[Rite Publishing] Book of Monster Templates (Development Thread)

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The plan

Minimum 108 page book, $9.99 pdf, $19.99 print (perfect bound, B&W interior art)

-35/36 new templates
-3 pages for each entry
-1 page for the template
-1 page for sample monster stat block, image and Description
-1 page for Questhaven background, Lore DCS, New Feats, and a "Ecology Encounter"

Right now I have 3 done.

I made the decision after the first one that the sample monsters will be "Beyond the Core" in fitting with Questhaven's themes, so they will not be samples from the Pathfinder Bestiary but from other OGC sources updated to the Pathfinder Rpg.

1. Bloody Maw Creature, Sample Monster: Jaws of Winter(Winter Wolf)
2. Boundfury Creature, Sample Monster: Gilded Guards of Gone (Gilded Sea Serpent)
3. Civilized Creature, Sample Monster: Genteel Spine (Spinosaurus)

Here is an image of the Jaws of Winter art by Grey Thronberry

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

do you have the other 30-something planned? or are you looking for some community suggestions (fungal)?

I do have a plan, I am always open to suggestions though, but this is not a patronage project :)


4. Trickster Creature Template; Eshu the Mountebank (Phouca)

The Phouca had an interesting ability as a base creature that intrigued me for use as a trickster.

Time Manipulation (Su): A Eshu’s power to control time allows it to create any of the following effects:
1/day As a touch attack, the victim increases or decreases your opponents 1d3 age categories. Fortitude save (DC 18) negates; this magical age slips away after 24 hours. A character cannot be
aged past childhood or venerable using this ability and has no affect on dragons. The DC is Charisma–based.
1/day, Eshu can complete a single task that would normally take one day in one round. Eshu cannot interact with other creatures while using this ability, nor may it attack. It may not cast spells and cannot rest during the ‘day’

Grand Lodge

MONSTER TEMPLATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




ahhhhh I feel better! time for a nap now!

oh, umm I like the idea... drop me an email when you are done so I can buy it... oclark86@gmail.com

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32



Designer's Note about the Trickster template

Loki, Coyote, Puck, and Robin Goodfellow: these are the clever and trick-some spirits who create such havoc but do not interfere directly in anyone’s affairs. In our heart of hearts, perhaps we all wish to be clever, not necessarily smart but wilier than our fellows. It is a trait that does not show on the outside and will be the undoing of all those who have ignored and underestimated you.

The idea of using your opponent’s strength against him has been around a long time. Spell turning is the primary example of this in the d20 system, but what I wanted was something more proactive, an ability that reached into the person and used his own spell or magic item against his own party. In this manner, this creature is truly only as challenging as one party member is to another. If you can make your caster’s save DCs, you should be fine. If not, well, then you have no one to blame but your fellow gamer.

A quote from the sample creature

“Everything I tell you has a lie within it. My actions may seem pointless, selfish, antagonistic, or just plain random; but they actually contain a valuable lesson. Your life is going to be twice as hard with me around, but it will also be twice as rewarding. Of course when you meet me for the first time you won’t realize who I am, and I will learn who you truly are and beat that sense of superiority out of you, though I do reward honesty and correct action."

-Excerpt from Forgotten Words translated by Qwilion of Questhaven

I would like to see a GOOD swarm template like clockwork locus. Or something crazy like that.

I do like the swarm template in the advanced bestiary for turning big creatures into small creatures.

I will think on a template for turning tiny creatures and smaller into useful swarms

Good is very subjective and vague would you elaborate what you mean?

I have finished the trickster and am now working on the

Earthbound template, I will probably work on a giant as a base creature anyone have any suggestions for a OGC giant that does not appear in the Pathfinder Bestiary.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Rite Publishing wrote:

“Everything I tell you has a lie within it. My actions may seem pointless, selfish, antagonistic, or just plain random; but they actually contain a valuable lesson. Your life is going to be twice as hard with me around, but it will also be twice as rewarding. Of course when you meet me for the first time you won’t realize who I am, and I will learn who you truly are and beat that sense of superiority out of you, though I do reward honesty and correct action."

-Excerpt from Forgotten Words translated by Qwilion of Questhaven

The real question is, what's the lie in the above excerpt?

Its very Zen from your trickster mentor :)

4. Earthbound Template, Sample creature Fettered Giant (Fog Giant).

Earthbound Template Designers notes:

In the Greek Myth of Antaeus (Greek translation of Antious), Antaeus was the son of Giai (Gaea) and Poseidon. He was a frightful giant in Libya who compelled all strangers to wrestle with him and defeated or killed them all, making a shrine of their skulls dedicated to his father. He was invincible for as long as he remained in contact with his mother
(the Earth) for she supplied him with strength. Hercules discovered his secret and lifted Antaeus from the ground and strangled him. The battle with Heracles is depicted on many Greek vases and even on coins. I was always surprised that such a prominent creature from myth was never included in the Monster Manual but I was happy to get the chance to rewrite the mythology.

Bound to the Earth (Ex): When an Earthbound creature is not in direct contact with the earth it loses all of the benefits of this template except bound to the earth and its ability score adjustments. In addition, the earthbound creature’s strength suffers a – 20 penalty (-10 penalty to melee attack and damage rolls (and thrown weapon damage rolls); Climb and Swim checks; CMB, CMD, and strength checks) if this penalty would reduce the score to zero or below it is paralyzed.

Next up is Elemental Entropy Creature Template

#5. Entropy-Infused Creature, Sample Monster: Fierling (Wasteling)

“We rage against that which is living because you left us not but despair. Once we were but playful nature spirits until the day we came upon the Dread Lich Cynmark. He captured and tortured us, but would not give us the piece of death. He created prisons for us, designed so that without your help, we could achieve freedom only by embracing the elemental spirit of destruction. We accepted this vicious freedom because you abandoned us.”

Excerpt from The Abandoned by Qwilion of Questhaven.

Special Abilities
Dust-Infused Creature
Crumble (Su): Any object (including armor) or construct struck by or striking the dust-infused creature gains the Broken Condition, a successful Fort save negates (DC 10 + ½ the dust-infused creature’s HD + its Constitution modifier or Charisma modifier if the creature does not have a Constitution score)this effect. An object with the Broken Condition is ruined. An object that successfully saves is immune to this dust-infused creatures crumble ability for 24 hours.

Up next is the Eldritch Abomination Creature

Just an FYI

Crystal Frasier (Pathfinder NPC Guide),

Jonathan McAnulty (Ecology of the Froghemoth),

and Jim Groves (Rpg Superstar Top 4)

have agreed to do additional design on The Book of Monster Templates.

Now back to work.

Steve Russell

Well I have skipped the Eldritch Abomination template for now and have just finished the:

#6 Mythic Creature Template; Sample Monster Undying Storm (Storm Phoenix)

"I came with the storm for the tarnished gold dragon Shangora was burning Questhaven. With a fell strike from the heavens I laid the dragon low, and with lighting did I slay her, but her death was only the beginning"

-Excerpt from Stormcrow by Qwilion of Questhaven

Mythic Creature Special Ability
Mythic Strike (Ex): Choose one of the base creature’s melee or ranged attacks and one special attack. The single melee or ranged attack inflicts damage as if it inflicted a critical hit—even if striking a foe normally immune to critical hit. If the single special attack, spell or spell-like ability that deals damage it deals half again as much (+50%) damage as normal. If this single special attack does not deal damage add a +2 bonuses to the DC of the attack, spell or spell-like ability.

Next up is the Fearsome creature template

Well the Fearsome crreature has had a name changed

#7. Dreaded Creature; Sample Creature Kah the Dark Captain (Blade Tyrant).

“Stop your trembling coward. you will perform a proper interview. You have encountered Kah the Dark Captain, Master of the Hellriders, Knight-Captain of the Last Warlord. I was created in the Atelier of the Dark Emperor Cynmark to serve as the knight-captain of his Royal Guard. I was destroyed once during a surprise midnight raid by the combine power of the Questor’s Society. Yet the Circle of Heroes remembers me for the unhealing scars born by Talinor the First Hero, and now I have returned, for I cannot be destroyed so easily. Go and live with you shame, flee the field of battle, and die a coward’s death.”

-Excerpt from Die but Once as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven

Special Ability:
Dreaded Wounding (Su): Damage dealt by the dreaded creature cannot be healed normally, (including regeneration and fast healing). Magical healing will not heal damage dealt by the dreaded creature unless a specific type of creature under a specific circumstance casts a remove curse. These specific requirements are subject to DM adjudication, examples include a creature who is immune to fear, a creature of the same type as the dreaded creature, a creature who has never committed violence; on the down of the third day, on the site of the dreaded creatures creation, on holy ground dedicated to the ethos of courage. A Heal or Knowledge (arcana) check (DC15 + CR) can be made to determine this requirement. This is a necromantic-curse effect.

This is a monster that strikes fear into the hearts of the characters and the players. Whenever it shows up, they know of its abilities and that they are in true danger of being Killed Off For Real, and most of the time the best they can do is run as fast as they can.

Steve Russell
Rite Publishing

Scarab Sages

Alzrius wrote:
Rite Publishing wrote:

“Everything I tell you has a lie within it. My actions may seem pointless, selfish, antagonistic, or just plain random; but they actually contain a valuable lesson. Your life is going to be twice as hard with me around, but it will also be twice as rewarding. Of course when you meet me for the first time you won’t realize who I am, and I will learn who you truly are and beat that sense of superiority out of you, though I do reward honesty and correct action."

-Excerpt from Forgotten Words translated by Qwilion of Questhaven

The real question is, what's the lie in the above excerpt?

It will be rewarding?

I'm going to lie to you, trick you, cheat you, and beat you down. But I really have your best interests at heart. :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Definitely looking forward to this


It will be rewarding?

I'm going to lie to you, trick you, cheat you, and beat you down. But I really have your best interests at heart. :)

Sounds just like a DM.

#8. Positive Energy Creature, Sample Monster: Lifetrap (Livestone)

I may post this as a sample monster next week.


Oozes, slimes and jellies, oh my! There is something primal about the fear of being surrounded by a viscous substance you know is not water, striking you with disease, acid, and/or poison. These things tend not to kill you. They diminish you. A worse fate than death for PCs.

There are so many ways to die in the fantasy worlds of Rpgs, and the positive material plane has its own way, which is almost never used: the ability to blow you up with too many hit points. Plus how often can I give a player a reason to hit herself?

I'd like to a template for number of monsters that are more apt to use formations. The Swarm template, while useful for mobs of foes, seems too chaotic for more disciplined bands of foes.

@ Chaotic_Blues

So you looking for something like a Borg / We are Legion Template or are you looking for something like Legionnaires?

Just sent Hugo "Butterfrog" Solis the description for the Cover to this book. It will be for the Runemarked template and the Dungeon Dragon will be the sample creature.

#9. Weapon Construct Creature Template

Spellcasters carefully craft golems and other constructs to serve as guardians, servants, and attack “beasts.” Standard golems, shield guardians, and other constructs often take on the humanoid form of thier creators, but some more creative artisans create the very weapons you thought were part of the treasure.

Touching the Blade (Su): If the weapon construct is a bladed weapon unless a foe takes a -4 penalty to his attack roll, the foe 50% chance of striking the weapon’s blade. Creatures attacking with unarmed strikes or natural weapons suffer damage as though they had been hit (weapon damage plus appropriate strength modifier for the weapon). If attacked by a foe’s weapon, the weapon construction creature automatically gains a free Sunder attempt against the foe’s weapon. If the attacker has the Improved Sunder feat, this effect does not trigger. Anyone who attempts to grab the blade either as a disarm attempt or to initiate a grapple provokes an attack of opportunity, even if they have Improved Grapple, Improved Disarm, or Grab.

I once destroyed a lovely and elegant longsword named Valoryia; I loved her. She was the holy blade of Sir Kirikmar, Bronze Knight of the East. Valoryia was honorable and virtuous, yet she could not comprehend my purpose, she could not accept my vision. She refused to believe that she could choose a purpose other than that for which she was forged. I killed Sir Kirkmar but she compelled his page to attack me, and I defended myself. I still mourn her loss and will not speak of it further.

#10 Phlogiston Construct Creature Template by Crystal Fraiser

Sample Creature: Brass Man (Dynamo)

But that's not what you want to hear, is it? You want to know how two tons of solid metal moves without a drop of magic. Like I said, amazing handy-work. I doubt anyone in the city could reproduce him except perhaps the First Maestro. Hell, I consider myself Questhaven's foremost expert on clockwork after her and I barely keep him maintained. Inside that shell ticks an impossible network of gears and springs and turbines. And it all comes back to this: A phlogiston core. It regulates the alchemical substance "phlogiston," a sort of heat waiting to happen. Imagine oil, but without any physical traits beyond its need to burn, barely kept from erupting into a fiery conflagration by the precise design of this device. It generates more heat than any boiler, in a package smaller than a helm. This much I can reproduce. But how anyone could make one without magic boggles my mind, though; the lightning glass alone is impossible to manufacture without some talent for evocation or else a sturdy metal rod and an epic disregard for personal safety.

Accessories (Ex): A phlogiston construct possesses one accessory for every three hit dice. Unless stated otherwise, the same accessory may not be selected twice.

2 Examples
Arcane Cell: Modifications to the core housing enhance the construct's normal immunity. As a swift action, the phlogiston construct may activate an antimagic field with a caster level equal to its hit dice. This field persists for one minute, and may be activated once per day. This accessory may be selected multiple times, adding an additional use per day.
Cannon: A mounted cannon fires one type of energy (chosen from the table below when the accessory is first installed) as a ranged touch attack, and requires 1d4 rounds to recharge afterwards before firing again. A cannon blast inflicts 1d6 damage per hit die. (sorry you will have to wait for the book to read the table)

#11 Drachenchor Creature Template by Micheal Welham

Sample Creature: Gellid Dirge Lich (Lich Shade)

“All creatures desire worship, even though the self-righteousness won’t admit it. I am no longer content to get worship from mere humanoid vermin, though. Surely, the most powerful creatures on this earth make the best choir. The shrieking power of the north winds is mine to command, and these white dragons who have fallen to my might shall give testimony to my greatness.”

--Excerpt from Icy Dooms by Frosthume as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven.

A drachenchor creature slays dragons, claiming their heads in a foul, soul-stealing ritual, and set facsimiles spinning about its own head, like so many ioun stones. It believes all creatures should be singing its praises—or screaming in fear, it doesn’t matter. This self-obsessed creature typically broods in its lair and plots the conquest and destruction of neighboring lands, while the dragon heads serenade it. When confronted, the choir augments its abilities, protect it, and directly combats its foes.

Dragon Choir: Miniature dragon heads float above the creature’s own head, staying in its space. At the beginning of an encounter, the drachenchor is encircled by singing, chanting, or droning replicas of the creature’s beheaded trophies. Each head has hit points equal to twice the creature’s hit dice. Each has an Armor Class equal to 11, with a natural armor bonus equal to the creature’s hit dice, and any deflection bonuses the base creature has. The creature gains the following benefits while at least one head survives. (sorry you will have to buy the book to see the "following benefits" because I am just a tease.)

Initial Sketch for Cover

Illustration by Hugo Solis

Dungeon Dragon with Rune-carved Template.

Looks good!

Scarab Sages

That does look good.

I am really looking forward to the final.

I'm looking forward to the book itself! You should set up pre- orders as soon as possible, because I'm in!

We will be setting up for preorder once we have the cover image laid out.

But thanks its nice to know we have support out there.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Hell yea you have support! Count me in.

The Book of Monster Template Cover (Work In Progress) by Hugo "Butterfrog" Solis

Havenfury Creature Template

A prophet bringing his people to a promised land, an idealist seeking a protector for his people, or a humble servant willing to do anything to help his family, these are the types of beings that become Havenfuries. A Havenfury creature is inhabited by a special type of outsider that has given up its form and its innate gifts to imbue a mortal with otherworldly power in accord with an ancient mystical pact.

Sample Creature Goblin
"You have oppressed my people for far too long, sicking dogs on us, and treating us like vermin, all we want is to be treated equally, oh and to kill your little dog too!"

Anyone have any suggestions for a interesting build for the sample creature? I am thinking of a complex stat-block for a goblin, I would like to use some OGC from beyond the core books.

#13 Unsighted Creature

Gaze of Unlight (Su): A supernatural light that only certain creatures can see emanates from the unsighted’s empty sockets. This gaze attack permanently destroys a character's low-light vision and/or darkvision; its range is 30 feet, Will save (DC 10 + ½ the unsighted’s HD + the unsighted’s Charisma Modifier negates. This is a curse-based effect. A remove curse cast by a creature suffering from blindness is required to successfully remove this effect. A successful Heal check (DC 10+ the unsighted creature’s CR) is needed to determine this.

This is part of a list of benefits for and unsighted's hexed weapons.
Weapon of Apostate: Magical healing will not heal damage dealt by an unsighted’s weapons unless a remove curse is cast by a creature suffering from blindness. A successful Heal check (DC 10+ the unsighted creature’s CR) is needed to determine this.

Sample Creature: Bloody Beggar (Grimm)

This one was nice because it let me play with a fey of urban folklore, a beggar motioning you over to an alley when all he really wants to do is paralyze you, and eat your eyes. Well at least he wont' kill you.

Rite Publishing wrote:

Havenfury Creature Template

A prophet bringing his people to a promised land, an idealist seeking a protector for his people, or a humble servant willing to do anything to help his family, these are the types of beings that become Havenfuries. A Havenfury creature is inhabited by a special type of outsider that has given up its form and its innate gifts to imbue a mortal with otherworldly power in accord with an ancient mystical pact.

Sample Creature Goblin
"You have oppressed my people for far too long, sicking dogs on us, and treating us like vermin, all we want is to be treated equally, oh and to kill your little dog too!"

Anyone have any suggestions for a interesting build for the sample creature? I am thinking of a complex stat-block for a goblin, I would like to use some OGC from beyond the core books.

Goblin Cavalier Wolfrider. You could even make up an order of the Wolf for the Cavalier class and make this guy high enough level to include all the abilities. Heck, you could laden the book with new spells, feats and prestige classes thus offering far more than just templates. Remember, WoTC's monster manual sales went up dramatically with the release of Savage Species. Appealing to both players and GM's is always a win.

#14 Tax Collector Creature

Designer's Notes
No one enjoys paying taxes, but our hatred of the tax man has nothing on the Roman system and the privatized tax collectors of old. Think of a collection agency paid on commission that had the power of the IRS. Now double their power because soldiers usually back them up. Then add in the corruption of the tax collector being expected to keep part of the taxes collected for himself. Yet still we hate the customs agent who only collects what is due.

When was the last time an adventurer paid taxes? They kill a creature, loot the creature so they can kill cooler creatures and loot even more stuff. Talk about undocumented income. Beyond the idea of taxing the loot, perhaps a player has gotten out of control with an item you did not realize the full potential of, yet you want an in- game reason for the item to disappear, rather than an outright ban. The tax collector creature presents just such an opportunity, and as always a player is often more emotionally invested in his or her gear than in the character dying, because normally you cannot just roll up new gear. Yet with the this creature you might just get a death tax.

Rite Publishing wrote:

#14 Tax Collector Creature

Designer's Notes
No one enjoys paying taxes, but our hatred of the tax man has nothing on the Roman system and the privatized tax collectors of old. Think of a collection agency paid on commission that had the power of the IRS. Now double their power because soldiers usually back them up. Then add in the corruption of the tax collector being expected to keep part of the taxes collected for himself. Yet still we hate the customs agent who only collects what is due.

When was the last time an adventurer paid taxes? They kill a creature, loot the creature so they can kill cooler creatures and loot even more stuff. Talk about undocumented income. Beyond the idea of taxing the loot, perhaps a player has gotten out of control with an item you did not realize the full potential of, yet you want an in- game reason for the item to disappear, rather than an outright ban. The tax collector creature presents just such an opportunity, and as always a player is often more emotionally invested in his or her gear than in the character dying, because normally you cannot just roll up new gear. Yet with the this creature you might just get a death tax.

I give you this!

I give you THAT

Tax Collector Creature Art by Grey Thornberry

Hmmm....cool picture, but I'm trying to imagine the template you're slapping on.

So when is this going to be available for pre-order?

Tax Collector Creature
Public servant, avaricious private agent, or cruel servant of a tyrant, wrath against the tax collector is a force unto itself that can lead to murder. When a customs official is slain sometimes a unique revenant spirit is created. Tax collector creatures are distorted and often bear the uniform of the office they served in life regardless of how they died; the spectral remains of what they have collected floating along behind them as they continue to collect from beyond the grave.

@Twin Agate Dragons
Claudia "Darkhanna" Burgos is doing the layout of the cover, and I am just awaiting the turn over. Then it will go up for preorder.

#15 Ritefury Creature

If ancient customs and taboos hold a special power in the real world, how much more power would they have in a world where magic is real?
Consider the ancient guest/host rights of the Iliad.What would the reaction have been like in a more magical setting when Paris violated guest right by bedding another man’s wife while a guest in the man’s
home? When you violate tradition, you are violating an honored mystical ritual; you will meet a ritefury creature, a fury in the tradition of Greek tragedy mixed with the power and magic of modern medieval fantasy.

Rite Publishing wrote:
#15 Ritefury Creature

When I close my eyes and try to picture an image, it looks like some guy in a wedding tux that has this cross look on his face as if he's about ready to invoke a summoning ritual to SKR me.

EDIT: I'm thinking at least a CR 35 for this. Minimum.


Ritefury Image

Illustration by Grey Thornberry

Why is it that when I look at it, it's like applying a narwhal template to a serpent? Hmm..

Scarab Sages

Count me in for a definite pre-order. I love the Advanced Bestiary, although I don't get to use most of the templates, other than the dread ___ ones that Paizo also seems to love using.

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