[OOC-PbP] Introduction to PFRPG.

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Sovereign Court

Welcome to the out of character discussion thread for the Introduction to PFRPG play by post. Please check in here to confirm that you’ve finished your characters.

I’m hoping to get started tomorrow, but if anyone needs extra time, let me know and we can wait a little longer.

All set, Calix.

Im ready 2 start! :-)

Male Human I'm like School on Sunday... No Class

I'll be ready when I get home and finish my char.

Oh and the alias thing is working so I'll be able to post in char.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric 1

Castarr4 here. Daryan is complete. I may add some more details and pieces of equipment that I think of, but nothing will be changed, just added to.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 5 HP: 50/50

Garion Tathos, at your service.

Female Tian Rogue

The little japanese (technically Tian-Min) girl i had statted has been ready for quite a while. theoretetically she would make a fine bloodhound, a master tailor and not too bad of an assassin. a Coup De Gras against helpless foes is her specialty. anyone else remember plenty of rope? for tying down enemy leaders of course?

her father and older sister were slain by a "paladin" of iomedae when she was absent. only to return to hearing descriptions of a man clad in white armor with a holy symbol of Iomedae around his neck. so i will give warning. If you are a warrior type who wears a holy symbol of Iomedae, there may be some conflict. maybe not PVP murder, but attempts At I.C. tension.

Male Human Barbarian 1 (favoured)

Done take a look and let me know if I'm missin anything

I took an item from Seekers of Secrets, if that's all right (dull grey ioun stone... it doesn't do anything except float around his head and look cool. I figure that Daryan will use it while meditating to gauge how calm he is)

Samant looks good to me. To prove that I actually read it though, I will point out that you misspelled History once.

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

OK I gigured out that new alias thing ThanX Calix!
I m ready I think! :-)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I haven't started yet (well I have the concept), but it won't take me long to make a Character. I'll get to it once the kids are in bed tonight. :)

Female Human Arcane Sorcerer 1 Rogue 1

OK here she is.

Stats are done, bar Skills and Equipment, but I'm going to bed (sorry but I start work in 6 hours and I'm tired). :)

I'll fill them in tomorrow and get the Character Sheet pasted into her Profile.


Sovereign Court

Alright! It looks like you're all set except Flash, and I'm sure that he won't have any trouble finishing up, so I'll put up the first post of the In Character thread in a few hours. Any last minute questions?

Flash: Are you planning on playing a Harrower by any chance? That's the vibe I'm getting so far.

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

No questions here! but i ll probabli have TONS wen we play about rules and stuff: be patient please! :-)

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

Also not sure if it helps to say this but for me I ll be more free 2 post or take time during the week and more daytime (afternoon specialli)

The weekends and nightime r usualli work or partyin for me!
not always but i just wanted u guys 2 know! :-)

Nothing comes to mind as of yet; excited to play though :)

Sovereign Court

Nik aka Nicephora wrote:

Also not sure if it helps to say this but for me I ll be more free 2 post or take time during the week and more daytime (afternoon specialli)

The weekends and nightime r usualli work or partyin for me!
not always but i just wanted u guys 2 know! :-)

Shouldn't be a problem, since this is an introduction I'll be taking it slowly.

Female Tian Rogue

i pasted the character in my profile, i also added a special subtype that the rules don't have lists for. it's more of an easy Genealogy reminder. Her father was descended from the lord of all things feline, the figure being a powerful Yokai and a "Kami" of feline creatures. but that would be who knows how many generations ago. it has no effect on game mechanics unless someone really had the nerve to buy both a human bane and a yokai bane weapon. a rather dumb idea unless you are in minkai.

Sovereign Court

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
i pasted the character in my profile, i also added a special subtype that the rules don't have lists for. it's more of an easy Genealogy reminder. Her father was descended from the lord of all things feline, the figure being a powerful Yokai and a "Kami" of feline creatures. but that would be who knows how many generations ago. it has no effect on game mechanics unless someone really had the nerve to buy both a human bane and a yokai bane weapon. a rather dumb idea unless you are in minkai.

Thanks, I'll wait for Flash to post and then I'll start.

To be honest, I don't really know what Yokai, Kami or Minkai are... I think Yokai are demons/spirits? I remember a Hengeyokai in Vampire: Bloodlines...

Calixymenthillian wrote:
Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
i pasted the character in my profile, i also added a special subtype that the rules don't have lists for. it's more of an easy Genealogy reminder. Her father was descended from the lord of all things feline, the figure being a powerful Yokai and a "Kami" of feline creatures. but that would be who knows how many generations ago. it has no effect on game mechanics unless someone really had the nerve to buy both a human bane and a yokai bane weapon. a rather dumb idea unless you are in minkai.

Thanks, I'll wait for Flash to post and then I'll start.

To be honest, I don't really know what Yokai, Kami or Minkai are... I think Yokai are demons/spirits? I remember a Hengeyokai in Vampire: Bloodlines...

Kami is either a god or spirit of some kind...i'm a little fuzzy on it...or even both.

Before I get confused with the Yokai/Kami/Minkai thing, I should ask. This stuff is based on straight Japanese mythology, not anything published by Paizo about the world of Golarion, correct?

Also, Shuriken, your shortbow should add your Str mod to damage.

Female Tian Rogue
Castarr4 wrote:

Before I get confused with the Yokai/Kami/Minkai thing, I should ask. This stuff is based on straight Japanese mythology, not anything published by Paizo about the world of Golarion, correct?

Also, Shuriken, your shortbow should add your Str mod to damage.

really? but it's not even composite? the Yokai thing was inspired by japanese mythology, but the empire of minkai was based off of japan. Paizo hasn't even fleshed out any part of Tian-Xia. Except a sentence referencing that people from Minkai may use Kami instead of actual gods as a religious base. Minkai was vaguely referenced as part of the continent of Tian-Xia. it is an Empire built on a group of islands.

Yokai are "spirits" they are kind of a hybrid of "Native Outsider" meets "The Fair folk". Kami are the japanese equivalent to gods, but they weren't all powerful. a Kami could actually be slain. the words Gami and Kami are rather interchangeable. Kami just had really long life spans, and a lot of "levels" as you can put it in rpg terms.

My bad, no Str mod. >_< I forgot that composite bows are out of our price range at level 1 without the Rich Parents trait.

Sovereign Court

Ok, still waiting for Flash, but if everyone else is finished then I'll put up the In Character thread anyway and he can jump in when he's ready.

Female Human (from the North- Ulfen) Rogue 2

GREAT! will the In Character thread be in the PLay By PLay section Calix?

Sovereign Court

Yes, in fact it's right here.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Calixymenthillian wrote:
Ok, still waiting for Flash, but if everyone else is finished then I'll put up the In Character thread anyway and he can jump in when he's ready.

Yeah sorry, I got lumped with some stuff I had to do (you never really get a day off do you) and not only that, I had to redo the roster for work. :/

I was posting here inbetween, but didn't get a chance to finish my Character. :(

Just start and I'll hopefully be able to jump in this afternoon after work. Sorry.

(It's 5.30am now and I'm off to work) :)

Sovereign Court

flash_cxxi wrote:

Yeah sorry, I got lumped with some stuff I had to do (you never really get a day off do you) and not only that, I had to redo the roster for work. :/

I was posting here inbetween, but didn't get a chance to finish my Character. :(

Just start and I'll hopefully be able to jump in this afternoon after work. Sorry.

(It's 5.30am now and I'm off to work) :)

No problem.

Male Human I'm like School on Sunday... No Class

LOL everybody too hungover from the weekend to post?

I was unable to enjoy mine due to Bronchitis, but did manage to have a 6 hour gaming session on Saturday.

Doing RotR and they made it into Thistle top during a ceremony in the cathedral. 26 bad guys vs 4 PCs and they managed to survive it.

TheChozyn wrote:

LOL everybody too hungover from the weekend to post?

I was unable to enjoy mine due to Bronchitis, but did manage to have a 6 hour gaming session on Saturday.

Doing RotR and they made it into Thistle top during a ceremony in the cathedral. 26 bad guys vs 4 PCs and they managed to survive it.

heh heh, well I was pretty busy looking for a new place, but Calix said something about not being available this weekend to post, so I figured it could wait till monday. Sorry to hear about the Bronchitis, Chozyn, but that gaming session sounded pretty epic. I love bad odds in a battle :)

Male Human I'm like School on Sunday... No Class

They waited until Midnight to raid, so I gave a 5% chance the ceremony was happening. rolled the 1 on the D20.

They made it through getting more and more paranoid as to where the ambush was waiting for them. (the ranger rolled really bad on his stealth check to cross the bridge so they thought every one was on alert).

Killed the tentamort and came to the doors, opened them, saw the array of monsters arranged before them, and retreated to the Tentamort's (D8 IIRC) room for a choke point. Good use of spells and tactics/vs the BBEG's inability to care about her units=win.

That and I rolled bad/vs they critted hard. Earthbreaker crit for 51points of damage to Chief Ripnugget's gecko.

TheChozyn wrote:

They waited until Midnight to raid, so I gave a 5% chance the ceremony was happening. rolled the 1 on the D20.

They made it through getting more and more paranoid as to where the ambush was waiting for them. (the ranger rolled really bad on his stealth check to cross the bridge so they thought every one was on alert).

Killed the tentamort and came to the doors, opened them, saw the array of monsters arranged before them, and retreated to the Tentamort's (D8 IIRC) room for a choke point. Good use of spells and tactics/vs the BBEG's inability to care about her units=win.

That and I rolled bad/vs they critted hard. Earthbreaker crit for 51points of damage to Chief Ripnugget's gecko.

Honestly those are the best adventures, when the poo hits the fan, and everyones really tense and thinking they're gonna die...Plus good rolls help too :)

Hello All,

Zeldin Tarr wishes to join your fine group.

I have never played a sorcerer before so if there are tweaks I need to know about please let me know...

Also, I know there are still some gaps. I did this at work on my lunch break and did not have my book with me, so this is done from memory and from what I could gather online.

Thanks! And Well Met!

Sovereign Court

Zeldin has contacted me by email to ask if he can fill in for Flash as the party's arcane caster, so I told him he could make a character if we hadn't heard anything over the weekend.

I'd like to give Flash one more chance to post before going ahead, but assuming he doesn't post anything within 24 hours, I'll introduce you to the IC thread then.

Sounds good to me :)

Liberty's Edge

Amael wrote:
Sounds good to me :)

A big thank you to you by the way... I have never played a game like this before, and so I stole the general form of your character template to set up mine. Thanks!

Male Human I'm like School on Sunday... No Class

Shows how much I pay attention... forgot Flash even had a char. oops

Sigil wrote:
Amael wrote:
Sounds good to me :)
A big thank you to you by the way... I have never played a game like this before, and so I stole the general form of your character template to set up mine. Thanks!

No worries, I did the same from someone else...and then added my own touches to it :)

Glad to have you on, Sigil

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Calixymenthillian wrote:

Zeldin has contacted me by email to ask if he can fill in for Flash as the party's arcane caster, so I told him he could make a character if we hadn't heard anything over the weekend.

I'd like to give Flash one more chance to post before going ahead, but assuming he doesn't post anything within 24 hours, I'll introduce you to the IC thread then.

OK, I'm real sorry Calix. I had hoped to get my crap together by Friday, and I managed to get my Character Sheet up that night, but a busy weekend and a Post Count that exploded left me behind the 8 Ball as far as what was going on was concerned (not to mention that I've neglected all my other PbPs over the weekend as well). I've been slowly catching up here and there, but am not fuly up to date yet with the IC Thread. I Have a half day off work tomorrow and was going to finish reading the rest of it and be ready to start.

So the upshot is that I am still interested, but I fully understand if you want to give my spot to Sigil and hold no hard feelings... I've stuffed you guys around.


Female Human Arcane Sorcerer 1 Rogue 1
TheChozyn wrote:
Shows how much I pay attention... forgot Flash even had a char. oops

heh heh... not a hard thing to do! ;)

Well we currently have 6...didn't Calix expect to have 8 players? I would think we could have both of you if Calix is ok with it.

Sovereign Court

Amael wrote:
Well we currently have 6...didn't Calix expect to have 8 players? I would think we could have both of you if Calix is ok with it.

I was about to suggest this myself!

Sigil, If you want to just jump in on the thread, we can assume that you we're brought into the testing room along with everyone else. Flash, we'll see where we are once you're ready to start—if the testing is complete, then we'll assume you are an initiate who has already passed the tests, otherwise we can gloss over the tests you missed.

Sovereign Court

Sigil, I've just had a look through your character, and you seem to have put more than one rank into some skills, the maximum number of ranks you can have in a single skill is equal to your level (1).

You also get to choose either +1 hp or +1 skill point for your favoured class.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for a place at your table!

Calix, I think I have fixed it. I chose a rank in Perception. Is this a bonus at every level or just the first?

Male Human I'm like School on Sunday... No Class
Sigil wrote:

Thanks for a place at your table!

Calix, I think I have fixed it. I chose a rank in Perception. Is this a bonus at every level or just the first?

Every level as long as you take it in your favoured class

Liberty's Edge

TheChozyn wrote:
Sigil wrote:

Thanks for a place at your table!

Calix, I think I have fixed it. I chose a rank in Perception. Is this a bonus at every level or just the first?

Every level as long as you take it in your favoured class

Thank you!

I love how you have reimagined the Barbarian class.

Have you ever read the Fool Wolf stories that were in Dragon? Your character, while quite different, reminds a bit of Fool Wolf.

Male Human I'm like School on Sunday... No Class

Not familiar with Fool Wolf. I really only followed Dungeon.

I may have to pull out my archives though and read about this guy.

Edit: And thanks lol. This is a Char concept I've wanted to develop for awhile, but when I game I normally have to DM so it's hard to make a dynamic DMPC. I try to keep my DMPC's cookie cutter, so my chars just fill the piece we need.

Is it too late to get my character in? I couldn't find the old thread and just found this one. If so, I can have him up tonight.

Sovereign Court

Sigil: I've just had another look, and you still only seem to have 5 skill points, if you're using your favoured class for another point, you should have 7 including the one from being human. Also, where are you getting the racial bonus to perception... as a dragon blooded sorcerer, it becomes a class skill (+3 once you have ranks), but there aren't any racial bonuses I can see. (The other skills you should currently have a +3 bonus from being a class skill are Bluff and Intimidate).

Talonne: Ok... you'll bring us back up to nine, if you post your character here so I can check it out, you can start with the test that we're up to when you're ready.

Sovereign Court

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
for the minkan god known as the nekogami. what are the favored weapon, domain list, and holy symbol? i assume the holy symbol will be false cat ears, favored weapon being climbing claws, and the domain list featuring trickery and darkness. which would be pretty awesome in the hands of a lawful evil god who governs all things feline, would postive or negative energy be channled? i hope for the former.

You could go with that, the rules support worshiping concepts with virtually any traits, though lawful evil automatically equates to channeling negative energy.

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