Kingmaker Kingdom & City Excel Sheet


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The new sheet looks wonderful there is an error in the Population function on the Overall sheet. The size of the cities is now in T6 not T4.

Sovereign Court

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Berhagen wrote:

And there it is, with some delay Version 2.0!

Here is the link. Kingmaker Kingdom Sheet Version 2.0

Army sheets and and overall Army Summary Sheet have been included. Some minor corrections were made.

If you find any bugs, please post them here and I will try to correct them.

Awesome! :)

Justin Franklin wrote:
The new sheet looks wonderful there is an error in the Population function on the Overall sheet. The size of the cities is now in T6 not T4.

Thanks. It was easy to fix. However, I will wait a bit and see if more bugs come up, and then upload a version with multiple fixes at the same time.

Berhagen wrote:

And there it is, with some delay Version 2.0!

Here is the link. Kingmaker Kingdom Sheet Version 2.0

Army sheets and and overall Army Summary Sheet have been included. Some minor corrections were made.

If you find any bugs, please post them here and I will try to correct them.

The site said since you have a nonpremium account the file can only be downloaded 10 times and that limit has already been reached. You mind posting it on

Sovereign Court

Berhagen wrote:

And there it is, with some delay Version 2.0!

Here is the link. Kingmaker Kingdom Sheet Version 2.0

Army sheets and and overall Army Summary Sheet have been included. Some minor corrections were made.

If you find any bugs, please post them here and I will try to correct them.

Berhagen, can you please email the sheet to me at wannagameinburlington at hotmail dot com ? The site hosting your file is giving me this message:

This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.

This limit is reached.

To download this file, the uploader either needs to upload the file again or first log in to his/her Premium Account and then upload the file again. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information.

Hi All,
SCRIBD doesn’t seem to like my excel file. Thus again in Rapidshare

Kingmaker Kingdom Sheet V2.0(1)

Sovereign Court

Much appreciated!

Q: the vacancy modifier for economy, loyalty and stability keeps changing say, if I modify the edicts. Shouldn't vacancy mods stay the same or are they scalable depending on other factors?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:

Much appreciated!

Q: the vacancy modifier for economy, loyalty and stability keeps changing say, if I modify the edicts. Shouldn't vacancy mods stay the same or are they scalable depending on other factors?

Three of the roles (Treasurer, Councilor and Grand Diplomat) make it so that you can not do edicts if they are empty. So I would guess they are adjusting to the value of your edict bonus to cancel them out.

I am quite sure that is how I made it work. Because you "lose" your bonus through the vacancy, I put the malus in that field.

Thank you very much Berhagen, I will be using this in my upcoming Kingmaker campaign. Great work!

Sovereign Court

Berhagen wrote:
I am quite sure that is how I made it work. Because you "lose" your bonus through the vacancy, I put the malus in that field.


It seems that the file can only be downloaded 10 times per day. Is it possible to use a different downloading host site?

ok when I try and download that I get the following message

This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.

This limit is reached.

To download this file, the uploader either needs to upload the file again or first log in to his/her Premium Account and then upload the file again. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information.

Berhagen wrote:

Hi All,

SCRIBD doesn’t seem to like my excel file. Thus again in Rapidshare

Kingmaker Kingdom Sheet V2.0(1)

Did you try this link or the other (earlier)one?

For some reason it seems I can't type in what Magical items are supposed to be in the slots.

Er... that might be because I forgot to unlock them...... will work on fixing that.

This is great, thanks very much for providing it for us!

Seriously. Thanks a ton.

I found another bug. I have fixed this my self on the sheet but I'm sure others don't know how to do such things.

It revolves around the interaction with the Waterfront and its effect on the Loyalty penalty from taxes. If there is a Waterfront and you have no taxes it cuts the bonus 1 you would get to .5 but the Waterfront only states that it cuts the penalty in half not the bonus.

Also it makes the -1 you would get from light to a -.5 but nothing else produces a -.5 to Loyalty so I changed it so it would come up 0. I was unsure whether to make this stay a -1 or just change it to 0 to give the Waterfront a slightly nicer effect. What are you thoughts on this?

I left in the .5 BP that having the reduction structure gives to Promotion and festivals because those 2 together can produce a 1 BP consumption if both are at light/Token. Again thoughts on this one?

I found another one. The population area on the main kingdom page was wrong. For hexes and city 1 it is correct, but for all other city's it is adding in stability instead of population. I fixed this easily but I figured id let you know for those who cant.

Hi All, I will try and work the bugs out in some future update, but private obligation, study and work are eating up most of my enery currently......... so watch this space, but don't hold your breath for too long ;-)

Berhagen wrote:
Hi All, I will try and work the bugs out in some future update, but private obligation, study and work are eating up most of my energy currently......... so watch this space, but don't hold your breath for too long ;-)

Berhagen, I'm sorry to hear this, I have fixed all these bugs maybe I can send it to you and you can just re-post it on your file sharing site? Let me know.

Xymor, that would be great. I'd like your version when it's released. Thanks

Xymor wrote:
Berhagen wrote:
Hi All, I will try and work the bugs out in some future update, but private obligation, study and work are eating up most of my energy currently......... so watch this space, but don't hold your breath for too long ;-)

Berhagen, I'm sorry to hear this, I have fixed all these bugs maybe I can send it to you and you can just re-post it on your file sharing site? Let me know.

I will repost it for him if you send it to me. I will include his name* for purposes of giving credit.

*His board name since I don't know his real one. As for your post mentioning the .5's I would do it by the book. I might fix it myself today or tomorrow though.

Excellent work here, one thing I've noticed so far Exotic Craftsman is supposed to be +1 loyalty, +1 stability, but you have the loyalty bonus down as economy. Found and edited it on the city in questions, but all 25 could take time...

Stormchaser wrote:
Excellent work here, one thing I've noticed so far Exotic Craftsman is supposed to be +1 loyalty, +1 stability, but you have the loyalty bonus down as economy. Found and edited it on the city in questions, but all 25 could take time...

Ok I fixed this on all 25 city sheets.

Wraithstrike where do you want me to send this file for you to host it?

Xymor wrote:
Stormchaser wrote:
Excellent work here, one thing I've noticed so far Exotic Craftsman is supposed to be +1 loyalty, +1 stability, but you have the loyalty bonus down as economy. Found and edited it on the city in questions, but all 25 could take time...

Ok I fixed this on all 25 city sheets.

Wraithstrike where do you want me to send this file for you to host it?

I'm not sure if I misunderstood your post, but if you check the Kingdom building thread, I think you'll find that somewhere there there's official errata that the Exotic Craftsman should be +1 Economy +1 Stability, not +1 Loyalty +1 Stability.
If that was what you were saying, fine.... :)
I also think there was errata issued on that thread that Graveyards no longer give +1 Economy, and that the BP costs for a Barracks and a Watchtower had been switched around.
Hmm. It might be an idea to indicate on the spreadsheets somehow that a building represented has had official errata issued on it which is why it may not match up to what is listed in Rivers Run Red.

I can't look at the Berhagen spreadsheet for details of what is represented because it's not compatible with the older version of Excel my computer runs... Ah well, back to work on my own Kingmaker spreadsheet.

Scarab Sages

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
I also think there was errata issued on that thread that Graveyards no longer give +1 Economy

I would have thought passing trade would be quite dead there.

Aah, thanks for that, I didn't know that. Yes errata tags would be useful.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:


I'm not sure if I misunderstood your post, but if you check the Kingdom building thread, I think you'll find that somewhere there there's official errata that the Exotic Craftsman should be +1 Economy +1 Stability, not +1 Loyalty +1 Stability.
If that was what you were saying, fine.... :)
I also think there was errata issued on that thread that Graveyards no longer give +1 Economy, and that the BP costs for a Barracks and a Watchtower had been switched around.
Hmm. It might be an idea to indicate on the spreadsheets somehow that a building represented has had official errata issued on it which is why it may not match up to what is listed in Rivers Run Red.

I can't look at the Berhagen spreadsheet for details of what is represented because it's not compatible with the older version of Excel my computer runs... Ah well, back to work on my own Kingmaker spreadsheet.

I am also using an older version of Excel - but there is a download from Microsoft that will allow you to open spreadsheets made with newer versions.

Hi all, feel free to repost the updated sheet. However, the updates to graveyard, exotic craftsman, barracks etc are all implemented in there. (See the Version control sheet, Version 1.2). Summarizing:

The following errata were mentioned on the paizo messageboards by James Jacobs and Jason Bulman.

Barracks (6 BP): Defense Modifier +2; Unrest –1.
Exotic Craftsman (10 BP): 1 minor item, +1 Economy, +1 Stability.
Graveyard (4 BP): +1 loyalty
Watchtower (12 BP): +1 Stability; +2 Defense Modifier; Unrest –1.

Although I am still planning on updating the excel sheet someday, it is still busy at work, private life etc (And although all the activities are fun, it doesn't allow me much time to work on this for now), so feel free to edit/update/repost!

Xymor wrote:
Stormchaser wrote:
Excellent work here, one thing I've noticed so far Exotic Craftsman is supposed to be +1 loyalty, +1 stability, but you have the loyalty bonus down as economy. Found and edited it on the city in questions, but all 25 could take time...

Ok I fixed this on all 25 city sheets.

Wraithstrike where do you want me to send this file for you to host it?

I never got that file.

wraithstrike wrote:
I never got that file.

OK I sent it to you, Luckily I save everything before I make changes so the Exotic Craftsman is as the errata says.

Bugs that I fixed were, The population not adding correctly, Waterfronts Halving the bonus from None Taxes, And all the magic item slots on the cities are unlocked. If any one finds any more post them here and if Berhagen still doesn't have time Ill try to fix them.

Xymor wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
I never got that file.

OK I sent it to you, Luckily I save everything before I make changes so the Exotic Craftsman is as the errata says.

Bugs that I fixed were, The population not adding correctly, Waterfronts Halving the bonus from None Taxes, And all the magic item slots on the cities are unlocked. If any one finds any more post them here and if Berhagen still doesn't have time Ill try to fix them.

Thanks. Click here for the latest version.


Dark Archive

do any of these sheets exist in a simple blank pdf?

Does anyone know where the latest version is, and which of the above mentioned tweaks are included?

Just wondering if I should use the spreadsheet or manage cities by (*GULP*) hand?

Last I saw, this file name was the latest (Berhagen_'s Kingmaker_Kingdom_Sheet_V_2.0.xlsx) and I found it at the mediafire link here, posted by wraithstrike (

I would have responded sooner, but I did not see this post.
@Thraug: The one I posted was the last update. If you found any errors the author normally fixes them quickly.

@ Koriatsar: The file does not work if you convert it to a pdf, but there may be someone with enough computer skills to make a pdf verison. Sadly that person is not me.
If you just want the sheets without the autocalculating I can do a "to pdf" conversion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Berhagen wrote:

And there it is, with some delay Version 2.0!

Here is the link. Kingmaker Kingdom Sheet Version 2.0

Army sheets and and overall Army Summary Sheet have been included. Some minor corrections were made.

If you find any bugs, please post them here and I will try to correct them.

I have 2 hexes, one city and one farmland. For some reason the calculator is telling me that I have 2 farmlands. Why is that? Am I missing something or is it an error?

Ravingdork wrote:
Berhagen wrote:

And there it is, with some delay Version 2.0!

Here is the link. Kingmaker Kingdom Sheet Version 2.0

Army sheets and and overall Army Summary Sheet have been included. Some minor corrections were made.

If you find any bugs, please post them here and I will try to correct them.

I have 2 hexes, one city and one farmland. For some reason the calculator is telling me that I have 2 farmlands. Why is that? Am I missing something or is it an error?

The farmlands are entered by the user on the "kingdom" page, and the same number should be reflected on the "overall" page. My numbers have always matched up. If you don't see what may be wrong you can upload it to your medialink profile, and I can download it to see if I can see what the issue is.

edit:If medialink is not the correct site name I was referring to the one you upload your characters to.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
wraithstrike wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Berhagen wrote:

And there it is, with some delay Version 2.0!

Here is the link. Kingmaker Kingdom Sheet Version 2.0

Army sheets and and overall Army Summary Sheet have been included. Some minor corrections were made.

If you find any bugs, please post them here and I will try to correct them.

I have 2 hexes, one city and one farmland. For some reason the calculator is telling me that I have 2 farmlands. Why is that? Am I missing something or is it an error?

The farmlands are entered by the user on the "kingdom" page, and the same number should be reflected on the "overall" page. My numbers have always matched up. If you don't see what may be wrong you can upload it to your medialink profile, and I can download it to see if I can see what the issue is.

edit:If medialink is not the correct site name I was referring to the one you upload your characters to.

Oh I get it now. It's not saying I have 2 farms (which I should have 1), it's saying Consumption is reduced by 2, for having 1 farm.

The labeling confused me for a bit.

Ravingdork wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Berhagen wrote:

And there it is, with some delay Version 2.0!

Here is the link. Kingmaker Kingdom Sheet Version 2.0

Army sheets and and overall Army Summary Sheet have been included. Some minor corrections were made.

If you find any bugs, please post them here and I will try to correct them.

I have 2 hexes, one city and one farmland. For some reason the calculator is telling me that I have 2 farmlands. Why is that? Am I missing something or is it an error?

The farmlands are entered by the user on the "kingdom" page, and the same number should be reflected on the "overall" page. My numbers have always matched up. If you don't see what may be wrong you can upload it to your medialink profile, and I can download it to see if I can see what the issue is.

edit:If medialink is not the correct site name I was referring to the one you upload your characters to.

Oh I get it now. It's not saying I have 2 farms (which I should have 1), it's saying Consumption is reduced by 2, for having 1 farm.

The labeling confused me for a bit.

Each farm should reduce the consumption by 1, not 2.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That can't be right, you need a hex to have a farm, and every hex is +1 consumption. What would be the point of farms then if they effectively gave you nothing?

Maybe it was errata'd form 1 to 2? The program is very clear in that 1 farm = -2 consumption.

The program includes errata, after all.

You're both saying the same thing. Each hex dedicated to farming produces a net consumption decrease of 1.

If you have 12 hexes and dedicate one to farming, consumption is reduced by 2.

If you have 12 hexes and add one dedicated to farming, consumption increases by one and decreases by two: net -1.

The Exchange

It specifically says, "Every farmland hex in your Kingdom reduces your Consumption by 2 BP.

So for example:
size (total hexes claimed)[11] + total city districts[2] +/- edicts[0] - (farmlands x 2)[6 x 2] + Armies[0] = Total


If you were to get a total below 0, it would just be 0.

Shieldknight wrote:

It specifically says, "Every farmland hex in your Kingdom reduces your Consumption by 2 BP.

So for example:
size (total hexes claimed)[11] + total city districts[2] +/- edicts[0] - (farmlands x 2)[6 x 2] + Armies[0] = Total


If you were to get a total below 0, it would just be 0.

Ok. I see where I messed up. I went to the overall screen and not to the kingdom screen. Ignore my previous post.

Liberty's Edge

This Sheet ROCKS!!!!

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Very cool. This is going to make my life A LOT easier.

Question: Where is the data on the different buildings kept? I would like to fiddle with a couple to reflect house rules.

Also, how hard would it be for me to add lines for Logging Camps and Mines on the kingdom tab? Where would I add the formula to calculate the effects?

BTW- thanks for tracking the errata for us!

Mosaic wrote:

Very cool. This is going to make my life A LOT easier.

Question: Where is the data on the different buildings kept? I would like to fiddle with a couple to reflect house rules.

Also, how hard would it be for me to add lines for Logging Camps and Mines on the kingdom tab? Where would I add the formula to calculate the effects?

BTW- thanks for tracking the errata for us!

I am nowhere near as good with excel as the guy who created the sheet. I will try to figure it out though. I do have a basic understanding of how the sheet works.

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