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ok, its highly suited to the mod....and its a perfect tactic
just sad seeing so many beasties fall victim to it!!
Entangle has always been TEH BEST 1st level spell, setting the whole campaign in the wilderness just makes it almost too good to be true. I am planning on running this AP in the very near future and I may houserule that the entagle radius is reduced to 20' or 30'.

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Entangle seems to have been getting so little use in the last few campaigns that I'm perfectly happy with it being great in this. Council of Thieves, all city, rarely ever useful. In Legacy of Fire, it's all sand or stone or brass. In Second Darkness, it's useful maybe half the AP. Curse of the Crimson Throne, mostly city, arguably useful.

Dextro Highland |

Grease get's the Most Used Award for me so far.
Best use has been Greasing up the paladin who was being grappled by the cursed grizzly bear so that he slipped free.
Lol, we had to Grease a dwarf who was getting carried away by a Grell once. Worked like a charm except the fall almost killed him.

thenovalord |

We've used the ol' greased paladin trick too. I have to agree with Grease being one of the spells that's the most open to player ingenuity.
my players cast grease on a human they found struggling in a patch of forest (under the effects of an entangle spell from a fey) so it helped him escape.....shame he turned out to be a werewolf!!

Scipion del Ferro RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4 |

I would like to add Glitterdust to the list of really annoying spells. Especially when cast on someone like The Stag Lord with his +1 Will Save.
I added a crypt underneath his fort as a bonus dungeon to help get the party to the right level since they're a bit bigger then normal. The wizard cast grease on a ghoul warriors Meteor Hammer. Great visual there.

thenovalord |

I would like to add Glitterdust to the list of really annoying spells. Especially when cast on someone like The Stag Lord with his +1 Will Save.
I added a crypt underneath his fort as a bonus dungeon to help get the party to the right level since they're a bit bigger then normal. The wizard cast grease on a ghoul warriors Meteor Hammer. Great visual there.
party has no wizard so no GD for me yet! but next level both sorcerors hit 4th....if one takes GD and the other flaming spehere, along with the druids flaming sphere+entangle and the bards grease, its all gets a bit sad for the baddies to get shot to pieces by the other 2 party members rapid shots!!

Brian Bachman |

Don't let entangle get you down. As others have pointed out, it is overpowered in rural environments, but absolutely useless in urban or most dungeon environments, so it all evens out. The exploration parts of this adventure path are where druids and rangers will shine. Let them have their moment in the sun.
Also, remember the flip side of encounters with lots of vegetation around is that encounter distances are much shorter. Those same trees/high grass/bushes, etc. that make entangle so devastating also provide great ambush spots for the bad guys. Entangle doesn't do you much good if you can't get it off before the baddies are on top of you.

ArchAnjel |

And don't forget one of the classic tools for a DM to bring balance to the game; give the party a taste of their own medicine. How difficult would it be to give one of their opponents a single level of druid to show them how it feels? Or, lacking a level in druid, how about a supply of tanglefoot bags?
Same idea with Glitterdust. Throw a couple of those around your fighters and rogues and show them that two can play at that game.
One of the advantages of using intelligent adversaries is that they communicate. If even a single bandit escapes an encounter, be assured that future bandit encounters will have devised strategies for how to counter those techniques used by the PCs. Sometimes those strategies will involve making the PC techniques less effective and sometimes that means using those highly effective techniques against them.

Kamelguru |

Wow, I was reading up, and my brain caught a line out of context as I skimmed down:
Lol, we had to Grease a dwarf who was getting carried away
And it rang so wrong in my head. But yeah, grease is a life-saver, as it makes grapple-monsters about half as dangerous.
Anyway, I tend to use entangle against the players more often than the other way around, since I tend to make the Bandit encounter have a leader who usually have levels as ranger, and carries a scroll or two. Then pelt them with arrows.

thenovalord |

well i tried my best
my entangled shambling mound didnt get an attack, i even had 7 bandits turn up having heard a fight to attack the pcs from the other side of a river!!
and my poor troll didnt get an attack either with another entangle, though his pet owlbear did some damage
the stag lord and the rogue chap both failed against color spray, though they got 1 sneak attack in each.
the partys bear dishes out loads damage when buffed up nicely
the party druid has an insane perception so is difficult to get the jump on
characters are now 4th level and with 2 sorcerors and a bard i fear for the monsters.....the party had excellent tactics all session, so cant complain really !!
tanglefoot bags also seem over powered....

Mistral |

Spells I learned to hate as a DM:
Web + Manyjaws. Especially during mass encounters: most of the baddies are stuck are can't move normally, ranged attacks tend to miss a lot...
while they get slaughtered by those pesky jaws who have no limitations (just a save for half damage). Plus they add up (sorcerer) when cast multiple times and keep going until the spell runs out.
Entangle = not so bad in my opinion (just annoying).

thenovalord |

2 sessions in a row with no entangle spell
of course, im still nailed by
color spray, grease, shocking grasp including a 41 damage crit on the cairn wight at Area F in RRR, d3 fiendish eagles, the d3 fiendish beetles who triggered the trap in F, a failed save on a ray of enfeeblement on Howl of the North....
still no entangle, and i did get an energy drain in, so not too bad.

thenovalord |

i invented the 'Flider'
...it flies over the entangle, can shoot its own entangling webs and a posion bite as well
wahoo x 1...
A blinking Barghest waltzed through the spell
wahoo x 2
small victory as they annihilated 3 trolls last night with the big E (and a pearl of power to rinse and repeat!!)
and they are now of a level to for me to face the horrors of glitterdust and pyrotechnics
'Brutes' in KM are dooooomed