New class: The Elementalist

Homebrew and House Rules

I've been having a lot of fun with homebrewing for the last couple of days. What started out as a new take on the sorcerer class ended up as a whole new class, the elementalist. Funny how things go. Right before posting this, I noticed another thread with a class with the exact same name, so I'm sorry for the conceptual overlap, Felgoroth. Thankfully, we had quite different takes on the class itself, though!

The spell is heavily based on the warlock from 3.5, the alchemist from the playtest and has some inspiration from the elemental oracle revelations. It's meant to play out as a pure blaster, something I immensely enjoy. I'm pretty pleased with how it's shaping up, but I need some help with it though. Looking at the level progression, it does seem to lack something early on, any suggestions on what I could add?

The Elementalist

Alignment: Any
HD/Base attack: d8/Medium
Good saves: Will

Class skills: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (Planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill ranks per level 2 + Int modifier

Level progression
1st: Elemental blast 1d6, favored element
2nd: Talent, shaping
3rd: Elemental blast 2d6
4th: Talent
5th: Elemental blast 3d6
6th: Talent
7th: Elemental blast 4d6
8th: Talent
9th: Elemental blast 5d6
10th: Talent
11th: Elemental blast 6d6
12th: Talent
13th: Elemental blast 7d6
14th: Talent
15th: Elemental blast 8d6
16th: Talent
17th: Elemental blast 9d6
18th: Talent
19th: Elemental blast 10d6
20th: Elemental mastery

Elemental blast (Sp): At 1st level, the elementalist gains the ability go make an elemental blast. The elemental blast is a ray with a range of 30 ft. It is a ranged touch attack that allows no saving throw. An elemental blast deals 1d6 damage at first level, dealing an additional 1d6 damage for every 2 levels the elementalist gains thereafter. The elemental blast is equal to a spell whose level is equal to one half the elementalist‘s class level (rounded down) with a minimum spell level of 1 and a maximum spell level of 9. The elemental blast is subject to spell resistance, but feats such as Spell penetration apply to the elemental blast. If the elemental has sufficient base attack bonus, he may make multiple elemental blasts as a full round action.

Favored element (Su): At 1st level, the elementalist must choose one element which he has power over. The elements are air, earth, fire and water. The elementalist‘s elemental blast deals energy damage according to the element chosen. The air element deals electrical damage, the earth element deals acid damage, the fire element deals fire damage and the water element deals ice damage. When dealing damage with this particular energy descriptor, the elementalist deals an extra +1 damage per die rolled. This choice cannot be changed, although additional elements may be learned through a talent.

Talents (Su): At 2nd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the elementalists acquires a talent that empowers his abilities. Unless otherwise noted, a talent cannot be chosen more than once. The DC for any saving throw called for by a talent is equal to 10 + ½ the elementalist‘s level + the elementalist‘s charisma modifier.

Additional element (Su): You gain the ability to use another element in addition to your favored element. This ability can be taken more than once, up to a maximum of all four elements.

Corrosive blasts (Su): Creatures that are hit by your acid elemental blasts must make a fortitude save or take half damage again on their next round. You must be at least 4th level before choosing this talent.

Combustion blasts(Su): Creatures that are hit by your fire elemental blasts must make a reflex save or catch fire. The flames deal 1d6 damage each round for rounds equal to your charisma modifier. Extinguishing the flames is a full-round action that requires a Reflex save. Rolling on the ground provides a +2 bonus on the save. Dousing the target with at least two gallons of water automatically extinguishes the flames. You must be at least 4th level before choosing this talent.

Emulate spell (Sp): Select one spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list with a descriptor that matches an element you know (such as [acid], [electric], [fire] or[ice]). You gain this spell as a spell-like ability that you can cast two times per day. You must be of a level equal to or greater than twice the spell's level to select this talent.

Elemental form (Sp): As a standard action, you may assume the form of a small elemental as elemental body I. This must be an elemental of a type you can use. At 9th level, you may assume the form of a medium elemental as elemental body II. At 11th level, you may assume the form of a large elemental as elemental body III. At 13th level, you may assume the form of a huge elemental as elemental body IV. You may use this ability for up to 1 turn/level. You cannot use elementalal abilities that are of another type than the form of the elemental. These hours must not be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1 turn increments. You must be at least 7th level before choosing this talent.

Elemental movement (Su): You gain a special movement type or bonus of a single element. The air element gains a fly speed of 30 ft. This increases to 60 ft. at 15th level. The earth element gains a burrow speed of 15 ft. This increases to 30 ft. at 15th level. The fire element gains +20. feet to their base speed. This increases to 30 ft. at 15th level. The water element gains a swim speed of 30 ft. This increases to 60 ft. at 15th level. You may choose this talent multiple times. Each time it applies to a different element. You must be at least 8th level before choosing this talent.

Elemental defense (Ex): You gain a bonus to your defenses according to the elemental type selected. You must know the elemental type you choose. The air and water elements gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC. The earth and fire elements gain a damage reduction of 1/-. These bonuses increase to +2 and 2/- at 7th level, to +3 and 3/- at 11th level and +4 and 4/- at 15th level. You may only choose this talent once. You must be at least 4th level before choosing this talent.

Extend reach (Su): Increases the base range of your elemental blast by 10 ft. This talent can taken more than once.

Freezing blast(Su): Creatures that are hit by your cold elemental blasts must make a fortitude save or be staggered for one round. This increases to two rounds at 11th level. You must be at least 4th level before choosing this talent.

Infuse weapon(Sp): As a standard action, you may imbue a weapon you wield with an element you know, granting it either the flaming, frost or shock ability. At 11th level, these improve to flaming burst, icy burst and shocking burst. If your elemental power is acid, it gains the flaming or flaming burst ability, but the damage dealt is acid damage. This ability lasts for 1 min/level. These minutes must not be spent consecutively but they must be spent in 1 min increments. You must be at least 6th level before choosing this talent.

Precise blasts(Su): You can choose a number of squares equal to your charisma modifier that are not affected by your shaped blasts.

Raw power(Su): Increases the damage of your elemental blasts by 1d6. This talent can be taken more than once.

Resilient skin (Ex): You gain a resistance of 5 to an element you know. This resistance increases to 10 at 5th level and 20 at 11th level. At 20th level you gain an immunity to this element.You may choose this talent more than once. Each time it applies to a different element.

Thundering blasts (Su): You may choose to divide the damage of your electrical elemental blasts in half, dealing half electrical damage and half sonic damage. Furthermore, creatures that are hit by this sonic damage must make a will save or be deafened for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier. You must be at least 4th level before choosing this talent.

Shapes (Su): At 2nd level, you learn how to shape your elemental blasts. Elemental blasts that have been shaped do no longer count as ranged touch attacks, but rather as spells that have a reflex saving throw DC of 10 + ½ the elementalist‘s level + the elementalists charisma modifier. You can shape your elemental blasts at will. Shaped blasts gain all the improvements elemental blasts gain from talents. You begin by knowing one shape at 2nd level and you gain more shapes as your levels progress. The shapes you can learn are listed below. Improved shapes can only be learned at 8th level or higher and must have had their lesser variants learned beforehand. Greater shapes can only be learned at 15th level or higher and must have both lesser variants learned beforehand.

(Take a look at the google doc link at the top of the post to see how many shapes the class learns)

Ball: Your elemental blast deals its damage in a 5 ft radius.

Improved ball: As ball, but the radius increases to 10 ft.

Greater ball: As improved ball, but the radius increases to 15 ft.

Cone: Your elemental blast takes the shape of a cone with half its range.

Improved cone: As cone, but the range of the cone increases to full range.

Greater cone: As improved cone, but the range of the cone increases to one and one half range.

Line: Your elemental blast deals damage in a line with its full range.

Improved line: As line, but the range is doubled.

Greater line: As improved line, but the range is tripled.

Nova: Your elemental blasts deal damage in a radius centered on you with half your elemental blast range

Improved nova: As nova, but the radius is full elemental blast range.

Greater nova: As improved nova, but the radius is one and one half elemental blast range.

Elemental mastery (Su): At 20th level you become a master of the elements. Your shaped elemental blasts deal 50% more damage and your regular elemental blasts' critical hits are automatically confirmed. In addition, their critical damage increases from x2 to x3.

I like yours more lol. Might I suggest limiting the amount of times a character can take Raw Power? I realize it's not necessarily optimal and the Alchemists ability similar to this can be taken an unlimited amount of times but, being able to deal 20d6 with an elemental ray just seems a bit too much for me (I think I'm going to house rule the Alchemists ability to something like this if it's not changed in the APG). Also, I know you probably meant to include this but what's the range on the Ball Shapes? Lastly if you'd like you can steal Sense Elements (which I stole from the Shugenja) and possibly it's advanced abilities from my Elementalist for a lower level ability.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I like this, but you might want to differentiate the elements a little bit more.

For example, for elemental defense, at level 2, you might want to give a +1 natural armor bonus to earth, DR 1/- for water, a fire shield-like effect for fire (maybe 1d6 fire damage), and maybe a misty 10% miss chance for air, and increasing them every at levels 6, 10, 14, and 18, so at 18th level, it's +5 AC, DR 5/-, 5d6 fire shield, and 50% miss chance.

You might want to up the energy resistance a little too. Maybe 5 at 1st level, +5 per 4 levels thereafter, so you'd have ER 30 at 20th level.

I wrote a post-zilla here but forums ate it. (Rage the likes of which would make the gods and demons tremble not included in this post)

Anyway, I want to playtest this using an NPC of mine with one level of rogue instead of a full elementalist.

Here's what you need: Weapon and armor proficiency, effects of wearing armor on blasts, how shaping works with iterative attacks.

Suggestions: The Freezing blast may need balancing. In general staggering something totally screws it, no matter the role. I would suggest also taking the multi-level progression used in the Freezing blast an applying it to the other blast talents.

Here's my rewrite for the Freezing blast:
"The target must make a fortitude save or take a -2 penalty on attack rolls, AC and concentration checks for 1 round. At 7th level this duration increases to two rounds. At 11th level the save is to avoid being staggered for 2 rounds instead."

My rewrite for Corrosive Blast, since it's also pretty powerful:
"The target must make a Fortitude save or take 1/4 the damage from the previous round the following round. At 7th level this increases to 1/3 damage, and at 11th level this increases to 1/2 damage."

Rewrite for Combustive Blast, since it's actually kinda weak:
"The target must make a reflex save or catch on fire... At 7th level they take 2d6 damage per round from being on fire. At 11th level they take 3d6 damage from being on fire." This would also allow the Elemental Mastery ability to come into play more for this ability, since it is the only non-blast or SLA the class has that allows a damage roll. Also keep in mind if they are already on fire according to the rules they cannot be cught on fire again.

I suggest making the Thundering blast deal full sonic damage at higher level with the Elemental Mastery ability applying.

Anyway, I will roll my NPC up (Again) at this level and maybe post his backstory when I feel like rewriting it (again). Look forward to seeing the finished version!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Oh yeah, I think 20th level should give a Talent AND Elemental Mastery.

I was working on an elementalist version of the alchemist before the official version came out, and I tried to make it so the elements were pretty different from each other, but still balanced between them. I also tried to provide at least a few utility powers for the elementalist. Also, some battlefield control stuff.

I think playing an Anchorite would be better than playing an elementalist. ;)

SmiloDan wrote:

Oh yeah, I think 20th level should give a Talent AND Elemental Mastery.

I was working on an elementalist version of the alchemist before the official version came out, and I tried to make it so the elements were pretty different from each other, but still balanced between them. I also tried to provide at least a few utility powers for the elementalist. Also, some battlefield control stuff.

Yeah, looking over it again there are some glaring faults with it. Things look a lot better when you're tired. I'll probably make a massive overhaul when I have the time.

Dark Archive

Options for 'blasts' of wind, water or sand/earth/stone could be fun, with unique talents for those options, such as a wind-blast that can bull rush or trip foes, a water effect that acts like quench (or can even be used to 'counterspell' a fiery effect, even a non-spell one, such as a attempting to block a dragon's breath) or a sand-scouring effect that blinds foes temporarily.

Some might be non-standard right out of the box, with wind blasts having a free bull rush effect, but always inflicting nonlethal damage, unless you spend an additional talent to produce winds that inflict lethal damage.

Since the materials would be conjured, they could be temporary (perhaps vanishing at the end of the round of creation, barring, again, a special talent allowing the water Elementalist to create water like the spell), so that the water elementalist couldn't create infinite quantities of water, and the earth elementalist couldn't make infinite quantities of rock for construction (or just dropping from a vast height to crush people for 20d6, since it would vanish before it hit ground!).

I like that the idea bases off of the Warlock chassis (blasts at will, some extra powers) without just being an Elemental Sorcerer (or Wu Jen) knockoff, and yet the ability to pick up relevant spells as options is there as well, so that the Storm Elementalist can pick up Chain Lightning or Control Weather, the Water Elementalist can pick up Water Breathing, etc.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

But it's a really good start. You just might want to give a theme to each element.

For example, earth might deal with resilience, stillness, terrain and growing things. Fire might deal with illumination, direct damage, and movement. Air might deal with illusions and mists and flight and breath, possibly moving others. Water might deal with non-lethal damage, healing, going with the flow and slipperiness.

Dark Archive

SmiloDan wrote:
For example, earth might deal with resilience, stillness, terrain and growing things. Fire might deal with illumination, direct damage, and movement. Air might deal with illusions and mists and flight and breath, possibly moving others. Water might deal with non-lethal damage, healing, going with the flow and slipperiness.

Air could be associated with knowledge as well, whispers on the wind and all that. Then again, 'secrets buried in the earth' and tremorsense could go with earth, reflections in the water / scrying with the water and the 'spark' of creativity and creation (the forge) and insight with fire, so pretty much anything you want to squeeze in there is an option!

If I were gonna pick stats to associate, for relevant buffage, it would be Strength with the sea (wears away stone, carves canyons, relentless as the tide), Constitution with the earth (ageless, enduring, a slumbering titan), Dexterity with the air (dancing effortlessly out of reach, a whirlwind of fury unrestrained) and Intelligence with fire (fire, a tool that creates and shapes the world in the hands of the thinking man, and can destroy it as readily).

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
I think playing an Anchorite would be better than playing an elementalist. ;)

It's just a Monk with some elemental abilities though

I modified most of the talents and merged some. Check them out and by all means, help me come up with new ones :)


Additional element (Su): You gain the ability to use another element in addition to your favored element. This allows you to use an elemental blast of that element and allow you to meet the prerequisites for talents. This ability can be taken more than once, up to a maximum of all four elements.

Altered blast (Sp): You gain the ability to make an alternative use of the element chosen when performing an elemental blast. These altered blasts do not deal damage but instead have various effects. They cannot be used as a part of a shaped blast. The ability gained depends on the element chosen.

Air: You can push back your enemies with a gust of air. You can perform a bull rush attempt that does not provoke an attack of opportunity using your elementalist level in place of your CMB and your charisma modifier in place of your strength or dexterity modifier.

Earth: You can cause a seismic quake under the feet of your opponent. The target and every creature in a 5 ft radius must make a fortitude save or fall prone.

Fire: You can blind your enemies using soot and smoke. The target must make a successful fortitude save or be blinded for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier.

Water: You can use water to something something.

You may choose this talent more than once. Each time it applies to a different element.

Elemental defense (Su): You gain a defensive bonus that depends on the element chosen:

Air: You can a concealment bonus of 10%. This bonus increases to 20% at 6th level, 30% at 10th level and 40% at 14th level.

Earth: You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to your AC. This bonus
increases to +2 at 6th level, +3 at 10th level and +4 at 14th level.

Fire: Creatures that strike you with melee weapons take 1d4 fire damage. This damage increases to 2d4 at 6th level, 3d4 fire damage at 10th level and 4d4 fire damage at 14th level. A successful fortitude save reduces this damage by half.

Water: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level, to +3 at 10th level and to +4 at 14th level.

You may choose this talent more than once. Each time it applies to a different element.

Elemental movement (Su): You gain a movement bonus that depends on the element chosen.

Air: You gain a fly speed of 20 ft. This increases to 40 ft at 12th level and 60 ft at 16th level.

Earth: You gain a burrow speed of 10 ft. This increases to 20 ft at 12th level and 30 ft at 16th level.

Fire: Your base land speed increases by +10 ft. This increases to +20 ft at 12th level and +30 ft at 16th level.

Water: You gain a swim speed of 20 ft. This increases to 40 ft at 10th level and 60 ft at 16th level.

This talent may be chosen multiple times but only once per element. You must be at least 8th level before choosing this talent.

Empowered blasts (Su): You can empower your blasts with devastating secondary effects. These effects also apply to shaped blasts. These effects depend on the element chosen.

Air: You may choose to include loud thunder with your electrical blasts. You may divide half of your elemental blast‘s damage, dealing half electrical damage and half sonic damage. The target must also make a will save or be deafened for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier.

Earth: Your acid elemental blasts deal corrosive damage on the target. The target of acid elemental blasts must make a fortitude save or have its AC decreased by half your elementalist level for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier.

Fire: Your fire elemental blasts light your enemies on fire. The target of your fire elemental blasts must make a reflex save or catch fire, that deals 1 damage per elementalist level for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier. Extinguishing the flames is a full-round action that requires a Reflex save. Rolling on the ground provides a +2 bonus on the save. Dousing the target with at least two gallons of water automatically extinguishes the flames.

Water: Your ice elemental blasts can numb down your enemies, slowing them. The target of your ice elemental blasts must make a fortitude save or have their movement speed lowered by 10 ft per every five elementalist levels you have (minimum 10 ft) for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier.

This talent may be chosen multiple times but only once per element.

Extend reach (Su): Increases the base range of your elemental blast by 10 ft. This talent can taken more than once.

Infuse weapon (Sp): As a standard action, you may infuse a weapon you wield with the power of the element chosen for 1 min/level. The effect depends on the element but you may use any element you know:

Air: Your weapon gets the shock ability. At 11th level this improves to shocking burst.

Earth: Your weapon gets the flaming ability. At 11th level this improves to flaming burst. This ability deals acid damage instead of fire damage.

Fire: Your weapon gets the flaming ability. At 11th level this improves to flaming burst.

Water: Your weapon gets the frost ability. At 11th level this improves to freezing burst.

You must be at least 6th level before choosing this talent.

Raw power (Su): Increases the damage of your elemental blasts by 1d6. This talent can be taken up to five times, to a maximum of 5d6 extra damage.

Precise blasts (Su): You can choose a number of squares equal to your charisma modifier that are not affected by your shaped blasts.

Resilient skin (Su): You gain a resistance of 5 to any element you know. This resistance increases to 10 at 5th level and 20 at 11th level. At 20th level you gain an immunity to any element you know.

Elemental form (Sp): As a standard action, you may assume the form of a small elemental as elemental body I. This must be an elemental of a type you can use. At 9th level, you may assume the form of a medium elemental as elemental body II. At 11th level, you may assume the form of a large elemental as elemental body III. At 13th level, you may assume the form of a huge elemental as elemental body IV. You may use this ability for up to 1 turn/level. You cannot use elementalal abilities that are of another type than the form of the elemental. These hours must not be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1 turn increments. You must be at least 7th level before choosing this talent.

I'll go over the level progression later, but I figure it's best to start with the talents.

Ellington wrote:

I modified most of the talents and merged some. Check them out and by all means, help me come up with new ones :)

** spoiler omitted **...

Alright, let me see about this stuff, since I'm rolling up the character now...

I still need Weapon and armor proficiency, effects of wearing armor on blasts, how shaping works with iterative attacks.

The water blast is actually still really powerful. If you fail a fort save you'll basically be dead at high level, provided you're not a spellcaster, since it can drop your move to very low numbers. At 5th level an ice blaster becomes really scary, and at 11th level could kill anything without a good fort save or a ranged attack.

The acid blast is kind of strange. What if their AC is all dodge? Why should it still decrease? The description is also that it's damaging.

The fire ability is something I wouldn't bother taking at low level. 2 damage, reflex negates? That's kinda sad.

What's the air defense bonus for? A miss chance for everything? Does it interact with other miss chances?

The fire alternate ability is immensely broken. Blind for multiple rounds is a death sentence.

Blindness/Deafness is a 2nd level spell that permanently blinds people.

And being able to do that with a progressive save with every attack is still broken. If it was for 1 round I might say OK, but that's still really good for an at-will ability. It makes them flatfooted AND gives them a 50%% miss chance AND halves movement speed. Plus, every other effect is instantaneous and easily mitigated (Move back from the bull rush, get up from being knocked prone, etc.). For something that can't be mitigated but is still good, check out the choking smoke effect off of pyrotechnics.

For the elemental ability you could have the ice slow them, halving their movement speed for 1 round. Without damaging them and with a save that's pretty tame. Hell, you could do it for 2 rounds and it would still be fine.

I'm going to use kind of a hybrid of your class' rules and some of my own, and since I'm down two party members today we'll get to see how ice does on its own. I planned on having a couple of elemental themed foes; A Sahuagin using the power of Fire, an Earth-using Drow and a Wind using Elven Pirate. I'm not worried about posting this here because although a member of my group browses these forums, he is the one not here today.

I would also include text on how the rays interact with the ranged feats, since it would be an easy mistake to take rapid shot with this class even though it wouldn't work.

I'm predicting my Arcane Archer trying to migrate to this class, since Warlock was his favorite in 3.5.

Liberty's Edge

Great work! Might I suggest light armor + shields = no ASF chance, ASF would apply to blasts if wearing other than light armor? As for weapon profs maybe just simple + pick one martial? Additionally I would consider adding a small elemental familiar at level 5 (when a sorc/wiz would normally be able to get this type of familiar).

Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Great work! Might I suggest light armor + shields = no ASF chance, ASF would apply to blasts if wearing other than light armor? As for weapon profs maybe just simple + pick one martial? Additionally I would consider adding a small elemental familiar at level 5 (when a sorc/wiz would normally be able to get this type of familiar).

I probably wouldn't say an elemental familiar without a feat, due to Air elementals being broken. This class doesn't have any use for a familiar, though, except maybe to deliver rays, which would defeat the purpose of the range increase talent. Or for the fire elementalist to get two instances of heat out at once.

Liberty's Edge

Madcap Storm King wrote:
Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Great work! Might I suggest light armor + shields = no ASF chance, ASF would apply to blasts if wearing other than light armor? As for weapon profs maybe just simple + pick one martial? Additionally I would consider adding a small elemental familiar at level 5 (when a sorc/wiz would normally be able to get this type of familiar).
I probably wouldn't say an elemental familiar without a feat, due to Air elementals being broken. This class doesn't have any use for a familiar, though, except maybe to deliver rays, which would defeat the purpose of the range increase talent. Or for the fire elementalist to get two instances of heat out at once.

I thought being able to have a an elemental familiar kind of fit with the whole "control of the elements" concept of the class.

And on second thought I would likely bump allowed armor to medium simply because they have no spell list. Most other casters can get away with no armor because they have spells to make up for it (blur, mirror image, etc.), so medium (or even heavy) armor might be needed to take that into account.

Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Madcap Storm King wrote:
Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Great work! Might I suggest light armor + shields = no ASF chance, ASF would apply to blasts if wearing other than light armor? As for weapon profs maybe just simple + pick one martial? Additionally I would consider adding a small elemental familiar at level 5 (when a sorc/wiz would normally be able to get this type of familiar).
I probably wouldn't say an elemental familiar without a feat, due to Air elementals being broken. This class doesn't have any use for a familiar, though, except maybe to deliver rays, which would defeat the purpose of the range increase talent. Or for the fire elementalist to get two instances of heat out at once.

I thought being able to have a an elemental familiar kind of fit with the whole "control of the elements" concept of the class.

And on second thought I would likely bump allowed armor to medium simply because they have no spell list. Most other casters can get away with no armor because they have spells to make up for it (blur, mirror image, etc.), so medium (or even heavy) armor might be needed to take that into account.

They can just get a summon monster SLA if they want it. I don't think the class has much use for a familiar is all.

Medium Armor? These guys need Dex, so even if you gave it to them none of them would wear it past 1st through 3rd level unless they decided to grab mithral breastplate anyway and stop building dex. Plus they do have consistent no save negates damage that's on par with an Evoker with a bigger hit die and more BAB, as well as light armor. Unlike most people I didn't think the warlock was underpowered, because unlike the wizard it could actually take a hit and possibly not die to ranged weapons. A shield would be nice since we're stepping up to melee chew toy range though, with a 30 ft range to start with.

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