?
you can't use cleave or vital strike when you make an AoO, so why could you use sneak attack?
Can you first move and than ready/delay your action.
i found out that you can only make a standard or shorter action when you ready. I am unable to find if you are allowed to move before you ready/delay.
on a sidenote;
are you allowed to move [u]during[/u] your ready/delay action.
so if a rogue is flanking a mob with another player and the mob moves away in a straight line
does the rogue get to make sneak attack on the mob as AoO (because he flanked)? I think not, but I am unable to find the RAW.