Tesserex |
I really love the Dragon Shaman, mostly because I'm a DM and really enjoy these guys as DMPCs. I recently got the Pathfinder rules, and decided that it deserves an overhaul. So here is my new dragon shaman. Class Features that are identical to the WOTC PHBII are not listed in the description. I drew alot from the Soul knife and the Summoner. Sorry for the goofy formatting
EDIT I cant get the BAB, Fort REflex and will coloums up right. 3/4 BAB, good fort, poor reflex, Good will, Same aura progression as normal dragon shaman, Adapt points = level minus 1.
Pathfinder Dragon Shaman
Hit Die: d8
Skills: (2 + Int Modifier): Climb, Craft, Intimidate, Knowledge Nature, Search, Perception (plus others, depending on totem dragon)
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A dragon Shaman is proficient with simple weapons, with light and medium armor, and shields (except for tower shields)
lvl BAB Fort Ref Will Aura Adapt Special
1 0 2 0 2 3 0
Draconic Aura +1, Totem Dragon
2 1 3 0 3 3 1
Draconic Adaptation (1)
3 2 3 1 3 4 2
Skill Focus
4 3 4 1 4 4 3
Draconic Resolve, Draconic Adaptation (2)
5 3 4 1 4 5 4
Draconic Aura +2
6 4 5 2 5 5 5
Touch of vitality (heal wounds)
7 5 5 2 5 6 6
Dragon Style 1
8 6 6 2 6 6 7
Skill Focus, Draconic Adaptation (3)
9 6 6 3 6 7 8
Energy Immunity
10 7 7 3 7 7 9
Draconic Aura +3
11 8 7 3 7 7 10
Touch of vitality (remove conditions)
12 9 8 4 8 7 11
Share Draconic Adaptation, Draconic Adaptation (4)
13 9 8 4 8 7 12
Dragon style 2
14 10 9 4 9 7 13
Commune with Dragon Spirit
15 11 9 5 9 7 14
Draconic Aura +4
16 12 10 5 10 7 15
Skill Focus
17 12 10 5 10 7 16
18 13 11 6 11 7 17
19 14 11 6 11 7 18
Dragon style 3
20 15 12 6 12 7 19
Draconic Aura +5
Draconic Adaptation: The Dragon Shaman receives a pool of points that he may spend to take on aspects of a dragon. He can reallocate these points every level, or spend 8 hours in meditation to change up to 4 points. Points not spent remain in the pool, but require 8 hours of meditation to reallocate. Some adaptations have prerequisites. If a draconic adaptation allows a progression of points to be spent, a dragon shaman can only spend up to half of his dragon shaman level on the adaptation. This means if you want to gain a breath weapon that deals 7d6 points of damage, you must be at least level 14, for instance. Some have different advancement. At level 4, a dragon shaman may select 2 point adaptations. At level 8, the dragon shaman may select 3 point adaptations, and at level 12, the dragon shaman may select 4 point adaptations.
Adaptations are special in the fact that although they are technically temporary and changeable, they will qualify you for feats which you may not have qualified for. If you remove the adaptation that allows you to qualify for a feat, you lose benefit of that feat until you add the adaptation back.
1 point Adaptations (Level 2)
Dual Claws (Ex): (Augmentable): The dragon shaman grows claws that deal 1d4 damage (if medium). For every extra point spent, the damage die increases by a step (1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 2d6, 2d8). A dragon shaman can gain 1d6 at level 4, 1d8 at level 7, 1d10 at level 10, 2d6 at level 13, and 2d8 at level 16. A claw gains the full Strength bonus on attack, unless the Dragon Shaman uses both, in which case, he designates one as an off hand weapon, and it gains only ½ str bonus.
Single Claw (Ex): Augmentable): The Dragon Shaman gains a single claw attack that deals 1d6+ Str. Modifier. At level 4, an extra point may be spent to increase the die size to 1d8. This progression may continue with the expenditure of extra points, 1d10 at level 7, 2d6 at level 10, 2d8 at level 13, and 2d10 at level 16. He cannot take the Dual Claws adaptation.
Basic Draconic Adaptation (Su or Ex): The Dragon Shaman gains the ability granted by his totem dragon. This adaptation costs the same amount when it is shared with an ally.
Energy Resistance (Ex): The Dragon Shaman is the target of a Resist Energy spell. The element is chosen at the time of the meditation or level up, and cannot be changed.
Skill Bonus (Ex): The Dragon Shaman gains 4 ranks in a skill that belong to his totem dragon. For every extra point spent, the Dragon shaman gains another 4 ranks. The ranks in this skill cannot exceed the Dragon Shamans maximum ranks.
Natural Armor (Ex): (Augmentable): The Dragon Shaman grows shimmering scales. These scales add a +1 natural armor bonus. At level 7, the dragon shaman may spend an additional point to increase it to a +2 bonus. At level 12, the dragon shaman may spend an additional point to increase it to a +3 bonus, and at level 16, the dragon shaman may spend an additional point to increase it to a +4 bonus.
Bite (Ex): (Augmentable): The Dragon Shaman gains a bite attack that deals 1d6+1½ Str. Modifier. At level 4, an extra point may be spent to increase the die size to 1d8. This progression may continue with the expenditure of extra points, 1d10 at level 7, 2d6 at level 10, 2d8 at level 13, and 2d10 at level 16. Unless the Dragon Shaman also takes the multi-attack adaptation, he takes a -5 penalty on this attack if he attacks with anything else in the turn. Despite having a high enough BAB, a dragon shaman may attack only once per round with this bite attack.
Draconic Combat (Ex): (Augmentable): The Dragon Shaman who selects this adaptation may lower the Dexterity requirement for any two weapon fighting feat for which he otherwise qualifies for by 1 per point spent. If the Dragon Shaman loses this adaptation or changes it and selected a Two Weapon Fighting Feat, he no longer gains the benefit of the feat. A Dragon Shaman may spend 1 point per level of Dragon Shaman on this Adaptation, and opposed to 1 point for every two levels.
Draconic Toughness (Ex): The Dragon Shaman gains 1 hit point per level.
2 point Adaptations (Level 4)
Breath Weapon (Ex): (Augmentable): The Dragon Shaman gains a breath weapon, which matches his totem dragons breath weapon. This is a true dragons breath weapon, and it recharges every 1d4 rounds. The Save DC for this breath weapon is 10+½ level+Con, reflex half. The initial damage of this adaptation is 2d6. For every additional point spent, the damage increases by an additional d6.
Ability Bonus (Ex): The Dragon Shaman gains a +2 bonus to any one ability score
Two Weapon Fighting (Ex): The Dragon Shaman receives the feat Two-Weapon fighting, but only for use with his claws. The Dragon Shaman may qualify for improved Two-Weapon fighting, however, if he does not have this adaptation as well as the claws adaptation, he does not gain the benefit of any other Two Weapon fighting feat. A Dragon Shaman using his claws as weapons cannot use Two Weapon Defense.
Draconic Aura Extension (Su): The Aura a Dragon Shaman projects extends by 15 feet.
Tail Attack (Ex): The Dragon Sham grows a powerful tail. The Dragon Shaman may lash out with this tail as a secondary weapon with a -5 penalty. The tail deals only 1d6+1½ Str. It can only increase in damage die through Improved Natural Weapon or through Size increase.
Magic Fang (Su): The Dragon Shamans natural weapons become more powerful. The Dragon shamans chooses a natural weapon gain a +1 magic bonus to damage At level 8, 12, 16 and 20 he may spend an additional point to gain another point of bonus. If he selects dual claws, he may spend an additional point at level 9, 14, and 19 instead, however, they apply to both claws. This may be selected more than once, each time; it applies to a different natural weapon
Powerful Breath (Ex): The Dragon Shaman may increase the die size of his breath weapon. It increases to d8. By spending an additional 2 points, it increases to d10s. The Dragon Shaman must be at least level 8 to increase the damage to d8s, and at least level 16 to increase the damage to d10s.
3 Point Adaptation (Level 8)
Draconic Aura Boost (Su): As a standard action, the Dragon Shaman may increase the effect of his aura by 1. This lasts for 1 minute per level. A Dragon Shaman may use this ability 3 + Cha mod. times per day.
Free Aura (Su): 3 times per day, the Dragon Shaman may change an aura without any action, even on an opponents turn.
Magic Fang ability (Su): To select this ability, the Dragon Shaman must have the Magic Fang ability. The Dragon Shaman gains 1 point of bonus that he may spend on his natural weapons to grant abilities that weapons gain. For instance, he may spend this point on his bite attack granting it the flaming quality. If he chooses dual claws, he must select one claw to gain this benefit. At level 12, 16, and 20 he may spend an additional point to gain another point of bonus. This may be selected more than once, each time it applies to a different natural weapon
Multiattack: The Dragon Shaman may attack with three of his natural attacks. All of his attacks receive a -2 penalty. By spending two additional points, he may attack with all four of his natural attacks. Multiattack does not count as Two weapon fighting. He cannot attack more than once with any one natural weapon.
Ability Focus (Breath Weapon): The Dragon Shaman receives the feat, Ability Focus, for his breath weapon.
Swimming (Ex): The character gains a 30-foot swim speed. This does not confer the ability to breath water.
Dragon Speed (Ex): The character gains a +5 bonus to his land speed. For every extra point, his speed increases by 5, to a maximum of +20
4 point adaptation (Level 12)
Double Draconic Aura (Su): The Dragon Shaman may project two draconic Auras
Ability Boost (Ex): The Dragon Shaman gains an additional +2 bonus to the ability score selected with Ability Bonus
Size Increase (Ex): The Dragon Shaman grows in size. He receives a +2 to Strength and a -2 to dexterity and gains a size category(Which may disqualify him for some feats). His natural weapons increase in size, however, all other equipment does not (except for magic items, excluding armor and weapons.) He also gains +1 to natural armor. This may qualify the Dragon Shaman for a feat, which he did not qualify for before (such as Awesome Blow). If he becomes his original size, he loses the benefits of that feat. He may change his size by meditating for a full minute.
Improved Skill Bonus (Ex): The Dragon Shaman, channeling the knowledge of Dragons may gain 4 ranks in any skill. For every additional point spent, he gains another 4 ranks. His ranks cannot exceed his level.
Flight (Ex): The Dragon Shaman grows a pair of leathery dragon wings. He gains a flight speed of 60 (good) as well a +4 bonus to Fly. By spending an additional point at level 16, this flight speed increases to 90 (good).
Aligned Weapons (Su): All attacks the Dragon Shaman uses are considered the alignment of his Totem Dragon.
Greater Healing Touch (Su): For every 10 points the dragon shaman spends on his touch of vitality, the target gains 2 temporary hit points, which cannot exceed 10.
Energy Weapon (Ex): As a swift action, the Dragon Shaman transfers his energy from his breath weapon to all of his attacks, including manufactured ones. He deals an additional 1 energy damage per die of the breath weapon. This bonus lasts for one round
Frightening Strike (Su): If the Dragon Shaman makes a full attack against a foe and strikes with every attack, he may make a free intimidate check against that foe.
Share Draconic Adaptation (Su): The Dragon Shaman may share his draconic adaptation with his allies. In order to benefit from this, the ally must spend 1 hour in meditation with the dragon shaman. When the ritual is complete, the Dragon Shaman may allocate some or all of his draconic adaptation to his ally instead from his pool of unspent adaptation points. Most costs for his ally are doubled. The benefits of this Adaptation vanish after 24 hours, and the spent points return to the Dragon Shamans pool. Unlike Draconic Adaptation, which can be used to qualify for feats, an ally of a Dragon Shaman cannot qualify for feats in the same manner
Dragon Style: (I'm iffy on this, but the dragon shaman needs a little power boost). upon gaining this class feature, the Dragon Shaman may select one of the following; he either gains a combat feat for which he meets all the prerequisites, or he may gain 2 adaptation points.