TheDrone |
So this has come up a few times during my Rise of the Runelords campaign, and has been effective enough, just wanted to throw it out there to see what the DMing bretheren would do.
A rogue got a flying carpet (i thought it was harmless enough when I rolled for it) but then the rogue get jumping on my dragons!! He said he wanted his character to balance on the dragon, there's no rule for this, so I ruled that he could use his acrobatics check vs. the dragon's CMD. Since he's riding the dragon, he asked if it was considered flat-footed, I thought yeah ok, sounds like it makes sense, the dragon couldn't defend itself effectively (and it's natural armor was high enough it was still hard to hit.)
Does acrobatics vs. CMD make sense to you? Would the dragon be flatfooted? What would you have the dragon do if this pesky half-elf kept jumping on it?
Just tossing out things for ideas. It's pretty effective a distraction. Would it be as simple as the dragon flying way way up, turning upside down? I could grapple him in the most recent adventure, but he could still escape and get back on enough for the witch to fireball him to death.
TheDrone |
Acrobatics vs CMD is a good start. if the dragon flips maybe use its CMB vs a climb check or just allow a climb/reflex to grab on.
also do the dragons get AoO's?
is the player trying to do things "Shadow of the colossus" style?
You know, I hadn't been giving the Dragon's attacks of opportunity. I might just do that. It makes sense as you are "moving through" a threatened area.
Shadow of the Colossus, wow that's a reference to be sure. I had to look it up. Fun game!! ;)
I think that's an accurate view of what he's doing or trying to accomplish. Balancing on top and battling a bigger than he is creature.
Evil Lincoln |
I would start out with an acrobatics check (to reach the mount) and a touch attack (to gain a handhold). Each turn thereafter I would just use straight up mount CMB vs. rider CMD.
Each attempt to "unsaddle" the rider should be a Maneuver vs. the rider's CMD. That way you're accounting for rider Agility, but I wouldn't use acrobatics to represent holding on for dear life.
A maneuver is best defined as: "Any attack-like situation where size is a benefit rather than a hindrance." Shaking off a rider definitely fits that description.
Magicdealer |
Hmm... first, I wouldn't count the dragon as flat footed. Second, that sounds to me like a definite *fast food* scenario.
Sunder some rogue weapons and chow down.
Actually, it kind of depends what kind of dragon you're using.
you could burrow.
You could fly up nice and high... the teleport away.
Grease would definitely make things interesting up there.
I could see an acrobatics check working, since he's not actually *riding* so much as standing on and trying not to fall off. Riding implies an attempt to control the movement of the creature.
I doubt he can do that.
Ooh, ooh! Have the dragon fly up, and teleport back to the ground! Then, when the rogue lands and tries to get back on the dragon, have the dragon fly up... and then teleport deep underwater. I bet the dragon can hold his breath longer.
I wish my players made these kinds of mistakes :/
Though I did have that rogue who followed a demon through a portal to the abyss by himself...
KaeYoss |
So the summoner from THIS THREAD is the unwilling participant?
I am deeply disappointed in this internet community that no one has mentioned rodeo sex yet. :)
That shot was too easy.
What would be the rodeo sex line on Golarion?
bcpeery |
I was rnning a game a few years back in 3.5 and this came up... balance (acrobatics now) check on stay on and the dragon was denied its dex to armor.
**It is important to note at this time our brave little halfling stated he was standing so as not to get hi with teh pealties for fighting pone or while climbing.**
However our halfling rogue could not fly nor could he feather fall so when the dragon flew its max movement up and performed a corkscrew...
well you get the idea. I did give him and attempt to grab back ahold of the dragon (touch attack after dropping what was in his hands to use them both) before falling to his demise.
KaeYoss |
I was rnning a game a few years back in 3.5 and this came up... balance (acrobatics now) check on stay on and the dragon was denied its dex to armor.
**It is important to note at this time our brave little halfling stated he was standing so as not to get hi with teh pealties for fighting pone or while climbing.**
However our halfling rogue could not fly nor could he feather fall so when the dragon flew its max movement up and performed a corkscrew...
well you get the idea. I did give him and attempt to grab back ahold of the dragon (touch attack after dropping what was in his hands to use them both) before falling to his demise.
Hold on for dear life, that red dragon can fly.
Wait, why is that mountain smoking. Is it getting warm here? Is this dragon preparing to dive?