Greyhawk & Old School D&D Stuff

Gamer Life General Discussion

Dark Archive

This week I feature some olllld D&D ads and an insightful look on the origins of Greyhawk. It's a doozy to read but worth it.

mortellan wrote:

This week I feature some olllld D&D ads and an insightful look on the origins of Greyhawk. It's a doozy to read but worth it.

Great read, made me full of nostalgia, and pleased that I have pretty much all the referred material.

Liberty's Edge

mortellan wrote:

This week I feature some olllld D&D ads and an insightful look on the origins of Greyhawk. It's a doozy to read but worth it.

Re: Elise Gygax. She was used in some other ads as well. My Fav (Image Plus so 80's image) is the Gamma world ads she did.

Sovereign Court

I still love that website.

Paizo Employee CEO

Hey, what about my revival of Greyhawk in the late 1990's? <sniff> Jeez, a girl goes all out and tries to save her beloved campaign setting, puts out a bunch of new books including the most comprehensive gazeteer ever, and she doesn't even get a mention? :(


Sovereign Court

My stepbrother is fanatical over Greyhawk. I painted a wall of his study three years ago as a map of Oerth. I'll have to ask him to take a photograph and post it somewhere for you to see.

Hey, Anna, welcome to the boards. Yeah, I'd love to see that mural if you are able to get it uploaded.

I have alwaus likd the Aquilia portion of the Greyhawk worlds, this would be the old RPGA and I12 Egg of the Phoenix module setting. *sniff* wish I could have DM'd some people in there. Good times.

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Hey, what about my revival of Greyhawk in the late 1990's? <sniff> Jeez, a girl goes all out and tries to save her beloved campaign setting, puts out a bunch of new books including the most comprehensive gazeteer ever, and she doesn't even get a mention? :(


You Rock !!

Anna of the North wrote:
My stepbrother is fanatical over Greyhawk. I painted a wall of his study three years ago as a map of Oerth. I'll have to ask him to take a photograph and post it somewhere for you to see.

Välkommen till Paizo, Anna! Ursäkta mig, min svenska är rostig. Vem är din steg-bror?

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Hey, what about my revival of Greyhawk in the late 1990's? <sniff> Jeez, a girl goes all out and tries to save her beloved campaign setting, puts out a bunch of new books including the most comprehensive gazeteer ever, and she doesn't even get a mention? :(


Thanks, Lisa! I've got all those books, and was very grateful when they came out, but I never got around to thanking you - so I'm setting that right now. Well done - all your hard work paid off!

Sovereign Court

Urizen wrote:
Anna of the North wrote:
My stepbrother is fanatical over Greyhawk. I painted a wall of his study three years ago as a map of Oerth. I'll have to ask him to take a photograph and post it somewhere for you to see.
Välkommen till Paizo, Anna! Ursäkta mig, min svenska är rostig. Vem är din steg-bror?

Ha-ha! Your Swedish is OK... My stepbrother is a regular community poster, but I should ask him if it is OK to identify him. Maybe he will see this post before I call him. Now it is midnight here, but he is in the USA. I will ask him tonight.

The Exchange

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Hey, what about my revival of Greyhawk in the late 1990's? <sniff> Jeez, a girl goes all out and tries to save her beloved campaign setting, puts out a bunch of new books including the most comprehensive gazeteer ever, and she doesn't even get a mention? :(


Wow! A gurl Gamer with Absolute Power. I bow before your awesome hotness. :Grovel:

Dark Archive

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Hey, what about my revival of Greyhawk in the late 1990's? <sniff> Jeez, a girl goes all out and tries to save her beloved campaign setting, puts out a bunch of new books including the most comprehensive gazeteer ever, and she doesn't even get a mention? :(


My bad Lisa, perhaps I'll dig up some new info and do a special on you one of these days. Which reminds me, I'll be at Gencon this year. I'll start with photos. (plots)

Awesome stuff. I didn't know about those minis. Nor did I know Gygax used his daughter Elise to model for those ads. At least I know where the inspiration for Ehlissa's Marvelous Nightingale came from. And the United Kingdom of Ahlissa, perhaps?

And Lisa, all thanks to you and the late 90's revival of GH. It got me back into D&D again, and I haven't looked back.

Paizo Employee CEO

mortellan wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:

Hey, what about my revival of Greyhawk in the late 1990's? <sniff> Jeez, a girl goes all out and tries to save her beloved campaign setting, puts out a bunch of new books including the most comprehensive gazeteer ever, and she doesn't even get a mention? :(


My bad Lisa, perhaps I'll dig up some new info and do a special on you one of these days. Which reminds me, I'll be at Gencon this year. I'll start with photos. (plots)

No worries. I was just joshing with you. Mostly. :)

The scary thing is how many of the products you mention that are sitting in my library. God, I have a lot of GH stuff!


The Exchange

Perhaps not a library to many of us.

More like a shrine worth a pilgrimage or two. Its in the blood now, Greyhawk.


Dark Archive

Lisa Stevens wrote:

The scary thing is how many of the products you mention that are sitting in my library. God, I have a lot of GH stuff!


You wouldn't happen to have a pre-press copy of Ivid the Undying would you?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Lisa Stevens wrote:
Hey, what about my revival of Greyhawk in the late 1990's? Lisa

Thanks for helping save it, Lisa!

Paizo Employee CEO

mortellan wrote:
Lisa Stevens wrote:

The scary thing is how many of the products you mention that are sitting in my library. God, I have a lot of GH stuff!


You wouldn't happen to have a pre-press copy of Ivid the Undying would you?

Nope, I wish. I am stuck with the PDFs like the rest of y'all. :)


Lisa Stevens wrote:

Hey, what about my revival of Greyhawk in the late 1990's? <sniff> Jeez, a girl goes all out and tries to save her beloved campaign setting, puts out a bunch of new books including the most comprehensive gazeteer ever, and she doesn't even get a mention? :(


What books are you talking about?

Dark Archive

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Hey, what about my revival of Greyhawk in the late 1990's? <sniff> Jeez, a girl goes all out and tries to save her beloved campaign setting, puts out a bunch of new books including the most comprehensive gazeteer ever, and she doesn't even get a mention? :(


Hey I noticed in fact I have that very book on my shelf right now Lisa. O btw I also am a GM using that very setting so it didn't die.

Paizo Employee CEO

Werecorpse wrote:
What books are you talking about?

Return of the Eight

Greyhawk Player's Guide
The Adventure Begins
The Star Cairns
Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad
The Doomgrinder
Return to the Tomb of Horrors
Return to the Keep on the Borderlands
Return to White Plume Mountain
Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Werecorpse wrote:
What books are you talking about?

Return of the Eight

Greyhawk Player's Guide
The Adventure Begins
The Star Cairns
Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad
The Doomgrinder
Return to the Tomb of Horrors
Return to the Keep on the Borderlands
Return to White Plume Mountain
Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer

AAck! not the Return to the Tomb of Horrors! I'm still recovering from that advnture (for over 10 years recovering)

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Werecorpse wrote:
What books are you talking about?

Return of the Eight

Greyhawk Player's Guide
The Adventure Begins
The Star Cairns
Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad
The Doomgrinder
Return to the Tomb of Horrors
Return to the Keep on the Borderlands
Return to White Plume Mountain
Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer


I thought he had mentioned the Gazetteer at least.

Dark Archive

I mentioned The Adventure Begins and the LGG I'm pretty sure. Slavers I forgot and I remember wanting to include it in my talk about the development of Oerth outside the Darlene map. Do'h. It was alot of facts and products to juggle.

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Werecorpse wrote:
What books are you talking about?

Return of the Eight

Greyhawk Player's Guide
The Adventure Begins
The Star Cairns
Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad
The Doomgrinder
Return to the Tomb of Horrors
Return to the Keep on the Borderlands
Return to White Plume Mountain
Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer

Thats the new stuf . . .I have the old stuff. G3 with a red cover? I think it is late 70's. Sweetness!

Btw, the players kicked over the Giants and Drow and saved Geoff, which came to the rescue of Furyondy. The Allied Armies prevailed against the Horned Society.

And that demi-lich guy? Sorry, well, its a tourist attraction.

Vecna? Well, err, the heroes saved the world again. No Hand. No Eye. No Vecna. No Iuz. No interdimensional portally area. I think the crater is a bass lake now, with Roland Martin as a guide.

I think Tharizdun is still locked up too.

I mean its tough being evil. These darn heroes are so compulsive about fixing things.

I think they make some great wines and brandies on the north slope of the Cairn Hills these days . . .you should drop by and enjoy the vintage!

Dark Archive


Btw, the players kicked over the Giants and Drow and saved Geoff, which came to the rescue of Furyondy. The Allied Armies prevailed against the Horned Society.

And that demi-lich guy? Sorry, well, its a tourist attraction.

Vecna? Well, err, the heroes saved the world again. No Hand. No Eye. No Vecna. No Iuz. No interdimensional portally area. I think the crater is a bass lake now, with Roland Martin as a guide.

I think Tharizdun is still locked up too.

I mean its tough being evil. These darn heroes are so compulsive about fixing things.

I think they make some great wines and brandies on the north slope of the Cairn Hills these days . . .you should drop by and enjoy the vintage!

Ack! Peace has broke out in Greyhawk? What about Kyuss or Demogorgon? Surely there must be some kind of evil squirming about? :D was simpler the door kill the Monster take his stuff..

Dark Archive

Thieves were afraid of Fireballs ...

You could have a TPK in the first room of a dungeon..

True one party I was in had to restart 4 times in a row after the 3 hobgoblin gate guards in one dungeon slaughtered us every time

DM Wellard wrote:

You could have a TPK in the first room of a dungeon..

True one party I was in had to restart 4 times in a row after the 3 hobgoblin gate guards in one dungeon slaughtered us every time

They were doing a good job then, weren't they?

DM Wellard wrote:

You could have a TPK in the first room of a dungeon..

True one party I was in had to restart 4 times in a row after the 3 hobgoblin gate guards in one dungeon slaughtered us every time

Did you leave the corpses of the killed parties there? Would be a nice, if somewhat nasty, touch.


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