If you could make your party, what would you create?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Halflings...all halflings...no poser gnomes either

jyg'g rockz out wit his bladez out

*snikt* *snikt*

Dark Archive

All halfling monks. All drunken master halfling monks.

Hmmm. My prefered roles in Pathfinder:

Divine Guy (Cleric, druid, ranger, paladin)
Arcane Guy (Sorcerer, wizard, bard)
Skills guy (rogue, bard, ranger)
Muscles McLargeHuge (Fighter, barbarian, ranger, paladin, battle cleric, natural form druid, kinda bard, MAYBE monk)

Less for actual mechanics or combat, more for party synergy. Mind you, some classes can be more then one, and multiclassing can also mix things up. Once you have all four made out, you're golden - you can have multiples if you want (and probably will end up with). As you can see, the easiest to be is Muscles McLargeHuge.


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B_Wiklund wrote:
All halfling monks. All drunken master halfling monks.

You are my new hero.....all Halfling monks.....wow it is like hearing the Beatles for the first time.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

"Tank" Monk (focused on having insane CMB and high AC/HP)
Skirmisher Bard (Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, longspear)
Barbarian Smashthing (two-handed axe with all the damage potential he can muster)
Conjurer Wizard (specializing in battlefield control and debuffing)
Standard Cleric (nothing special here, mostly geared towards healing and buffing)
Scout Rogue (probably a halfling, specialized in stealth and recon)

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

If I could make my dream party, what would I create?

A lot of dead monsters!

Scarab Sages

1 Dwarven Cleric in heavy armor with as many hit points and as high an AC as possible. Travel and protection domains.

1 Paladin 2 / Fighter + with a Bladed Whip and the Greater Feint Feat. Use Traits to give him Bluff as a class skill and max it out.

3 Rogue Archers

1 Bard Archer


Dwarven Cleric tanks.

Paladin uses Greater Feint to force at least one creature a round to loose it's dex bonus.

Rogues all sneak attack the creature the paladin feinted.

Bard is the face man and lore monkey.

Scarab Sages

Cleric (Counterspell/dispel magic)
Cleric (buffer)
Rogue (skill monkey)

Shadow Lodge

Shtudd-Leee wrote:
B_Wiklund wrote:
All halfling monks. All drunken master halfling monks.
You are my new hero.....all Halfling monks.....wow it is like hearing the Beatles for the first time.

I'm going to mention this at my weekend game now... it's just so cool!

*runs off to make a group of halfling monk villians*


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder only
Bard ( 20 ) weapon finesse two weapon fighting Rapier & Dagger
Ranger Monk ( 14 / 6 ) Two Weapon Fighting STR base Scimitar & Kukri
Rogue Fighter ( 19 / 1 ) Two Weapon Fighting finesse Rapier & Kukri
Cleric Monk ( 18 / 2 ) Caster / Healing

Liberty's Edge

A table for beer pong, probably a rental stripper pole, a chill room...

eh, never mind.

I'd go all wizards and clerics with a rogue there to do rogue-y stuff. Then I'd kill the rogue off as soon as the casters could do his job better, and there you go.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

4 Druids + 1 bard.

This party can't be beat with all of its animal companions/summons being buffed by the bard and its sheer combined spellcasting power.

Scarab Sages


Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Petshop Boys
The 4 man, 4 pet party:
Summoner, Druid, Cavalier, Necromancer (UA Skeletal familiar variant), Combat Eidolon, Big Cat, Wolf, Sir Clackers. Give the Eidolon bonuses in Perception and Disable Device and Ta Da!

At level 7 someone takes Leadership for a Bard, because the Bard's power is increased for every thing that acts in a party.

The Stunties, the little guys willing to take on the big jobs:

Halfling Paladin of Iomedae (Glorious Leader), mounted on Riding Dog.
Gnome Witch
Goblin Rogue (Stogy Stubbs, the hard smokin' hard drinkin' goblin)
Kobold Sorcerer (Silver Dragonblooded)
Dwarf Monk (My hand is my axe, my body my shield).

Dark Archive

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Everquest theme guilds I've seen (or been in);

All Necromancers (Ebonlore)
All Druids (Rolling Thunder, Nomadic Brotherhood)
All Paladins (Righteous Fury)
All Dark Elves (Dark Conclave, Domination)
All Humans, Erudites ('high men') and Barbarians (Races of Man and 'Hey Buddy, Got a Light?' (a joke that human races are the only ones who lacked Infra/Ultravision))
All 'stunties;' Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings (Knee-Kickers of the Fantastic, the Gnomish Marine Corps)
All Monks (Royal Order of the Drunken Ferret, Drunken Friars)

I would love if there was a way to effectively synergize a Dread Necromancer with a Bard (no morale bonus for mindless undead, but something like K's 'dark-minded' template would work).

An all-humanoids group, with no one playing the same race / class, could be fun.

the Bugbear Rogue/Assassin (she loves to terrorize, stalk and kill people, and is unwelcome among her own kind because she considers her fellow Bugbears 'the most dangerous game'),
the Fire Goblin 'pyromancer' Wizard (incinerated his last tribe, intentionally, for power, and, even if he could join another, he's finding more arcane lore adventuring than he could ever acquire as Goblin #23, and has the quirky, and, in the world of D&D, strangely accurate, notion that the more creatures he burns to death, the more powerful he becomes, learning new arcane secrets whispered to him in the crackling of searing flesh. In his own way, he's broken the fourth wall, and figured out that killing people gives XP!),
the Hobgoblin ex-slave Fighter specializing in beating people to death with the chain that used to hold him (refuses to use standard weapons and join the 'rank and file' of the strict Hobgoblin heirarchy, and is too chaotic to join his people's army),
the Gnoll Druid with Hyena companion cast from his pack for contradicting the dominant female (and barely surviving her rebuttal, left with scars that mark him as a permanant exile),
the Orcish grappling Monk (who regards his barbaric kin with contempt, finding power in discipline),
the insane dragon-worshipping supremacist dragon-blooded Kobold Cleric (who even the most dragon-worshipping of his kind consider a bit over-the-top, since he heretically serves Tiamat, instead of properly revering Kurtulmak!),
the taciturn Lizardfolk Ranger w/ Monitor lizard companion (left her kind because they wanted her to be an egg-layer, and she wanted to be a hunter. After killing enough amorous males, she got her wish.).

Scarab Sages

Not sure about perfect party, but I start Kingmaker (As the DM) tomorrow night, and the party looks looks this.

Half-Elf Cavalier
Half-Elf Cleric of Cayden Calien (sp?)(Going for Mystic Theurge)
Half-Orc Alchemist
Dwarf Inquisitor (Archer)
Human Barbarian (He says he will split into Rogue at lvl 2)


Shadow Lodge

Three-Halves for a whole!
Half-Orc Barbarian
Half-Elf Rogue(with high UMD)
Halfling Cleric

Five people that show up on time and two that can and will slap the other three and one to lead the table as a GROUP! TEAM WORK! Work together not...Mr. Fishy's heart hurts he needs his pills...

Kae Yoss
Mr. Fishy
Abraham Spalding

you guys figure out what roles they fill in the party

Shadow Lodge

Spalding gets Wizard, no arguments will be tolerated, as he is The Wizard.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Baldur's Gate-style:

Halfling Rogue (traps)
Elven Ranger (to give the rogue a scouting partner)
Human Fighter (battlefield control)
Half-Orc Barbarian (the target)
Dwarven Cleric (item creation focus)
Half-Elven Sorcerer (arcane bloodline)

For a four-person party...
Halfling Rogue (as above, with two weapon fighting for maximum damage)
Human Fighter (battlefield control)
Dwarven Cleric (item creation again)
Elven Wizard (maximum versatility would be needed)

for a 4 person gestalt party. all 4 would look like little girls of human origin. mistakable for human children. this is a party i always wanted to try. especially with eternal youth and ages in the range of millenia. makes nice epic characters.

Female Advanced Human (Japanese) Gestalt Warblade/Fighter focused on 2hand weapons, swordsage/rogue's older sister. protective towards her younger sister.

Female Advanced Human (Japanese) Gestalt Swordsage/Rogue focused on Shadow hand, stone dragon and a little bit of tiger claw too. the warblade/fighters younger sister. Sadistic as heck. enjoys other's pain.

Female advanced Aasimaar (Psuedo French) Gestalt Favored Soul/Oracle of Sarenrae. Focus and domains are built around healing. has dervish dance feat. would have channel positive energy and healing domain added to favored soul side. protection domain too. goodie 2 shoes. childhood friend of the Wich/Beguiler. looks perfectly human

Female advanced Tiefling (Victorian English) Gestalt Witch/Beguiler focused on deception and utility. likes drinking tea and collecting dolls. Childhood friend of the favored Soul/Oracle. looks perfectly human

Shuriken word of advice? stay away from tentacles and aberrations with that party.

Abraham spalding wrote:
Shuriken word of advice? stay away from tentacles and aberrations with that party.

i will make sure of that. thier fluff is that they are all godlings on a rite of passage.

My perfect party?

Well, we'd start with lots of beverages, pizza, and pasta salad from my favorite restaurants... then have some drinks, then game for a long freaking session.

Wait, that's not the point...

Perfect party theory:

Dungeon Crawl, 6-top:
Fighter Sword, board. (or axe and board) I like traditional fighters. A paladin would also fit here quite well to me.
Rogue Dreamscarred press's psionic feats are awesome. I'd play a rogue with lots of those feats.
Cleric (secondary front line combatant) Combat cleric with selective channel.
Wizard (universalist)
Warlock (secondary front line combatant)
Bard (secondary healer buffer) Archery and ranged trip attack specialist.

Non-Dungeon Crawl, also 6-top:
Ranger or Barbarian or Druid
Fighter or Paladin
Bard, Warlock, or Monk

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I usually have small groups, so I really value versatility:

1 Binder
1 Druid
1 Rogue or Bard or Ranger or Beguiler or Scout or monk

I also like capers:

1 Beguiler
1 Rogue
1 Bard
1 Ranger
1 Warlock
1 stealthy-type cleric
1 scout
1 ninja
1 monk

Depends on the campaign!

In 3.5 with some splats:
Paladin (with Shield Focus, Shield Ward, and Divine Shield)
Favored Soul (/w big weapon)
Ranger (ranged, /w trapfinding alternate class feature)
Fifth spot: Bard, Barbarian or Druid

Fifth spot: Ranger or Paladin or Bard

Now I always fancied a "magic team", but its a hell of buffing you need to pull this off:

Favored Soul
Fifth: Bard

Shadow Lodge

The party leader would obviously be an Oracle with the Lore Focus, serving as the face of the group, while being somewhat haunted by the revelations his divine inspiration conspires to present from time to time. He'd do frontline duty with heavy mace and longspear, while supporting the group with buffs and minor healing and answering to the more obscure(religion, the planes) knowledge questions that the arcanist could not.

Joining the Oracle to tank it out in full force there'd be a dwarven fighter/druid multiclass, in heavy stoneplate and wielding a war axe. Flanking them both is the large cat companion of the dwarf, with the Boon Companion feat(Seekers of Secrets) taking care of the lost level advancement. While druid wouldn't use wildshape in combat, unless the opponent requires something Huge to tackle, out-of-combat situations like needing someone who can fly or a fast swimmer should be the forte of the forms.

Twirling around both of them there'd be a twin team of death: the bard/barbarian shoanti thundercaller and the aberrant bloodline sorcerer/rogue/arcane trickster, both using spring attack and cavorting madly. I'd have the bard use a totem spear and inspire the whole team while slashing at lone opponents and using his horrendous speed(fast movement+mithril medium armor+expeditious retreat) to stay out of reach. The arcane trickster'd invest heavily in use magic device and laugh at people while sneak attacking with his reach touch attacks.

Finally, conjurer with Augment Summoning to make sure that there'd be no end to dire tigers or celestial rhinos, while debuffing and harassing everything the frontline doesn't leave in bloody shreds. The bard's inspire courage would complement the hordes very well, making even dretches and basic lions worth something.

Dark Archive

When I played the good old Secret of the Silver Blades computer rpg, I almost always ended up with:

1 Human Paladin
1 Human Ranger
1 Dwarf Fighter/Thief
1 Human Cleric
1 Human Wizard
1 Half-elf Cleric/Wizard

For Pathfinder, I'd probably change the Half-elf Cleric/Wizard into a Bard, but other than that, that's too me the "perfect" party.

Rhubarb wrote:
you guys figure out what roles they fill in the party

Kae Yoss: Death Slaad in a jester suit

Mr. Fishy: Advanced Fiendish Dire Guppie
Sebastian: Half-Celestial Half-Fiendish Half-Draconic Pony
Abraham Spalding: Kolyarut Inevitable in a jester suit

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Bruno Kristensen wrote:

When I played the good old Secret of the Silver Blades computer rpg, I almost always ended up with:

1 Human Paladin
1 Human Ranger
1 Dwarf Fighter/Thief
1 Human Cleric
1 Human Wizard
1 Half-elf Cleric/Wizard

For Pathfinder, I'd probably change the Half-elf Cleric/Wizard into a Bard, but other than that, that's too me the "perfect" party.

That's almost exactly what I used to play with in those games. I tended to have two Wizards instead of a Cleric/Wizard, though.

Kevin Morris wrote:
Bruno Kristensen wrote:

When I played the good old Secret of the Silver Blades computer rpg, I almost always ended up with:

1 Human Paladin
1 Human Ranger
1 Dwarf Fighter/Thief
1 Human Cleric
1 Human Wizard
1 Half-elf Cleric/Wizard

For Pathfinder, I'd probably change the Half-elf Cleric/Wizard into a Bard, but other than that, that's too me the "perfect" party.

That's almost exactly what I used to play with in those games. I tended to have two Wizards instead of a Cleric/Wizard, though.

I used to multiclass almost everyone with fighter to try for 18(XX) str and get the bonus HP.

Dark Archive

Caineach wrote:
Kevin Morris wrote:
Bruno Kristensen wrote:

When I played the good old Secret of the Silver Blades computer rpg, I almost always ended up with:

1 Human Paladin
1 Human Ranger
1 Dwarf Fighter/Thief
1 Human Cleric
1 Human Wizard
1 Half-elf Cleric/Wizard

For Pathfinder, I'd probably change the Half-elf Cleric/Wizard into a Bard, but other than that, that's too me the "perfect" party.

That's almost exactly what I used to play with in those games. I tended to have two Wizards instead of a Cleric/Wizard, though.
I used to multiclass almost everyone with fighter to try for 18(XX) str and get the bonus HP.

@Kevin: Come to think of it, maybe that was what I did...been too many years.

@Caineach: I once started an entire party in Secret of the Silver Blades as Human Fighters (and Maxed all their stats, obviously), then dual-classes immediately. Highly effective, once you got above the fighter level...which didn't take long, when you were just running around in the big dungeon and doing random encounters.


Yea this party is a bit big but it can take on all comers.

Barbarian or Fighter
Wizard or Sorcerer

It's not about efficiency, it's about fun.

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