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![]() Thanks for putting in all this work Alex, so us lazy DMs don't have to. My group for Stolen Lands is only four, but I expect to add one or two more for RRR. I'd be interested in a conversion for that one. Oh, and I am willing to help if you would like. Let me know. Turin- I'm generally more or a "Hey, what the frack? Stop being so stingy and get me a second glass!" kinda guy :P ![]()
![]() I completely agree with Alex. I will be running 4 to start, but one or two players might be joining later (RL prohibits them now). I will definitely be all up in your stuff when that happens, if just to see how another DM did it.
![]() I LOVE the idea of a very stylized mass combat. My player ALWAYS beat me at risk, etc... so I might actually have a chance.
![]() James, you're right. Sorry we took the spotlight off of you, where it rightfully belongs. ;)
![]() Is there any official nomenclature for the coinage of Brevoy? many of the other Companions mention this but I didn't notice it for Brevoy. I really like using actual names for the coins instead of just gold, silver, etc... If not I'll just go with my own (Scales, Wings, Drakes, and the rarer Crowns (cp, sp, gp, pp respectively).
![]() I would suggest that a boring high level fighter is the player's fault, or maybe the DM's for only letting the fighter be a tank. In either case not the fault of the rules themselves. This is especially true in PFRPG, where fighters have enough feats to take "flavor feats" and not just the required ones (Eocus, Specialization, etc...)
![]() I'm actually considering introducing Varnhold in the 2nd module. The leaders of that community are going to want to open communications with their sister settlement and will open with sending resources (which establishes them as friendly and more advanced than the PCs). Hopefully that will make it more interesting when the PCs need to investigate. ![]()
![]() I plan on introducing an NPC, prob at start, to help them with this. The guy (Alfred Pennyworth + Balwer from tWoT) would be start as a liaison to Restov and a competent major-domo. He can give the PC's a "Kingdom Ruling for Dummies" class and advise them on what might be a good idea. I do like the idea of the NPC rulers being like the advisors from Civ tho. ![]()
![]() I'm not moving Oleg one bit, hasn't the man moved far enough? My PCs can get over it.
![]() Alignment in DnD has always been a bit wonky. You can have evil characters that work for or build a basically good government (dude from Elizabeth?), vice versa, a group of good characters can end up establishing what is essentially an "evil" society if they aren't careful. Best laid plans and all that...
![]() The Core rules talks about scaling in i think the section on encounter design (I don't have my Core Rules handy), In general, tho, I'd say either increase the number of creatures by one or two, or use the advancement rules for monsters in the Bestiary. I'd add two more bandits to the first encounter, for example, and advance the tazylwyrm. Maybe add a level or two to the npcs.
![]() One of my players suggested a Ren Faire trip to kick off the AP.
![]() Graveyards often attract tourists to a city, so maybe that is a rationale? Of course usually those are either big (New Orleans), unique (Rome), or contain a celeb (Boston, Graceland). Maybe the bonus applies if 4+ are built together. OR the bonus only applies if a hero is interred there (ie a PC or well known NPC). Question: any thoughts about temples to specific deities? Obviously each one would be devoted to a specific deity, but would that choice change the mechanics. For example a temple to Erastil might also function as a town hall while one to Callistria would serve double duty as a brothel. Maybe to offset the cost, an RP need might need to be met; PC or allied NPC cleric, a quest, etc. Seems like something more than a royal decree would be required to make a building into a Temple to Desna. ![]()
![]() So I think this was the thread that was discussing climate and where in on Earth to use as a template for the Stolen Lands. I did some comparing between maps and want to get opinions from maybe more map-adept folks. The region of Poland between Radom and Szydlowiec seems about right. If Inner Sea=Mediterranean Sea and Lake of Mists=Baltic Sea. Seems like the right kind of terrain, to affect weather patterns.
![]() My CoT game is using 25 point buy. I'm already on my 3rd character by 5th level, and they've all been warriors (fighter, paladin, and now another fighter). So I'd certainly use the epic point buy if you choose that option. The APs are pretty harsh, and my group is pretty sure the word Paizo means death in some language. Your PCs need all the edges they can get. ![]()
![]() I agree, those books (and the Wiki) should give you everything you need. There are some forums that discuss the climate of the area to give you a good idea of that. It has also been stated (in another thread) that George R.R. Martin's Westeros was a prime inspiration for Brevoy so if you've read them you can use alot of the atmosphere and spirit of the game. If you haven't, you should. SO good. ![]()
![]() Not sure exactly how stylized the rules are gonna be. The previews of the kingdom ruling mechanics seem pretty stylized, but that's cool with me. I actually hope that any mass combat rules are the same; enough realism to get the flavor yet abstract enough to play quickly and easily. Too much realism and we might as well play Civ or Warhammer (which is fine if that's your bag, baby.) ![]()
![]() Since there seems to be some openings for political intrigue and such, have one of the NPC support folks be a spy. This will hit the PCs hard when it gets revealed that their favorite alchemist/groom/sage/whatever has betrayed them. Movie plot spoiler: (Didn't want to ruin anything for anyone.)
I remember hoe viscerally I felt Nina's betrayal in 24 You could also keep up with a mechanic whereby the traitor may become loyal enough to the PCs to turn; say a running total of Cha rolls to exceed x. ![]()
![]() This will be the first game that I haven't actively discouraged mounted combat. In fact one of my players took a second look at the cavalier at my suggestion and discovered that it was a better class than he had first thought. I still gave him the caveat that mounted combat feats still won't be as useful as other feats (you rarely have to leave behind a Weapon Focus after all). Still, KM seems the most allowing of mounted combat; definitely more than RotRL or CoT. Course now I have to know THOSE rules. ![]()
![]() I have considered doing this as well. My thought was some sort of envoy to Restov, so I can easily include news from home, the promotion thing in at Stolen Land's conclusion etc. was considering a female for possible romantic ties later. Also I usually add an NPC or at least a connection to some sort of church based group (usually Sarenrae) for the party to sell evil items to. Most good parties would have issues with selling, say, an unholy sword or evil holy object back into circulation. The church group buys these items to destroy them, thus giving my PCs a morality friendly way to profit from such things. any way...
![]() Similar to the treant idea...a well known petrified tree in the woods is a Petrified (capital "P") treant. The PCs would have to come back later when they are powerful enough to reverse it which could keep the immediate area from getting "used up." I like the idea of new surprises and treasures popping up in familiar territory. Maybe the nymph did it; another tie in. ![]()
![]() Advantage of having everybody roll: Characters can enjoy being the one to find something cool, instead of the same person always getting the credit. I know my group likes to keep track of that kinda stuff and incorporate it into the role-play. This also lets you add racial predilections (ie an elf might be more apt to notice something in the trees than a dwarf).
![]() IMO weather is important for verisimilitude (fav word). It provides a dramatic backdrop for the scenes, and possible strategic use as well. In KM promises Lewis and Clark style exploration and weather is a BIG part of that. Unprepared adventurers can get totally boned with a sudden rainstorm, especially if something decides to attack them. To say nothing of a freak blizzard. Those who are forward thinking enough can bring proper supplies or just wait for the weather to clear, adding some extra downtime.
![]() I agree with the plot breaking potential of this spell, but it can also be a plot starter. Ideas for change: