Uriel's KINGMAKER game


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Male Human Rogue 1st

"Well..." He starts, stroking his chin in thought"You have a deal Oleg!" He stops for a moment and turns to the rest of the group- As if he had forgotten them for a moment. " So unless there's any difference of opinion, Do show us to our rooms Oleg."

Human Druid1 | Init +3| Hits 11/11 | AC 18/20, tch 14, fft 14/16 | F +3, R +3, W +4 | Perception +6

Den smiles indulgently at the brash warrior, "I think perhaps it would be good to find out how large a threat we face before volunteering us."

"Unfortunately if they number fifty or more then we may need help ourselves...? And who or what is this woman that you are afraid of?" looks at Oleg.

Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
Character Information:
[HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]

"Bandits, you say" a fierce gleam coming to Orin's Violet eyes, a gift from his dead mother. He spits on the ground and says "that's a fight I'd gladly do for free." He then wanders over to the watchtowers and looks back at the courtyard, as if assessing fields of fire.

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

"The followers of the Cricket's path will lay low the lawless predators, the work of the Fiend will prove for naught." The pale gnome says, a flat tone to her voice suggesting she is reciting this from memory.

"Yes, who is this missing woman?" she asks louder, "The leader of the brigands?"

Muk shakes his head in confusion. I don't know what Grayface just said, but free is good. I like free.

The gnome glances up at Den. And don't worry about the number. If there's too many, we should be able to at least keep them busy while you find a good place to hide.

Male Human Rogue 1st

Matius laughs at the gnome's response. " In all seriousness priest.." He says to Den. " They did say that the bandits had been sending fewer and fewer to collect the payment, I'm sure we can handle it." He says confidently.

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

"Indeed," Fenna agrees with Matius, showing no reaction to Mukrilgrundt's comment, "we shall not fail in this."

Scarab Sages

Female Half Elf 1st level Rogue

To the entire group I really think we should look around the area together if we are going to fend off these bandits that are attacking us and find out more about the "woman" that appears to be involved. Then see to our rooms and a bath definatly a bath.

To the DM

Gather information/diplomacy roll on Oleg and his wife to try to gather more about the identity of our potential enemies

Assuming no one has any strenuous objections, here is what you are able to find out over a hearty stew, warm bread, and a bottle of homemade mead:

  • The bandits’ first visit was 3 months ago—they threatened to burn down the trading post and abduct Svetlana for their own amusements back at their camp if the Levetons didn’t agree to hand over all of the furs and trade goods they’d accumulated over the past month from hunters and trappers.
  • Since then, the bandits have returned twice more, each time within an hour of sunrise on the first day of the month. The Levetons have learned to have their “taxes” ready and hand them over quickly—the bandits usually seem eager to return to their camp somewhere in the Greenbelt, which makes Svetlana think their camp is about a day’s ride away.
  • The first time the bandits visited, there were a dozen of them— 10 lower-ranking thugs led by a cloaked man armed with a bow, and a woman who carried two small hatchets. The woman did the majority of the talking on that first trip, and her black sense of humor and the way she smiled when she spoke of what fate would await Svetlana if the Levetons didn’t comply frightened Svetlana all the more. The woman also seemed to be particularly sharp and observant, whereas the man seemed to be a bit more crude and foolish. This, plus the fact that the woman quite nearly lopped off Oleg’s right hand with one of her hatchets in a cruel bit of mockery, convinced the Levetons that she was the most dangerous of the bandits. As it was, the woman took Svetlana’s wedding ring right off her hand and tossed it to one of her men as payment for “not shortening Oleg’s reach.”
  • On the second and third visit, only the crude hooded man accompanied the bandits. The second visit, he came with only six other men, while on the third he only came with four. The Levetons suspect that the bandits have let down their guard and think the owners of the trading post are completely cowed. Hopefully, when they visit tomorrow they’ll be even fewer in number, and hopefully the the scary woman with the hatchets won’t be with them.

You'll have the rest of the evening and probably next morning to prepare for the bandits, as they don't normally show up until the early afternoon. I'm going to slow down the game a bit to give everyone a chance to put in some input and conditional moves before then. In other words, other than answering questions and adjudicating things you may do before then, I won't be moving the plot ahead until Tuesday afternoon.

For those who haven't posted by then, I'm just assuming your characters are coming down from Rostov separately, and haven't arrived yet. Feel free to post whenever you do want to jump in, though. That'll just be when you show up.

As you finish your meal, Oleg addresses the group.

"Now, I'm no soldier, or mercenary, or whatever you call yourselves, but it seems to me you've got the element of surprise here. What I'd do if I were you, is hide in the guest house and the stable, and when that lot is busy loading what's left of my furs and other goods onto their horses, you can rush out and attack them." He takes a swig of mead. "But if that doesn't work for you, you just do what you like. Never a one to tell a tradesman his work, me. Just leave me something to string up when you're done, as a warning to the rest of the trash in this forest not to try something like this again. If you need my help, I'm a fair hand with an axe, and I've got a hunting bow in the back. Just let me know how I can help."

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

Um, just to be sure, do the bandits normally arrive within hours of sunrise, or early afternoon?

"Defying the bandits may provoke them to mass hostility," the small woman says, "perhaps we should attempt to capture one of them alive to lead us back to their camp and take the fight to them?"

Fenna Thistleswade wrote:

Um, just to be sure, do the bandits normally arrive within hours of sunrise, or early afternoon?

Early afternoon, so far.

Male Dwarf Fighter/2
Orin Ro wrote:
"Bandits, you say" a fierce gleam coming to Orin's Violet eyes, a gift from his dead mother. He spits on the ground and says "that's a fight I'd gladly do for free."

"Damn straight! Been awhile since I got to knock me some heads and sounds like you folks got the perfect set up for some of us to release some pent up frustration." Thumparr growls, grinning and patting his warhammer.

During dinner, Thumparr eats like a small horse and is glad to get it. And when Fenna mentions taking the fight to them, he wipes his beard and says, "Now that's a girl! They'll come strutting down here expecting no trouble and we'll give 'em a heap of it. Keep yer bow handy, Oleg - might get a shot or two on 'em, a little payback, eh?"

For DM:

At the end of the night, Orleg will leave a gold piece for his room and board. He won't take "No" for an answer from Oleg or his wife. But he'll wait until the others clear out before he does it.

Scarab Sages

Female Half Elf 1st level Rogue

Dear dear Oleg reguardless of what happens on the marrow your first and only job is to protect yourself and your wife

To the party
Do we want to make any preperations, plans, traps, improvements or are we just going to wing it as they come?

Also once the party is out of earshot Oleg and his wife

Stage whispered Uh are we posting a watch for the night

Male Dwarf Fighter/2
Sasha Greymantle wrote:

To the party

Do we want to make any preperations, plans, traps, improvements or are we just going to wing it as they come?

Also once the party is out of earshot Oleg and his wife

Stage whispered Uh are we posting a watch for the night

"Figure those of us who have bows and such will take cover and get ready to open up on 'em once they discover they ain't getting paid. After a volley to soften 'em up, then we move in and get up close and personal." He gives Sasha a wink and says, "Might be a good idea to have one or two of us on horseback to flank 'em and keep 'em from getting away. What say the rest of ye?"

Sounds fair to me; I've no bow, nor fondness for equines, but I'm sure I can make a nice warm home for my sword inside a bandit's belly. The gnome punctuates his statement by dipping a hunk of bread in his stew and popping it into his mouth, smiling contently as he chews.

We're closing in on the time the bandits are due to arrive. It will speed up the combat immensely if you can work out a battle-plan and a series of if/then statements for what you plan to do. I'll still give you the opportunity to adjust to changing events, but unless you intend to just hang out in the open waiting for something to happen, now is the tiem to get your moves in.

Male Human Rogue 1st

Tilting back in his chair, Matius looks about the group."Orin you look pretty confident with that bow of yours, I suggest you lay in wait atop the tallest building, where Oleg was repairing the roof. From there you should be able to take shots at any of the bandits." He reasons as he begins to think again. "Thumparr I like your idea of one or two horseback riders on their Rear to keep them from running, but I don't think we have any mounts suited for combat, and I'd hate to lose a perfectly good horse. Instead how about two of us hide near the gate and come out when Orin releases his first attack, in order to keep them from retreating? Perhaps you and Muk would be suited for this?" He suggests." The rest of us will take cover in buildings on opposite sides of the street, and attack first from a distance, weakening them before pulling out our blades and finishing them off- Orin providing sheets of fire all the while." He finishes enthusiastically, nearly falling out of his chair. "Oleg of course it'll be up to you to act like business as usual until the ambush is sprung. All in favor say Aye!"

Human Druid1 | Init +3| Hits 11/11 | AC 18/20, tch 14, fft 14/16 | F +3, R +3, W +4 | Perception +6

"I shall guard the rear on horseback, and let nature take its course. The very grasses and bushes should have a chance to fight for us? As for a battleplan I like most of it. However you forget the most important part which is that we capture one alive. The one that can lead us back to their camp and that dangerous woman. Someone you can truly test your mettle against."

The druid emphasises each point with a poke of his knife, the holy icon of Erastil rattling at his chest.

"The worst thing that could happen is if one escapes back to her. So I will wait hidden along the trail and then follow them in slowly along the tracks ready to hold that rear. Maybe someone who knows how to fight well could help?"

"Remember keep one alive otherwise we are just a bunch of novices. This isn't a game of bravado and who can look the toughest, this is life and death for Oleg and his wife, so no mistakes. Give me a living brigand and we can start saving these Lands properly."

Male Human Rogue 1st

"Ah yes how could I have forgotten bringing one in alive?" He questions himself."However I'm not fond of the idea of you lying in wait outside of the outpost. I think it's best not to spread ourselves out and if we have them corralled within the walls of the outpost, then it would be much easier to keep them from running out the gate then to keep them from running out in the open."

You forgot because keeping one alive is no fun.

Thumpy and I should be able to keep a retreat through the gate less appealing to our new friends. Nodding to Den, the gnome continues. You can wait with us, druid, catch any that try to return to their mistress. I don't believe you're cut out for stalking and sneaking, anyway; they likely are.

Human Druid1 | Init +3| Hits 11/11 | AC 18/20, tch 14, fft 14/16 | F +3, R +3, W +4 | Perception +6

"Good, Mukrilgrundt. I shall. But Matius is right, I see us as a "just in case" if he can get the gates shut then him and his archers seem to have every confidence in their abilities. That does leave six of them to defeat four or five. We become useful if one or two of the brigands stays outside the gates instead of following Matius' plan like a winter turkey."

"Always keep something back, my father said and more than once the weather and illness proved him right on our farm." Den gets up to leave.

HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

"The plan seems sound," the gnome speaks softly, "though the three of you need not remain outside the gates, should all the bandits enter our trap."

After slowly finishing the meal, she comments to Sasha, "A discreet watch overnight might be wise, though if the past casts a reflection into the future, the bandits should not be arriving until tomorrow."

Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
Character Information:
[HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]

Is there a map of the outpost available, or should we look in the book? Do the gates open inward or out?
Orin would like to position himself where he could have a view of the courtyard or at least most of it, maybe in one of the guardtowers or on the roof of one of the buildings. When the bandits arrive Orin will concentrate on the leader until he/she drops, then pick off any survivors.

As the time you expect the bandit's to arrive draws near, you each go over your plan one more time, then move into your positions.

Would each player involved please make an ooc post stating where you will be as they arrive, what your "trigger" will be to attack, and what you intend to do (i.e. your action in the surprise round, and expected actions thereafter).

Please also include all pertinent rolls, including initiative, attack and damage, etc. Anyone not standing plainly out in the open, please make a stealth roll.

Thanks... and good luck...

Silver Crusade

Male Human (with strong Dwarven sympathies) Husband 10, Sailor 8, Father 5
Orin Ro wrote:

Is there a map of the outpost available, or should we look in the book? Do the gates open inward or out?

Orin would like to position himself where he could have a view of the courtyard or at least most of it, maybe in one of the guardtowers or on the roof of one of the buildings. When the bandits arrive Orin will concentrate on the leader until he/she drops, then pick off any survivors.

There is a map posted with the other handouts here. And I'd really prefer you didn't look in the book...

Muk takes a position beyond the trading post's western wall allowing him a clear view of the gate. If the terrain allows it, he'll actually make his blind alongside the wall's southwest tower.

Once the bandits arrive, he'll observe them until they enter the trading post before moving adjacent to the southwest tower, if not there already.

When he hears the start of combat, he'll use the surprise round to draw his greatsword and take up a position at the gate itself.

Stealth Check, Initial Position

  • Take 20 => 22


  • 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

  • HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

    Fenna will lay prone on the eastern palisade, near the ladder, with her crossbow ready to fire. Once the gates are closed/blocked off, she will fire at the same target that anyone before her has struck, or the nearest one if no-one has hit/more than one has been targeted. Once the bandits are engaged in melee, she will climb down the ladder and move in to provide flanking with her dagger, or healing as necessary.

    Surprise round rolls
    Stealth 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
    Initiative 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
    Attack 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20, 1d6 ⇒ 2

    Human Druid1 | Init +3| Hits 11/11 | AC 18/20, tch 14, fft 14/16 | F +3, R +3, W +4 | Perception +6

    "Can anyone use a healing scroll? Fenna, here it is written by me and will provide the Huntsman's healing energy once only? And I think it is a good idea if only Mukrilgrundt and I are outside too, however three does leave Oleg and you six to ambush the thugs and an archer."

    Den will take up a position in cover, with his horse, about 150 feet from the gates or further if necessary. He tries to be about 30 foot off the trail towards the hillside so that he has a clear view of the entranceway. But cover is most important.

    Once the bandits come and walk by, Den waits for a minute or so and then mounts behind them and waits to see if the ambush works. If it fails, and one makes a break for it, Den will cast entangle (Ref DC13) on the runner and ride down to catch the escapee, trying to avoid Mukrilgrundt etc. His trigger is when and if someone makes a break for it.


    If the gates shut then Den will move out onto the trail and trot down to the main gate.

    Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
    Character Information:
    [HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]

    Orin will climb up to the roof of Oleg's house and hide behind the peak until the bandits are all in the courtyard. He will then pop up and fire at the bandit leader until he/she goes down.
    Stealth:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28
    Initiative:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

    Attack 1:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17; Damage:1d8 ⇒ 7
    Attack 2:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13; Damage:1d8 ⇒ 1

    (add +2 to hit/damage if bandits are Human, Orin's favored enemy)

    HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

    Also, Fenna will cast stabilise to keep at least one of the bandits alive.

    "Thank you, yes," Fenna says to Den as he hands her the scroll, "I believe I could make use of this, should fortune turn against us."

    Male Dwarf Fighter/2

    Thumparr hides near the ladder leading to the walkway, just beside the stables. He has his crossbow ready and will fire only when combat starts...OR...when he feels like the bandits are getting suspicious or aggressive.
    Once he fires, he will draw hammer and shield and charge into the fray, hoping to shield bash someone on the ground and knock them out or at least knock them down.
    If not able to do that, he'll smash and bash and let others worry about taking a prisoner.

    Here are some rolls:
    Crossbow attack: Crossbow

    Warhammer attacks(2): Warhammer

    Shield Bash: Shield Bash

    Scarab Sages

    Female Half Elf 1st level Rogue

    Sasha will hide in one of the towers with her short bow at the ready. She will began with ranged and then stealth to melee to take advantage of her abilites.

    I will work my way around the edge of the battle taking pot shots and then attempt to ghost my way into melee to take advantage of my *cough* unusual abilities.

    Dice Rolls


    Init 1d20+3=20

    Stealth 1d20+9=12

    Bow Attack Roll (1d20+3=20) Bow Damage and stealth bonus if it applies1d6=4, 1d6=3

    Dagger attack 1d20+3=7 DMG 1d4+1=4 Sneak attack 1d6=3

    Male Dwarf Fighter/2

    Thumparr glances at Mukrilgrundt and mutters, "Wonder what unusual abilities she be talkin' 'bout, eh?"
    He winks and smirks and takes up position near the stables.

    Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
    Character Information:
    [HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]
    Orin Ro wrote:

    Orin will climb up to the roof of Oleg's house and hide behind the peak until the bandits are all in the courtyard. He will then pop up and fire at the bandit leader until he/she goes down.

    Stealth: 1d20+9
    Initiative: 1d20+6

    Attack 1:1d20+6; Damage: 1d8
    Attack 2:1d20+6; Damage: 1d8

    (PS: add +2 to hit/damage if bandits are Human, Orin's favored enemy)

    (PPS: Add an additional +1 to hit/damage if within 30', PBS bonus)

    With all of our heroes well hidden in their positions, the waiting game begins. Unfortunately, the bandits don't seem to be of the punctual sort, and the minutes, then hours tick by, your legs and arms cramping as you struggle to remain hidden.

    Finally, though Orin lets out a low whistle as he sees the thieves enter from the forest fence. You ready your weapons, and Svetlana quickly kisses Oleg goodbye, then ducks into the house.

    A sword hilt pounds on the main gates, and a low, thuggish voice cries out "Ho, merchant! It's time to pay your taxes! Open up or we’ll start tossing some fire in to speed your asses up!”

    Oleg steels himself, then walks over to the gate and pushes it open. Once it's wide enough, four men ride in, with two spare horse in tow. Their leader is a thick set man dressed in leather armour with a bow slung over his shoulder and a dagger at his hip. Behind him ride three more men in leathers with bow and shortswords. They call out some cruel, vulgar taunts to Oleg, mostly concerning "that wench of yours," but they seem to be fairly casual and unconcerned.

    As you watch, they dismount, and the leader, who the rest call "Happs" watches as they start loading the furs and trade goods onto the horses. As the work progresses, Happs seems increasingly restless, his eyes darting back and forth, searching in the shadows. Oleg, noticing this, casually jokes "what's the matter, expecting the King's guard to jump out at you?" Too casually as it turns out. Happ's gaze snaps to him, and he reaches up to his shoulder for his bow.

    That's enough for Thumparr. The dwarf lets fly with his bolt, striking the stunned looking Happs in the chest. Orin moves a fraction of a second later, standing at the peak of the house, his arrow a blur as it impacts next to the first, dropping the bandit in the dirt, a pool of blood spreading slowly outwards.

    Sasha takes a shot, badly injuring another bandit as he stands gaping, still holding a bundle of furs. The last two bandits turn to flee, and run straight into Den and the barbarian Gnome entering the gate. Fenna rushes out and asks whatever gods or powers the strange Gnome worships to spare the life of the thug Sasha shot.

    Muk lets out a blood-curdling scream as he charges the last two bandits, his giant sword swinging over his head. He stops short, though, as a patch of grass at the bandits' feet begins to writhe and grow at the command of the druid behind him, quickly entangling the two men who begin sobbing for mercy.

    That was brutal, and with only a party of six actively participating. Don't expect every combat to be that simple, though.

    The leader is dead. One of the bandits is stabilized at 0 hp, and two are entangled and trying to surrender, though Oleg doesn't look like he wants to take prisoners...

    HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8
    Kingmaker Narrator wrote:
    ...whatever gods or powers the strange Gnome worships...

    She hasn't been able to bring herself to fully turn away from Aroden, but the way I see it, her oracle powers are granted by Pharasma (under the auspices of goddess of fate and prophesy, she would have been revered by Fenna even while Aroden was alive), and to a lesser extent Iomedae.

    I thought it was decided not to use the narration method; it feels like I'm watching, rather than playing, the game.

    Male Dwarf Fighter/2

    Leaving his crossbow, Thumparr pulls a dagger out of his belt and walks over to the mortally wounded bandit. "Since we got two entangled, we don't need a third do we, Oleg?"
    If given the okay, Thumparr slices the man's throat and then stands up the face the entangled bandits.
    "We got questions and ye got answers. If'n ye ain't quick in answering, yer gonna end up like these two dead bastards."
    Not one for asking questions, Thumparr glances to his companions for such.

    HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

    Fenna looks to Thumparr with a slightly pained expression when he leans down with his knife, "At my request he has been granted his life by divine intervention... it seems ungrateful for us to merely throw away that gift."

    Male Dwarf Fighter/2

    Thumparr looks from Oleg to Fenna, snorts and stands up. "Then ye can be responsible fer the piece of dung. Given the chance, he'd sell ye to a bunch of slavers...after him and his friends passed ye around."

    HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

    "I have no objection to executing him eventually," the gnome says, "the punishment for the crime of banditry is death after all, but he may still be of use to us should the others prove uncooperative."

    Silver Crusade

    Male Human (with strong Dwarven sympathies) Husband 10, Sailor 8, Father 5
    Mukrilgrundt Sizzeltonin wrote:
    ** spoiler omitted **

    It wasn't a narrative method, it just didn't go past one round. I used everyone's move, as written, with their rolls. Leader dead, one bandit near dead. You and Den said you were coming in once the fighting started, which you did, and Den said he cast entangle on any stragglers, which he did. Then they surrendered. But, if you want a round two, no one said you have to stop fighting.

    Male Dwarf Fighter/2
    Fenna Thistleswade wrote:
    "I have no objection to executing him eventually," the gnome says, "the punishment for the crime of banditry is death after all, but he may still be of use to us should the others prove uncooperative."

    "Fair enough," Thumparr grins, sheathing is knife and retrieving his crossbow. "Anybody got any questions fer these fellers afore we shoot 'em full of holes?" he asks as he reloads.

    If possible Thumparr will retrieve his bolt from the leader's chest, assuming it doesn't break.

    Male Dwarf Fighter/2

    Questions we might could ask: How many bandits? Leader's name? What type of weapons? Spellcasters? Where is their hideout? Traps? Lookouts? That's just a few - anybody else?

    Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
    Character Information:
    [HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]

    Orin slides down the roof to the courtyard below, walks over to the two entangled bandits, being careful to stay outside of the area of effect, and knocks an arrow and points his bow at the captured bandits menacingly.

    "We only need information from one of you. The one who speaks first gets to live awhile longer, the other...oh, well"

    HP: 49/60 AC: 22, T:13, FF:21, CMD:16. Fort:+5, Ref:+5, Will:+8(+7). Per:+14, Init:+0, AoO:+8

    Fenna gives the bandits a withering glare before speaking flatly, "it really would be best for you to answer our questions... who was the woman accompanying you on your first visit here?"

    Matius is likely the most intimidating amongst us, Fenna's only wee. (and therefore takes a -4 penalty to intimidate.)

    Joining the others, Muk decides to add additional emphasis to Fenna's statement. Or feel free not to answer her questions. My sword didn't get to join the fight. It feels left out.

    It didn't feel like I was playing a role in the combat; you took rolls ahead of time, actions and conditional triggers, and then described what happened in its entirety. That is still narration.

    The encounter may have only consisted of one action, but you asked what our characters might do and built the encounter based on that, rather than presenting us with the situation and letting us then take things from there. I'll be honest, such an approach just isn't fun for me; Muk was an NPC in this encounter. I may be the creative mind behind him, I may have been the one that describes his personality and the way he reacts, but I'm not actually playing the character. I don't get to respond to the situation as it develops, and I don't have the opportunity to be creative and do the unexpected.

    Male Human Rogue 1st

    Stepping forth and striding in front of the others who gather around with threats, Matius offers the sniveling brigands a knowing smile as he crouches close in front of them and holds up a finger to the rest of the group." One moment friends." I'm assuming they're on their knees here, or something like that. With this he turns his full attention to the bandits." Hey there guys, looks like this payment didn't quite turn out the way you expected huh?" He begins, his ego wouldn't allow him to conduct the conversation without taunting the men." Yes well I understand how things are here. In fact I'm from this very area. I grew up earning a living in much the same way the two of you probably did. That being said, I'm sure I was alot nicer about it. No one should ever refer to a lady the way the two of you referred to good Oleg's wife."He pauses for a moment to shake his head" Now good sirs, as my companions mentioned-We are in need of information. The more you tell me the better your chances are that I don't unleash the hooded fellow or the savage little gnome with the sword nearly bigger then himself on you. If you're having a hard time thinking then some suggestions are things like How many bandits? Leader's name? What type of weapons? Spellcasters? Where is your hideout? Traps? Lookouts? Oh and of course who was the lady that came with you on the first visit?" Matius stands and looks back at Orin." Now speak fast because he can notch an arrow pretty quick." With that he leans forward with his hand behind his ear mockingly.

    Intimidate1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

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